Disclaimer: I don't own the creative brilliance of either Transformers or Harry Potter.
Warnings: Very mild language, AU

A/N: This is just a little five-minute one-shot I wrote, inspired by a thought in another fic that I am writing. If someone wants to expand on this, feel free to, just let me know so I can post your fic on my profile page. I hope that you enjoy.

Word Count: 474
Posted: 18 July 2009
Status: Complete

Staring at the thrumming cannons, Harry couldn't help but sigh. After following his godfather through the Veil, Harry had spent nearly two years searching for him before he had finally found the man living as Padfoot. Tracking him down to a quiet neighborhood in a place called Tranquility, Harry couldn't stop himself from sighing.

His plan had been simple. He would wait until night fall, quietly sneak into the backyard of the man's house, and dognap his godfather. Instead, when the lights had finally been turned off, he had to follow Padfoot for nearly two blocks before he found himself standing in a backyard where several giant robots stood.

Harry arrived just in time to see Padfoot hike up a leg and piss all over the foot of the large black one. Stifling a groan, Harry made his way into the backyard and glared down at his godfather. His attention was drawn away from laughing blue eyes at the sound of humming energy. Looking up, Harry stared at the thrumming cannons for a moment before sighing.

"You're dog leaked lubricants all over my foot."

Snorting, Harry stepped to the side as Padfoot tried to hide behind him. "Do what you want with him, just don't kill him."

Hearing Padfoot whine, he smirked down at the dog. "You were stupid enough to 'leak lubricants' on a giant robot. Now you get to deal with the consequences Padfoot. But I swear, if I get caught up in an alien robot war, I'll make you wish you never pissed on anything but a tree."

Five minutes later, Harry found himself in the back of a car with two other teenagers, his godfather whining softly behind him in the very back. Of course the bloody agents wouldn't believe him when he said he had simply been looking for his dog. No, they had taken both him and Padfoot into custody and now the annoying one that had an over inflated ego was asking them what they knew about aliens. Harry sulked. He was really beginning to wish that he hadn't broken free of Remus' grip. If he hadn't gone through the Veil, he wouldn't be dealing with bloody alien robots because his godfather had decided it was a brilliant idea to piss on the foot of one of the alien robots.

Harry gave a dark scowl. Padfoot would be paying a visit to the vet. Getting neutered may just make Sirius think twice about pissing on alien robots again. Then again, Sirius would probably just do something even worse. Sighing again, Harry resigned himself to his fate. Only he could end up getting involved in an alien robot war because his godfather thought it was a good idea to 'leak lubricants' on the foot of one of the alien robots. He was definitely going to have Padfoot neutered.

A/N: Well, that's it. I really hope that you enjoyed. Mojo peeing on Ironhide was one of my favorite scenes, and this seems like something that Sirius would do. Reviews are nice, and thanks for reading.