Hi! Some things to know before reading the story:

1- Its Harry Potter AU-ish, not much change really, just she is a girl so that change some details, but not so much. What did change will be said clearly. Began after the war and is not Epilogue Compliant.

2- Supernatural AU at the beginning of season 13. The difference will be explained but don't expect to see the Other World or Other World-Micheal being important.

3- English isn't my first language, I'm trying to find a beta, but until then I hope my writing is readable and understandable. I'm totally open to constructive criticism!

4- Harry Potter and Supernatural belongs to their respective owners, and (unfortunately) that's not me.

The War ended a couple of months ago, and beside at the funeral of her loved ones, nobody has seen Harry since a couple of weeks after the End. Harriet Potter 'The-Girl-Who-Lived', 'The Chosen One', 'The-Woman-Who-Vanquish'. Because she has to be a Woman, she can't be a girl anymore, the Wizards don't want to remember that she was just a kid.

Even if everything in her wanted to be alone, at first Harriet tried to stay with her friends. They were like her after all.

But that was too much. Too much people. Too much awe. Too much pity. She fought, she killed. And she loses everything. Remus, Tonks, Hedwig and Dobby were the only family she got left, and they died all of them. Remus and Tonks letting a War Orphan behind them. Another orphan.

So, when Hermione says that she will leave to retrieve her parents, letting her alone with the Weasley, (Molly was grieving, she couldn't tell her that NO she wasn't going to finally fall in love with Ron and get married and makes kids! Making projects for her kids was Molly's way to cope with the loss) Harry decided to hide too.

She couldn't hide at Square Grimauld, everyone will look there, and she didn't know much about how to modify the wards to keep them out. She needed another place, but for that she needed to know what her family owned. Unfortunately, she has only one way to know.


Two weeks after the… Dragon incident Harry walked in Gringotts again, wondering how they already fixed the damage that she had made. Her long red hair was let loose on her back and half of her face, hiding her scar, but everyone knew who she was and not before long the hall was buzzing with all the people talking to each other and looking in her way.

A Goblin walked in her direction and after a quick salutation asked her to come with him. She couldn't stop herself from sighing when they left the hall. The Goblin's eyes looked quickly in her direction, but he said nothing and keep walking through the stone's corridors.

She ended in an office loudly decorated, with a lot of gold. A lot of gold.

"Hello Lady Potter, I'm glad to see you at Gringotts," the Goblin who was sitting beside a very large desk in dark wood (and, again, decorated with gold) talked with a sharp smile. "Despite the incident of the last time that you were here."

The Goblin seemed to be highly placed in Gringott's hierarchy, if the number of gold he was wearing was of any indication, so when he told her to sit, she did it despite the fact that every fiber in her body wanted to follow the Goblin, who had escorted her here, when he left the room.

"I'm sorry." She began, "I'm sorry for how I did it, really, and I know that's probably not what you want to hear but, if the same situation come up, I would do it again. I'm sorry."

He laughed. Why is he laughing? He's not supposed to laugh! The sound of a Goblin's laugh wasn't pleasant, it was like two stones rubbing together.

"Well, well Lady Potter. That's interesting. However, you need to know something. When your story reached the principal branch of Gringotts, in France, we heard about the Horcrux who was in one of our vaults. We weren't really happy about it and are really grateful that you take care of the problem, so, we'll let go of possible complaint against you. However, you'll understand that we will ask you to pay for the reparation needed in the hall."

She nodded quickly, "of course! I will pay for everything!"

"Good, good. How about we talk about what bring you here in the first place Lady Potter?"

That's how Harry ended in the Potter Vault. Not hers, her family's. She found out that she has three other houses than Square Grimauld from the Black and four from the Potter and decided to live in one of the Potter's house. But she was there just to sleep and eat, she had spent all her days of the past four months digging in her parents' possession.

That's how she found her mum's journal.

The leather journal was among other things that were brought here from Grodric's Hollow by the Goblins after her parents' dead. A paper fell from it when she opened it. She frowned curiously when she read her name on it.

28 September '99.

Harry, my princess,

If you read that, I'm probably dead but you're alive. I'm so sorry for not being here for you. I have so much to say and so little time…

The leather journal where you found that paper is my journal for the past two years and so. Everything you will need to know is there. You need to read it; it contains vital information about you and me that you need to know.

If I'm dead before I could tell you, this is the only way for you to know.

The stuff will be pretty boring until you reach November '98.

Whatever you find, know that I love you more than anything. So do James.

Love, Mum.

Her curiosity picked, she sits on the floor and looked through the book. Her eyes on the dates, she stopped when she founds November '98.

The first weeks were just normal stuff, even if her mother mentioned the Order a time or two. She stopped suddenly to read a page.

12 November '98

I don't know how Alice convinced me to follow her in America. I mean… Yeah, I don't know. And why did she want to go now?! Her wedding is in less than a month!

She says it's the whole point, "last girls time before the jump!" but with the war going on at home... Dumbledore see it at a good way to test the water with the MACUSA, so it's at least something that I can do, even if I know that Alice want to spend most of that travel in the Muggle side…

Her eyebrows raised in surprise; she didn't know that her mother went to America. She guessed that Alice was Neville's mother, she knew that they were friends, she will tell him, he'll love to learn something like that.

She read the other page, hoping to see what they did in America. But when she sees what on the next page, she dropped the book in shock.

Wait… What?

15 November '98

Oh, Merlin. Oh, God. I don't know why I did that. That's so unlike me! And in my first night in America! That must be the jet lag or something! Alice laughed for hours. I met him at a muggle bar, he was so… so everything!

I think he wanted a one-night stand, and I would have been okay with that (even if I DON'Tdo one-night stand, something in him was so… oh Merlin.). He was leaving in the morning and then, he stopped and says that he WANTED TO SEE ME AGAIN. I mean, I know. I have a little more than a week before I leave, and he didn't live here, and he says that his father could call anytime, and he'll have to leave town but…

I have the right to do some unreasonable things, no?

Oh, Merlin. Dean Winchester is an awfully unreasonable thing, and I'll love doing him.