Reviews for Hear the Silence
jen.xtt chapter 70 . 7/23
omg I'm so sorry about the harassment people have been giving you on this site! I think your fic is absolutely incredible and its clear to see you have put SO MUCH effort into this, honestly I am so amazed. This fic makes me cry and get incredible feels and that's what a fic should have! I am incredibly thankful that you have invested this much time and effort and so thankful you shared it with us for FREE. people are so awful and rude these days but please do ignore them. do what is best for you and remember how many people love and enjoy this fic, how many people spend time reading this bc it's taken me like 3 days and nights to get to this point and my goodness you have helped me escape the real world and thats was fanfics are about. I think you've done an amazing job, thank you and I hope you're doing well x
Toebang chapter 70 . 7/7
Good story, bad review.

mynameisnotactuallyJeff chapter 23 . 7/6
dumb bitch should have comforted her dad instead of herself
KyRa-ChAn008 chapter 71 . 6/24
I really enjoyed this! It is definately one of my top naruto fanfictions now! I hope you update again.
selin32227 chapter 69 . 5/10
oh...i get it, because it chapter 69?
shunned-one chapter 1 . 5/10
theres more of this fic on a03
selin32227 chapter 57 . 5/10
your so creative
selin32227 chapter 31 . 5/9
selin32227 chapter 25 . 5/9
I'm crying
selin32227 chapter 17 . 5/9
This is so amazing! I love the descriptions
fifi chapter 1 . 4/24
Hello! it's been a while since I read your story and I really liked it, moreover I just re-read it and I decided to send a little review to encourage you because the authors deserve a quick word from them loyal reader to motivate yourself ! but also that I'm impatient for a sequel because it's been a while since you published the sequel !
I really loved the character of kyo as well as the other people inserted, they are all adorable and endearing in their own way kaimaru ! on the other hand throughout the history one has the impression to attend the various kind of depression of kyo, it is not really a criticism because I can imagine what it is to lose his mother as well as his teammates that we consider as our family in such a short interval, its fear! if i had been a shinobi who knew about kyo's life i would almost advise him to retire because no matter how you see him kyo is still a child !
you know, even if kyo hasn't thought about his future love life, i can't help imagining who would be the best partner among all these boys around him, we can't rule out minato either he blushes often unless it's just annoyance like the funny reaction of maki ! in fact I would like to know the answer of kyo concerning his interview with senpu !
for the case of a pregnant tsunad, assuming that she was really in the original story, I would say that she had an abortion before leaving konoha if my opinion was asked,
we can't really deny it because after all at the time of naruto she was still buried in her pain ! on another note, kyo should perhaps be considered to master a katana associated with its style of the wind to make it sharper but also to increase its speed and flexibility, because it looks really vulnerable without its poisons and already that has the impression that taijutsu will never be his strong point, but it is also to avoid it being in the hospital after each mission after a face to face with the enemy !
in short, all this to say that we are all waiting for a sequel which i hope is coming soon, i really can't wait ! so I encourage you and wish you a good continuation !
Sky318 chapter 71 . 4/17
Shinigami-of-fire chapter 53 . 4/5
The only reason I bother reading fanfiction at all, despite the utter trash that sadly most fanfics these days are, is stories like THIS! Thank you for this wonderfully written piece of work, it definitely is one of my favourites. Great spelling, no grammar mistakes, the characters and their reactions are spot on! Can't wait to read more! :)
DragonJo64 chapter 71 . 4/2
im loving this story. dont worry about the idiots commenting. your writing is great, I've seen much less when it comes to grammar/spelling mistakes than is usually in top quality fanfics in this story.

your story is so unique compared to most on this site. i cant wait to read more, so dont let the vocal minority and jaded busy bodies get you down. im not really one to comment to often, but i just want you to know i really appreciate you for being you
Noneofit chapter 70 . 3/26
It’s interesting to see the cultural differences between us that are implied in your writing. At first I thought you were Canadian (sorry) until the “1000 year history” part but in retrospect, Northern European makes far more sense even though I’d dismissed it for statistical reasons. I don’t know if there’s a word for it, but I never fail to get a sense of self-directed schadenfreude whenever someone writes about something completely mundane to an American (like someone getting shot) or when you casually discuss mythical things like healthcare, prisoner social rehabilitation, mental health being looked after, etc.. It’s a joy to read works like this one that let me experience a world created by someone that has a different history and perspective than myself. Without the opportunity to see how others think and express themselves we would all be like Kyo’s grandma.

For that most of all I’m grateful.
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