Disclaimer: Never mine.
Note: Super short but something. PC gaming has taken over my life. Sadly, I have found out that chapter 11 of Secrets From America is missing (chapter 12 being posted twice), and I am trying to find a copy of it to repost. If anyone has one, (printed or otherwise), please send me a copy!
Identity I
"I don't quite understand the meaning of your words." Tony noted hand (?) paused in typing in something on his floating computer. He looked toward Alfred, who was lying on the sofa.
Alfred rubbed his eyes, and stared at the ceiling trying to put his thoughts into words. He was still dressed in his pajamas, and although it was morning, just after breakfast, he looked like death warmed over.
"It just…irritates me." He sighed. "Europeans talk about the United States, like they understand everything. They visit one city, one state, maybe even several and think to themselves, that they know everything. Because America is obviously so one-dimensional. America's not just one place, its different and similar in so many ways. It's as if they looked at themselves and said that the people in London are the same as Paris. Are they the same because they run under the flag of the European Union? No. It's in my title. The United States of America." [1]
Tony blinked. "Then this identification for personifications is necessary?"
Alfred shook his head. "No. It's vital. A country can live or die depending on how the people that live under a flag, its identification view it. If a people are discontent, a country can fall."
Tony made a sound, similar to a mouse clicking, and started typing again.
He didn't say anything for a long while, no doubt working on his behavioral analysis for his people, clicking and muttering in strange words, before he stopped.
"Humans are…strange." He said in to the silence.
Alfred smiled, arm over his eyes. "Aren't we?"
Culture Shocks I
Alfred groaned at the looks Francis and Arthur were giving the crowd of college girls moving past them.[2]
"It's a friggin shirt." He said trying and failing to get their attention for the fifth time. "Its referring to the male rooster, which is their mascot. It's a well-known university—are you even listening to me?"
Neither replied, and more than a little feed up, Alfred decided to save himself some grief, and did the responsible thing.
He left them there.
Chapter Notes:
[1] One thing that really kind of irritates me every time someone visits the USA. Apparently visiting New York, or Miami is what all Americans are like. Please.
[2] There are some rather colorful mascots for some universities. One example is the Cocks (I think S. Carolina, but don't hold me to it.)
Author's Note:Sadly, I have found out that chapter 11 of Secrets From America is missing (chapter 12 being posted twice), and I am trying to find a copy of it to repost. If anyone has one, (printed or otherwise), please send me a copy! Editing is probably bad.