![]() Author has written 8 stories for Inuyasha, Fire Emblem, and Harry Potter. Age: I was born in 1989, and I like to say that I was the reason the Wall fell. Nationality: Austrian, born in the beautiful city of Vienna Languages: German, English, Italian, a bit of Spanish and a few phrases/words in Japanese; I also studied French and Latin, but can't use either of these (and I don't like them very much, either). I would like to actually study Japanese as well as the elven languages Sindarin and Quenya. Favourite Fandoms Anything related to Middle-Earth Harry Potter Star Wars Discworld Novels Fire Emblem Tales of-series Legend of Zelda Trudi Canavan - Sonea's world Hobbies: Writing, obviously, but not just stories - I write poems, too Singing Kyudo (Japanese archery, a meditative kind of sport) Dolling - I'm active on both DollDivine and DeviantArt under the same nick, it's also where I create the covers used Photography Making cat videos - I have a YouTube-channel, look for Lilian Achura Cosplay Riding Weaving baskets I started coming up with my own stories at a young age - I read too much as a child. My first "real" story I developed when I was aged twelve, it later became part of a book series I never published. The inspiration for that story was a History lesson during which we learned about the Industrial Revolution, and the original draft was set during that time. It was later moved to the Middle Ages in a fantasy setting. My first fanfiction I came up with a few years later - shortly after having finished Tales of Symphonia, I guess. My brother and I noticed some similarities between ToS and Star Wars, and so I started messing around with that one... The fist story I published on here was The Curse of the Brand, however, which I started to write down after graduating from school (I was almost 20 at the time), since I realised how slow I was typing in English compared to German, and so I sat myself down and practiced. Stories I've published on here: Aftermath Genre: Fire Emblem Fates/Conquest Status: Ongoing Plot: Set immedately after the final boss battle, this story covers the time in between this event and the end of the game some time later, as I felt they should have touched on that in the game. There's a huge hole in the story - not a plot hole, but just a lot of missing content. The story is mainly centered around Sakura, but also features other PoVs. Alone Together Genre: InuYasha Status: Complete Plot: Set during the Sengoku Jidai, Sesshomaru-centric. His beast has paired Sesshomaru with a human, but he refuses to mate with her. The human, a present-day European woman named Lillia, is extremely unhappy about the situation and decides to take drastic action to be free of him... Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder Genre: InuYasha Status: Ongoing Plot: A re-telling of Beauty and the Beast featuring Kikyo, Kagome and Sango as the merchant's daughters and Sesshomaru as the cursed prince. Blackout Genre: InuYasha Status: Complete Plot: Set in present time, Lillia-centric. After attending a party, Lillia awakens in an unknown place. While trying to get away and maybe find out who kidnapped her and why, she runs into a part of her past she thought she'd left behind for good... Somewhere Close to You Genre: InuYasha Status: Ongoing Plot: Set in present time/Sengoku Jidai, OC/Sesshomaru-centric, different timeline than The Flower of the West. When Sesshomaru's beast picks a human as their mate, he finds himself unable to stay away from her. So he kidnaps her and takes her with him on his journey to nowhere. However, their forced companionship makes them grow closer inadvertedly, though Sesshomaru tries his hardest not to like anything about her. Lillia, a present-day European woman stuck in the past actually dislikes him a lot, and has absolutely no desire to get to know him better. And then Sesshomaru makes a grave error... The Curse of the Brand Genre: Fire Emblem/Tellius Status: Complete Plot: OC-centric with a heavy focus on Begnion and her society/politics. The prologue takes place many years before the assassination of Empress Misaha and the Serenes massacre, though the main plot beings shortly before that. Maian of House Idras is one of the Branded, hidden away from public by her somewhat paranoid, but loving father and half-sister, a beorc. Following his death, she takes over his seat on the senate, but soon finds out that her father wasn't too overly protective as the prime minister starts poking around in her past... The Flower of the West Genre: InuYasha Status: Ongoing Plot: OC-centric, but featuring other PoVs, and set in a different timeline than Somewhere Close to You. Lillia is stuck in the past and found by the great Inu no Taishou, who offers to take her in since he is fascinated by this human who isn't afraid of him (she originally thought him to be a cosplayer, though that isn't actually mentioned in the story). Once he finds out she's a time traveller and can't go back, he offers her a position as his adviser, not something that everyone in court agrees with - especially his son, Sesshomaru, takes an immediate dislike to her... Wisdom Beyond Measure Genre: Harry Potter Status: Ongoing Plot: Set during Harry's 5th year, OC-centric. Lillian Achura is the Ravenclaw prefect and chaser/Quidditch captain. Flitwick asks her to look after the new 5th year, Elinor Shiras, who has been homeschooled until now. However, this seemingly easy task turns challenging once Lily realises just how odd Elinor is. Still, it takes her months to realise what is actually going on with the Shiras-family, and the full truth could well devastate Elinor... |