Disclaimer: I don't own the MCU or any of its characters. I do own Theresa my other ocs, plot (my part anyways lol), and my imagination though :)

He was following me again, I panicked, I swear to God I've seen him before. I got a migraine just trying to remember. I sped up my pace but he kept in step with me. Without even thinking about it I bolted! I dashed into the street almost getting run over by a semi before I was clipped by another car. I stumbled, trying not to cry out my a pained groan escaping my lips anyways. I pulled myself together and continued running through the honking horns honked and screaming people. I have to get away! I have to get away! No more words came to me as I ran my whole mind just turned off! I don't even know where I was running to. I screeched as someone grabbed me from behind, I clawed at them and bit them forcing them to release me before I took off running again. My mind finally woke from the panic and I found myself in the cemetery. I breathed in a sigh of relief, I was in my safe zone... I walked along the stones as I tried to even my breathing. "Hey, boy," I cooed to the old pit bull lying on one of the slabs. My stomach curled, he looked so weak. I dug the food and first aid kit I took from the youth shelter out of my bag. "There it's okay! Yeah! You enjoy those nummies huh?" I watched as he greedily gulped up the meager amount of food I had found. When he finished he looked up to me and wagged his tail, I scratched his ears and chin before doctoring up his leg. "I'm sorry, Night," I whispered to him to calm his whimpering. Tears stung my eyes, as the memory resurfaced in my head.

We were walking through town together scavenging for food when a man dragged me into an alley. I screamed as he pinned me up against the wall and told me what he was going to do to me. I was so scared! We both heard Night growl before he bit into the man's thigh and hung on, I dropped to the ground when he let go off me. His scream of agony as Night ripped the flesh from his leg sent a shiver of fear through me, but before I had time to do anything the man kicked the pit bull away breaking one of his front legs. "No!"

"No! No! No!" I felt wetness on my face and opened my eyes to see him whimpering at me... Another flashback..? I hugged him and cried. He snuffled into my hair comforting me before letting out another low whimper and licking my face. "I'm okay. I'm okay..."

I bandaged up his leg as best as I could before petting him and wiping grass off of the enscription; Thomas J. Almstead. "Hi daddy..." I rested my head against his name, "I'm here... I'm okay..." Tears slipped down my cheek before landing on the plaque below. My voice shook "... I miss you... I miss you so much..." Night whimpered as he cuddled up against me again. I sniffled as he licked the tears from my face.

I heard footsteps and jumped, Night let out a low warning growl to the man standing in the shadows a few yards away from us. He stopped there, "I'm just visiting... My daughter..." his voice broke as he motioned to a grave nearby. He knelt down at the grave with the most elaborate headstone and set down some roses before whispering to her. I pet Night as he warily watched the stranger beside us. The sky was already darkening when the man got up, "Are you okay?" I jumped when he asked me, "Where are your parents?"

I curled further into a ball, "He's right here..." I whispered.

I didn't think he heard me until he said, "... I'm sorry," he stepped closer, causing Night to get up, he knelt down a little ways away,

"What about your mom? It's getting late..." I could hear the concern in his voice but I tried to ignore it, he can't be trusted, I reminded myself... I'm safe as long as Night's here...

"She-she's going to pick me up soon..." The way my voice shook, I knew he wouldn't believe me.

"... Do you want me to drop you off at the Youth Center?" I cringed.

"Please! Please don't!"

"What's your name kid?"

Before I could think about it I told him my real name, "Theresa."

"Hi, Theresa. I'm Tony... It's not safe for you to stay out here on your own."

"I'm not alone. I have Night..." I said wrapping my arms around my dog.

"Still, its not safe. And I bet you're hungry. When have you last eaten?"

I didn't answer, "Please. Just leave us alone."

"At least let me take you two to get something to eat? I'm not going to hurt you."

I shook my head vigorously, "No! We're fine!" Night felt my agitation and growled another low warning, ready to snap at him.

"I understand... At least let me give you some money though." He dug into his pocket and pulled out some money and a card, "I know you don't trust me. And that's good, you shouldn't trust strangers. But if you're ever in any trouble you come find me okay?"

"A-are you sure? " My throat constricted... That'd give us food for another few weeks... "I can't..."

"Take it," he put the money and the card in my hand. I looked at them worriedly.

"I-I can't pay you back..."

"I don't want you to pay me back. I want you to be safe."

I looked down at them again in my hands. A business card and three hundred dollars!?

"I can't take this!"

"Too bad because I'm not taking it back," he smirked.


"You're going to have to use it."


He paused for a moment and looked down at something in his hands below. He spoke quietly, "Because I have too much money already and... I know my little girl would want me to..." He wiped tears from his face, and I could hear his voice breaking, "She was such a sweet little girl... Ya know..?" he bit his lip, "She always wanted to help everyone she met..." I thought he was going to say something more but he remained silent as he looked over his shoulder at the sun setting down over Malibu.

In the fading light I could barely read;

Tony Stark

Co-CEO of Stark Industries

Iron Man of the Avengers

7598 Stark Drive, Manhattan, New York

1(212)648-3761 (Work)

1(310)896-7213 (Mobile)

"Iron Man...?" my brows knit in thought. It sounds so familiar...

"You haven't heard of me? I was in the battle of New York."

"What battle?"

His concern showed through his face, "Billions of Chitauri, alien invaders, who attacked New York along with a man named Loki." I couldn't help it... That name Loki just sent a shiver of fear through my body. "You're cold. Here." He took of his sweatshirt and gave it to me, I wanted to tell him no... But it always got so cold out here at night... I wrapped it around myself and Night. "Resa... It's freezing out here. You should go to the youth shelter."

I shook my head, "They won't let him in..." I bit my lip... Part of me wanted to tell him the real reason but... I don't even know him...

"I don't want to leave you out here."

"It's fine. I'm used to being on my own." We both looked up to see Night growling at someone new. He jumped up and started barking at them as they drew closer. I jumped to my feet and started backing up. Even though Tony and Night we're standing between us my entire body shook. He found me!

He glared in Tony's direction, "The hell are you lookin' at?"

"What are you doing out here?"

I felt his gaze drift to me, making my skin crawl like I was in a giant nest of poisonous spiders. "None or you're business!" He marched towards us with an over exagerated gait, my nose wrinkled at his stench. "You've got some nerve running off like that! You think you're allowed to do as you please huh? You do what I say, when I say it!" he roared.

"That's enough!"

"Get the hell out of my way!" When Tony didn't move he grabbed his shoulders, "You don't wanna f- with me man!" he growled, "Now go back to your nice little car, and back to your nice little neighborhood, or the News is gonna have a pretty little headline tomorrow; Stupid Old Man Found in a Ditch!"

"You don't know who I am do you?"

He laughed at him mockingly, "No but I guess I'm going to find out tomorrow," he reached behind and grabbed out the knife I knew all too well.

Everything was going too fast; I screamed when I saw him stab Tony's arm, which caused Night to lunge at him and grip onto his inner thigh like a vice. I'm not sure what was going on around me but I vaguely heard the sound of someone running. I cried out in pain, a sudden flash of awareness, I had hit the ground hard causing a searing pain to burn through the left side of my body. I clenched my mouth tightly to hold back the bile rising to my mouth as I scrambled to my feet. I still wasn't sure who was running until I heard a voice screaming through my head; I have to get out of here! He's going to hurt me! I have to run! If he catches me he'll-, I shook my head forcing myself to stop midsentence as my chest and neck clenched violently.