Notes: Italic - Na'vi speaking

The titles may be wrong, since I don't speak Japanese. I apologize in advance if the Kanji aren't correct.

Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar. James Cameron does .n.

Summary: Ever since I was a little girl, I was always intrigued by Pandora. I wanted to go there. I wanted to be one of the Na'vi. Nows my chance... Tsu'tey x OC.




"Outsider. What are you doing here?" Their leader hissed out sneering down at me from where he sat on his Direhorse. The horse snorted at me and stomped two of its many legs.

I flinched back, drawing myself closer to the ground and my ears flicked back against my head. My tail stopped moving and instead curled around my inner leg, "I'm looking for my brother. We got separated from a Thanator." I spoke up using what Na'vi I knew.

"She speaks our Language, Tsu'tey. Maybe we should take her to see Mo'at-"

"Silence, Yer'ik. We should just kill her now before she taints our land." The leader, Tsu'tey, growled out his tail lashing back and forth from where he sat.

I looked down and then I heard a woman's voice, "Tsu'tey, look at her. She's wounded and much smaller than us. She won't cause any harm. If we find her brother, we can send them on their way." She tried reasoning with him. I looked up at her and saw she was staring down at me. I quickly looked away from her, my tail uncurling slightly.

She was trying to save my life. Even if she was doing it in a rather rude way.

I heard Tsu'tey give a hiss, "I don't see the point, Narali. She won't learn."

Narali gave a huff in annoyance, "look, Tsu'tey. The spirits like her. It's a sign from Eywa. We must bring her back."

Tsu'tey gave an irritated snort, "Fine. But she's your responsibility." and that was that. The direhorse he was on gave one last snort and it scared the Spirits off. Then it turned and began to walk away. I looked up and saw the others moving along too.

Only Narali leaned down, "come." she spoke gently in broken English.

"You can speak in English." I whispered.

"Only little." She gave me a soft smile and extended her hand. I grabbed onto it and she helped pull me up. I bit into my lip to stop from squeaking when my wounded leg was stretched. I sat behind her on the dire horse; my injured leg limp and extended so it wouldn't hurt as much and my other was bent and gripping slightly onto the animal.

"Hold on." She gave a soft command. I wrapped my arms around her slim waist and she gave a small click of her tongue and the horse took off after Tsu'tey and the others.

We traveled through the forest, the horses surprisingly running quite well on the winding paths. I had my face buried into Narali's back so I didn't notice until a minute later that we had stopped.

"Keytah?" I heard Jake's voice and I pulled away from Narali and slipped off the horse, landing with a heavy limp. Luckily, she caught me with her hand by the upper arm so I wouldn't fall.

I gave a small thanks before regaining balance. I hobbled over to Jake and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back.

"You're safe. Oh my god." He said in relief.

"Is she mate?" The woman Na'vi beside him stated.

"He's my brother." I nodded at her. She gave a nod.

"There, we got her to her brother. Neytiri, why are you with this one?" Tsu'tey stated, looking down at Jake. I learned the woman's name immediately, but I don't think Jake caught on because he still called her by miss.

"I was taking him to Mo'at. Eywa has spoken." Neytiri argued, stepping in front of us.

"You're bleeding!" Jake said. I looked down, noticing my wound had started bleeding again.

"It was the thanator. It wasn't bleeding awhile ago..." I stated, unwrapping the leaves that were keeping the blood from dripping. When I removed it, the blood began sliding down my leg. My eyes widened.

"Shit." Jake cursed.

"See? We need to take her to Mo'at. She'll bleed out if we don't." Neytiri reasoned, pointing to the gash.

"Fine. But the male is walking." Tsu'tey grumbled out. That was twice he'd been convinced. I let loose a tiny giggle before clearing my throat so it was like I didn't say anything. But Neytiri heard me and her tail curled in amusement.

"Keytah? Come." Narali said. I looked at Jake and he nodded before I limped back to Narali. She grabbed my hand and pulled me up. Jake moved forward and lifted me up by the back. I winced as I threw my good leg around the back of the horse. I settled myself and Jake leaned away.

"I'll be right behind you." He stated. I nodded before wrapping my arms around Narali. She clicked again and the animal took off after Tsu'tey.

We traveled for quite awhile. Maybe around 15 minutes, the horses ran, walked and trotted through the forest. They went up slopes, across thick branches and over fallen logs.

I occasionally took a look behind me and saw Jake do his best to keep up with us. Neytiri was beside him, her bow strung on her back as she urged him on. One of the riders was behind him with another trailing.

But the majority of the ride I had my cheek pushed into Narali's back and my arms wrapped around her middle to keep from falling. The wound was still bleeding, the blood dripping down my leg and there was a good amount on the side of the horse.

I shook my head softly, to get the hair that had fallen over my eyes out. I took note that all the white that made up my bangs had faded to a nasty dark gray. Probably from the water and the dirt that had gotten on Jake and I when we were being chased.

"You okay?" I heard Narali ask. We were trotting slowly now so Jake could take it easy and not move as fast. He must be tired.

"I'm fine..." I said. I was getting a bit dizzy from all the blood loss but I was okay for the most part.

"Your skin is getting hot." She spoke. I shook my head to wave her off. She frowned softly before turning back. I took a deep breath to calm myself.

"We're almost there." Narali said, her voice taking a soothing tone. I nodded softly, closing my eyes to finish the ride.

"We've arrived." Narali said, nudging me. I opened my eyes and nodded weakly. I wasn't feeling as good as I had a few minutes ago.

I slid my good leg over the back of the horse and slid myself down. I landed and when I did my legs gave out and I collapsed onto my knees.

"Keytah!" Jake and Narali both said at the same time. I shook my head and tried to push myself back up onto my feet. I winced and then Jake was beside me, lifting me up and into his arms.

"You're burning up." He fretted.

"I'm fine." I said softly.

"Like hell you are!" He growled. My ears went back and I looked away. My tail curled up in annoyance at the tone.

"Sorry." I whispered. He rolled his eyes and we were taken inside.

Voices of the Na'vi around us slowly faded away as we were walked forward. Jake's grip didn't loosen as we became the center of attention. I looked around at them, absolutely amazed at how many they were and how similar yet different they looked.

"Why have you brought these Outsiders into our home?!" A rough, male voice said. I looked up and saw Eytukan. The leader of the clan. He just radiated power and when he spoke, Tsu'tey, Narali and the others stepped back. Only Neytiri stood next to us, as he was her father.

"There was a message from Eywa! The spirits have spoken, they landed on these two. Tsu'tey says they found the small one with them floating about her head." She spoke out, looking directly at him.

"They must be turned out! I have said this before that no Outsiders are to be allowed here." He argued.

"What's he saying?" Jake asked.

"My father is deciding whether to kill you or not." Neytiri whispered, not looking at us.

"Your father?" Jake went to step but I hissed at him and he froze. I took note that the warriors who had brought us here had stepped forward. But stopped when Jake did. Eytukan looked us over.

"Is the small one crippled?" He observed.

"Injured. Very badly." Neytiri stated. He frowned but before he could speak the Tsahiki came down from the steps of the tree.

"Step back! I will look at this creature." She yelled out. She wasn't being mean but she was making a point to show her leadership.

"Who is she?" Jake whispered once more to Neytiri

"That is Mother. She is Tsahik - the one who interprets the will of Eywa." Neytiri said softly.

"Who's Eywa?" Jake whispered but didn't get an answer as Neytiri kneeled before her mother.

"What are you called?" She asked, her accent thick. I liked her voice, it sounded warm.

"Jake Sully and Keytah." Jake said for the two of us. I really wasn't feeling good anymore. Jake's arm was slicked in blood now from the wound. I was literally on the verge of passing out. I could see black spots form in the corner of my eyes before I blinked them away.

Mo'at walked around us before coming back in front. She pulled a long thorn from her chest strap and stabbed Jake in the left side of the chest before bringing it back and licking the blood.

"Why did you come to us?" She asked him, staring into his eyes, her gaze withering.

"I came to learn. And to get help." Jake spoke up.

"We have tried to teach other Sky People. It is hard to fill a cup which is already full." She stated raising a brow.

"My cup is empty, trust me. Just ask Doctor Augustine. I'm no scientist." Jake snorted. I nodded softly in affirmation. He snorted when he saw my little motion.

"What are you?" She questioned.

"I don't know. I was a Marine - uh, a warrior. Of the Jarhead clan. She's a much smaller warrior." He nodded. I rolled my eyes at the silly name.

"A warrior? I could kill him easy! And the small one no problem." Tsu'tey growled and I heard him come forward.

"No! These are the first warrior dreamwalkers we have seen. We need to learn more about them." Mo'at stated raising a hand to him.

"What's going on? What are they saying. She needs help Neytiri. She's not going to last much longer." Jake hissed looking helplessly at her. Neytiri took in my appearance and looked at her mother.

"The small one needs help." She whispered.

Mo'at looked at me where I was being held up by Jake, "How did she get hurt?" She asked Neytiri.

"A thanator, Mo'at." Neytiri whispered.

"Bring her to my hut after the announcement." Mo'at stated.

"What announcement?" She asked confused.

"My daughter will teach you our ways. Learn well, Jakesully. We will see if your insanity can be cured." Mo'at stated. Neytiri hissed in anger.

"You will go with my daughter." Mo'at ordered, "He is your responsibility." She told her daughter.

"My sister?-" "She will come with me, Tsu'tey." Mo'at called.

I groaned softly, laying my head against Jake's chest.

"Yes, Tsahik?" He said formally, bowing his head before looking at her.

"Take this small one from Jakesully and bring her to my hut." She ordered. Tsu'tey looked like he was ready to hiss out in anger but she gave him a look and he just huffed.

Jake reluctantly handed me over and I was now being held by Tsu'tey. He had a frown on his face as he held me. He didn't keep me close more like he held me a bit away from him. My head lolled and I shook it to keep myself awake. The dark spots were taking up more of my vision and it felt like I was going blind again.

"You'll be alright." Jake called before Neytiri pulled him away.

"You better not die, outsider." Tsu'tey hissed in English. I would've replied but I was to weak to do so; so instead I sort of just looked away.

He carried me after Mo'at and we arrived at a large knot in the tree. He walked in through the hanging vines and I saw Mo'at sitting on what looked like fur and she was busy mashing something together.

"Where do you want her?" Tsu'tey asked.

"By the pool. She's filthy and the wound needs cleaning before it becomes infected." Mo'at spoke. I could understand most of what had gone on, but some words were a bit hazy and I couldn't remember what they meant.

Tsu'tey gave a nod before walking a few feet to the right and setting me down - not so gently - onto a fur bedding. I winced at the pain in my leg, and I stretched it as much as I could with my drained energy. My knee popped from it not being moved in awhile.

"Is that it?" Tsu'tey asked Mo'at softly.

"For now. But when she's healed, I expect you to be the one to teach her." She told him, standing up her hands holding a bowl of something that smelled bitter.

Tsu'tey hissed and crossed his arms as his tail lashed, "But that isn't fair-"

"Life isn't fair. And she needs teaching." Mo'at stated, looking up at him. I noticed that he was rather tall for a Na'vi.

"But why can't Narali do it? She's already become acquainted with this outsider." He argued.

"Narali is not experienced enough. You know this. She just became a hunter a few days ago." Mo'at hissed, "Now you will teach her our ways, understood?" She stated, her tone leaving no room for another argument.

"Understood." Tsu'tey nodded, a bit forced.

Mo'at nodded, "So until she is healed, she will be under my care. And then she will become your responsibility."

Tsu'tey gave a reluctant nod before she dismissed him and he left.

"Tsu'tey will teach you when you are healed." Mo'at told me as she came to sit beside me. I nodded weakly.

"You are lucky to be alive. You've lost a lot of blood. Your skin is pale." She told me. She had remarkably good English but her accent was thick.

"I thought... it was fine. It was just the tip." I panted. She shook her head and then reached behind her to grab something. She dipped the cloth into the water and laid it on my forehead. It was cool and I sighed softly.

Then she got another cloth and dipped it into the pool. She filled a bowl next and slowly she cleaned off my legs of the dirt and then moved onto the wound. When she touched it, I flinched and gave a hiss before biting onto my lip.

"Easy." She soothed. I relaxed as she continued to clean it. Then she put the salve she had made earlier onto it. I let loose a weak squeal as it started burning.

"It's cleaning it. Luckily it is not infected." She told me. I nodded and then the salve stopped burning and instead cooled off. I sighed again in relief and relaxed completely.

"Good." She nodded before grabbing a wrap of some kind and used it to bind my leg. I lay there as she hitched my leg up at the knee and continued to wrap it. Once it was nice and wrapped she tightened it so it would start to heal. I could feel it pulsate and I flinched.

She removed the cloth on my forehead and wiped off my face. She picked a strand of my hair and looked at it before leaving it where it was.

"Your body is very weak... Rest now and tomorrow we'll see how you feel." She told me. For some reason when she told me that I became tired.

Her voice was very soothing.

I nodded, my vision darkening. The last thing I saw was her ringing out the cloth and then laying it back on my head before I passed out

Jake and her met the Clan :3

It's the beginning of an adventure!

Tsu'tey is fun to right. He's so Tsundere it's hilarious Cx

I hope you liked
