Summary: Sakura is summoned as Berserker. Chaos ensues.

Warning: Gore. It's the Nasuverse. Expect blood.

Disclaimer: Fuck would I ever love to be able to claim that I came up with the fantastic world that is the Nasuverse. Sadly, I cannot. Nor can I claim ownership of Naruto. Ah well. That's what fanfiction is for, yeah?

Chapter One (Prologue):

Illyasviel stood in the center of a frost-laden field, blades of grass frozen like glass around her, mist surrounding her. The sky was gray, not even distinct clouds visible. However she wasn't focused on the cold beauty of her surroundings, but instead on the circular sigil carved into the hard ground in front of her, its grooves filled with blood. A giant stone that barely resembled a sword sat in the middle, a handle carved out of one end and a jagged edge extending to the other.

Taking a breath, she closed her eyes and began the mantra she had memorized.

Das Material ist aus Silber und Eisen.
Der Grundstein ist aus Stein und dem Großherzog des Vertrag.
Der Ahn ist mein großer Meister Jubstacheit.
Schutz gegen einen heftigen Wind.
Schließ alle Tore, geh aus der Krone, zirkuliere die Gabelung nach dem König.
Füll, füll, füll, füll, füll.
Es wird fünfmal wiederholt.
Nur ist es die volle Zeit gebrochen.
Du überläßt alles mir, mein Schicksal überlä–

A vicious growl ripped through the forest, causing her to halt mid-sentence, her eyes widening as she whipped her head around to the right in the direction the sound had come from. Nothing moved in the dark underbrush, so she cautiously turned back to focus on her summoning circle.

überläßt alles deinem Schwert.
Das basiert auf dem Gral, antwor–

Another growl cut her off, louder, closer.

Much closer.

This time however, instead of silence re-settling, the sound was answered by another, and then another. Yellow dots began appearing at the edges of the clearing she stood in, popping into existence, glowing in the dusky mist that clung to the ground.

And then a grey wolf stepped forward.

Illyasviel stepped back in surprise at the sheer size of the beast. Her head looked like it would barely reach the shoulder. Its skin hung tightly to its skeleton, allowing its ribs to be easily visible. Illya's eyes snapped down to the enormous cleaver on the ground in front of her, and then back up to stare into yellow eyes.

The single wolf was quickly joined by others, four total, all standing nearly the same height as the first. They stalked forward towards her circle over the frozen-hard soil, stepping confidently forward, a look of aggression and hunger in their eyes.

…She had to complete the summoning.

Keeping her eyes fixed on the animals as they continued advancing, she resumed her chant.

antwort wenn du diesem Willen und diesem Vernunftgrund folgst.
Liegt das Gelübde hier.
Ich bin die Güte der ganzen Welt.
Ich bin das Böse der ganzen Welt.

They moved around her, circling with their eyes piercing her body with an unsettling intelligence, stepping in a spiral that slowly tightened around her like a noose. Despite what her grandfather had commanded, Illyasviel began rushing her words.

Du bist der Himmel mit dreien Wortseelen.
Komm, aus dem Kreis der Unterdrückung, der Schutzgeist der Balkenwaage.
Doch, du mit deinen Augen im Chaos getrübt zu dienen.
Du, in den Käfig des Wahnsinns gebun-

The wolves halted. And then the grey one, the first one to emerge from the forest, suddenly launched itself at her, flying over the inscribed symbol at her feet. With her focus committed to the summoning, the entirety of her mana devoted, poured into the furrowed design, she had no opportunity to protect herself. No time to make wire-birds of her hair, nor any elemental attacks.

There was no chance. None.

It bit into her right arm, nearly cleaving through it in a single snap of its jaws. A second took that as a signal to move, and the next one got a hold on her left leg and succeeded in severing limb, blood quickly flowing out and staining the ground, standing out as bright vermilion in contrast to the white frost.

The rest of the pack followed suit, attacking her with abandon, flesh torn in two, muscle ripped apart.

NO! It couldn't end like this. She was so close. So close. She had to succeed, she needed to get her revenge, to fulfill her vow, to kill the boy who had stolen her father from her.

She couldn't let it end like this. Her very soul, the only thing she had left from him, rebelled at the thought. Illyasviel von Einzbern would not die like this. She WOULD NOT.

And so, despite laying on the permafrost-like ground, her lifeblood departing her, entrails pouring out of her body as the wolves continued their assault, she bound herself to finishing her aria with only a single thought:


Ich bin die, die solche Ketten-Befehle!

A flash of golden light, and the wolves immediately stopped their assault, snapping their heads up to look at the source.

A pause. A moment of silence in the shadowy forest, and then a yell that split the silence with the subtlety of an axe.

A blob of pink in Illya's blurry vision, a figure in the sky that was quickly descending towards her.

A shattering sound like that of rock being hit by a hammer, but multiplied by hundreds, thousands, followed by a quake that felt like it had broken the earth itself in two.

The wolves fled, with no thought to the homunculus they had been about to fully consume.

The pink shape returned to her field of vision. Loud words were spoken in a foreign language, and it took Illya's slowing mind a moment to place it as Japanese and translate it to "Hold on!".

Her sight was already growing dark, and Illya no longer had the strength to hold her eyelids open.

"Don't close your eyes! Come on, stay with me!" the pink thing yelled at her.

But there was nothing she could do as the cold black reached to claim her.

The last thing Sakura Haruno could remember was Sasuke's arm penetrating her chest.

His hand, tearing through ribs, her sternum cracking and folding in on itself. The muscle of her heart and membrane of her lungs being pierced by sharp shards of bone.

"You really are annoying."

The last sound she had ever heard.

Instant death, with no possibility of activating her Infūin seal.

So how was she seeing?

What was she seeing?

A group of four large animals… (giant wolves?) were circled around a bloody mass of meat and viscera on the ground.

And then she saw the face, the chest that was barely still lifting and falling. She knew, she knew somehow, that this person was the reason she was here, and if they were allowed to die, she would cease to exist as well.

Her existence was completely dependent on this person's, and so she could not allow them to die.

A haze descended on her mind, and all she could think about was the need to protect. No cost was too much to achieve that goal, to rescue the person and ensure their safety.

With a single jump, Sakura leaped twenty feet in the air, clearing the distance between herself and the pack of wolves easily. A battle-cry broke through her lips, the proclamation of her commitment to the utter destruction of those who threatened the one who gave her life.

They were not allowed to survive as long as they threatened the person who was hers.

She descended, the chakrabutnotchakra in her body collected at a single point in her fist. At the moment of contact between skin and earth, she allowed it to explode, both inwards to her muscles, hardening and reinforcing them to harder than diamond, and outwards into the ground, the hard soil shattering in a circle of at least fifty feet, cracks and crevasses spreading from the site of impact, a shockwave rolling through the ground and making shards of compacted earth jump into the air.

The wolves rightly fled as quickly as they could.

Acting on her feelings, Sakura rushed to the side of the person on the now-broken ground, kneeling next to them.

It was a girl. A silver-haired girl that couldn't be any older than eleven. Two of her limbs were torn off, her right arm and left leg, her abdomen torn open, intestine, liver, and stomach spilling out. Her breathing was shallow, chest barely even moving.

"Hold on!" Sakura yelled at her, trying to keep the girl conscious while evaluating the best way to go about healing her.

The girl's eyes began to slowly close.

"Don't close your eyes! Come on, stay with me!" the med-nin commanded desperately, hoping that it would at least pause the process, but nothing changed, and her eyelids continued their descent.

Shit. How was she going to do this? Full-regen was probably the best shot she had. And to do that to a person other than herself, she was going to need everything she had.

"INFŪIN: KAI!" A rush of familiar energy through her body, an ocean that felt limitless.

Moving quickly, she pushed the organs that had been pulled out of the girl's gut back in, simultaneously sterilizing and inducing rapid cell division to heal any perforations or missing pieces, the organs automatically shifting back into their proper places on their own. Once the internal pieces had been finished, she moved to the skin, flesh flowing like molten metal and rippling across the torn areas before solidifying.

Sakura's healing felt significantly more powerful in this place. And this girl's body was reacting even better to the process than she had expected, accepting her treatment with almost no prompting, as if it only needed a simple push to do it on its own.

Soon, the torso was done, and Sakura, noting the girl's sickly pallor from blood loss, pulled a blood-pill from her flak-vest, sticking it in her mouth and inducing her to swallow. The girl's breaths still shallow, but they were there. Good.

Next were the limbs.

Not even bothering with looking for the two missing appendages, the pink-haired ninja placed a single hand on each of the stumps and forced the body and its cells to follow her commands, slowly drawing the bone, muscle, and flesh along the proper paths, even paying attention to the strange sub-dermal engraving/nerve-like structure and following what she could sense on the opposing limb. She got the sense that it was rather important.

Finally, her work was complete. A complete, albeit pasty, girl lay in front of Sakura, her color slowly returning.

Now, there was nothing to do but wait.


Whelp. Yeah. I did it again. Fucking posted a new story. /sigh

However, this was a challenge I made that I never saw anybody take up, and I wanted to at least show what it could be like. You can think of this as a prompt, I suppose. I'll probably get around to continuing this, once my other stories are further along/done, but I really just wanted to get this down, because I feel like it has so much potential.

To those of you who are coming from my other stories, I'm serious about the above statement. Priorities are as follows: Torment, Shadows, Turns, and then Crimson. Once Torment is done, then I'll probably work on this, perhaps joined by Mercurial if I'm inspired to actually do something with that story.

Anyways! Review, please?

/ensou out

Stats: Sakura Haruno

Master: Illyasviel von Einzbern
Alignment: True Neutral
Strength: C naturally; A plus with Mana Burst
Endurance: C to A (with NP)
Agility: B
Mana: C - Low mana reserves, but her precision usage of what's available compensates for this rating.
Luck: D- Always seemed to be at the center of turmoil in her world, even without seeking it out.
Mad Enhancement: E minus - Retains sanity, at the cost of no enhancement stat levels. Only gains insensitivity to pain at this level.

Personal Skills:

Battle Continuation: C to EX (with NP)
Has the ability to use medical techniques on herself. When augmented by Sōzō Saisei or Ninpō: Sōzō Saisei - Byakugō no Jutsu, is able to heal herself from beyond irrefutable mortal injuries.

Eye of the Mind (True): B minus
Was able to win an impossible battle ( 0.001%) against all odds. Would normally be A, but is lowered a level to the absence of her two teammates.

Mana Burst: A plus plus
Trained to use this exact ability during her life, to the point she is considered the strongest person in the world based purely on physical strength. Uses an extremely low amount of mana proportional to resulting output due to being refined so far.

Surgical Procedure: A plus plus
Regarded as one of the two most talented medical ninja of her time (alongside her teacher). Can heal wounds beyond mortal injury, edging on being able to bring back the dead as long as their body is still warm.

Anti-divinity: B
Was directly responsible for the defeat of a god, although she did not participate in the sealing itself (therefore not a higher level). Stats are raised proportionally to divine blood in enemy. God is a single level, demi-god is half a level, quarter-blood is negligible increase.

Noble Phantasm(s):

Strength of a Hundred Seal [Infūin] (Anti-Unit): A plus

Derived Techniques:

Creation Rebirth (Sōzō Saisei)
Activated instant healing. Requires activation. Mana unused in healing is re-stored in new seal.

Ninja Art Creation Rebirth — Strength of a Hundred Technique
Complete release of Infuin. Grants immediate passive healing from mortal injuries and increases each stat by one level. Mad Enhancement becomes A. Duration is proportional to stored mana.

Mana Transfer
Can transfer the contents of her Infūin to another being, granting them the ability to use extremely mana-expensive abilities with no cost to themselves.