Author has written 31 stories for Soul Eater, Legend of Zelda, Resident Evil series, Fire Emblem, Resident Evil, Joker/Clover/Heart no Kuni no Alice, Protector of the Small Quartet, NCIS, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Blade, Twilight, Transformers, How to Train Your Dragon, Pitch Black / Riddick, Mummy, and Avengers. I just set up my Tumblr, I'll post there when I update and maybe a few other things as they come along. For my current stories: I would love to get some more feedback from my readers, and if anyone would like me to post these stories to any other websites, please let me know, as I will need to set my days just right so I can get everything done as fast as possible. I am more than a bit busy with college right now (have been for the past few years), but I am doing my best. And I'm really sorry for not getting any updates out. School caught up with me, then the muse struck for a dozen new stories. I also have a story published on Teen Ink under the same username. You can look it up if you want... my teacher was so proud since I was the only one to get into the printed magazine for June 2016. And yes, I do these kinds of things just to infuriate all of you. You're most welcome. On another note, I just published Fire and Fury today for How to Train Your Dragon, and to all the other authors who receive negative feedback like I did in the first review, I'm sorry you have to deal with that kind of shit. Your stories are all amazing, no matter what those people say. If you agree that flamers are a type of Cyberbully, copy this onto your profile. You may ask why I would go so far so easily, so let me explain something in a few simple points. 1. Cyberbullies say hurtful and cruel things that hurt feelings and could lead to depression, self-hate, and even suicide in severe cases. 2. They are saying these to authors publically on the internet with usernames to stay anonymous, making them cowards who can't say these sorts of things to someone's face. 3. This is fanfiction, and if they have a problem with it, they bitch and whine and say hurtful things probably in the hope to hurt the author enough into getting rid of a story they put so much effort and time into for their own satisfaction. 4. Many authors ask for no flames because receiving such feedback really hurts. And what do these people do? Intentionally post those exact reviews for everyone to see all over the world. Shame on them. If you think I'm being a bully with this thought process, then message and explain why, but let me defend myself first. In real life, nobody messes with me. Wanna know why? It's because everyone knows that I won't take their shit lying down. I will fight back and defend myself and my friends, or even a random person I don't know. My friends can back me when I say this, they know I would go to the ends of the Earth and back for them. I'm there for them, for any reason whatsoever, and I defend them when others talk shit behind their backs because it's the right thing to do, and because they don't deserve it. Authors already deal with enough doubt when they publish their work and worry that they will get a ton of shit in return from haters online. Now that I've got someone trying to pull me down, I am saying this for the whole world to see. Nobody likes a bully. I won't take your shit just because you have an opinion that you post here to hurt me. Shame on you for daring to try pulling this on me, and shame on you for doing it to the unknown number of authors on any site. And shame on me for not taking a stance on this sooner. Hey, bullies reading this, are you so proud of yourselves now, all high and mighty up there? Hey, you never know, you might be the reason an author takes your words too harshly and falls into bad habits or worse. Will you be so proud of yourself when you're the one responsible for another life being lost because you couldn't keep your mouth shut? Here's a free piece of advice: If you don't have something good to say, don't say anything. Poll Results for the AvengersxFireandFury prequel is over, majority voted yay so it is happening. Keep an eye out for that, it'll be up soon. |