![]() Author has written 3 stories for Naruto, and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. Gender: Female Favorites American Cartoons Sym-Bionic Titan Anime/Manga Anohana Video Games Legend of Zelda Couples Legend of Zelda Link x Zelda Avatar: Airbender/Korra Korra x Bolin Final Fantasy Cloud x Aeris (VII) Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright x Maya Fey Ben 10 Kevin x Gwen Pokemon Ash x Misty Fullmetal Alchemist Roy x Riza Harry Potter Dumbledore x Grindelwald Naruto Sasuke x Sakura Inuyasha Sesshomaru x adult!Rin Quotes And you, young woman, bearing weapons when you should be bearing children. Tale of RinSesshomaru, by rwparker Look! Look! Sasuke has duck-butt hair! Isn’t that superfantabulous?! Change in Direction, By Tasha Ashes You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everyone else. Fight Club Here’s the plan: We go in. I start hitting people hard in the face; see where that takes us. Unknown One does not simply walk into Wal-mart. There is evil there that does not sleep. Unknown Today, I discovered goldfish don’t like jello. Unknown Oh yeah? Well… I don’t like your pants. Unknown My luck hates me. Unknown Now go away before I decide to stab you with my chopsticks. About a Daddy and a Nanny, by syaoran no hime Hey! No mind reading without permission! Heroes of Hyrule, by anime animal GOOD GOD!! IT'S INVINSIBLE!! Ooccoo the deformed, By Humanoid-Magpie When you want something said; get a man to do it. When something done; get a woman to do it. Unknown Aww...look at all the teeny little kids who want to be Hitler. My friend, Jill The FBI wears purple socks. My friend, Kristina If I cared what people thought I would have dyed my hair black a long time ago. Kurosaki Ichigo, Bleach - English dub If you're not a fan of Sasuke and Sakura then you have bad taste. Animequeen100 If you douse me again, and I'm not on fire, I'm donating you to a city college. Iron Man So, you’re telling me that if I told you that I wanted to ravish you right this very second, you’d be okay with it? Clones, By Perpetual159 You know that saying, 'You are what you eat?' Well, if I eat Lucky Charms does that mean I'm Magically Delicious? My friend, Amanda Just because I happen to ponder metaphysics more than you do, doesn't mean I'm stupid. Once Upon A Time, By Totally Tampons What the hell were you doing if you weren’t debating kissing her? Looking for inspiration for some emo poetry or something? Humanity is a parade of fools, and I am at the front of it, twirling a baton. Brother Odd, By Dean Koontz If I made a list of all the people I can't con it would be: you and the guy at 7eleven. My friend, Eugene Come on Ash, I don't need to know what a loser you are. I already know that! Barry, Pokémon The odds of something like what you just described happening are astronomical. And since you don't have a single shred of evidence to back up your claim, I'm going to have to call bullshit. It is a Mystery, By Mister Mystery You'll be so fast Mother Nature will be like, "Slow down," you'll be like "Fuck you!" and kick her in the face with your ENERGY LEGS. Powerthirst Climb down off your pedestal, Sally, and go make me some fries and shut up. My sister, Nicole, when I told her the story of how a McDonald's employee wouldn't let me and my friends play Black Jack in the restaurant. I didn't know you could hide in plain sight, so I didn't look there. My brother, Anthony To die without leaving a corpse…that is the way of us Garo. Garo, Majora's Mask Don't give Miss Kang fire! - My friend, Nicole about our friend lending our Algebra 2 teacher her lighter. Time to blow some shit up... again. - The Lady of Spargus, By M-python-girl Good news, Tseng! Me and... Me and Cloud here are both backwater experts. Oh yeah! - Zack Fair, Crisis Core The source of so many of my favorite quotes that it would take up way to much space to post them all here: You don't like this shit? This shit is the shit! - My sister's boyfriend, Richard ... Are you the virgin? Teahouse, By Emirain Eww... he got angst on my sweater. - My sister, Nicole EATING. BABIES. IS NOT. COOL. - Ben, Ben 10: Alien Force I'M KEVIN ELEVEN FUCKING THOUSAND! - Indulgence, By Invader-Hime I don't need any of your sass, Sparkles! - Legacy of Linebeck, By Kojinka Can't touch this! Can't touch this! Aww... you touch this. - My sister, Ally We all know a muffin is just a bald cupcake. - Jim Gaffigan He was caught in the battle of good vs. evil... Now Jack was playing the game and no one had bothered to tell him the rules. - Destiny, By GreyLady12 Thanks a lot for proving just how ugly and immature you are. It's been real. - Izaya, Durarara!!, English dub Wow, that person said you can't ride to town in a bathtub; that is totally inaccurate. - My friend, Noah Well, you could write about a toilet, and you could write you could write about Twilight, or you could write about throwing Twilight in the toilet. - My 11th grade English teacher, Mr. McCarthy "Who are you rooting for?" How old are you? Why can't you just write 'sex'? - My friend, Hannah You better not kick your dog in the head. I'll kick you in the head. - My friend, Andrew 'Cause that's a bummer of a name to have: Hitler. - My 11th grade US History teacher, Mr. Nichols J.K. Rowling gave Harry two perfect suitors and she chose neither of them: Luna and Draco! - My friend, Michaela I hate science and math... I don't know how the hell a cell works, but I'm still alive, damnit! - My 12th grade English/creative writing teacher, Ms. T It all started with garbage getting thrown under the bleachers and Mamori being herself, decided to clean it up. Hiruma being himself, decided to sit above her and watch. - Rumors, by thexlastxfantasy Asians like their babies on fruit. - My friend, Chris Guys... Ballin's like, a person. - My friend, Zoe, about our drama teacher I'd like to thank the gods for my ass. Thank you, ass gods. - My friend, Emma But isn't that grammatically incorrect? |