A/N: About time edit number one took place, I guess.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

SIDE NOTE: There's also going to be another pairing, it's NaruHina. Just basically think of it where in the summary, instead of 'Uchiha Sasuke', it's Uzumaki Naruto.


Summary: Uchiha Sasuke, professional assassin, known to kill victims in the blink of an eye without a trace of emotion. And he's never failed his reputation. But what if the target he's supposed to kill, is the woman he's fallen in love with? SasuSaku.

Chapter 1 – The Targets

Uchiha Sasuke, a legend when it came to assassination. He had stealth and cunning, able to kill anyone he was assigned to. He could kill without leaving a trace, as though there was never a murder in the first place. Him, along with his partner Uzumaki Naruto, were the best assassins throughout the Fire Country, even though nobody knew what they looked like. No one could match their unbeatable reputation.

They were deadly assassins that were just as handsome as they were deadly.

Uchiha Sasuke, heir of the noble Uchiha clan, had spiky raven hair and a pale face with a toned body to match. He had a cold, dark personality, a result from his tragic past.

Uzumaki Naruto had sun-shining blond hair with a tan face with whisker-like marks along both the sides of his cheeks. He too had a muscular body as well as a loud, enthusiastic personality and charm that could put a smile on anyone's face.

Their looks along with their skills made them undefeatable when it came to the art of killing. They were the ultimate tag-team, especially when it came to their female targets. Naruto would charm them until they wouldn't suspect anything and Sasuke would go in for the kill. It was perfect.

They were both amazingly talented for 18-year olds. They were self-reliant, having to only rely on themselves ever since they were kids. Sasuke and Naruto had met when they came to the organization of Akatsuki, a corporation that only the best of assassins belonged to.

Assigned partners, they didn't have the best first impression. They hated each other's guts when they met at age 15. But after three years, they've grown to have a brother-rival relationship. Best friends that were each other's greatest rivals, driving each other's beyond their wildest limits.




"Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto," The head of Akatsuki greeted to the two legendary assassins in front of him, "You two have the best reputations throughout this whole organization."

Sasuke and Naruto gave each other a side-glance, their expressions emotionless as they waited patiently for what the Akatsuki leader had to say to them.

"I have an assignment for both of you," continued the leader, passing them a folder. "It's an assignment only the two of you can complete. Let that be a hint at the difficulty this assassination may bring. In other words, do not underestimate your targets."

Sasuke took the folder, his eyes forming into the Sharingan as he scanned its contents.

The boss carried on, "Inside, there are the background descriptions of both of your targets as well as photos."

Naruto peered over Sasuke's broad shoulder, glancing down at the folder's contents as he picked up one of the photos. "These are the people we have to kill?" the blond-haired man asked, looking at a photo of a timid-looking girl with dark-blue hair and pearly white eyes.

"That's right. There is no deadline to when these two should be dead, but being the well-known assassins you are, they should be dead soon. Understood?"

A few seconds passed and Sasuke closed the folder with a movement of his hand. Him and Naruto both gazed at the man that was the head of Akatsuki and gave a short nod in understanding.

Without another word, the raven-haired and blond-haired killers left. They headed towards their quarters, walking inside and getting the necessary items needed to complete the task they were given.

"Oi, teme," spoke Naruto to his partner in crime. "Why do you think he kept on warning us about the two chicks we're supposed to kill?"

Sasuke shrugged, "It doesn't matter. We'll just go to this 'Konoha' place and kill them from there."

Naruto chuckled, lazily stuffing clothes in his suitcase as they were assembled in a sloppy manner, not even folded correctly. "Yeah, I guess that's true. But it's a shame, isn't it?"

Sasuke shifted his head towards Naruto's direction, raising an elegant eyebrow. "What shame?"

Naruto gave a foxy grin, walking over to Sasuke, who was currently packing his suitcase as well, and putting a friendly arm around his shoulders, his right hand holding up the two photos like playing cards. "It's a shame these two have to die, isn't it? They're pretty cute for targets, probably the cutest we've been assigned, especially the dark haired one."

Sasuke scowled, shrugging off Naruto's arm, "Don't touch me so familiarly."

Naruto laughed as it echoed throughout their small room. "Lighten up, Sasuke-teme!"

Sasuke grunted, "Shut up, dobe." Naruto walked back to his suitcase, folding his arms behind his head. "You're just upset that you have to kill a hot chick." He could tell the young Uchiha was getting irritated and decided to continue, "After all, did you see the bodies those two had?" He gave a wolf whistle, grinning widely when he saw Sasuke's twitching fist, "One word teme: sexy."

In the blink of an eye, Sasuke held Naruto's neck tightly in his deadly vice grip, "Shut. Up. Dolt." He said darkly.

Naruto kept his cool, his hand holding Sasuke's wrist as he twisted it, making Sasuke let go before he broke it.

"You really need to control your hormones, Sasuke."

"At least I'm not a pervert, idiot," retorted the massacre survivor. Naruto furrowed his eyebrows, opening his mouth to retort but Sasuke cut him off. "Let's go."

The blond closed his mouth, giving the raven-haired man a scowl before muttering curse words to a certain someone and grumpily walking to his suitcase.

They left the hidden organization of Akatsuki and discreetly took a taxi to Konoha, which they realized wasn't that far. They got off the taxi, paying their fare and walked inside the city of Konohagakure. As they walked through the streets, the two found a fancy looking inn.

"Oi, teme, how about we stay there?" Naruto said, pointing out the inn. Sasuke gave him a hint of a nod and they walked over to the front desk.

A young female secretary sat in front of a computer screen and typed along the keyboard. She looked up to see the new visitors, and immediately blushed when she saw the two of them. Sasuke remained stoic and Naruto gave her a charming smile, making her blush more.

"Hey there, me and my companion here need two rooms, do you have room?" Naruto said in a charming voice.

"O-One moment," stuttered the woman, forcing herself to gaze upon the bright screen of her desktop computer. "Oh, here's one. The cost is—" However she was cut off when Sasuke placed a large amount of money in front of her.

"That should take care of it," stated the said man simply. He quickly added, "Keep the change."

The girl's eyes widened at the sight of the large bundle of money before her. She hesitantly handed them the keys to their rooms, her eyes leaving for a split second from the bag of money to the two men. She wondered idly where they came up with such money.

Sasuke and Naruto got their keys walking to their rooms and dropping off their luggage at the rooms that were next to each other. Naruto walked inside Sasuke's room, plopping down on his bed languidly.

"I don't see why we had to get two rooms in the first place…" Naruto drawled out, folding his hands behind his head as he laid his head back.

"We can't get people to think we're gay, dumbass." responded Sasuke, sneering at the thought.

"But I am your partner, Sasuke," replied Naruto with a wide sheepish grin, his lips pulling back revealing pearly white teeth.

Sasuke glared at Naruto regarding his innuendo. "Partner in assassination," he corrected.

Naruto laughed, "Yeah I know that! I was only kidding. Jeez, take a joke Mr. I've-got-a-stick-up-my-ass-all-the-fucking-time."

The Uchiha's glare increased ten-fold causing Naruto to stifle his laughter. Once the blond killer had calmed himself down, Sasuke pulled out the folder they were given earlier by their leader, having made a separate copy before leaving. He tossed it to Naruto who raised his arm, hand awaiting as he caught it with ease.

"So we're supposed to get acquainted to them, right?" Naruto said, going over their mission again as cerulean eyes traced over the contents of the folder.

"Aa," Sasuke responded back, doing the same as Naruto.

The blond-haired assassin shrugged, "It's hard to believe that we have to kill off these two, they look harmless."

Sasuke didn't say anything, even though he was thinking the same thing in his head.

"I wonder what they could've done where they've become a threat." rambled Naruto, trailing off slightly before a sheepish grin came on his face, "I mean, if we didn't have to kill them, I'd fuck them till there's no tomorrow!"

The raven-haired man snorted at his partner's comment, causing Naruto to chortle, rephrasing his statement. "Fine, fine. I'd fuck the dark-haired girl and you'd fuck the pink-haired one, happy now? Now we both get one to—!" His sentence was cut off as he ducked, a sharp knife hitting the dashboard above him as he lay against the bed. The knife vibrated from the impact of the wall, making a boing sound. Immediately Naruto moved to another part of the bed, sitting upright.

"Jeez, chill out Sasuke-teme! Holy shit, you could've killed me!"

"That's why I threw it, smartass," Sasuke snapped back, face blank of any emotion to almost injuring his friend.

Naruto frowned at him, "I swear, I have no idea what chicks see in you!"

Sasuke smirked, "I was thinking the same thing about you."

The blond's frowned deepen, "You suck ass, Sasuke-teme!" He folded his arms over his chest, leaping off of Sasuke's bed with a grumpy expression.

"Shut up and go get rest. We're going to be busy tomorrow." Sasuke commanded with a monotonous tone.

His partner sauntered towards the door leisurely, taking his sweet time. When he reached the door, he grabbed the handle, twisting his wrist to open the door revealing the entrance.

"I'm going to get rest— but not because you told me to, so don't you dare do that stupid 'I'm-better-than-you-so-kiss-my-ass' smirk. I'm only going because I'm tired and it's been a long day." He slammed the door behind him on his way out.

The Uchiha leered at his statement, murmuring, "Idiot."

"I heard you!" Came the instant reply from Naruto. "Asshole!" He added, walked into his own dorm (which was only next door) before shutting the door hard as well.

A/N: Edit number one complete!