![]() Author has written 2 stories for Harry Potter, Touhou Project, Fate/stay night, and Avengers. Story update August 5th: My stories will be on hiatus until I'm done with my masters degree, hopefully in December. I'll keep writing from time to time when I feel like it and will hopefully get a few chapters of Those who Linger done over the next few months- chapters 8 and 9 are quite close but very stubborn (I've been trying to finish them since last December but haven't made much progress). I'd like to get into a more regular pattern of writing and updating my stories, but am very bad at following my own schedules especially when I have a number of other higher-priority tasks that need my attention. I am 29, male, American, and attending graduate school to get a masters degree in atmospheric science. Two years down, one semester to go. Then on to another 4-ish years of school for a PhD. New chapters will be posted as I have the time, energy, and interest to do so (which tends to be quite infrequently regardless of my own intentions). My Stories: Harry Potter and the Eclipse Princess: A Harry Potter/Nasuverse story that (for now) focuses on various Type-Moon characters making an increasingly large mess of Harry Potter cannon. Being early in the story, the mess has barely started. By 5th year, if I ever get that far, the story will be completely different than canon HP. The update schedule was originally supposed to be weekly, but I seem to be far too inconsistent a writer for that to happen. When I have new chapters they will be posted on Fridays. When I have the time/energy/interest, I'll finish off year 1 of Hogwarts (another 6-8 chapters, the biggest obstacle is interest since right now I have none. It's really hard to bring myself to work on the story when I know that I'd have to write ~10x more than I already have to reach my planned ending and that task is quite daunting.) Those who Linger in the Twilight: A Touhou/Avengers story. I find that there is a serious lack in good Touhou stories so I decided (on a whim, blame Endgame as it inspired me) to write my own. Basically, Gensokyo exists in the MCU and when Thanos Snaps at the end of Infinity War those living there are impacted too. Those who survived must live with the fact that half of them are now gone. Will explore the post-apocalyptic world left after Infinity War and the effort to rebuild, something I wish Endgame actually explored (I understand why it did not, but it would work great as a TV series). The events of Endgame should eventually occur, but for now it will be a series of short chapters (though rapidly becoming longer- the almost complete chapter 8 is nearly 10k words long) from the viewpoints of different Touhou characters dealing with the immediate aftermath of Infinity War. I tentatively plan for this story to be 40-50 chapters long with the Avengers making their first appearance somewhere around chapter 20. I may eventually write a One Piece story I have some good ideas for, ones I haven't seen done at all, though some may be too ambitious (it involves having two stories that merge together after a certain point). As much as I would like to write this story, I just don't do enough writing (being far more of a reader, also being quite busy with grad school and my other stories) to have three stories going at the same time right now. I may begin to work on it off and on as my muse takes me- if I do it won't be posted before I have several chapters completed. Favorite Fandoms & some story recommendations: Fate/Stay Night- This one is really fun and is very complex. Great potential for good stories, From Fake Dreams is the best. I still need to play the VN, it is sitting on my computer downloaded but I only just passed the prologue (and that was years ago- I'm really lazy when it comes to actually playing the games I have like most people with Steam accounts). Naruto- While I am not too fond of canon (it eventually became very shark-jumpy and I ended up dropping it about 10 chapters before it ended- why was Kaguya even a thing?), it is a great sandbox for fan fiction. There are a number of interesting stories and many ways to approach this world. There are even more crap stories. Then again, 95% or more of the stories on this site are crap (badly written, terrible grammar, boring/uninteresting/strictly canon/too many cliches etc.). There are many great stories to be found, but A World Full of Monsters is one of the best, although it hasn't been updated for a while. Also all of Kenchi618's stories are good- go read them. Bleach- This show started out so well, but lost steam and slowly died (Check out Super Eyepatch Wolf's YouTube video on this- he does a great job analyzing it. Actually just go watch the stuff on his channel, it's great). The last few arcs just have so many problems. What the heck is up with how powerful the Quincy dudes are anyway? The power creep in Bleach is terrible, it should be more like Hunter x Hunter when it comes to power. Instead of the whole "power levels" type DBZ thing, skill should be far more important (see: Hisoka. Odd skills with apparently little direct combat applicability, is stupidly strong). Ichigo has extreme speed and energy blasts (and then that super speed is immediately nerfed after he fights Byakuya, why?). Cool. Make him rely on that instead of brute force (POWAHLEVELS!) like he did in every single fight after the Soul Society arc. It finally ended. I heard it was terrible and haven't bothered reading it- the art and story were just that bad by the last arc. Still the characters are interesting, their designs great, and powers quite varied. Great fan fiction potential, but there have not been too many good Bleach stories written recently (some decent crossovers though, mostly with Naruto). Highschool DxD- I'm not sure what it is about these stories, but I quite like them. I've never watched the anime and have only read the first few light novels (through the Phenex arc), but there are some really good DxD stories out there (and some that are complete trash- lemons and little else. Give me an interesting plot- no not that kind of plot- with engaging characters, lots of character development, and awesome battles please). It does bother me some how much the original author butchered Christianity- it's clear he knows very little about it- but it's still a fun setting. My favorite is A Demon Lord's Hero (also a Fate crossover which makes it even better, it needs to be updated though). Worm- I am really enjoying reading the various stories that this fandom is producing. There are not a lot of them (or at least not that many on ), but they tend to be of surprisingly high quality. I may need to actually read the source material at some point, but what I've ready about it from others online is basically a giant DON'T DO IT so I'll stick with the fan fictions instead. Should be less soul-crushingly depressing. I've been over on Spacebattles for the last few years (though mostly as a lurker, eventually I might cross-post my stories over there) a lot after discovering it while searching for good worm stories. Harry Potter- There is so much written for it that some of it has to be good (and some of it is great). As a children's story HP is amazing, but when viewed critically it falls apart at the seams (often because of things that appear later in the story that cause plot holes to appear in earlier books since Rowling was making it up as she went) and there are so many ways to fill in those holes and change things. Magic is always fun to read about (if I play a fantasy game 99% of the time I play a wizard if it's an option). One Piece- My favorite manga, but not my favorite fandom (or anime, there are so many things wrong with the anime mostly due to the animators putting in minimal effort in the later arcs- please read it instead, it's totally worth it). Most One Piece stories just lack something. Perhaps it is because the source material is already so good that fan fiction looks bad in comparison. There are some good stories but I wish the One Piece writers would try a bit harder. Rehashing canon with an extra character or two is not fun and neither is time travel where Luffy is super powerful but things still end up staying the same- if you are going to change things by adding additional main characters there should be increasingly significant deviations over time. Following canon to the letter is not only boring but also bad writing. The story This Bites! does what I want to see in One Piece stories brilliantly. It may be following Luffy's cannon journey for islands visited, but there are some massive deviations because of the crazy, quirky, and fun Cross & Soundbite duo. Chopper becoming a mad scientist a la Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? Hell yes! Nine Minutes is also really good but hasn't been updated in ages. RWBY- I still haven't watched all of it (am halfway through season 2, still, at this point I'll probably never finish the series) and I really should, but these stories tend to be quite good. Too many fem-slash pairings for my liking though (but with only one real male option- Jaune- it is completely understandable). Others: One of the best stories I have ever read, other than everything Gabriel Blessing has written (I hope he starts writing again, it has been 5 years since his last update which makes me worry), is Embers, the best Avatar: The Last Airbender story on the site. |