Reviews for Prisons of Choice
maripaz6 chapter 1 . 1/2/2017
Nice! This is really IC Toph and Mai bonding. Your cages comparison was inspired. And their statement that money only bought a nice cage.. it gave me chills. Thanks for the great story! :)
RANDOM PERSON chapter 1 . 11/8/2013
Awe! so sweet!
FullMentalPanic chapter 1 . 9/11/2013
Definitely from a socio-economic standpoint, Toph has a lot more in common with the Fire Nation kids than she does with the original Gaang. Getting to see them all after the war and how Zuko has really connected with Toph and the similarities between Toph and Mai is really fun. You draw some interesting prison analogies and it is very sweet to have Mai say that any proprietary issues she has to put up with are totally worth getting to be with Zuko. I thought that was a nice bit of character insight too that she probably wouldn't be happy being on the run with him. She doesn't like being bored, but she also doesn't like jumping into pipes full of slurry or getting dirty. The ending was nice, as it reflects on the title nicely but still shows that she enjoys some freedoms.
mysterygirl159 chapter 1 . 6/13/2013
This is very nice. Both if them do have a lot in common. Too bad they didn't talk much in the show. "Some of us just traded one prison for another." That's just sweet. Keep writing!
LaughingWith chapter 1 . 9/19/2012
love it!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/30/2012
Wonderfully written. I loved Mai and Toph's exchange about how wealth doesn't lead to a perfect childhood. There really are a lot of parallels between these two characters, and I love how you portrayed them. And the ending line was absolutely perfect.
great gospel chapter 1 . 5/11/2012
I really enjoyed this. I'd been wanting to see some Mai-Toph interaction, and I'm glad I happened upon a lovely fic like this. I'm certain they became good friends somewhere down the line. Well done.

JackieStarSister chapter 1 . 4/23/2012
This is nice. I like that you showed these two having a friendship, and exploring what they have in common. Good job. Keep writing!
I.D.Gr chapter 1 . 3/24/2012
Oh, I loved this! Toph and Mai really do make good friends!
Hango chapter 1 . 2/25/2012
Never thought a Toph/Mai friendship story could work this much, though I have to admit, they do have a lot in common :)

My unprepared state made it even better. When I opened the story, and scanned through the first paragraphs, I thought „nah, nothing in particular”, then wham :) Good scene, good dialogue, creative ideas, perfect characterizing.

Guess you have much talent in your fingers (hopefully this is not some sort of a rude idiom unknown to me), Amy, make sure you continue sharing it with others!
zon12 chapter 1 . 2/22/2012
Loved it. Mai and Toph .. what's not to enjoy? Blades though .. I don't know about that, it didn't flow with the rest of the dialogue but who cares when it has two badass ladies becoming friends. _
This is where my name would go chapter 1 . 2/22/2012
I loved this! I've always thought that Toph and Mai would make amazing friends once they got over their differences. Anyways, really amazing job!
Phillip Clark chapter 1 . 2/22/2012
Hey, I remember this story from when you first published it (I liked it enough for it to go on my Favorites list), and I must say it's still as good as I remember it. Though I do have to ask, is there any particular reason why you deleted it then re-submitted it five months later?
maiko122 chapter 1 . 2/22/2012
i never know what to say in these things if i'm not giving constructive criticism. i think you wrote a nice piece so all i can really say is good job!
juemengci chapter 1 . 2/22/2012
When you reviewed my stories I had this idea that you were a greater. You seemed to have a lot of good constructive things to say so I liked on your profile to find any hints of stories, and I was totally surprised to find none on your profile.

And now this comes along and I'm just wowed. It was great to see Mai shifting her thinking of Toph, and it was interesting to see Toph change even though she wasn't the main focus of the first part of the chapter. The dialogue at the end was great. Toph was kept very much in her character, and I loved the way you spun her witty and sarcastic manner. It sounded really genuine. A quick note though: I didn't like the use of "Blades", if only because it didn't sound like something Toph would say as a nickname. Most of her nicknames always played off a little more off of their traits (like Sugar Queen and Twinkle Toes) and were more quirky than they were simple things like "Blades".

But that's a small issue. I loved how you just brought them together with their relationship with prisons. Seeing Mai and Toph bounce things off each other was really entertaining, and the ending of the story really showed me that there was some kind of development with the characters. That's what I loved most about this, that there was actual development. Mai walked away with a genuine new understanding with her relationship, especially with Zuko.

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