This is an AU created by kinzaibatsu91 on tumblr (and the drawing idea is taken from a comic she made for this AU). If you like the idea of this AU, please go check out her work, as she has made a ton of comics involving this AU, as well as others she has made.
I hope to make this a loose series of one shots involving this AU idea. So if more chapters pop up, please keep in mind that it will play fast and loose with the canon plot, and that there will probably be no over reaching plot between any of them (unless it's a series of one shots involving a particular idea, but I'll make the chapters to make that easy to see). I hope you enjoy this, and please go check out kinzaibatsu's comics and other art as well.
The dockside warehouse had been silent this night until the soft beat of Roman's boot heels treading wearily across the floor broke the quiet. Moonlight flowing in from the broken moon hanging in the sky was thankfully easily enough for him to see by. With no White Fangs having been working this night in moving and sorting through stolen Dust, there was no need for the light strips above to be on.
His white coat still stark in only moonlight, Roman walked up to an empty table, a heavy case that he had been holding onto letting its weight be known as he placed it onto the surface. A tired sigh slipped out as he rested both hands on the edge of the wood. 'Where the hell was Beacon getting these kids from?'
"How very disappointing Roman."
"Woah!" That voice sent a jolt down his spine, not even thinking on why he hadn't heard the heavy warehouse doors that normally screeched across the floor until now as he turned to face the person in question, making sure to keep a good grip on the handle of his cane as a nervous burst of laughter came out. "Wasn't expecting to see you guys so soon."
"We were expecting… more from you." His hands braced on the table behind him momentarily as the woman talked, two figures following her conveniently standing just out of reach of the moonbeams, most of their details hidden by shadow. Her, however, was in just enough light for him to see those familiar amber eyes, and the long dark hair pulled down and over one shoulder to run down the front of her dress.
"Heyyy, you were the ones who suggested working with those stupid mutts from the White Fang." It didn't take much for Roman to put himself on the defensive, with the line of work he chose to be in. Although, even as he gestured with his cane, defending himself was all he could really do with the employer he had found himself with. He was reminded of that fact when she let out a short dismissive laugh, almost as if she was amused by his description of the Faunus lackeys he had been given.
"And you will continue to do so." A hand raised up in front of her, a flame erupting into life from the palm of it. There was no sign that the flame was from any machine, nor that it was any danger to her as she strode forwards towards him. "We have big plans for you, Roman." Her eyes were glowing, setting forth their own light as the figures with her now stepped into the beams coming through, features now becoming distinct from mere silhouettes of teenagers. "All we ask is… A little co-operation."
"Mommy!" The shrill call broke through the dominant stance she had been showing to Roman, the fire in her palm sputtering as the silver haired boy and green haired girl behind her shared a quick glance between themselves. Although surprised, it didn't seem that any of them were in any way alarmed about the rapidly approaching beat of small feet heading their way. While he might have been glad to not have the full attention of his 'boss' on him and his recent failure, it still put him on edge not knowing who this fourth person was that was rushing in. Even as there was a soft thud and the woman swayed for a moment.
"Ruby." The expression on her face had not changed, but her gaze snapped off from looking him in the eyes to glancing downwards instead. Her tone changed from enjoying being in control, to calm and inquiring. "Mommy is working right now. I thought you were told to wait in the car for us."
"Yes! And Em gave me paper and crayons too!" Wait. That had to be the voice of a kid coming up from the darkness around her legs. What the hell was a kid doing with this group? Before he could think more, or even speak up about it, a paper was thrust up from the shadows, the child now moving to be at the woman's side. "And I made you this!"
"I'm so sorry Cinder." The green haired girl spoke up, Roman almost sure he that he could see red rising to her dark cheeks. "I thought that it would keep her busy until we got back. I didn't think-"
"It's fine." There was a rustle as the paper was taken from an outstretched small hand, Cinder's attention turning towards it giving Roman the opportunity to take a moment to see just what kind of toddler had interrupted them.
A hood was drawn up over their head, pointed ears poking up from it to add canine features. As he took in further the red dots in a white blotch along the rim of the hood, it was a lot easier that it was a hooded jacket meant to look like a Beowulf's fur. Red tinged hair, longer on one side, but still short to fit most beneath the hood, swung out as the child hugged against Cinder's leg, looking up and waiting with bated breath for a reaction to the paper handed up to her.
"You drew this?" A smile creeped up, the corners of her mouth turning upwards. "It looks wonderful." The wide grin Ruby made gleamed with the moonlight catching her teeth. The paper was flipped around in Cinder's grasp, facing Roman now. "Isn't it lovely?"
On the paper was messy crayon scribbling, but even he could see that half of the page was taken up by a huge fireball, red and orange wax erupting from the reaching arms of a small figure on the other side that, from the streak of black from its head down over the red covering most of it's body, had to be Cinder. That, and an arrow pointing towards it with 'Mommy' written on the other end, along with another arrow stating that another character on the page, roughly half the size of Cinder's, was 'Ruby'.
"It IS lovely, isn't it, Mister Torchwick?" There was a bite to her tone, the glow coming back to her gaze as she waited for him to say something.
"Ah… Yes!" Although he would be laughing at seeing someone else caught in this situation instead of him, it was definitely in his best interests of not wanting to be roasted alive to play along for now. "What… An amazing use of colour!" The sides of his mouth pulled back as he tried to give a smile to the kid, one gloved hand curling in with the thumb sticking out. "Good job, kid."
"Ruby, what do we say when someone gives you a compliment?"
"Thank you, Mister Torchwick!" She chirped up from Cinder's side.
"Now, why don't we head back to the car, and you can make some more drawings as we drive home? Maybe we can even stop for a happy meal on the way back." A squeal of excitement later, Ruby was running back to where their car must have been, the teenage girl that had spoken up before running after to keep an eye on her along with the other teen as Cinder hung back for a few moments longer.
"Remember Roman." The glow was still there, making sure he knew the promise behind her words even as she still held the child's drawing in one hand. "All we need is for you to co-operate with us. I trust you already understand the consequences of going against that." Another flame, much brighter and deeper red erupted from her hand, staying there until she ensured a nod of understanding before she would leave.
There was a scraping of metal as the warehouse door closed behind her, leaving Roman back to being alone in the storage of stolen supplies. He waited until he could hear the muffled rev of a car being brought to life, before laughing once, the sharp noise filling the warehouse and echoing back to him briefly.
That woman, with the power that had brought him to his knees and made him swear, albeit maybe temporarily, loyalty to her, toting around a kid that couldn't even be more than eight years old and playing doting mother? This had already proven to be a crazy enough world, but this had to be in the top ten of his list.
From one pocket came a cigar. From another, a lighter that he flicked open. A spark brought a small flame just enough to ignite the end of the cigar in his mouth now, a deep breath making the smouldering end brighten before he pulled it away to breathe out the smoke in his lungs.
What kinda ride was this broad gonna lead him on?