AN: Hi everyone. Sorry that I haven't written in so long. My life has been a little hectic and I've not had a lot of time. However as I have not updated this story in a while I managed to bash out something. I know this chapter may seem a little different from the rest of the story, but I hope that you all enjoy it. Reviews are much appreciated.

Chapter 12

Koji tiptoed into the room, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. He didn't quite feel comfortable in his gigai and yet he had had enough practice with the thing to be able to become accustomed to it. Koji's feet remained silent on the wooden floor. He surveyed the room but found nothing. Koji decided that his target must be in the underground training grounds. He wondered what he could possibly be doing down there. Koji made his way across the room and gently opened the trap door. He climbed down, remaining as quiet as possible. Koji spread his senses to see who he could detect in the room. He could sense two presences, there was the telltale taste of green apple but another taste bombarded Koji's senses, it was the taste of strawberries. Koji jumped from the ladder, his feet making no sound as they hit the floor. Keeping his spiritual pressure repressed he made his way towards the tingle of apple. As he looked around Koji thought, as he did every time he came into the training grounds, how amusing it was that these grounds were so similar to the ones in the soul society.

Koji saw the back of Kisuke's head and lunged. He wrapped his arms around the ex-captain's neck and his legs around the man's waist. Due to his increased hight his legs encompassed Kisuke's waist and Koji's long hair fell into the man's face. A loud laugh erupted from the boy's mouth at his joy in seeing his old friend, his father figure. The two had not seen each other in around five years and Koji had missed the man. Kisuke rolled his shoulders forcing Koji to jump from the man's back. Kisuke quickly turned around to pull Koji into a tight squeeze. Koji giggled and wrapped his arms back around the man, attempting to squeeze him harder than he was being squeezed. He now reached the man's shoulder. A height that he was most proud of.

Ichigo Kurasaki stared dumbfounded at the sight that met his eyes. He had been having a very intense training session with Mr Hat-and-clogs when a person had appeared out of nowhere. The person had jumped onto Hat-and-clogs' back before being shoved off to be embraced by the man. Ichigo couldn't see the other's face, only the jet black hair that fell to down their back. Ichigo had never seen Hat-and-clogs act like this. He had always thought the man to be an unemotional shell who's only aim in life was to make him suffer. To see the man show emotion in any way was a shock.

"Kisuke it's so good to see you" the person said in a friendly voice as he was released from the hug. As the person stepped away Ichigo got his first look at the person before him. Delicate features and a sparkling green eye could be seen, the other hidden by the jet black hair that fell gently around his face. The boy, as Ichigo assumed he was, wore Black skinny jeans, black combat boots and a baggy, bright green t-shirt that matched the visible eye. He looked to be around sixteen and seemed nothing more than a normal human being. Who was this guy and how did he get here? It seemed impossible for a normal human to get into such a place and for them to know Mr Hat-and-clogs. Ichigo was utterly confused. What the fuck was going on?

Koji, after his reunion with Kisuke, remembered that there was another presence in the room. His attention flickered towards the boy and he grinned at the bright orange hair that entered his vision. The boy did indeed seem interesting. The meat cleaver that was in his hand was a sight to see, for sure. It was the biggest Zanpakto that Koji had ever seen.

"Wow kid that's one wild sword" Koji said with a chuckle. The orange haired boy's eyes seemed to narrow in anger as Koji spoke.

"Kid!" he exclaimed. "Who are you calling kid? You look the same age as me." Ichigo growled out. Koji grinned in response, not at all phased by the boy before him. He was sure that if the boy knew who he was then he would be scared shitless. Koji turned his attention to Kisuke.

"Yoruichi didn't tell me that he was such a firecracker." Koji said, the humour obvious in his voice. Kisuke raised an eyebrow and shrugged. "So, have I caught you at a bad time or can we go and see Shinji." Koji said hesitantly. He didn't want to cause his friend any trouble.

"Yes, we have time. We were just finishing up here anyway." Kisuke said with a smile. He then turned his attention towards Ichigo. "Go and have a rest Ichigo, you need it. Meet back here with your friends in a few hours" with that Kisuke took Koji's hand in his and the pair walked towards the exit.

Ichigo watched them go. He still hadn't learned the name of the boy but it seemed that he had learned the name of Mr Hat-and-clogs. The boy had called him Kisuke, so he supposed that must be his name. Ichigo wondered if he dare call the man that. He may very well end up at the end of the man's sword. Benehime was not a force to be trifled with.

In an office several hundred miles away an old man stared in shock as another bright green flash filled his office. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Another flash of green came and went without the man blinking, his shock being to great. Albus Dumbledore thought that his eyes may pop out of their sockets as the light flashed again. It was impossible! The light before his signified that Harry Potter was using magic but that was utterly impossible, wasn't it? Harry Potter had been dead for just under a year so how was the light flashing? Dumbledore checked the device before him for the third time to see if there was a malfunction but found that there was none. It was ridiculous. Dumbledore had no idea what he was going to do.

Harry Potter had been killed, he was dead, Dumbledore was sure of it. He'd seen the body. It would not be good if the boy was alive. Not good at all. The official story was that Harry had been killed by the Dark Lord before, after fighting to his very last breath. The brave and courageous Albus Dumbledore had then managed swoop in and save the day, conquering another Dark Lord. Dumbledore had then explained to his adoring fans how he had faked his death in an effort to help keep the Dark Lord at bay without the evil wizard suspecting him to be involved. It had all played out nicely as Dumbledore had yet again become respected and Harry had become a hero in his death. He had even been awarded an order of Merlin first class after his death. However the story that Dumbledore had spun may not have quite played out in the way that Dumbledore had explained it. If the boy were to come back and explain his side of the story to the Wizarding World then the results would be abominable. It would destroy everything that Dumbledore had worked so hard to achieve. He needed to find Potter and he needed to find him quickly.

Albus Dumbledore rose from his seat and pulled his wand from his pocket. The elder wand had shattered when he had reclaimed it from Harry. Dumbledore had also been unable to find either the invisibility cloak or the resurrection stone in the places that he had left them. The wand he therefore drew was his old wand of Apple wood and Dragon Heartstring core. The wand was less powerful then his first and yet he was still as an unstoppable with this than with the elder wand. To further test whether Harry Potter was present in the world and preforming magic he lay the wand in his palm. He quickly cast a point-me charm. The wand turned quickly several times before slowing to a stop telling Dumbledore that the boy was indeed here. The old man paled at the realisation. However suddenly the wand dropped and clattered to the floor. The green flashing light in the room vanished and Dumbledore was left in a further state of confusion than before. The boy's presence had simply vanished. That was even more insane than it having appeared in the first place. Just what in Merlin's name was going on?

Koji held to Kisuke's hand tightly as the pair walked toward the hollow hide out. Koji swung the hands between them and hummed softly to himself, a smile spreading wider and wider across his face with each step that he took.

"How have you been little one?" Kisuke questioned, a smile on his face.

"Well" Koji's smile slipped slightly as he looked up to the man that had become his father. "I've missed you." he said gently, a solomon look in his eyes.

"I missed you too Koji" Kisuke soothed, pulling Koji into his arms once more. Several strange looks were given to them by passers by, however they ignored them all. Kisuke released the young man from the hug, pondering over how quickly the time had passed. It seemed like only a week ago that he had found the young boy. It seemed like days since they had been in the soul society together, as a family. However it had been over a hundred years since he had met the small boy, turned young man that stood beside him.

"But what have you been up to Koji? How are your friends?" Kisuke steered, attempting to move the conversation to a more favourable one. He wanted to know that his little boy was okay.

"Good" Koji said, regaining some of his lost smile. "Toshiro finally managed to mature his bankai. Although he grew a foot in a day; he's taller than me now." Koji pouted. His height had always been an issue for him. He grew slowly as all of the members of the soul society did. Ageing slowed down much more than it did in the world of the living. However Koji was still small compared to these around him. It seemed that the only person that he was still taller than was Ru.

"Tatsuo did tell me that I would get taller though. He says that as my powers grow, then I will as well." Koji smiled. "I wish you could see him now though. I swear that he grows as much as I do. He's always going to be taller than me." The pout was deeper this time. It caused Kisuke to laugh.

The chatter continued, Koji telling Kisuke of all that had happened in the past five year. They reached the hideout and after a heart felt greeting to Shinji the conversation continued further. Koji spoke of how Yumi and Ikkaku had moved up the ranks of the soul society. Of how he had become closer to Toshiro and of Ru's antics.

However as time ticked by the discussion became more difficult. Koji's life was not all sunshine and daisies. Aizen had been gaining power and there was nothing that the young Captain could do about it. No one would ever believe Koji. No one would trust his word against that of a far more experienced and respected Captain. Koji did not have the allies to be in such a situation.

There was Toshiro, the Captain of the tenth, a firm friend, an ally that would believe whatever Koji told him as truth. Just as Koji himself would believe the fellow Captain. Koji had also developed a tentative friendship with Byakuya Kuchiki, Captain of the sixth division. The friendship was, however, one of convenience rather than of camaraderie. Koji wished to keep up his close connections to Rukia and Renji both of whom were now closely intertwined with the Kuchiki lord. Rukia was fully adopted into the Kuchiki line, now living in the manor and engaging in the social events required of one of her status. However the relationship between herself and her adopted brother were still strained. The Captain unwilling to engage in many of the activities necessary for the two to become closer. Fear was of course the leading factor in this reluctance.

Renji had blossomed into his own man. He now towered above Koji and had found his own place in the world of the soul society as a Lieutenant of the seventh division. Koji was proud of what the young man had achieved. However his relationship with Rukia was not what it had once been. It had become strained to say the least. Renji had never really got over the deceit that he judged Rukia to have committed in not telling him that she was to be adopted by the Kuchiki family. However that did not stop Koji from forcing the twos presence upon each other. Lives in the soul society were long and he knew that the two would eventually realise that both were only doing as they deemed the right thing.

However despite the tentative friendship that Koji had formed with Lord Kuchiki he knew that the man held his own morals and values far higher than he did for any other members of the soul society. Koji knew that if he were to stand against a Captain without sufficient evidence the Captain would disregard him entirely. Shunsui and Jushiro were additional allies that Koji may have. However the two were far too concerned with their own appearance to the soul society and with pleasing their mentor. Therefore unless push came to shove, unless they had no other option, their loyalties would lie with no one but themselves. Koji therefore seemingly had many possible allies. However the majority of them were unlikely to stand by him unless given any other options. However Aizen himself had far more option, with two captains firmly under his wing and the element of surprise.

Koji reluctantly returned to the soul society three hours later knowing that the shit show that would ensue over the next few days would make him want to drown himself and stick hot pins in his eyeballs. He predicted that when the few days of horror had passed that either he would need to run into exile as Kisuke and Shinji had done. Or he would have a much firmer footing within the soul society. As he stepped through the portal he let his hands run up his face in his frustration. Why were things never simple? Why did people always need to have ulterior motives or a hidden agenda? Life would be so much simpler if when playing poker everyone's cards were simply placed on the table. But Koji knew that that was not the way that the game worked.

Koji could feel the strawberry. His presence not able to escape the notorious detection skills of the seventh division. The clever boy had taken a route through the sewers. He wondered which one of the other two presences were the one to suggest it. The boy could not have possibly know where they were by himself. Koji had been following the group for around an hour, waiting for the right moment to reveal himself. The moment came as the trio decided to rest. Koji stood around the corner, listening to their conversation for a few minutes before he stepped into view.

The first of the three to spot him was the young fourth division member, Hanataro. Koji had not had a proper conversation with Hanatoro since their days at the academy together. Koji found himself realising how little the boy had changed in that time. Other than the uniform he had sustained his entire attitude and appearance for the past hundred years. As soon as Hanataro saw Koji standing before him he rocketed up from his seated position. His eyes became wide as he released just who it was that was standing before him. Koji only looked at the young man with a small smile.

"S-s-s-sir…" the boy managed to stutter out. Koji gave a grin to the boy before him. The boy was far more jumpy then he remembered, that was for sure. The other two occupants of the space looked up at Koji and one set of eyes filled with recognition. As seemed to be his habit the orange haired boy that went by the name of Ichigo spoke without thinking.

"It's you" the boy exclaimed. "What the hell are you doing here!" the orange haired young man said, anger lacing his tone. Both of the other occupants of the room looked at Ichigo in shock. Hanataro looked as though he was about to pass out at the tone that Ichigo was taking other member of the trio was someone that Koji did not recognised. Although the man looked like he might punch the orange haired boy if he didn't shut up.

"I-Ichigo stop." Hanataro said in a scared tone. "You cant talk to him like that, he's…he's…"

"I don't care what he is." Ichigo proclaimed. His hand reached behind his back and reached for the Zanpakto that was strapped there. "If he's a threat then I'll fight him and I'll win" the boy said with determination. Koji raised his hands attempting to placate the boy and spoke with an amused smile on his face.

"Peace Ichigo Kurasaki, I mean you no harm. I know what you're trying to do and I will support you in anyway that I can." Koji said with a small smile, leaving the trio looking at him in shock. He wanted to laugh at the dumbfounded looks. The unknown man seemed the first to snap out of his shock as he pointed his finger, accusingly, towards Koji.

"Why the hell would the Captain of the seventh division want to help us?" the man said in outrage. "You're trying to trick us! Theres no way you would want to help us."

"Don't be so quick to judge." Koji said thoughtfully. A sad smile was climbing its way onto his face. "A very good friend of mine told me of your mission. I do not want Rukia to die. I plan to save her" Koji's voice was firm and full of determination as he spoke. He meant every word that he was saying.

"How do we know that you're telling the truth?" the man continued angrily "Who is this friend that you're telling us about?" he demanded.

"Well, I'm sure that you won't have heard of him. He has not been in the soul society for a long time but I suppose telling you his name can't hurt. He's called Kisuke Urahara." Koji said. Most of the conversation had been to himself. He was not expecting the small spark of recognition that he saw in the eyes of the man before him. It seemed that he knew of Kisuke. That was unusual.

"How do you know that man? You call him a friend but he has been declared a traitor." The man said with suspicion in his eyes.

"It's merely the trust that we built over time. Friendship is not easily broken even when others think badly of said friend. Of course that means one has to be discrete." Koji said with a wink at the man. He knew the man was testing him and Koji knew just how to pass. A smile broke onto the man's face as all pretence of hostility seemed to be dropped. He took a hand out and Koji took it as the two shook.

"The name's Ganju Shiba. A pleasure to meet you" the man said with a grin. "It seems we'll be working together then." Koji had to hold back a gasp as the name passed through the man's lips. He could, however, not stop the sadness that filled his eyes. Ganju seemed to notice and looked at Koji in curiosity.

"I'm so sorry for your loss." Koji said solemnly. "I knew your brother well and I know that his death was hard on all of us." Koji said gently. No one had been prepared for Kaien's death and he knew that it had hit the family the hardest. He had heard of their seclusion from the rest of the soul society and he could not blame them. To loose a family member was hard, no matter what the circumstances. Especially when those circumstances had been less than pure. Aizen's suspected involvement was something that Koji was not about to forget. It was simply being added to his evidence against the other Captain.

The man before him quickly brushed off the comment, seemingly unhappy at being reminded of the tragedy that he had had to live through. He gave only a gruff grunt of acknowledgement at the consideration the captain was giving him. Hanataro however managed to rescue the pair from the awkward situation.

"We…we should probably go Captain" the boy said nervously. "They will find us if we don't keep moving." The boy shuffled, pulling at his sleeves and the sash that lay across his front as he addressed the captain.

Koji gave a grin, slapping the boy on the back "You're right" he smiled. He then spoke in a slightly quite voice, so that only the young man could hear him. "But have a little more confidence Hanataro. You've got some pretty great ideas if you speak up." he said with a small, sincere smile.

"Well then Hanataro" Koji called out loudly once more. "Lead the way"

The next hour consisted of a rather unpleasant walk, the smells being less than appealing as the four of them walked along the passages that Hanataro had seemingly memorised. Koji was more impressed with the boy as with each step his confidence and conviction seemed to grow. After hearing the story of the boy and Rukia he, however, saw why it was that the young man wanted to help Rukia. It seemed as valid reason as any and the sparkle in the fourth division member's eyes, as he talked of Rukia, solidified the respect that Koji felt for this more self-affirming Hanataro that seemed to be blossoming before him.

Soon enough the end of the path was reached. A trap door was opened and the four of them poured out into the fog. Koji quickly detecting the presence of another, one that he recognised, quickly hid himself from both detection and view. Renji was strong and Koji would intervene if necessary but as of the current moment he would rather go unseen but the Lieutenant. From his hidden place Koji watched the fight play out.

He decided that the two of them spoke far too much. Fights, in his mind, were far better spent in silence. Although he supposed that the hatred that the two seemingly held for one another was the reason for the sadistic speeches that the pair baited each other with. As the battle progressed Ichigo seemed to be getting more and more worn down. Each blow forced painful grunts from his lungs. Renji's sword cut through the boy's shoulder and Ichigo was forced to the floor with a pain filled gasp. However there was a sparkle in the boy's eyes. One that promised pain to his opponent. One that promised victory. It seemed that the fight was not quite over yet.

Koji couldn't repress the grin as the boy stood up from the position that he had fallen. The man's positioning echoed that of Kisuke's. The form obvious to any of those that had spent even the shortest of time being trained by the ex-captain. Harry supposed that he should be glad that only Renji was present. Otherwise the game would be up before it had even started. However the smile soon dropped as he saw the damage done to Renji and the man's Zanpakto.

He stopped himself from diving forward as he heard the words that poured from Renji's mouth. The man was worth more than he thought. He was worth so much more. He was not a stray dog, he was not without a family. He could never have stopped what had happened to Rukia, the Kuchiki family having far too much power for a young academy student to be able to do anything. Koji couldn't hold himself back anymore. He leapt forward and wrapped his arms around the shoulders of the kneeling form of his broken friend.

"Will you save her?" Renji demanded, his voice harsh and filled with emotion.

"We will save her Renji" Koji hummed as he ran a hand through the bright red locks. The young man breathed in, in his surprise as he felt the reassuring touch and the gentle words.

"K-Koji" Renji stuttered out as his body slumped back into the Captain's embrace. Koji gently lay the young man down, careful not to jolt his injuries as he knelt next to the man that he had know for so long. It seemed that he had never really known how conflicted the red-head had become. However it seemed that Renji hadn't known either.

"It's going to be alright Renji. We're going to save her" Koji said with a gentle smile. "Did you ever think that I would allow anything else?" Koji pushed the bright hair back from Renji's face as he soothed the young man. "Now let me heal a few of these for you. We don't want you to be in pain."

Koji lifter his hands, bright green light formed in a ball which was quickly pushed toward the man below him. Renji observed intently as the light was absorbed into his body. The large cut that had recently been obtained healed rapidly, leaving only a light pink blush of skin where it had once been. However Koji knew the man before him too well. If given the opportunity he would follow the group, in an attempt to save Rukia. However the man's energy was drained. There was no way he could allow the red-head to follow.

"We'll save her Renji. You need to just stay here and recover." As Koji spoke he gathered a small amount of energy in the tips of his fingers, bringing his hand up to Renji's temple. "You'll be found soon enough" Koji continued. "In the meantime I need you to sleep." With his final word a small flash of yellow met Renji's temple. The man's head jolted slightly, his eyes slamming shut, as he was thrust into unconsciousness.