Reviews for In the Shadow of Dragons
Lordlexx chapter 6 . 3/25
Last chapter you said Summerhall would go to Harry/Jaehaerys.
Zoom99 chapter 7 . 3/17
I don’t think Harry has anything that makes him unique that will allow him to survive a world such as Westeros and Essos
mikkelibob chapter 11 . 2/18
I really like this. What is a few years among friends?
Guest chapter 8 . 11/19/2019
They aren’t underage.
And as unsightly as it may be, I don’t see why it would be panic attack inducing.
No one is getting hurt and they are eager and consenting.
Never mind the fact that he only thinks it’s wrong because the Dursleys taught him that.
He literally has no other reason to dislike the concept.
ksveela chapter 11 . 8/20/2019
Just sad that Harry doesn't seems to have any magic in him at all. And I think you nailed Rhaegar's character in this one. Someone who is so obsessed with prophecy couldn't be a good husband and father at all. What a loathsome man.
Guest chapter 2 . 6/25/2019
You can already tell this story is going to be firmly set in its role of "struggling/undervalued protagonist" from this chapter, and it's really just tiring. You've set him up to be this specific thing where his brother is the popular one and he is overlooked.

Too bad.
Lazov chapter 11 . 6/16/2019
Yours is an odd crossover story. Harry isn't really Harry, barring the stuff that crosses over from HP when briefly mentioned. For all intent and purpose, he reads more like an OC. But to tell you the truth, I don't really care. Because you've crafted a wonderful story here so far, and your writing has visibly improved with every subsequent chapters. Plus, you're building up the world with lore not often mentioned, chiefly the Valyrian religion. What are you using as source for the inspiration on that?
belle hawk chapter 11 . 5/3/2019
When will you update?
Keera chapter 1 . 4/4/2019
This is not HP GoT xover. This Harry has barely any Harry Potter inside him. He's some OC or SI.
nikprosta chapter 8 . 2/25/2019
Glad I didn't dismiss this after reading the first chap. Usually fanfics with those "entity-beings", such as the one we see in the first chap make me stop reading as they are usually very bad and I still believe they shouldn't be in any story. Though I dislike the first chap, this fic imo is still probably the second best - after Cxjenious's The Black Prince - HP/ASoiAF crossover there is, that I've found at least.

So the big question is: is this abandoned? as last update was ca. 2 years ago
arturus chapter 11 . 1/30/2019
Kudos for a great story, not sure how I had not found it before now.
Genesisroyal chapter 11 . 10/28/2018
It's been so long since this stories last update. It was Soo well written, too. I guess not all things come to pass how we want them to, eh?
Najiya chapter 1 . 10/25/2018
This story seems to be without a purpose or point
Guest chapter 11 . 10/11/2018
Great story, pity you seem to have abandoned it.
raka chapter 11 . 10/11/2018
Loved the story. Hopefully it's not yet abondened. Please update soon. i thought I'll atleast see a couple of chapters with Harry and his new wife...
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