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![]() Author has written 6 stories for RWBY, Dragon Age, Fairy Tail, and Mass Effect. General Information: Name: Classified Age: Classified Gender: Male Favorite Games: In descending order that would be; 1. Halo. Best gaming franchise in all of history, and I will debate anyone who says otherwise 'till the end of time. 2. Xcom. This series was my introduction to all tactical games, and I love its difficulty. The aliens are also seared into my memory forever. 3. Witcher. Only played Wild Hunt, but it was the best Fantasy storytelling experience I've ever had, and I really wanna play the rest of the series. 4. Dragon Age. Origins is my personal favorite of the series, must have spent more than two hundred hours in the game, but 2 and Inquisition are awesome too. 5. Mass Effect. An awesome Sci-Fi franchise, but it's faltered in recent years. Hope it somehow comes back stronger than ever if another game is ever made. 6. Pokémon. Do I really need to say anything for this? 7. Fire Emblem. I've only played Awakening and Fates, but they're awesome games and they've hooked me on the franchise. 8. Titanfall. I only played 2, but that game was so awesome that I'm looking forward to the day 3 comes out, hopefully with the IMC as the campaign faction this time. 9. Divinity. Only played Original Sin, but its charm has suckered me in. 10. Fallout. Not much to say here. Its charm should speak for itself. 11. Assassin's Creed. As a lover of history, I love these games. Black Flag's my personal favorite. 12. Hitman. I've yet to play a single Hitman game I didn't love to death. 13. Bioshock. Love live the Big Daddy's and Rapture! 14. Anything created by Choice of Games. Sue me, but their games are goldmine of writing and possibilities. Favorite Shows: In descending order; 1. Burn Notice. In my opinion, this show is one of few that gave a glimpse of the golden age of TV that was to come. But then, it had Bruce Campbal; nothing beats Bruce Campbell. 2. Mentalist. Gotta love Patrick Jane. 3. White Collar. This show somehow managed to make thieves the characters I root for over the FBI. That deserves praise, no matter how badly I feel it ended. 4. Blacklist. James Spader carry's this show all the way. 5. Once Upon a Time. The absolute travesty that was King Arthur aside, this is an amazing show. The heroes aren't exactly my favorite, but I love every villain, especially the Evil Queen and Rumpelstiltskin. 6. Criminal Minds. It may be dragging out its lifetime at this point, but I still love it all the same. Favorite Authors: 1. Coeur Al'Aran. Everything this man makes is pure gold. If you haven't read his work yet, and love RWBY, treat yourself to his work. 2. ProfFartBurger. Despite his name, this man may just be the best Mass Effect author I've ever seen. His Warverse truly diverges from cannon and make you love his work so much you hate it when you find a story uncompleted, and love his standalone AU 'The Hopeless War'. 3. Natzo. They've only made two stories, a long-running one and a one-shot connected to it, but they're so masterfully written you won't want to stop reading. I'm excited every time they update. 4. CrimsonStarbird. Mainly a Fairy Tail author from what I've seen, but her stories are the best for that fandom from what I've seen. And her stories are always have unexpected premises we never knew we wanted, so I'm sure you'll love them. 5. CrystalMoonlightII. From what I've seen they're mostly a romance author, but the stories they make are amazing in every sense of the word. For example, they made Huniepop stories actually fun, interesting, engaging, and something to read for an actual story. 6. OrangeGalen. This guy/gal is an amazing author. I've read a few of their stories, mostly ARWBY related, but their other stories are awesome to. Regardless, if you read their work, I know you'll be entertained. 7. Usernamesarebad. Only has one story, but it's easily one of my favorite on this entire sight. If you love Halo, Star Wars, and especially the Flood, he's the author you go to. Favorite Anime and Non-Anime: 1. RWBY. Far as I'm concerned, this is an awesome show, and the fantasy behind it is one of the best I've seen yet. 2. Fairy Tail. It may be over now, but this was a show with awesome villains, visuals, and lore. 3. Both Avatar shows. The Last Airbender should speak for itself, and Legend of Korea was just as awesome. Though the latter may have peaked in terms of villains with Amon, in my opinion. 4. Death Note. Don't need to explain this; it's called one of the best anime for a reason. 5. Archer. Say what you will of the animation, but it's a funny show. 6. The Fate Series. I don't know what it is, but I love this series. Everything from the visuals to the characters to the lore is amazing. The villains are also usually awesome, which is a plus. Dragons or Dinosaurs: Dinosaurs all the way! Dragons may be awesome, but recent games have kind of made me a bit tired of them. Plus, I can't be the only one who thinks a pack of Velociraptors and a T-Rex could take on a dragon, can I? General Desires: I just wanna enjoy my life. I've got ambitions like everyone else, but I'd be fine without achieving them or going down in history so long as I've lived a happy life, and die surrounded by at least a few friends and family. I also want to see world peace, an end to world hunger, and an understanding Humanity. Games I wanna see: 1. An FPS/RPG Halo. I know this is so unlikely, but it'd be an awesome game. I can already see it: you play as a Spartan 4, traveling across the galaxy with your team of Spartans combating the Covenant, possibly Promethean's, and whatever other threat there is while recruiting alien allies. Combat and exploration would happen in First Person with fast paced combat with dialogue options dispersed throughout the game, with cutscenes used to display your character in full. Then, hubs like a Prowler or allied bases would be used for Third Person portions of the game. An unlikely idea? Yes. But one I would whole-heartedly support. 2. An RTS version of Mass Effect. Come on, this is something we all want, and Mass Effect is the prime setting for it. Just imagine you playing as whatever civilization you want, dealing with the politics not only of the other races, but having to deal with shifting powers within your own government. I can see so many different outcomes from a set up like this, and I could see it play out similar to HOI, where you could recreate the Imperium of Man by wiping out all other intelligent life and facing the Reapers alone, to conquering the galaxy as the Vorcha and creating an empire where the Gorcha are the most revered race in the galaxy. Maybe we could even play as the Reapers themselves. 3. An RTS version of Fallout. Basically the same thing as #2, but featuring the Fallout factions instead. Though this is mainly because I wanna play as the Enclave and take over the US, then the rest of the world as the coolest Fallout faction ever. 4. A Lord of the Rings RPG. I know there was once one that was being developed but eventually scrapped, but I think it's still a good idea. I think if it was done today, with something akin to the Nemesis system built into it for more diversity in game play to be added to the standard RPG formula, I think it would have the potential to surpass the Witcher as gamings top RPG. 5. A RWBY RPG. I know RWBY's still relatively new and its last game was... lackluster at best, but there's so much potential for a game there. You could have it set at any point, whether its in the cannon timeline, the past, or even an Alternate Universe where you play as the main characters against Salem and her allies. It's already got a perfect art style for a game, and a character customization would work amazingly there. Weapons and semblances could be a problem, but if they had a good number of set semblances with branching ability paths, and weapons that could be upgraded throughout the game, I think it's do well as a game. Other: I don't have much else to say really. I'm an Aries, love the Xbox, and have an obsession with food while at the same time an aversion to physical activity. I practice Archery often, but recently I've had to focus on the pressing matters in life. My reason for being here is to find enjoyable stories to read, create stories that at least some people will reliably enjoy, and occasionally RP with some good people. |