A/N- I posted chapter 6-7-8 today so make sure to start with 6 if you are just seeing it updated and flipped to this chapter first. Mistakes are my own so apologies. Will try to update again soon but my work won't slow down again until August. I promise, I'll try to get something posted asap. Thanks for reviews follows and favs. You guys are awesome!

Draco was staring at the spot where the door was seconds ago. "What are we going to do Neville?"

"We promised we would help him."

Draco began to pace. "How long do you think we have before anyone notices he's gone?"

"A few hours at most."

Draco broke into laughter. They were so screwed.

All hell broke loose four hours later. Dean came into consciousness screaming. Sam was in the living room arguing with Garth about what hunt they would do next. It was between a ghost that had been reported on some back roads in Louisiana or a report of zombies in Ohio. Kevin and Garth had volunteered to go to the one that Sam didn't want. Sam was adamant they needed to keep gaining headway on their new project and man the phones. They had been calling down their new phone tree to see if anyone was in the area.

Dean's screaming had shut everyone up.


Sam and Garth sat mouths open as Kevin sat down on the ground in shock. Sam knocked everything off the table and began to summon Crowley as Castiel appeared in the room. Dean stormed into the living room his hand wrapped around his arm furious.


Castiel's voice was frightened. Dean never screamed and raved at the angel. Sam cast a match into the circle.

"What do you mean, he stole your mark?" Sam asked standing up motioning for Dean to explain.

Dean whipped his hand away from his arm. The mark was gone. Everyone sat frozen. Dean was no longer cursed because Harry had taken the mark from him. Sam collapsed back down on the couch. "How the hell is that even possible?"

Dean roared. "That little shit knocked me out."

Crowley popped into the room Dean strode to him. "Did you know?"

Crowley looked around the room at the stunned shocked faces and started to frown. Where was Harry? "Where is Harry?"

Dean snarled. "He stole the mark and is going to hell to save Adam."

"What?" Everyone in the room spoke.

Dean threw the note in the air and Sam read it out loud.

"Oh my God. Dean, do you really think he could do this?"

"Well, step one on the list is a definite. He's smart and he knows it is possible to get to hell."

Crowley moved sitting on the table. "That little shit. I should have…"

Dean moved standing in front of him. "Should have what?"

"He has the blade and he was asking a lot of questions about hell."

Castiel moved. "What kinds of questions?"

"Everything. I told him everything."

Dean snarled. "Little shit is so grounded. What do you mean he has the blade?"

"What did you tell him?" Castiel asked.

"I gave the blade to Harry. I knew he was the only one of us that wouldn't let you have it. He would make damn sure to keep us all in line." Crowley laughed. "I guess I was wrong. He asked me about hell. Hell is hell, but what you think of as demons are just bastardized abused souls. There are two layers of hell, the top layer my kingdom and the bottom layer, the first hell. I get souls in my kingdom by making deals. Most of the deals I make are souls already destined for hell. I just sign them into the upper layer. The bottom layer of hell is closer to Dante with Lucifer in its pit. I don't even go into that kingdom."

Dean turned to Castiel. "Where the hell are his friends? There is no way he hid this from everyone."

Castiel flittered off as Gabriel flittered in. "Someone just used my blade."

Dean collapsed sitting in the floor. "Damn it."

"Maybe, that is a good thing. Can you track your blade?"

"No. I can't find it. The last time I saw it I was with Harry in the simulation room."

"Harry stole Dean's mark and ran off to hell." Sam finally spoke.

Gabriel's eyes got as big as saucers. He snapped his finger and Balthazar appeared with drink still in hand.

"Hey, I was about to do something inappropriate." Balthazar looked around the room. "What the hell is going on?"

Sam got up and ran out of the room to go get Snape. "I'm getting Snape."

Castiel flitted back into the room with Draco and Neville. The look on their faces said it all.

"You knew didn't you?"

"Harry made us promise not to tell. I knew if I told, he would do it anyway, and I wouldn't be able to help him learn spells before he went. I knew it was foolish but safer if I didn't tell." Draco spoke and almost collapsed against Neville. "He's been gone for hours. I just want him back."

"What did he plan?'

"I don't know everything. I thought we did until he showed me the mark before he left. I tried to grab a hold of him and not let him go alone, but he left."

Snape walked into the room with Sam. "He can apparate?"

"We all can. We've been practicing in Gabriel's simulation rooms. He can also do a lot of spells and curses. We can do sizing, transfiguration, water, shield, and some others. I told him until he could master the things he would need it would be stupid for him to go alone."

Snape was gaping. "Most students can't apparate until they are seventeen at least sixteen."

Draco shrugged. "It's Harry."

"What was his plan?" Sam asked.

"Purgatory, into hell and then down."

Sam swayed.

"Crowley can you sense him anywhere?"

Crowley shook his head. "I haven't even had the nerve to go below my kingdom. Do you have any idea what is down there?"

Balthazar shook his head. "Is this for real? Are you telling me an eleven year old has come up with a plan to get into Purgatory, sneak into hell and make his way to the cage to save your brother when we have all told him how not possible it is?"

"Thanks for stating the obvious." Castiel barked.

Balthazar, being who he is, burst into laughter. "Stubborn little Winchester. You knew it was coming. Have you seen the look in his eyes when he talks about Adam? Finding a piece of him was his last straw. We should have all seen this bullocks coming."

Castiel moved. "I went in before. I'll go back in again."

Balthazar shook his head. "We need a plan. We didn't go that deep. I don't know anyone that has except Michael when he threw Lucifer in the cage. We had four garrisons with us when we pulled Dean out."

"I pulled Sam out." Castiel spoke.

Draco and Neville were watching the exchange.

"How did he get into Purgatory?" Castiel asked.

All eyes whipped to Draco and Neville.

Draco looked down at the ground. "I've been sneaking and watching him to make sure he wouldn't leave without telling us. He can summon a door that he hasn't told us about."

Castiel moved to the table and kicked it. It flew across the room slamming into the wall. Neville raised his wand and fixed it as Castiel began to pace.

"Death has not taken back his gift to Harry. Harry can summon a door to Purgatory any time he deems. Why is death so accommodating to him?" Castiel fumed.

"Can you summon Death?" Dean asked the room.

Gabriel moved to the table and knocked the stuff from summoning Crowley away and began to write down symbols. It took him a few minutes and they watched as Death appeared before them.

"It is not my job to appear for your every whim."

"Harry has disappeared."

"Yes, I felt him walk into Purgatory."

Dean fumed. "Why did you give him that power?"

Death walked to the chair across the room and sat down. "Your paths were never supposed to cross. Harry James Potter was never supposed to be raised by you. His destiny was to go a different path."

"What?" Dean stuttered.

"Harry Potter's life was to be very different. It was a chance of fate that made the Potter's come to America to hide and the child to be found by you. I am interested in the boy's fate. He already has one of the three gifts I bestowed to wizards."

"The cloak." Draco spoke. "The story is true of the Hallows?"

Death smiled. "Yes, and if the child follows his path, he will be the master of all three."

Draco's mouth fell open. "Harry will be the master of death that is why you are interested in him."

"What are the Hallows?" Sam asked.

Snape waved his wand and a book appeared before Draco. Draco opened the book and began to read.

"There were once three brothers who were traveling along a lonely, winding road at twilight. In time, the brothers reached a river too deep to wade through and too dangerous to swim across. However, these brothers were learned in the magical arts, and so they simply waved their wands and made a bridge appear across the treacherous water. They were halfway across it when they found their path blocked by a hooded figure. And Death spoke to them. He was angry that he had been cheated out of three new victims, for travelers usually drowned in the river. But Death was cunning. He pretended to congratulate the three brothers upon their magic and said that each had earned a prize for having been clever enough to evade him. So the oldest brother, who was a combative man, asked for a wand more powerful than any in existence: a wand that must always win duels for its owner, a wand worthy of a wizard who had conquered Death! So Death crossed to an elder tree on the banks of the river, fashioned a wand from a branch that hung there, and gave it to the oldest brother. Then the second brother, who was an arrogant man, decided that he wanted to humiliate Death still further, and asked for the power to recall others from Death. So Death picked up a stone from the riverbank and gave it to the second brother, and told him that the stone would have the power to bring back the dead. And then Death asked the third and youngest brother what he would like. The youngest brother was the humblest and also the wisest of the brothers, and he did not trust Death. So he asked for something that would enable him to go forth from that place without being followed by Death. And death, most unwillingly, handed over his own Cloak of Invisibility. Then Death stood aside and allowed the three brothers to continue on their way, and they did so, talking with wonder of the adventure they had had, and admiring Death's gifts. In due course the brothers separated, each for his own destination. The first brother traveled on for a week or more, and reaching a distant village, sought out a fellow wizard with whom he had a quarrel. Naturally with the Elder Wand as his weapon, he could not fail to win the duel that followed. Leaving his enemy dead upon the floor, the oldest brother proceeded to an inn, where he boasted loudly of the powerful wand he had snatched from Death himself, and of how it made him invincible.

That very night, another wizard crept upon the oldest brother as he lay, wine-sodden, upon his bed. The theif took the wand and, for good measure, slit the oldest brother's throat.

And so Death took the first brother for his own. Meanwhile, the second brother journeyed to his own home, where he lived alone. Here he took out the stone that had the power to recall the dead, and turned it thrice in his hand. To his amazement and his delight, the figure of the girl he had once hoped to marry, before her untimely death, appeared at once before him.

Yet she was sad and cold, separated from him as by a veil. Though she had returned to the mortal world, she did not truly belong there and suffered. Finally the second brother, driven mad with hopeless longing, killed himself so as truly to join her. And so Death took the second brother for his own. But though Death searched for the third brother for many years, he was never able to find him. It was only when he had attained a great age that the youngest brother finally took off the Cloak of Invisibility and gave it to his son. And then he greeted Death as an old friend, and went with him gladly as equals, they departed this life."

"We don't have time for this. How do we get to hell?" Dean spoke.

Crowley laughed. "Getting in is easy. I can get us down so could any of your angels. The problem is going to be finding him below."

Dean moved grabbing guns and throwing them in a bag everyone stood and frantically started moving around grabbing anything they thought they would need.

"Can you use a wizard?"

Dean looked at Snape and nodded.

"How about we all meet up in the great hall in fifteen?"

Dean nodded.

"Can we go?" Draco asked.

Castiel turned to them. "I deem that would be unwise."

Draco began to argue but Neville stopped him. "We will only slow them down and keep them distracted."

Draco nodded and ran to find Snape to see if he could help him gather potions. He knew Snape enough to know he wouldn't go into battle without backup.

Everyone was waiting in the great hall. Dinner was almost over only a few children were left. Castiel and Gabriel were arguing quietly about what they were going to need to do.

A flutter of wings stopped them as three bodies landed in the hall right in the middle of the Ravenclaw table. Snape ran into the room right as Harry fell off the table and rolled over slamming onto a bench.

"What the hell Michael? I told you I would be better to get us here. You are barely strong enough to walk much less fly. I already have broken ribs." Harry coughed then spewed up blood all over the floor.

"HARRY JAMES WINCHESTER!" Dean roared running to him.

Harry winced and coughed up another spray of blood. The pain portions had worn off and his rib had punctured a lung on impact with the table. He was having a hard time breathing. Princess was in the sling somehow still slung against his back with his backpack.

Snape was on top of him doing some kind of wand movement and Harry screamed as his rib popped back into place before potions were poured down his throat one after another. Draco was by his side gripping his hand like he was dying. He hoped he wasn't dying even though he was definitely seeing glitter. With each potion, the glitter was evaporating.

Michael groaned sheltering Adam's body.

"Mom, fix Adam's body."

Dean stood horrified with Harry in his lap and his brother in the body of what looked like a young John Winchester. He could see the differences. Scars his father had never had graced the body of Michael. Michael was stiff his body folded protectively around Adam.

Castiel moved placing his fingers on Adam's head and Harry watched as his body was returned to normal. The gore and blood was wiped away. Gabriel snapped his fingers and he was dressed and cleaned. More and more people were filing into the room to see what was going on. The teachers were coming down to join them.

"What happened?" McGonagall snapped.

"Yes, Harry." Dean snapped. "Explain yourself."

Harry looked up to his dad and back to Adam. "First, mom I need you to put his soul back in his body."

Harry held up his hand. The soul was still scorching Harry's flesh. Blisters and burns were tearing into the muscle. Blood ran down his arm and onto the floor.

Castiel moved grabbing the soul that was so damaged and maimed. The minute he put his hands on it, it cast light around the room making everyone blink. Castiel slammed it into Adam's chest as Michael clung to him. Adam's chest arched then his body relaxed and he continued to be comatose.

Death moved around them and touched his hand to Adam's head. He looked over to Harry and smiled. "It looks like you have done the impossible."

Harry shook his head. "I think God helped."

Castiel whipped his vision to Harry. "Father."

Harry stood walking to the table. Dean began to huff overtaxed by everything around him. "I want an explanation now."

Harry watched Adam until Death moved away from him. Harry followed him until he disappeared. "When did he get here?"


"Fine! I went to hell and I got Adam and Michael from the cage."

Balthazar began to laugh. Harry ignored him. He slung his bag on the table and let Princess down. She ran off to their rooms leaving him to deal with being slaughtered, alone.

Harry sat down on the Ravenclaw bench and began to speak. He told them of being angry with them abandoning Adam and refusing to do more. He told them of convincing his friends to help him then them sneaking and doing research in the bunker and the restricted section. He spoke of them learning extra spells and curses to finally coming up with a half ass plan. He ignored their faces and told him of every moment he went through in hell to the greatest detail he could remember until he reached the cage.

Harry stopped talking and looked up to stunned faces.

Crowley sat down beside him. "What do you want in your care package to the guardian of the abyss?"

Castiel snarled. "That is what you have taken form his entire explanation."

Someone spoke behind them Harry turned when he spoke. "He has to be lying."

Harry rolled his eyes and moved to his bag. "Professor, I know how you get excited on weird stuff for your potions. I remembered to put in jars before I left. I don't even know why I did it I just thought it would be a good habit to always have them on me for when we hunt."

Harry started pulling out jars. "This one was from whatever I killed at the castle that had the graves in it." He sat down the jar with intestines, heart and gore. "This was from the water where the people cried tears. It was really creepy." He sat down the jar of water that now glowed a strange luminescent color. "And this I hope to hell doesn't need an explanation."

Harry began to pull the huge horns from his bag of the Minotaur's. It took him a second to get them both out of the bag and he sat them down. Everyone was glaring at him. He pulled the rest of the jars out sitting them down.

"What? He broke my rib. It's not like he needed them anymore, he was dead."

"You are grounded." Dean snapped.

Harry shrugged. "I told the man at the abyss you would probably kill me and mom would have to bring me back. I can handle grounding."

Dean snarled. "If you ever do that again…"

"Oh, the mark. I gave it to Lucifer."

Every member of his family's mouth dropped. Harry smirked as he pulled up his shirt. "Lucifer is sitting in the cage fuming right now with a blood lust he will never be able to quench."

Gabriel was the first to wake out of his stupor and began to roar with laughter. "Lucy, he has to be livid."

"Can I please have a shower? I am covered in hell skank and gore?'

Gabriel moved throwing Harry over his shoulder. "I'm not five!" Harry yelled.

Everyone was still staring at him. "Professor, don't forget your jars."

Everyone turned back to Harry's jars as Gabriel pulled him through the castle. Castiel was still in shock.

Everyone turned to Michael. "What are you going to do now, Michael?"

Michael turned to Castiel. "I need to make amends before I return to heaven."

Balthazar sneered. "Naomi will be displeased, but you have a lot to make up for and the first person on that list is Harry. You should have never went after Sam when he sacrificed himself to go in the pit."

Michael nodded. Adam was still cradled in his arms. "I was wrong. I thought when father left we should follow the plan. I never cared about what had been created below us or what we should have been protecting. I just wanted my father to come home."

Castiel moved closer to Michael. "Do you think father helped Harry?"

"I have form and Adam's soul flew out of the cage straight to Harry. I heard Harry in my head screaming to father to help him while Adam was being tortured in front of him. No one else could give me form or pull Adam's soul from Lucifer's cage. I watched Sam and Adam both be tortured before Death came and dragged Sam away from Adam. Sam fought death begging him to take Adam with him. Death laughed at them. Adam almost gave up after that. I tried to help. I used all of my grace to keep Adam sane. I poured everything into him when Lucifer became bored with him. I tried everything to get him out of that cage and nothing worked. Only father could have pulled him out."

Castiel and Balthazar watched Michael.

"You need to let him go."

Dean's voice had Michael turning to him. "I'll carry him."

Balthazar smirked but everyone ignored it.

Snape gathered up the jars as Draco grabbed a horn and Neville the other. "We should continue this downstairs. I believe we have attracted quite an audience."

Everyone looked around. Students stood around watching them along with the rest of the school staff. McGonagall nodded and pointed to the door.

"It looks like our Harry is going to be a handful."

Balthazar snickered.

Crowley broke into laughter. "I am going to have to make a trip downstairs because of him. He's going to want to go shopping for his new friend which is the keeper of the gateway to the eighth circle." He stopped looking at Dean. "I blame your influence."

Dean snorted. "I blame Gabriel."

They all filed out of the great hall and headed to their rooms. Dean looked over to Castiel on his way down. "Cas, it's finally gone."

Castiel looked back to Dean and smiled. Everyone else rolled their eyes.

Harry was inside the huge tub in their room. Gabriel had found them some trunks and they were swimming in pomegranate smelling bubbles. Gabriel preferred the fruity smells and Harry could care less. Draco and Neville joined them about half an hour later before Garth ran in screaming and doing a cannon ball.

"You just got Garthed." He sputtered face covered in bubbles as he reemerged.

Harry was laughing, trying to wipe the images away from hell with the sounds of people around him, as he leaned back in the water and relaxed. Draco moved over joining him.

"Are you alright?"

Gabriel was dragging Kevin fully dressed to the side of the pool size tub. Kevin was screaming like a girl and yelling for Castiel or Balthazar to save him. Castiel was looking at the water like he was a puppy being threatened with a bath. Balthazar was snapping his fingers making himself trunks and floats to relax on. Neville was watching the entire thing playing out with a grin as Kevin released another manly squeal.

"It was horrible. It was like walking through a horror movie."

"Can I do anything?"

"When I wake up at night screaming, will you not let anyone know how stupid I sound?"

Draco reached over and held his hand. "I'll help you."

Harry just nodded as Kevin was pushed into the tub shoes and all.

Dean was sitting in the living room watching Adam on the bed Snape had magically pulled out of thin air. Sam had informed him it was previously a piece of scrap paper he'd picked up. Dean was still amazed at the shit these wizards could do. He'd seen Harry's snaps of power when he was upset. Feeling it crisp and sting your skin was one thing, seeing what it could do was a whole other level of crazy.

Harry had done what team free will, as Gabriel called them, had been unable to do. Dean felt shame looking at his brother. Harry was right. The resentment he felt towards Adam was still there. He was stupid for blaming Adam. He was mad at his father. The image he knew of his father and the one he made himself believe in to survive were so far apart it was nauseating. He hated himself for idealizing the man but he was the dutiful son. He wanted to gag.

Dean watched Michael as he sat down in the floor his back against the bed and fell asleep. He knew watching Michael sleep he was truly exhausted. Castiel only slept when his angel juice was so low he was almost human.

The sound of laughter came from the bathroom. He was sitting alone. Snape had excused himself and was playing with whatever hell party favors Harry had returned with. Sam had followed him always the scholar and wanted to see what was going on. Sam had stopped in the bathroom long enough to make sure Harry was okay before he ran straight out of the room to follow Snape.

Dean looked into the bathroom and could see Castiel standing by the edge of the tub like a scalded dog. His lips quirked. Castiel was still nervous around human interaction. It didn't matter how long he'd been on earth or how long he'd been part of the family, sometimes he would give Dean a look that bordered on confusion and longing.

Harry's giggle floated back to him before a huge pink flamingo with yellow spots ran out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. Dean rolled his eyes. Gabriel could deal with it later. Castiel was backing farther and farther away from the tub.

Dean smirked. Castiel was getting closer and closer to the door trying to leave gracefully unnoticed. Dean stood sneaking up behind the angel. Castiel was almost to the door when Dean ran picking Castiel up and ran full force to the water and jumped angel in tow.

He heard screams as they hit the water and one of the girlish ones had to be the angel. Dean came out of the water covered in girlish bubbles with Castiel fully clothed sputtering in front of him.

He whipped around glaring accusingly at the hunter. "Dean!"

Gabriel was roaring with laughter. "Good one, Dean-O."

Gabriel snapped his fingers. Dean and Castiel were now in swim trunks their clothes and shoes dry on the other side of the bathroom. Water ran down from Castiel's messy hair as he stared accusingly at everyone around him. Dean laughed and jumped throwing himself over the angel and dunking him. Dean released him and Castiel came up sputtering again.

"Come on Cas, have some fun. Harry is fine and the mark is gone. I think we can celebrate just for today."

Castiel stood arms folded around his chest and watched the rest of them soaked. Dean broke into laughter and everyone followed.

"I don't understand how trying to drown me constitutes as fun."

Dean just continued laughing until Gabriel snapped a beach ball into existence. Everyone joined in hitting the ball but Castiel. He moved sitting on the side of the tub and enjoyed himself watching his family. His eyes kept straying to Michael and Adam's sleeping forms and wondered what Michael being back would change. He was going to have to contact Naomi but he didn't want to do it until Michael was ready. He knew what would happen when the angels heard of his return. They would want him back in heaven. He was the last arc angel other than Gabriel and everyone knew Gabriel was not going home.

Harry stayed in their rooms that night. He refused to leave until Adam was awake. Michael had continued to sleep too. He didn't wake when Castiel picked him up and moved him beside Adam. Draco and Neville had curled into the pallet they'd made in the floor with Harry and the rooms were silent that night. Harry had woken at one point with a nightmare but Castiel banished his thoughts and the crisis was over.

It was three days before Adam woke. Snape had demanded Harry attend classes not wanting him to get behind. Harry was reluctant and came back to the room when he wasn't attending classes.

Harry had just returned from his last class of the day when Adam shot out of bed like he'd been slapped. Harry dropped his bag and ran for him. Michael who'd taken his position beside Adam's bed in the chair stood watching as Harry tackled Adam.

"Are you okay? What do you remember? Do you feel like your insane? Death gave you a wall. You can't think about your time in hell. Do you want something to eat? Do you hurt? Do you want me to get mom?"

Harry's questions piled one after another. Adam dazed stared around the room at everyone around him. It was a full five minutes before he spoke.

"It wasn't a dream. You really came down to the pit?"


Adam nodded taking in the room. "Where are we?"

"You were in the pit forever. I'm eleven now. We are at my school. It is a magical castle that teaches witches and wizards."

"A castle?"

"Yep, but no moat. It has everything else though. There are even unicorns and centaurs in the forest."

Adam snorted. "You are pulling my leg."

"Nope. I even have pets now. Crowley, he's the king of hell, he gave me a hell hound. I named her Princess. Then, Gabriel got drunk and made animals again and I talked dad into letting me keep one. She is a panther that sneezes and crapts glitter. Gabriel named her Pancake."

Adam just stared at him. "I have to be dreaming."

Harry shook his head. "No, we are Winchesters. I think everything but the glitter is normal."

Adam stared at him then began to laugh. "I missed you kid-o."

"I missed you too. No more wild stunts or saying yes to angels."

Sam moved to the bed then. "Adam, I don't want you to take this the wrong way but how the hell are you sane right now? You were in the pit along time and you seem to have your memories. The only reason I haven't snapped is because of my wall, and I can't remember anything."

"I don't know. I remember seeing Harry freaking out outside the cage and thinking it was another one Lucifer's hallucinations then I felt something warm roll over me and I woke up here. I can remember everything, but its all like a dream, like something that isn't mine, even though rationally I know it happened."

"I think it was God." Harry said frankly.

No one spoke. "How about you take a shower and we can all head to the great hall for dinner. You can see the castle. There are suits of armor lining the hall. It is insane here."

Adam nodded and Michael dove towards him offering to help him stand. Harry watched as Adam turned and saw Michael for the first time since he woke. Everyone was watching them. Michael half smiled and offered him his hand. "I'm sorry."

Adam looked at his outstretched hand. "I hated you for a long time. I blamed you for everything he did. I stopped hating you a long time ago too. You were the only thing I had left down there to cling too."

Adam took his hand and tried to stand. He wobbled on his feet before Michael helped him to the bathroom.

"We are going to have to go shopping." Harry spoke when the door closed behind them.

"Adam is going to need some recovery time at the bunker. His body is healed but he's going to have to get his strength back and so will Michael."

Castiel nodded at Dean's words. "They should stay a few more days until they are well enough to travel."

Professor Snape strode through the door. "I put a spell on Adam letting me know when he woke. Is he okay?"

"Showering." Harry replied.

"Good, I want to run some diagnosis spells on him when he's done. I also brought some potions."

Adam reemerged from the shower and put on some of Dean's clothes. Dean was broader and more muscled but they would do. Harry dragged Adam through the castle as Adam looked around thunderstruck at everything around him. Harry even drug him outside to show him the outside of the castle and lake. The squid was on the lake sunbathing. They made it back to the great hall and joined Draco at the Slytherin table.

As they ate, Harry couldn't remember being happier.