"Another one?" Cinder thought to herself as yet another file was blocked by a multi-password requirement. While the virus had spread to all aspects of Beacon's computer network, the ability to access General Ironwood's own scroll and the wealth of Atlesian military secrets that came with it had been a surprising and very welcome addition to the numerous hacked devices available. The victory had been soured somewhat upon the discovery that the Atlesians weren't foolish to let every dirty secret of theirs be uncovered with a single stolen password, so some files in their network required multiple passwords to open based on rank. Some required multiple Spec Ops password and others required only a single private. Numerous tests had confirmed a given password could open any file ranked lower than it's registered owners rank, which had allowed the fire-user to view almost any file she pleased, as only three so far had required multiple Executive passwords. Of course, that raised the question of what would require multiple Executive passwords when the aura-utilising AI had only required one. If only she could figure out a way to open those files, the thing she could do with such information...
The vibration of her scroll snapped the black-haired woman out of her reverie and informed her that she'd been sent a message. The lack of an ID or given number meant that it was from either Mercury, Emerald or Adam. Opening up the inbox and clicking on the new message, Cinder quickly read the text and found her curiosity piqued.
"Some of our men in Atlas were scouting for locations to build a new base of operations. They stumbled across a hidden Atlesian facility during their search and a quick reconnaissance revealed that security was composed of decorated Spec Ops units and state-of-the-art defense systems. Five of our best scouts gave up their lives for this information. We'd like to know what's inside. Co-ordinates are attached in the attachment."
The message was from Adam then. The Faunus had been sending many messages asking for information recently and the thought brought Cinder no small amount of satisfaction. Once she'd revealed the locations of several Atlesian listening posts and secret supply stores, the White Fang had become dependent on her for information regarding Atlesian targets. Of course, the black-haired woman had refused their requests at times, for the purpose of not giving them any illusions of who was in charge of their 'joint-operation' as Torchwick had called it. Still, the information had undoubtedly granted a significant amount of leverage over the White Fang leaders and would definitely keep them in check on the off chance that they decided to try and abandon the plan.
Still, it was undeniably strange for them to spend so much money on security for a base so far away from Atlas, considering the number of Grimm attacks it would be forced to repel. What could be worth such the risk? Was what they contained inside that much of a danger to the city? Cinder opened the search tab on her scroll and inputted the coordinates and found a very spartan entry for the base in question. The coordinates weren't listed, but that was the standard for base entries, likely to prevent any unauthorised individuals from actually tracking down the locations and getting themselves shot by a jumpy security guard. Looking for affiliated projects, the golden-eyed woman found that there was only one listed file named 'Project Samael'.
The project name was familiar to Cinder, as it was one of the three files that required multiple Executive passwords to open. Four to be exact, the highest number requirement thus far in her search. There was something else about the name that felt familiar, but she couldn't quite pinpoint it. Several moments passed by as she tried to recall why the name was so familiar aside from the password requirement before the realisation hit her. The black-haired woman opened up Ironwood's list of sent messages and the most recent message concerning the Project.
"If the White Fang has discovered the base, then the base is compromised. The Grimm will follow them soon enough and if a big enough horde gathers too close then the consequences will be dire. Is Samael still inactive?"
"Understood Sir."
"Good. Move it to Hazard Containment near Mantle and be ready to terminate it at the earliest sign of activity."
"Yes Sir. Prepping Samael for relocation will take at least two weeks, but we'll make it our highest priority."
This 'Samael' was becoming more interesting by the minute. Perhaps it could be useful to her plans if she managed to acquire it. Checking the send date on the message, Cinder smirked as she realised that it'd been a mere three days since the message was sent. Quickly opening up a new draft in Ironwood's account, the fire-user set her scheme in motion.
"There's been a change of plans. White Fang activity has halted in the Vale region, so we're moving Samael to a lab within the Vale Kingdom temporarily. The preparations and transfer are to be carried out under radio silence, no communication is to be utilised, lest communication channels are compromised during the transfer. Lab coordinates are attached."
The golden-eyed woman didn't have to wait long for a response.
"Understood. Radio silence is in effect from hear-on-out."
Cinder's smirk widened at the message, glad to see that Atlesian forces were just as easily manipulated as ever. The poor things had been so conditioned to accept orders that they'd never doubt messages from a superior for a moment, especially from one so high up the ranks as General Ironwood. All she needed to do now was arrange a welcoming party with the White Fang and have Emerald arrange for the General's scroll to 'go missing' during his meeting with the Vale Councilmen in the city and wait for her plan to unfold.