Disclaimer: You know the drill. I own zilch from Jak and Daxter. All belongs to Naughty Dog.

JKA: So, this is my first real crack at a multi-chapterer. I got inspired to write a winter/Christmas story from listening to "The Tip of The Iceberg" by Owl City, and so here it is. ^_^ Hope you guys like it. Read, review, and enjoy.

P.S. For those of you that have me on your author alert, if you got two emails saying this story was posted, it was because I posted it the first time without writing an author's note. :P And THEN I posted it without adding the line thingys. That's what I get for editing this at midnight.

Your Eternal Flame

Chapter 1: Missing

Icy winds billowed through the near-deserted streets of Haven City. Tiny white flakes spiraled down from sluggish purple storm clouds, blanketing the cold metal streets in a thick, powdery layer. Gutters outlining the roofs of buildings housed long, elegant icicles, their translucent forms glittering in the light cast by windows and surrounding establishments.

On the south side of town, Haven's normally-bleak port had been altered drastically by the effects of mid-winter. The murky waters had long-since frozen over into a striking expanse of uniquely black ice, and the towers anchored out in the middle of the solidified lake resembled snow-covered trees after the recent gale.

Near the far-most end of the seaport loop, the unmistakable twenty-foot-tall figure of the Naughty Ottsel bar sign shown like a beacon against its dulled backdrop, its bright orange glow causing the flurry around it to shimmer as if flames were dancing on the little crystals.

Inside the pub, the main room was brimming to capacity as citizens and bar patrons alike sought shelter from the less-than-pleasant weather outdoors. Scampering to and fro across the countertop bordering the back wall were two orange rodents, one dressed in a sharp pair of custom-fit jeans while the other sported a dark green half-shirt and short-shorts.

"Ah, don't you just love the winter, Daxxie?" the female of the duo asked her companion cheerfully, her blonde hair pulled up into a neat ponytail as she mixed a broad array of drinks with practiced ease. "It's always so much livelier in here when it's too cold for anyone to go outside."

"Yeah, great," Daxter replied sarcastically, dashing from one customer seated at the bar to the next in an attempt to keep up with the overwhelming amount of orders. "I'm sure my feet will really appreciate the crowd after they've been worn to the bone."

"Oh, quit complaining, baby," Tess chided lightly, sliding a mug of beer expertly to a waiting client and then starting on the next one. "Where's your holiday spirit?"

"Tessie, Christmas is still three days away," Daxter countered, grabbing an empty glass and bringing it over to his furry girlfriend to refill. "I'm saving up my enthusiasm for when I see a mountain of gifts under the tree, all addressed to none other than Orange Lightning."

"You mean the tree that you still haven't gotten?" Tess reminded him, rolling her eyes as Daxter's expression went blank with surprise.

"Oh, yeah… Well, Jak was in charge of getting it!" the pants-clad ottsel argued, grasping at straws in an effort to cover up his blunder. "And speaking of Jakky-boy, where is he, anyway? He said he'd come help us put up the Christmas decorations this afternoon!"

As if his words were a cue, the automatic doors of the Naughty Ottsel slid open, revealing a very disheveled-looking elf just beyond. The man hurriedly stepped over the threshold, shaking snowflakes out of his blonde/green hair as the entrance clicked shut behind him.

"Damn, it's freezing out there!" Jak huffed, weaving through the throng of patrons and taking a seat on a just-vacated bar stool. "I haven't seen a blizzard like that since the time we went Power Cell hunting on Snowy Mountain."

"Ugh, don't remind me," Daxter grumbled, flopping down on the edge of the bar and massaging his feet. "I had nightmares about never-ending lurker armies popping out of the snow for weeks after that trip."

"Anything to drink, Jak?" Tess called, her hands a near-invisible blur as she worked.

"Something hot, thanks," Jak responded, rubbing his arms in an effort to warm himself with the friction.

"You got it," Tess sang, dragging another mug over to her growing lineup of to-be-filled orders.

"And while she's doing that, I believe you've got a job to do, big guy," Daxter announced, hopping up from his perch and diving behind the counter. He returned a moment later holding a cardboard box twice his size, its confines overflowing with jumbled strands of lights and bi-colored garland. "You're on decorating duty."

"Come on, Dax," Jak groaned, eyeing the over-stuffed box disdainfully. "I'm a warrior, not a slave."

"Hey, you volunteered for this, remember?" Daxter pointed out, smirking as Jak's mouth twisted downwards in a scowl. "And besides, Tessie-boo and I are too busy to do it ourselves, and you're my best friend, so you're helping me out whether you like it or not."

"I didn't know the term 'best friend' could be translated into 'free labor'…" Jak grumbled, taking the container of Christmas décor from Daxter and hauling it over to a surprisingly empty booth along the far wall. He sifted through its contents for a moment, pulling out several strings of colorful bulbs and beginning to disentangle them from one another.

"Thanks, buddy, I owe ya!" Daxter yelled from the bar, where he was still struggling to keep up with the constant flow of demands. "Oh, and the rest is in the back room!"

"The rest?" Jak repeated incredulously; dread prickling along his skin uncomfortably. "What do you mean, 'the rest'?"

Either his partner-in-crime didn't hear him over the general clamor of the 'Ottsel's occupants, or chose to ignore him. Sighing, Jak slipped behind the bar and followed a short hallway to the pub's storage area. As soon as he opened the door, however, he was tempted to turn around and forget he'd ever set foot back there.

Every inch of space inside the room was filled to the brim with large boxes, all labeled "Christmas" on the side in permanent marker. Some were stacked so high on top of one another that Jak would need a ladder to reach them.

Frowning unenthusiastically, Jak strode cautiously over to the nearest cardboard container and ripped the lid open, shaking his head in exasperation when he discovered even more knotted strands of lights, and a giant Santa hat that he assumed was designated for the colossal ottsel mannequin on the roof.

This is gonna be a long day… he thought wearily as he hefted the box off the ground and carried it out to the main room.

"Finally!" Jak exclaimed, flopping down on an unoccupied bar stool and grabbing the mug of hot chocolate he hadn't had the chance to drink while he'd been working. He took a generous swig, placing the cup back on the counter when he was finished and resting his head in his hand. "Precursors, I've fought armies of Metal Heads and Dark Makers single-handedly that didn't require as much effort as decorating this place does."

"Ha, some hero you are, buddy-boy," Daxter snorted, standing in the center of the bar and admiring Jak's handiwork. "Imagine that, the great Jak, world savior three-times-over and Channeller extraordinaire, gets his arse kicked by plastic reindeer and bushels of mistletoe."

"Hey, I'd like to see you spend half a day putting all this stuff up," Jak snapped, massaging his temple with his fingertips. "It's a lot harder than it looks, mister 'constructive criticism'. Oh, and need I remind you that your 'advice' almost sent me plummeting off the roof?"

"Yeah, but the sleigh was in the perfect place after that!" Daxter argued, grinning as Jak shot him an irritated glare. "By the way, the lights over the mirror are uneven."

Rather than bother to respond, Jak simply took another long gulp of his drink, heaving a sigh of relief as the warm liquid slid down his throat.

The cerulean-eyed elf had spent the majority of the afternoon renovating the Naughty Ottsel to fit the spirit of the season. All around the room, the strings of twinkling bulbs that Jak had finally managed to unravel were draped along the ceiling, and garland adorned the edge of the countertop of the bar. Not a single booth could be seen without a family of little snowmen in the center, and clumps of mistletoe had been placed sporadically across the ceiling as Daxter's idea of a joke.

Outside, the massive orange rodent replica had been garbed in its personal Santa hat and a matching coat, a feat that Jak still wasn't sure how he'd managed to accomplish. In front of the mannequin, a glittering sleigh was attached to a row of nine mechanized reindeer, the one at the lead complete with red nose. Snowflakes were plastered all over the windows, and deep blue icicle lights adorned the border of the roof.

Tess and Daxter had closed down the saloon to the public a few hours previously in order to give Jak plenty of space to work, and by now it was nearly sunset. None of the trio felt compelled to leave the 'Ottsel, however, as the blizzard had begun to really kick in sometime within the last hour, making the heated shelter of the pub more-than-preferable.

"I gotta admit, the place looks pretty snazzy," Daxter mused, settling more comfortably on the surface of the counter and slinging his arm lazily around Tess' shoulders. "Now the only thing left is a tree."

He cast a swift glance in Jak's direction, smiling sweetly at his worn-out childhood friend.

"Hey, Jak, you wanna —"

"Dax, if you want to keep all of your fur I suggest you stop talking right about now," Jak threatened, rolling his eyes good-naturedly at his sidekick.

"Oh, I've got the tree covered, Daxxie," Tess informed him, smiling up at her furry boyfriend. "Keira called about three hours ago and said she'd go out and get one for us."

"Great! That's one less thing to worry about," Daxter concluded cheerfully, leaning his head absentmindedly against the top of Tess'.

"Wait, three hours ago?" Jak echoed incredulously, blinking at the ottsel duo in surprise. "Shouldn't she have been here by now, then?"

"Well, it takes a while to find the perfect tree, big guy," Daxter remarked, straightening up again and studying the Eco-infused elf questioningly.

Jak didn't bother to reply, instead shifting his gaze to the nearest wall thoughtfully. He figured that Daxter had a valid point, especially knowing Keira and her tendency to be a bit particular about things — a trait she'd acquired through her hands-on profession.

But then why was an icy trickle of dread snaking its way down Jak's spine?

"Keira didn't happen to say where she was going, did she?" he inquired hesitantly, returning his attention to the two elf-turned-rodents.

"Haven Forest," Tess answered automatically, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion when she noticed something she'd never imagined could be there flicker across Jak's face: horror. "Why?"

"The forest?" Jak repeated, his heart pounding almost painfully in his chest. "Is she insane?"

"Jak, what's wrong?" Daxter demanded, tilting his head to one side and eyeing his partner-in-crime with obvious concern. He almost never saw Jak anything even close to afraid, and the anxiety in the latter's eyes instantly set him on edge.

"It's got to be almost sub-zero out there, and she decides now would be a good time to go wandering through the woods?" Jak asked rhetorically, images of Keira buried under six feet of snow flashing through his mind.

Clenching his fists at his sides, Jak leapt to his feet and spun on his heel, striding purposefully towards the main entrance of the 'Ottsel.

"And just where do you think you're going?" Daxter yelled, diving off the bar and racing after his much taller friend.

"I'm going to find Keira," Jak informed him without pausing, his features a mask of grim determination.

"What? Have you lost your mind?" Daxter gasped, scampering around to stand in Jak's path so the dark warrior would be forced to stop. "It's a freaking blizzard out there, buddy! You'll freeze!"

"Please, Dax, do you really think a little chill is going to get the best of me?" Jak scoffed, side-stepping the pants-clad rat and continuing his beeline for the door. "Besides, I can't shake the feeling that Keira's in trouble, or she's going to be. I have to make sure she's alright."

"Well, then I'm coming with you!" Daxter insisted, chasing after Jak and attempting to climb up onto his shoulder.

Heaving a sigh, Jak picked up the insistent fur ball by his scruff and placed him on the floor, folding his arms over his chest.

"I'm sorry, Dax, but you're staying here," Jak said sternly, ignoring the gasp of outrage from aforementioned ottsel. "I can't risk putting you in danger, too. You're smaller than me, so you wouldn't be able to handle the cold."

"No! No way am I being left behind while my best friend —" Daxter began to protest, until he was rather abruptly cut off when the automatic entrance slid open, allowing a blast of frigid air to pour into the room. A violent shiver wracked Daxter's tiny body, and he dove for cover in the nearest booth, his teeth chattering loudly.

"O-on second thought, maybe you'd better stick this one out alone," he amended, crouching near the fire of a festive candle in the center of the table in an effort to warm up. He met his closest companion's gaze briefly, worry dominating his expression. "Just be careful out there, Jak. Don't forget that just because you think you're invincible doesn't mean that you are."

"I will. Thanks, Dax," Jak assured him, offering him a confident smile. Hitching his jacket more tightly around his shoulders, Jak stepped out into the snowstorm, the doors of the 'Ottsel clicking shut behind him.

The warmth that had lingered on Jak's skin from the building he had just left was instantly diminished by the arctic wind as he plowed through the shin-high snow, heading in the direction of what had once been the Metal Head section of the city during the war almost two years previously. He searched the empty street around him absentmindedly in case there was a zoomer he could hijack, but the lack of citizens brave enough to traverse through the less-than-friendly conditions left him with only his feet as a means of transportation.

I can't believe she went out to the forest alone, and in this weather, Jak thought restlessly, the glacial breeze biting at the exposed skin of his face. Come on, Keir, you're supposed to be smarter than that.

Sighing, Jak pulled his trusty red scarf up over his nose in a vain attempt to keep his face warm as he trekked through the ever-deepening snow.

It felt as if an eternity had passed when Jak finally reached the thick metal door that marked the entrance to Haven Forest. By now his long ears and his fingers were sufficiently numb, and his muscles ached from being whipped by the wind.

As soon as the gateway to the airlock opened, Jak stepped hurriedly inside, grateful for the chance to shelter from the harsh storm, no matter how brief. He worked on brushing away the powder that had accumulated on his jacket while he waited for the second door to allow him passage, his thoughts still chasing one another around in his mind.

What if she's hurt? There's always the chance that there are still Metal Heads out there, after all… Or what if she got lost, and she's wandering around, freezing to death? What if she —

His apprehensive musings were cut off as the entrance in front of him parted, bringing with it a powerful gust of icy air. Jak exited the comfort of the airlock and emerged within the confines of the forest, realizing for the first time how dark it was becoming. The leafless branches of the trees appeared almost black as the shadows of night set in, and the glittering white flakes that continuously fell from above dulled to a murky gray.

Jak's breath billowed in foggy clouds around his face as he navigated the deathly quiet woods, hardly able to see more than a foot in front of him due to the never-ending sleet blurring his vision. A shiver wracked his powerful frame, and he folded his arms tightly over his chest, wondering idly if his toes had caught frostbite yet.

Time seemed to slow to a standstill as the dark warrior travelled, losing track of how far he'd gone as he searched for something, anything to indicate that Keira was alive and unharmed. He'd already followed the curve of the tree line around to the far side of the lake in the center of the forest, and it was now at least thirty minutes behind him. And yet, there was still no sign of his childhood friend.

"Keira?" Jak called over the roar of the wind in his ears, praying that the young mechanic was nearby and would miraculously hear him. "Keira, where are you?"

Silence was all that greeted his words.

His heart plummeting, Jak about-faced and began retracing his steps towards the perimeter of Haven, forgetting the fact that there was little hope he could find his way back in the dead of night, and his footprints would have most likely been covered by fresh layers of powder.

Just as he surrendered to the ache of defeat, however, a low noise reached his sensitive ears, so quiet it was almost lost in the chilly breeze.

"Jak?" an all-too-familiar voice yelled from somewhere in the distance; no normal elf could have heard such a muffled call over the storm.

"Keira?" Jak shouted hopefully, whirling around to face the direction he thought the voice was coming from.

"Jak!" it repeated, its tone more frantic than it had been previously.

Excitement coursing through his veins, Jak took off running, his feet leaving deep imprints in the snow as he followed the sound of Keira's voice through the maze of shadowy trees. He skidded around a pile of icy boulders, and froze mid-stride at the sight that greeted him.

Keira was curled up in a tight ball at the base of the rocks, her slim body trembling violently as her teeth chattered so hard it was a wonder they hadn't shattered. Her teal hair was disheveled, and her pale cheeks glistened with moisture. A large violet bruise had painted itself just above her left eye, and a freshly-healed cut stretched from the base of her ear down to the corner of her mouth. The sleeves of her jacket were torn in places, revealing several more shallow scrapes marring her skin.

As soon as Jak appeared in her field of view, Keira leapt to her feet and threw her arms around him, sobbing uncontrollably into his chest as shudders continued to rip through her.

"P-precursors, Jak, I've n-never been so happy to s-s-see you in my l-life!" she cried, her words hardly distinguishable through her shaking.

Despite the fact that he was immensely relieved Keira was safe and in his arms, Jak couldn't help but feel a bit awkward as the she-elf drenched his already chilled jacket with fresh tears. Only about two months earlier, Jak had won the Kras City Grand Championship and saved everyone's lives after falling prey to the late Krew's "poison toast". Jak and Keira had shared their first kiss that day, although they'd had next to no romantic interaction after that. In truth, neither of them really knew how to broach the subject of their relationship, and because of this they'd pretty much reverted back to their comfort zone of simply "best friends".

Of course, neither was happy about this, but both were too embarrassed to do anything to change it.

So, it was safe to say that having Keira pressed up against him as she was made Jak rather uncomfortable.

Attempting to ignore the mental war currently raging in his mind, Jak wound his arms hesitantly around Keira and held her in a secure embrace, noting with alarm that her skin felt just as icy as the stinging air.

"Shh, it's ok, Keir," Jak murmured soothingly, drawing her as close to him as possible in an effort to share some of his body heat.

"I was so scared," she whispered hoarsely, her shivering yet to subside. Another sob tore from her throat, and she squeezed her eyes shut, burying her face in the fabric of his jacket.

Jak was about to ask her what had happened that had caused her to be in such a state, and then he remembered the late hour and thought better of it. He knew there was no way they could make it back to Haven in this weather in the dark, and in that case they needed to find shelter — fast.

"Come on, Keira," Jak encouraged her, tightening his hold on her briefly. "We need to find somewhere to spend the night."

The emerald-eyed she-elf nodded mutely, clinging to Jak's side as the latter began heading out in search of somewhere they'd be safe from the clutches of the blizzard.

JKA: Well, there's chapter one under the belt. Rest assured, if this seemed to drag, things will get more interesting in later chapters. I plan to have this finished by Christmas, but if my crazy schedule (what with finals this week and such) doesn't allow for that, then it may be a few days afterwards.

Remember, reviews are love, people. So please review, or no chapter 2. ^_^ (That's right, MikaHaeli8. I'm gonna be just as demanding as you. XD)
