A/N: Just a heads up, this is just something I am doing on the side. I would also like to see RWBY vol.2 before I go too far into this. I can't go far on just one season. But enjoy anyway.

The Way Back

Ch.1 My Death

"Hey Meta, settle a bet for us…does that thing look like a big cat to you?"

My fist clasped over the red one's neck once more, each voice within my mind telling my body to break and end his miserable life. It could have been so easy, just one squeeze, none of these men had the ability to fight me. So far the thought had been proven right. So what is in the harm of looking at what the man wanted me to? Was there some sick joke planned as a last resort? Like it would matter, they had nothing, and I…I was everything. I would become the Meta again, even without the A.I. It would all be mine.

Falling into the red one's telling I turned my head slightly towards the direction he nodded. Only to growl in horror of what I saw. The maroon and gold simulation troopers were pushing a Warthog off a cliff, its cable attached to my chest where I once thought the red one only patted me. Before I could even try to end one of their lives a sudden force upon the cable launched me away from the red one and towards the cliff.

As the hulking mass of metal was pushed off the side of the cliff, it carried me along with it. How could it be like this, taken, destroyed, by these people! I was the prodigal son of Freelancer, I deserved power! No, it cannot be like this!

As the rope dragged me across the ground, cliff in sight, I saw an opportunity arise. If I was going to die, take one of the ones who had a hand in my death with me. Reaching a hand out, I grabbed the gold one's leg, pulling him with me as I fell closer towards death. Screams and cries for help came behind me as the gold one tried in vain to hold onto something. Losing my grasp, I turned mid-flight to see the gold one falling with me. But something he now grasped in his hand shined in the sunlight, my weapon! That little bastard!

Impaling the blade into the side of the cliff, he hung limply across the side of the landmass, now free of my grasp and waiting for his allies. Every curse I could name was spoken against him, his friends, and his family. What did this make me, defeated by nothing, my wings burnt by the sun I reached so highly for?

Was that it? Defeated by a bunch of simulation troopers? Was this the end to my story? The man who was, finally returning to his own thoughts in the final moments. I felt wind, wind brushing past my broken wings as I fell towards certain doom. Life-signs flashed across the bio readings in my helmet, it was of no use now. Unless I could somehow fly, I wasn't getting out of this.

'Distance to impact, twenty meters.'

My destiny, my fate was to die like this. A monster. Hated and unloved, hell, what changed in becoming the Meta. They never did understand, they never did try and help. I was only the killer, the mask feared in their hearts. More of the voices were gone now, it became clearer, I could finally see.

'Distance to impact, ten meters.'

The voices stopped, my mind finally freed. It felt good, calm, clear. Maybe I should have thanked them. Then again, I am falling to my death. How could it have gone like this? But then again, it is not like I should be surprised, even with all of this, I am only human. My life had to end sometime. I am no god, only mortal bound in demon form.

'Distance to impact, five meters.'

Wash, Dakotas, Carolina, Wyoming, York, Texas, even Florida flashed through my final thoughts. What would they be doing if Sigma hadn't gained control? Maybe we would all still be a family. Family…even the thought sounds foreign. But then again what were we? Just a military force, a renegade project waiting to be destroyed? No, I do believe somewhere along the line, we did have something, even if it was only slight. But now, it is not like anything matters, past regrets and memories are all they are, memories.

'Distance to impact, five meters. Time Distortion unit active.'


'Time Distortion unit activating.'

What! Without an A.I. that will kill me...oh wait. But still without an A.I. How did this even…Sigma? Is this your doing? Gamma? Some last effort to keep me alive? But how, after the E.M.P. shouldn't they have died? Maybe, is it, me? No, I don't want to live, I am ready to see the gates of hell. No, not now.

'Time Distortion unit active, transporting now.'

The last feeling rushing through my head was the sound of my body hitting a cold and hard surface. Darkness taking me.

Voices rushed through the dark, unable to be understood. Dark and light shifted around me, I felt cold sinking into my skin. I felt warmth embracing my throat, then again near my head. Beings, moving around the void, shifting, talking, laughing, maybe towards me or towards each other. If I am in hell, this is a weak start. I definitely expected more fire.

As the darkness began to remove from the world, along with the beings. I felt lighter, more so than ever, in body and mind. At first I felt calm, peace within for the weight and burden lifted off my shoulders. But as the darkness gave way to light, I began to see things more clearly around me. As the world came to be, one feeling came to my bones, not foreign in any sense. I was furious.