This began as a drabble-thing for 100_situations and then I just got the plot in my head. It's different and kind of lame, but whatever.



"Stop it," Sasuke hissed through clenched teeth, mouth barely moving.

The wheels in his blood-red eyes were spinning, tears of blood trickling down his left cheek. He was shaking; he just didn't know if it was from so much anger or so much confusion. Or perhaps even both. Everything was a blur of—of—of something. He wished it was anger. Anger because Naruto was talking about his family as if he knew anything about them. Or the issue at hand.

He bet the idiot wouldn't be so keen into protecting little ol' corrupted Konoha if he knew.

But that was just it.

Sasuke was never going to share with him what Konoha did to his family. He was never going to share what they made his brother do.

(But was he really? Was he? Was he forced?

Think about it.

Did he not choose to do it?)

"Stop it, you fucking idiot." Sasuke ran an agitated hand through his hair, red eyes gleaming with ferocity, "You don't know shit about what you're talking about."

Naruto stared at him, head held up high, shoulders squared and orange-red fox eyes fierce and unwavering. His clawed hands were curled into tight fists, shaking at his sides.

"Sasuke-teme, listen to me!" He almost sounded desperate. " I'm not… I know about what happened with the Uchihas; I know… I know… I know—"

But Sasuke didn't want to hear it. He didn't want Naruto's desperation or his pity—he didn't want to hear any of it.

He didn't.

He didn't.

He didn't.

Unadulterated anger over took him and Sasuke went in for the attack, his hands forming signs he knew by heart.

With vicious determination, they clashed.

Everything went black, after that.