Author has written 3 stories for Inuyasha. Hi! Don't really know what to say... This is my first time writing fanfics (actually, I've never written fiction before) so we'll just see how good I'm at it-- which is not very good, IMO. Hopefully I'll get better...I seem to have an Inuyasha and Harry Potter obsession at the moment. I'm a major chocoholic and I love cinnamon gum. I pretty much have the whole storyline for my Inuyasha fic thought out and I do want to finish it eventually (someday...not anytime soon). So just think of my stories as on hiatus until then. - Update January 2008: Ok, I've been reading the manga, and it has sort of thrown my ideas for Never Again out of line (in order to keep canon). I'll probably just chuck it and go AU. I have an idea for chap 2 of Moments in Time, but, again, it'll probably a very long while until I update (ie. at the end of the school year). Sorry if this disappoints anybody. A Bit About Me: Female Half Thai, half Finnish (though I am Canadian, and have a Thai passport) Pets: 2 adorable and fat cats that are able to take a non-talkative, extremely non-demonstrative person--such as myself-- and turn her into a high-pitched squeeing, baby-talking, huggling kind of girl. My friends call it temporary insanity. Dislikes: I usually like most things, but for some reason this just rubs me the wrong way, and it's everywhere! -- Snape/ Hermione and Zutara (Avatar) I love the show House. I now love Heroes and am addicted to Avatar. Current fics: Working on two: Never Again and Moments in Time. I have a short-ish HP one I'm just itching to do but can't find the time. Fav Characters: Gotta love Sesshoumaru and Snape. I also like pretty much everyone else or I'm indifferent. I don't really hate any characters. Even if I wouldn't like the person in real life, I can still appreciate them as interesting/unique or as a character that the author is using to explore an idea/theme. Pet Peeves: Where I can rant about things that are irritating (I can read a story with these in them if everything else is pretty good, but it does annoy me). Snape/Hermione--I just can't get into this pair. It's even worse that a lot of excellent writers like this pair...since I'd love to read something by them without SS/HG. I can read the rare one if the story is just so good that I can sort of ignore it--ie. it's not just a romance. Frankly, I'm just not that big into romance stories in the first place. I wish could have an eliminate person/genre option as well as a choose a genre option. Zutara-- Again, it's like above. Why does everyone want to write a romance, and the same romance at that (with cliches)! Argh. I probably wouldn't be as annoyed by these pairings if they weren't EVERYWHERE. Give me a Zuko and Iroh fic, an adventure/psychological fic, a friendship fic, something different--why must like 90 percent of them be Zutara? Character bashing--I don't like bashing of ANY character. My personal definition is probably along the lines of: where an author lets their dislike/hate influence the personalities and opinions of the characters so that they match the opinions of the author and therefore come off as somewhat (or very) OOC. Then they either use the characters they do like to constantly bad mouth the characters they don't like (and/or to spout off on the reasons why a certain character sucks) and use the hated characters like a scapegoat. And they also make the hated character do random mean things for plot purposes just because 'mean' characters do 'mean' things--they don't take into account whether the action is consistent with their personalities. I don't care whether the author hates a certain character or not, but at least have the courtesy to mention it at the beginning of the fic so I don't waste my time or, better yet, have the maturity to realize this and not let your dislike colour your fic. Though I do get that some people just need to vent, and hating on fictional characters is better than taking it out on real people. It's 'LOSE' not 'LOOSE' people! I used to be naive and think that they were just unintentional spelling errors--then I noticed that A LOT of people spelled it wrong every single time on the net. Do they actually believe it's loose? Also the mix up between 'looses' and 'loses' She wants to lose some weight so that her clothing will be loose on her. Lose rhymes with ooze and loose rhymes with moose. You'd say you 'lost' a game, not 'loost' a game. Gah!... Also...'YOUR' is possessive (your house, your car) and 'YOU'RE' is short for 'YOU ARE' (you're funny, you're doing that wrong). 'Your' is equivalent to 'his' or 'her', 'you're' to 'he's' or 'she's'. You wouldn't write 'His funny since his doing that wrong. That's she's house.' Yes, reading fics with grammar mistakes is like reading that sentence. It's annoying. Incest--I don't mind reading it if it shows it in a realistic and negative light. It's the ones that see it as some wonderful, magical, great thing that seriously creeps. me. out. Seriously. Ew. In my brief and random encounters with it, my thoughts were not 'this is great!' but more along the lines of 'wtf?' and 'I so hope this is not meaning what I think this person is meaning, lalalala not happening'. Plus, it's so fricken common! Is it too much to ask for some decent sibling love (non-romantic) fics? They can be so hard to find. Where ppl write that females (ie. Kagome etc.) are going through estrus. Or heat. Seriously, the word ONLY pertains to most mammals and EXCLUDES humans (unless you change her into a demon, then it can make sense I guess). We do not go through it. By definition it doesn't work. -sigh- (yeah, I know I'm ranting).We don't really give off signals and limit ourselves to a specific season of mating. Our reproductive cycle is hidden from the male, not made visible. Maybe demons can smell these things (if you want that to be true, sure, it's your story) I don't know. Then I guess they can sense all other hormonal fluctuations. Just don't say we go through estrous. Ok. I won't pursue the matter further... |
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