A Thousand Miles
Written by BokchoiBaboy

Chapter 16 – Final Distance

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto
A/N: Oh em gee! A Thousand Miles is over when you read the last words of this page. D: It's sad to see this come to an end, but as always, I appreciate your reviews and support!
I hope I made this ending worthwhile.

Neji silently stared at the sleeping girl before him, his eyes downcast and beginning to sag from fatigue. Tenten's chest heaved up and down in a normal pattern, her face showing the expression of content. Neji noticed her lips formed in a tiny, upward curve. Perhaps she was dreaming of her family, and of the memories that she had not lost.

"Nnn...Nii-chan, I keep missing by a centimeter..."

Tenten turned in her bed, her body facing Neji. He managed to let off a soft smile. She sounded so childish and so free when she spoke in her sleep. Sometimes, he was envious of her carefree manner. Without meditating or concentration, she was able to find peace within herself that he himself had not yet mastered. He sighed and leaned back in his chair.

"HEY WE...oh, sorry," Naruto said, noticing the sleeping girl beside Neji.

The four walked in, silently in respect to Tenten's slumber. Neji gave them an acknowledging nod, and once again watched the girl before him. They gathered around her, their eyes closed to rest from a long day.

"How is she?" Hinata whispered.

"She defeated Jigoku. It was an interesting sight to see."

"How so?" Sakura asked.

"Aerial-style combat is certainly a technique to master if you go to the northwest."

The four smiled and nodded in agreement. On missions, they had all seen the aerial-style combat that Neji spoke of, and all wished that they could learn it someday.

"Uhm...concerning the base," Sakura began.

Everyone, excluding Tenten, stared at her.

"You know how we always destroy these kinds of bases, right?" She asked.

"Let's get out of here," Neji said.

Picking up Tenten, he disappeared. Everyone gathered Tenten's belongings, and soon followed suite. A few moments after they had gone, the base was gone in a burst of flame, taking the memories, the people, and the battles in its heated fire.

Tenten awoke in darkness, the stars and the moon outside of the window the only source of light within the room. Sitting up to be able to see where exactly she was, she found the room familiar, with a familiar, soothing scent. Across from her, she found Neji sleeping soundly, and to the side, the same clock she had looked at the last time she was in here. On the floor by her bed, she found all her belongings that were left in the base, and she smiled.

Sakura and the gang must have brought them back for me.

Her eyes focused on the clock, and found that it read 12:00 AM. She sighed. The battle between her brother and herself had completely worn her out, and the last she remembered was sleeping on her bed in that white room with Neji watching over her.


Her lips formed a tiny frown from the thought that her brother, her last living family, was gone. She knew that perhaps somewhere in the northwest, the clan that had helped her master aerial combat could indeed be her relatives. But it seemed that it didn't matter; her family was forever watching her, and that was all she needed. Her brother, too, was watching her, wherever he was in life, knowing that he would only smile with his parents when she accomplished something new.

He said...I wonder who...my...beloved is.

Tenten let off a sigh of relief when the thought of her 'beloved' did not bring her an intense migraine. Her eyes wandered to the rusty windows, where the glittering diamonds sewn onto the onyx sky watched above her. Her mind wandered to the memories she had shared with her family and her brother before it was all gone.


Tenten turned and let off a soft smile as Neji stirred.

"You can go back to sleep, you know," she softly said.

She was surprised when he shook his head, and slowly sat up, his pearl orbs seeming to forever watch her. She let off a sigh and plopped back down on her bed, her eyes looking to find patterns in the ceiling of the room.

"I...I can't really sleep. I...I still can't get over that..."

"...I killed him as well. The burden isn't completely yours," came his cool reply.

Tenten opened her mouth to say something, but closed it once more, not knowing words to say. She sat up when she heard Neji's quiet footsteps, and watched him carefully as he began tidying up his things.

"...When are you leaving?" She asked.

Neji gazed at her for a few moments, but soon looked away.


They were once again met with an awkward silence. Tenten turned and faced the wall, trying her hardest to catch more sleep. When Neji was sure that he wouldn't be able to see her, he took out the golden locket and stared at it.

I can't give this to her yet...

"Neji? What are you looking at?"

Neji quickly pocketed the locket and walked towards her, his gentle pearl orbs gazing at her. She fought back an urge to blush, and stared with as much intensity as he did. Tenten was surprised when she felt his calloused, yet gentle, hands brush against her cheeks. She gave him a questioning gaze, and was met with his genuine smile.

"Go to sleep. You need the rest."

She held back the strongest urge to whimper in protest when his hand left her cheeks, but closed her eyes nonetheless, finally able to drift off into full slumber.

Tenten awoke when she felt soft light filtering through the windows. She was about to get up when she heard faint voices around her.

"You're not coming with us, Neji?"


"Why not? It'll be easier to come back with us. If there were survivors to our attack, then they might come for you..."

"...I'm waiting for Tenten."

"But she may never get her memory back, Nii-san! She may not even trust you enough! After all, you two are just...strangers! Friends! It's..."

"She still remembers Konoha, doesn't she?"


"I'm still waiting, Hinata-sama."

A soft sigh.

"Alright. We'll see you in a week or so? With Tenten, of course."

"Hai. See you."

"Bye, Neji!"

Tenten once again awoke in full darkness, her head slightly pounding from so much sleep. She quietly scrambled out of bed, taking note of the slumbering man in the same room. The voices she had heard when she had awoken earlier that day echoed through her skull.

I'm waiting for Tenten...

But she may never get her memory back...she may not even trust you enough! After all, you two are just...strangers! Friends! It's...

I'm still waiting...

Her eyes wandered to the world outside of the rusty inn window. She could see the last of the snowfall for the year gently falling, the world looking like the stars were falling from the night sky. She let off a faint smile. She had met Neji in midwinter, and now that the season was over, it was hard to believe that so much time had passed between them.

Are you...leaving me?

She closed her chestnut orbs, trying to suppress her tears. The fact that Neji may leave her scared her. Even though she heard him say that he would wait, would he wait forever?

Why...Why do I feel this way about you?

Neji quietly got out of bed, taking note of the sleeping girl in the room. He quietly packed his things, making sure that he had left nothing behind. He gazed at Tenten with his pearl orbs, a gentle smile present on his lips. Pocketing the locket, he took it out, the charm swirling on its golden chain.

I love you.

The words engraved there still remained in perfect shape and forever would.

As long as the feelings remain...so will the scars.

Getting a piece of paper off of the notepads the inn provided, and the pen that came with it as well, he wrote a note. Quietly ripping the paper off the pad, he placed it on the drawer next to Tenten, the locket wrapped in a last-minute made envelope.

Will you come with me?

Neji leaned down and gave Tenten a quick kiss on the forehead, gathered his things, and closed the inn door behind him, leaving the slumbering girl and the memories in the Snow behind him.

Afternoon sunlight filtered through the rusty inn window, penetrating the glass and shining upon Tenten. Her eyes flickered open, her body fully regenerated from the battle a few days before. She got up, stretching her sore body, loving the feeling of being fully rested and recovered. Her eyes wandered to the smooth bed before her, and she panicked. Had he already left without her?

Her eyes caught a shine on the drawer, and she picked up the note and makeshift envelope.


I'm leaving tomorrow. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you in advance, as my decision for this was quick. If you want to come with me back to Konoha, meet me at the village gates tomorrow at 7:00 AM.


Her eyes reread the ink over and over. She knew she was longing to return home to Konoha, to all the people she remembered and held dear. But there was still a question of Jigoku that rang through her ears.

Your beloved...

She wondered who in the world it was, and why she felt such a mutual attraction to Neji. She sat on her bed, pondering and weighing the best decision to make. The object in the envelope became the farthest thing from her mind.

Neji quietly stared at the sleeping village before him, his place in the field where he and Tenten sparred beginning to thaw with from the coming spring warmth. He loved staying in the Village Hidden in the Snow, hearing the children's joyous laughter from getting hit by a snowball, and the overall tranquility of the village seeming to be heartwarming. It had some sort of serenity that even Konoha couldn't offer him, but he knew that his real place lay in Konoha, where he had the family and the friends.

I leave soon...

His stomach began to flutter with butterflies of anxiety. He knew that there was a large possibility that Tenten may not come back with him, just because that she hadn't regained her memory of him back. His heart seemed to lift at the small possibility that Tenten may come. Neji knew that even if she never truly regained her memory of him, he could start over.

He was never one to start over, but he knew that Tenten was worth it. He loved her for such a long time, he would do anything to see her happy, even if she didn't completely love him back. He had walked such a long distance to see her, and he would keep walking to stay by her side, even if she wasn't his lover anymore. The only thing that watered was that he loved her. And that was enough.

Tenten awoke at the break of dawn, her body enjoying the warmth of the warmer sun. Her eyes wandered to the clock.

6:45 AM.

She got out of bed, and quickly threw on her clothes. She felt that something big was happening today, but...


Realization hit her when she caught the makeshift envelope and note beside the clock.

Do I...want to go with you, Neji? I barely know you.

She grabbed the envelope and began to open it, the sun reflecting off the shining, gold object. Tears rushed to her eyes as the familiar gold locket lay in her hands, her tears spilling onto the smooth surface.

Neji! Please...please wait for me like you always do...I'm so sorry...

Neji let off a tired sigh as he patiently waited by the village gates.

7:30 AM.

A deep frown found its way on his pale lips.

What if she doesn't want to come...?

Bitterness began to encompass his heart once more, but he shook the feeling away as he gave the serene village one last glance before turning away. Each step he took, he felt his heart tear to pieces. Tenten wasn't beside him...


He stopped in surprise when he felt her slender arms wrap around him, the back of his jacket becoming damp from her flow of tears. He stood there, not knowing what to do when he heard her sobs.

"Neji...I'm...so sorry..."

Gently taking her arms in his, he turned around, and found Tenten's chestnut orbs gently gazing into his, shining from her shed tears, a gentle smile playing on her lips. His eyes caught the golden shine of her locket, and he let off a relieved smile.


"I'm so sorry, Neji!"

He looked at her puzzled. He was supposed to be a stranger, only a friend. So why was she doing this? Before he was able to process what was happening, he felt her warm lips lock with hers. His heart lifted when he felt the compassion that was locked away for what seemed like eternity emerge from the depths. He once again gave her a puzzled look, and she once again embraced him.

"I'm sorry I forgot you."

Neji's eyes widened in surprise.

"You remember me?"

Tenten let off a strained laugh.

"Now I do. I'm sorry I forgot you."

Neji gave her a genuine smile and returned the embrace, the feeling of warmth that left him confused and bitter during his stay here blossoming into that of what he had felt long before. Tenten smiled into the fabric of his jacket when she finally felt his warm arms wrap around her in a loving embrace. She wondered how she was able to make it for two years without feeling the emotions that were flooding from her now.

Tenten looked upwards into Neji's pearl orbs, a heavenly smile present on her lips.

"I love you, Neji."

His orbs began to shine with unshed tears of bliss as he locked his lips with hers once more, their hearts seeming to beat in perfect sync. When they finally broke away for air, the smile on his lips made Tenten's heart lift with joy and happiness.

"I love you, too."

Their worlds were finally complete, both feeling the joys of their completed hearts. Tenten released herself from Neji's hold and intertwined their fingers together, her chestnut orbs shining with the bliss and completeness that Neji hadn't seen since she had last left Konoha. He grinned when he saw the woman he loved blossom into the person that she truly was after a grueling jutsu, and allowed her to lead the two of them away from the village where they had had to start all over again.

"Let's go home, Neji," she softly said, her eyes gently gazing at him.

"You've walked far enough."

A/N: It's sad that this story has come to a close. D: I hope you enjoyed my ending, because for once, I certainly did. Anyway, I would like to express billions of thanks and gratitude for you lovely people who stayed with this fic until the end. Your support and reviews really hit it off, and I really appreciate all of it.

I'll probably start up a new NejiTen fic soon, so keep your eyes peeled!

It's sad to say this for a final time, but...

Thank you for reading A Thousand Miles!