Chapter One: A Maelstrom Unleashed!
A black and yellow blur dashed through the corridors, desperate to escape its pursuer. He couldn't stop for a moment or it would be all over for him. He sped up desperate to escape the monsters that were chasing him.
"When I get my hands on you there will be Hell to pay!" The Assailant shouted following the pest that dared to cross her.
"Not like you ever will, you old HAG!" Naruto shouted back as he made a quick turn around one of the many hallways that made up his family's home. This was going to be his last day here at his cousin's home, where he had been raised all of his life, and he wouldn't be Naruto Uzumaki if he didn't go out with a bang. Dropping a small capsule in his wake he redoubled his efforts and made a dash for the only safe place in the palace.
"ARRGH" He heard behind him as his paint bomb went off covering his irritated follower in a lovely shade of orange.
He was being chased by Hilga, the stereotypical scary old hag. He had spent the last hour dodging the various staff members that had been chasing him since he set off a series of stink bombs and sticky-feather traps in the servants quarters. (Only the older members of the staff, of course, he didn't want to traumatize the younger ones before they even get started.)
And so he was running, dodging and ducking through the various hallways and corridors that made up the Cameran Palace. He lived here with his mother, an Aura Guardian Master working for the Order of Aura Guardians, based in the Kingdom of Rota. Naruto had a very close relationship with his mother, being more like best friends than mother and son. It helped that she was still a bit childish and didn't look a day over twenty.
His Cousin was Queen Ilene, which made him the bona-fide Prince until she birthed an heir. He didn't care about that though and everytime the staff tried to force manners and dignity on him he resisted with equal force... And paint bombs.
He didn't mind being respectful or serious when he needed to be, but they expected him to be perfect! They wanted him to act like he owned the world and speak formally all the time. It was like they wanted him to act like a... like a... like a prince! It was ridiculous!
'Tch... Not that I'll ever let them corrupt me like that,' Naruto thought as he crossed into an open corridor nearing his destination.
Then he saw it, safety, sanctity, that was the only way to describe such a feeling of relief that flooded through him as he ran for the large doors that led into one of the palace's bedroom chambers.
Naruto practically broke down the door with the force he slammed it open with. He rushed into the room and immediately closed the door behind him and leaned his back into it as if trying to keep out his pursuer. He quickly scanned the room searching for his only savior. When he saw his target resting at the dining table and did the only thing a soon-to-be sixteen-year-old young man would do in that situation.
"MOOOOM, SAVE ME!" He shouted as he dove straight into his mother's bosom.
Kushina Uzumaki was enjoying her early morning with a wonderful breakfast provided by her maids' excellent cooking. She had just finished getting dressed and was planning her day while eating, enjoying the sounds of the early Pidgeys chirping outside her window. The Uzumaki have always been early risers so it was no surprise when she woke before dawn. She was just happy to have such a peaceful morning.
That was until something crashed into her door with all the force of a Ryhorn. Startled, She stood up and spun around ready to meet her attacker, only to be met with a flying tackle by her only son.
"KYAA!" She let out a cute shriek, as they both fell to the floor in a mess. Her son was holding on to her like a lifeline. Just as she was about to ask what had him so worried, the doors flew open again and entered Hilga, the palace's scariest maid. Well, she would be, if her hair wasn't covered in Pidgey feathers and her maid uniform more orange than a Magikarp. Her face, however, still managed to convey her fury at the castle's resident prankster. She seemed to have it out for the young Uzumaki since day one, which only made him target her the most with his pranks.
"Now your cornered you little DEM-" Hilga was cut off when she noticed where exactly she was.
"Madam! Forgive my intrusion I was jus-" Hilga started after realizing she just barged into the bedchamber of the Queen's Aunt.
"Quiet!" Kushina silenced her maid's explanation, considering the orange paint, it was clear what had happened here. She looked down at her son who was still buried in her chest and pulled him off so she could get to her feet. It was then that she was struck by every mother's weakness, Puppy-Dog Eyes. Naruto was looking up at her, his arms still wrapped around her, his eyes slightly watering and his lower lip quivering as he silently pleaded for his mother to rescue him. She caved instantly.
"Leave us. I need to talk to my son alone." She said with a stern look at her maid.
"But madam-" Hilga was cut off yet again by her mistress.
"Enough! I will handle my son, for now, go get cleaned up you are getting paint all over my bedrooms' carpet." Kushina said glaring at the paint that was dripping off of the maid's uniform.
"Very well mistress" The maid bowed and left, not bothering to disguise the smug look on her face, thinking the brat was going to get torn into by his mother.
As soon as the doors closed, however, both Uzumaki burst out in laughter. Kushina being quite the prankster herself when she was younger, never really tried to curb her son's behavior. As long as he kept the pranks harmless of course. She loved watching the aftermath as the more serious members of the maid staff got pranked into oblivion by her son. While some of them truly thought these pranks were a nuisance, the majority of the staff loved it. It brought life to a normally stuffy palace as the young prince ran rampant, some of the younger members of the staff even not-so-subtly cheered Naruto on.
Her favorite part had to be the ending of the pranks. No matter how close to catching Naruto the maids would get, every single time he would get away, and every single time he would run for his mother's room. This allowed her to see parts of his pranks and at the same time giving her alone time with her Naruto in the mornings. He would always stay for breakfast with her in the mornings, and they'd talk about his training and projects with Aura.
She was curious about this one in particular though, considering the little side project he'd been telling her about recently.
"So did you finally finish the capsules?" she asked suddenly excited about how he pulled it off.
"Yep! Finished them last night. It works by using Aura to reduce the volume of a liquid so I can store it in a small capsule. The one I used today can be remotely detonated by a signature Aura flare." If there was one thing Naruto was a genius in it was definitely Aura.
"That's so awesome, ya know?!" Kushina exclaimed letting her verbal tic slip out now that they were alone. She always enjoyed discussing ideas for Aura projects with her son, being a Master herself she thought his creative ideas were refreshing compared to the normally strict and stagnant lessons of the Order.
"Did you get it to work for any liquid? Those could be useful for carrying large amounts of water when our knights go on missions." She asked thoughtfully. Some of the missions involving Legendaries or rare Pokemon lasted months, and it was hard for knights to pack for such trips.
"It works for water too but that's not the main issue," Naruto explained
"While they are compact, they still weigh the same amount, even the small paint capsules are heavy for their size so I'd have to do something about that first. Then I'd need some way to release the water without it exploding. Right now it works by simply releasing the Aura that was keeping the liquid compact, causing the rise in volume to explode out of the small capsule forcefully. If we were using it for water I would have to make some kind of gentler method. Hmmm, maybe a tap? I'd need to reinforce the capsule too in order for it to survive travel. Then I'd-"
"Naruto! I get it, it's not going to work right now." Kushina cut off her son's rambling with a laugh, he always gets lost in thought when it came to his projects. If she didn't stop him now he wouldn't stop until nightfall. Or whenever his stomach distracted him.
"Right, well I'll work on it soon. Now that I've got the basic idea on how to compact it, getting it travel worthy shouldn't be too hard." He murmured, already sorting through his ideas and making a mental checklist for the items he'd need.
"Well then, how about you join me for that breakfast you interrupted?" She asked, already sitting down at her dining table.
"Right, sorry about that," He said rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.
The rest of the morning passed swiftly with the two passing ideas for other projects and talking about training. After they had both eaten he left her to go get ready for the big day and find his partner. Today was an important day for him, being the day he leaves home. But it was also a big day for the Order as a whole because today they chose the next Grandmaster.
While making his way back to his own room he reflected on the past. His mother was the princess of a long line of Aura Guardians. The Uzumaki. No one really knows where they came from, they just showed up long ago and helped found the Order of Aura Guardians. Their most notable features being their red hair and regal appearance. Each Uzumaki had their own ability that was completely unique. Some simple, and others extravagant. Things like being immune to fire, the ability to nullify psychic powers, or his mother's own Aura Chains.
Sadly, the Uzumaki had died out a long time ago to do some natural disaster, as far as they are aware Naruto and Kushina are the last ones alive.
His own ancestry was considered Royal because of their powerful Aura and potent bloodline, each generation born with powerful abilities, usually centered around defensive abilities. His mother's chains can be used to restrain Pokemon and channel her own Aura into them, forcing the Pokemon's natural Aura into submission, effectively calming them. This has been a massive boon to the Order, reserving her for missions dealing with powerful berserk Pokemon. A nice benefit of this was that she was essentially permanently on reserve, allowing her to raise Naruto with only a scarce amount of missions taking her away.
Naruto's own ability was rather strange because it seemed to be a mutation of his mother's chains. While normally an Uzumaki's ability would be completely random, his seemed to be based on hers. Naturally, this pleased his mother greatly, giving her something else in common with her son. The abilities weren't identical however, Naruto's was much more inclined to restraining pokemon rather than calming them. Kushina's chains are a glittering gold and she can only produce them from her own body, making it awkward when attempting to hold Pokemon down or capture them. Naruto's, however, is a shining silver, and he could produce them from any solid surface in his vision. Instead of injecting his Aura into Pokemon, his chains hardened when he channeled his Aura through them. He named his Adamantine Chains because he had yet to see a Pokemon escape his grasp.
His thoughts were broken when he arrived at his own room, conveniently right next to a large private training field. He was offered the room next to his mother's but with the amount of time he spent in training, having his room for any reason besides sleeping was redundant. Even then he occasionally slept outside after training anyway.
He quickly showered and got dressed in his usual training gear, just some simple combat pants wrapped at the ankles, and a muscle shirt. Then he headed out to start his daily routines. It was still very early, the sky still dark and the sun just showing signs of rising. So he began his routine meditation, sitting down outside by a small pond, letting his thoughts slip away while he focused on his Aura.
He first started meditating immediately once his training began. He hated it at first but soon grew to love it as it let him calm down and enjoy his mornings alongside his Partner. He had been studying Aura for a decade now and training his body physically just as long. Most trainees would learn from a Knight or Master for at least a year in order to grasp the very basics of Aura control. Naruto, on the other hand, took to it like a fish to water. He doesn't control Aura, he understands it.
If it can be done with Aura, Naruto knows how, and if it can't be done, give him a week to prove you wrong.
It baffled the Masters of Aura when he started his training. He learned everything they had relating Aura with only the first or second time hearing it and a brief example. It only took him a few weeks and he was molding Aura better than the Adepts. That wasn't to say he slacked off in his training just because it was so easy. No, he trained hard both physically and mentally, spending countless hours training with the few Masters left, and whenever he had breaks or days off he would simply go to the library and start his own self-study. Or challenge the local fighting Pokemon to spars. When he turned ten he started his own experiments under the watchful eye of his mother. This was were his abilities truly shined, his creativity and natural grasp of Aura mixed perfectly and gave him plenty of ideas. Most of which shone through in his pranks. He created a type of paint that would deteriorate in just a few hours by mixing it with Aura. Various bombs that would launch an assortment of hilarious pranks including, sticky Pidgey feathers, itching powder, and his personal favorite glitter.
In a stroke of genius, he tried his hand at creating a better storage system for wandering trainers. He called it 'Sealing' because it worked by storing things away in small pocket dimensions and used Aura to push and pull items in and out of the storage. While he did finally come up with a working method, using a backpack as the base he covered the inside with Aura 'Seals' and used it to anchor the input for the pocket dimension. So in order to store things you simply needed to cover an object in Aura and place it inside the backpack. Then to retrieve an item you reach in and summon it with Aura. The downside to this method is that it needed a highly skilled Aura Guardian to operate in fact, only the Masters have been able to so far. This invention was highly desired by the Knights though, as it allowed them to store vast amounts of supplies and medicine for their missions.
"Master," A soft melodic voice called out to him.
Taking a deep breath and finishing his meditation he uncrossed his legs and stood up. Naruto looked to his side to see his Partner and only Pokemon, a strong female Lucario looking back at him. He had long given up on trying to stop her from calling him Master, as most Lucario are duty-bound to respect Aura Guardians. He supposed he could've been called something worse like "Your Majesty" Naruto shivered at the thought.
He had been together with his beloved Partner for the last six years. Normally, one was supposed to get their Aura Partner once they had become an Adept. Naruto, seeing as he was still far too young at the time was given his once he turned ten, the old regulation for Pokemon Trainers.
Partners are chosen by a few factors, Typing, Gender, and finally Aura Bonding.
Typing is decided by Aura Affinity. There are two standard Pokemon given as Partners, Lucario for those attuned to the physical aspects of Aura, and Togekiss for those attuned to the mental aspects. Naturally, with his Chains and physical abilities, he was heavily leaning on the physical side.
Next was Gender, in order for the Partners to be as compatible as possible, they conduct tests to see which gender of Pokemon the Guardian is best with. Naruto was to be given a female Partner, not very surprising considering the only family he has left is his Mother and Female Cousin, and the fact he spends his time surrounded by maids. He naturally gets along with women better.
Aura Bonding, comparatively, has a rather easy test. They simply put the chosen Guardian blindfolded in a room full of the chosen types and genders and tell them to pick one. The Guardian then goes to whichever Riolu or Togepi resonates with them. Naruto had gone through this process and chosen a Riolu that had just recently hatched from an egg, feeling naturally drawn to her. He was quite shocked when he took his blindfold off though. Instead of staring at a black and blue Riolu like he'd assumed he was instead looking at a small black and white Riolu shyly shuffling under his gaze. Due to the beauty of her white coat, he'd named her Grace. A name which she happily complied to.
"The ceremony starts soon Master, Kushina wants you to skip the morning training and get prepared," Grace told him.
"What?! It's only like eight in the morning! Why are we having it so early?" Naruto said bemusedly.
"She figured since you are starting your Journey today, we would have it in the morning so you would still have time to head to Pewter City." Grace explained.
"Why didn't Mom tell me it was this early? That seems kind of important don't you think?"
"She, uh... forgot." Grace nervously replied
He sighed at that. 'Really should've seen that one coming, all this time and she's still an airhead.'
"Alright let's get this over with!" Naruto exclaimed as he ran back to his room, Grace hot on his heels. They both had to look their best, this was an important day after all.
Time Skip – 2 Hours Later – 10:00 am
It was time, the first Grandmaster since Sir Aaron was about to be chosen. The Order of Aura Guardians decided a new Grandmaster was needed to truly revive the Order to its former glory.
The Order Hierarchy works based on Aura Proficiency.
Grandmaster - The Very top of the Order, this is the big man in charge he gives commands to all other members of the Order and is expected to be the strongest Guardian (while that isn't always the case, it usually is.) Grandmasters are recommended by the current Masters and chosen by the Queen of Rota.
Assistant Grandmaster - This is the Grandmaster's right hand, they handle most of the busy work for the Grandmaster and give out missions while he is away. They are chosen by the Grandmaster, when appointed, and must be a current Master.
Master - These are the Guardians that have reached the pinnacle of Aura training, some of the strongest in the Order, these only take emergency missions so they can stay at Rota and train the Adepts and Trainees.
Knight – The meat of the Order is made up of Knights. The Knights are wandering Aura Guardians usually traveling and solving problems as they go, Knights also search for latent talent in Aura, either recruiting them as Squires or sending them to Rota to become Trainees.
Squires – Following the Knight as they travel around the regions, Squires learn everything they can about Aura while watching the Knight handle various situations. They are also required to take care of the Knights basic needs while traveling (Setting camp, gathering food and water, etc.) in order to promote survival training.
Adept – Adepts are people who have finished basic training at Rota and are choosing an area of Aura to focus their studies on as they continue their training. Adepts receive a Partner when their Master deems them ready.
Trainees – The very bottom of the rung. The Trainees are the ones who spend the most time in study, learning everything they can about the basics of Aura under the watch of the Masters.
Right now it only had three masters, a handful of knights and a dozen Adepts and Squires. Not really a world-power like the Pokemon Rangers. But this was a new beginning, starting today the Order was making a comeback, the Knights would be dispatched to find Squires and take their missions on the road. While the Masters would watch over the training of the Adepts and trainees.
Naruto was inside the Throne Room of Cameran Palace, dressed in his Aura Guardian attire. He wore a black sleeveless vest with a zipper in the front, alongside thick black cargo pants and his steel-toed combat boots. Over his vest, he wore a deep navy blue trenchcoat with black flames on the bottom rim, and the symbol for the Order displayed proudly on the center of his back. He had a black and blue headband wrapped around his forehead with the Order's symbol in the center.
The Ceremony was taking place the Throne Room a large, corridor-like room with the Throne at one end the entrance at the other. There were banners for both Rota and the Order displayed around the room, showing the close relationship of the two. A large red carpet led up to the Throne from the entrance serving as a massive walkway.
The entire Order was assembled together for this event. Alongside the left wall, the Trainees were kneeling in a row, and in front of them, the Adepts were kneeling as well. Alongside the right wall, the Squires were kneeling grouped up together behind their respective Knight.
The Masters were kneeling in front of the Throne lined up behind the future Grandmaster.
Naruto, however, was in the very front kneeling in front of Queen Ilene, heart pounding in his chest, as she read the responsibilities of the new Grandmaster. He was chosen for this duty because of his Royal nature, close relationship with the current Queen, and similarities with Sir Aaron himself.
As Queen Ilene finished his responsibilities she moved to the most important part of the ceremony the Vows.
The Vows were important because similar to the induction into the Order, they were bound by Aura itself. If a person were to break these Vows, they would lose their Aura forever. As well as being cast out from the Order. Although such a thing has never happened before, the Vows were in place for a reason. It was a total commitment that everyone who made it understood.
"Do you swear, to watch over the Order, to protect it from threats with all your strength?"
"I do."
"Do you swear, to protect all Pokemon, should you find them in danger?"
"I do."
"Do you swear, to prevent the use of Aura against an innocent?"
"I do."
"And will you watch over the next generation of the Order, guiding them and protecting them while they grow?"
"I will."
"Then rise Naruto Uzumaki, our new Grandmaster and take up your roles for the Order."
He smirked.
Author's Notes
Well, there is the first chapter done, I plan on having the normal ones be longer but since this is the start I kept it short.
Should Hinata be in the Harem? I wasn't originally going to put her in because I can't really see her as a Pokemon battler, maybe as a Nurse?
Should Misty be in the Harem? Leaf was going to be my only one at the beginning, simply because she isn't used that much and I can mold her as I wish. but Misty shows up immediately so I need to know now.