Reviews for Academy DxD
Kneck chapter 11 . 7/19
Another one for the cock
Kneck chapter 9 . 7/19
Kuroka gang
nice chapter 12 . 7/16
genial capitulo
JesusOfficial chapter 12 . 7/17
You're finally back! And with a boom at that! Damn man, did I miss this. This chapter is really cool! Some pretty sick fight with some (somewhat) politics of the Underworld along with some sass from Azazel. Couldn't ask for more!
Eljin1 chapter 12 . 7/17
no complaints, just hoping that issie doesnt join someones peerage. either stay completely solo, just with friends, or makes his own peerage.
Spartan3909 chapter 12 . 7/17
Thanks for the chapter _.
Uday Sra chapter 12 . 7/17
Mobius Command chapter 12 . 7/16
This chapter brought to you by the many members of the merchant’s guild. You’re all wonderful. Have a good one.

Now go and binge Mandalore. It’s practically law to know both in equal amounts.
D3V1LD09 chapter 12 . 7/16
Johnny Gat is roaming the cosmos. How the fuck he gonna handle complaints? Murderizing some fools?
FeelSpyre chapter 12 . 7/16
sankyuu for your hardwork
Curse of Whimsy chapter 12 . 7/16
Hol up waz dis. Where's the full chapter of yelling as they charge up their attacks?

Actually, jokes aside, it would be pretty funny if Issei did the set-up for that, and then as he raises his hands above his head he just flicks a fucking rock at his opponent's face with his tail.

If anyone asks he can just be like 'tune in next week for the stunning conclusion to out fight' and then just walk off.

Kuroka seems a little lower down on the power scale, but she also let her guard down a little and lost the initiative, so that could be it too.

Issei's thoughts on the Peerage was pretty interesting (kind of want him to start his own, he doesn't have to disobey authority in favor of doing what he wants if he IS the authority), and I thoroughly enjoyed how he prolonged the enjoyment of acting like a motherfucking Demon.

The old people were cool too, but they just aren't quite as interesting as Issei.
Scrumblenut chapter 12 . 7/16
Good to see you back. I would almost gladly take your job so you can write, but one: that would be stealing, two: you wouldn’t get an income, and three: I might not even be qualified to do your job. Damn I’ve really gone off track. Anyway, take care and stay safe.
Johnny Gat chapter 12 . 7/16
Wb loin and zaz
Mo Eazy chapter 12 . 7/16
Sorry to hear work is leaning on you, hope things get better. That stuff can negatively impact writing and can turn something you love into a stressful chore so focusing on getting things done first is always the best option. Fanfics gonna be here when you return.

I’m not sure I agree with Issei letting himself join a peerage. Joining one automatically makes him a subordinate to a King which is like, the anti-thesis of who is right? He seems more like the type to just grab one person and declare his new peerage just to qualify it for legal status.

Or just ignore it altogether. Get Zest to screen his mailbox and toss any requests, challenges or likewise attempts into the shredder. That seems in character. Or get a familiar that eats paper so that he can just blame it for having never having got any invitations in the first place. Can’t accept anything he never saw, right?

Personally I don’t really understand or like how the system works. Apparently you can reincarnate anything as long as it’s a mutated piece but for some reason Rias wasn’t “powerful enough to control her bishop”? It’s like she went Chuuni and locked poor Gasper in the basement for no reason. Even if he liked it.

By that logic, how could she control Issei as the Boosted Gear? I mean you have Draig for one, but Issei can boost over and over again which should mean he’s worth way more than just eight pieces once he reaches a certain level of boosts. When using Scale Mail or any level above it he’s much more powerful than Rias.

It’s inconsistent and vague and I hate it. Never quantify power levels, it always ends up bullshit. I would love to see this Issei actually explain all this, just so he could point all this out. It deserves to be said in the most smart ass way possible.

As for this chapter itself, whatever I felt about the fight I think Kuroka’s illusion abilities were very underpowered and too easily dealt with. I think the beatdown Tsubaki took was a little too long from a descriptive stand point and that if Issei was trying to break her spirit or make a point to Sona he should have tanked a few more attacks like a ?Juggernaut just to rub it in.

Also, wow is Sona gonna have to wrangle the students, since people are gonna smell blood in the water after watching two of her best get smacked around like red headed step-children. They may not have lingering wounds but the image of them helpless and tore up is a hard one to shake. Being forced to crack some skulls to remind people the committee is still in control is probably the best way to get back at Sona, since she would be forced to act like a thug to keep control.
leader.dbz chapter 12 . 7/16
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