Fandoms: Thor, Harry Potter
Characters: Harry Potter, Jormungandr
Prompt: Long prompt is long. Basic gist of it is: Lily is Jormungandr's daughter and after Halloween Jormungandr takes Harry back to Asgard. Full Prompt can be found at end of story.
Prompt Made By: Vixen Uchiha
Disclaimer: I don't own the following series(es) or any character(s) that follow, and unless I. H. Scribe is listed after Prompt Made By chances are I don't own the idea for this story either.
November 3, 1991
Minerva mourned the loss of one of her cubs. It hadn't taken long to figure out why Hermione had been in the bathroom in the first place. Ronald Weasley was a jealous, greedy pig of a boy, who didn't know how to keep his awful opinions to himself.
"Absolutely not," Minerva snarled, when Dumbledore told her Weasley's punishment – a loss of two hundred and fifty points and a month's worth of detention.
"Surely the near death of one of your students deserves at least a few points taken off," Snape said.
"Hermione Granger died this morning," Minerva said, shocking both Snape and Dumbledore. "I think he deserves to rot in Azkaban for killing that girl."
"Now Minerva, your temper is getting the best of you. We both know you wouldn't want any of your students in that dreadful place."
"Albus Dumbledore, if that boy is not gone by dinner, I will be. And you can be sure I'll be informing the rest of the staff of this, as well."
Dumbledore sighed. "Very well, Minerva. If you choose to see another life wasted as well."
"Don't you try to guilt me, Albus Dumbledore," Minerva growled. "I know where you sleep."
"What do you mean expelled!?" Mrs. Weasley yelled. "He's only been here two months! How could he possibly be expelled?"
"There was an incident with a troll," Dumbledore said. "While Mr. Weasley is not at fault for letting the troll in, it is his horrible behavior that led to a young girl coming across the troll. We were informed that she died this morning, as a result of her injuries."
"What?" Ron squeaked, growing paler by the second. "No, she can't be! I didn't mean to – for her to-" Ron burst into tears.
"Oh my poor baby," Mrs. Weasley said, giving her youngest son a hug. "Albus, will they be pressing charges."
"I don't believe so. Even if they wanted to, I'm afraid they're muggles. The Ministry would likely never give them a chance to explain their side of the story."
"I'd like to take Ron home now."
"Of course. I wish you the best of luck in the future. Unfortunately, I have to snap young Ronald's wand."
Ron was still too busy sobbing into his mother's robes to flinch when his wand was snapped.
May 10, 1992
The students of Hogwarts woke up on the morning of May tenth to find that, sometime during the night, Hagrid's hut had burnt down. Rumors flew about, each story getting wilder and wilder, so it was no surprise that no one believed him when Draco Malfoy swore he saw a baby dragon in the hut the day before.
He got so angry at people not believeing him, that he cursed several other students. McGonagall saw the whole thing, and grabbed him by the ear.
"If you're so interested in why Hagrid's hut burnt down, you can spend your next few weeks of detention helping him rebuild it," she said, twisting his ear as she dragged him along the corridor. "A dragon. Honestly, boy, you're a Slytherin. Can't you come up with something better than that?"
"But there was a dragon, I swear! Ow!"
McGonagall twisted his ear extra hard, "That's enough of that, or I'll take points too."
May 14, 1992
The people of Asgard did not have nearly as amusing of a week as the students of Hogwarts did. While the students of Hogwarts had rumors to entertain them, the people of Asgard all knew what actually happened.
Thor had been banished after his failed coronation, Odin had fallen into the Odinsleep, Loki had nearly destroyed Jotunheim, and then Loki had fallen from the bifrost into the cold and dark of space, where even Heimdall could not see.
The Royal Family mourned, and so all of Asgard mourned with them. They would not realize that Loki was actually alive for nearly a year.
June 4, 1992
Every once in a while another rumor about Hagrid's hut would pop up again, but for the most part they had died off by the end of May. June gave the students of Hogwarts something else to create rumors about.
Professor Quirrel had been found dead in the third floor corridor.
Gruesome rumors began floating around Hogwarts – eaten by a three-headed dog, strangled by devil's snare, attacked by keys, pummeled by a chess set – and the teachers all became worried. The Headmaster had been very explicit when he had told the students not to go there, but apparently several of them had, and had even gotten past some of the traps.
"Of course not," Dumbledore said when they confronted him about it, "I cast a locking charm on the door."
"Griegson's locking spell?" Flitwick guessed. "They really couldn't have gotten past that, then."
"Er, yes, of course," Dumbledore said. In reality, it had been a simple locking charm that the sixth years learned. Any simple unlocking charm would have gotten a student through the door. It was meant to be a test for young Harry Potter, but he failed to show.
Dumbledore sucked on a lemon drop as he shoo'd the staff out of his office.
July 31, 1992
Harry's birthday was a subdued affair. He and the rest of his family were still mourning the loss of Loki. Rather than throw the usual large party where all of Asgard was invited into the palace, it was decided that Harry's birthday party would only be family this year.
It was after the small party that Harry received a surprise visitor. A small creature with bulbous eyes.
"Harry Potter must not go to Hogwarts!" the creature squeaked out.
Harry's reply was simple, and something his mother had told him to do if someone appeared in his room without his permission, "Guards!"
Lucius Malfoy would later assume that Dobby had died when he hadn't answered Malfoy's call. In reality, he was locked in the dungeons of Asgard, and would remain there for some time.
August 21, 1992
Ginny felt bad about going to Hogwarts and leaving Ron at home alone. She was even given Scabbers. With that in mind, she decided to leave Ron with a gift.
"I found this with my schoolbooks," Ginny said, handing him her new diary. "It writes back, so you won't be so lonely." Even a year ago, Ron Weasley would have yelled at Ginny and called her stupid for giving him a diary, but his part in the death of Hermione Granger had forced him to grow up.
"Thanks Ginny," he said instead. "I hope you have fun at Hogwarts."
Ginny smiled brightly at him.
September 1, 1992
Ginny Weasley, being the only girl in her family, was extremely stubborn and had a fiery spirit. It would have taken the diary almost two months to control her for only half-an-hour. Ronald Weasley, despite his recent rise in maturity, was still a greedy, selfish-minded little boy at heart. It took the diary only a week to gain full control over him.
Tom Riddle, in Ron Weasley's body, stole the flying car that Arthur Weasley had in his shed, and began making plans for Hogwarts. Ron, though not in control, was aware enough to realize that Riddle would kill all the muggleborns like Hermione Granger and so-called blood traitors like his sister.
With the last bit of power he had, Ron Weasley took back his body, and aimed the car straight for the ground. With an explosion that would have made any Hollywood movie producer jump for joy, one of Tom Riddle's horcruxes was destroyed.
No one but Heimdall would ever know.
When Ron's parents returned to find him and the car missing, they assumed he had run away since he couldn't go to Hogwarts. The aurors who answered their call for help found no evidence to the contrary, and after an extensive search of the Burrow and the nearby town, Ron Weasley was put down as a missing runaway.
September 5, 1992
The only scandal to rock what would have been Harry Potter's second year at Hogwarts was when Peter Pettigrew was found alive.
Fred and George had been in possession of a very special map since their own first year. They hadn't been paying much attention to the Sorting, but they knew they had gotten more first year boys last year than were in their own year (themselves and Lee).
Seeing one of them, Peter Pettigrew, that apparently slept close to Ron didn't seem that unusual. Ron had slept with them until they turned his teddy bear into a spider. It was a comfort thing; even they wouldn't tease Ron about it. If Ron didn't talk about Peter, well Ron was a bit of an arse, so it wasn't a surprise.
Seeing Peter Pettigrew in the now first year girl dorms, on the other hand, set off feelings of alarm. Sure the kid might miss Ron, and want to cuddle with the closest person he could get to Ron, and yeah Ginny would probably let him if she felt sorry for him, but how had what they assumed was a second year student gotten passed the stair case.
The stair case to the girls dorms was charmed not to let any boys up, not even if they were prefects. That left the boys with two options, ignore what was probably a kid trying to get some comfort, or go to McGonagall. They had ignored Ron last year and he had gotten a girl killed. What if them ignoring this got Ginny killed instead?
That made the decision easy.
McGonagall was already grumpy having been woken up in the middle of the night by the Weasley Twins of all students. Having to temporarily halt the charm on the girl's stair case so the twins could follow her to their sister's bed did not improve her mood. Opening the girl's curtains only to find that there was no boy there was the last straw.
"What is this?" she hissed at the twins. "Some sort of prank!?"
"No Professor, we swear," Fred said.
"Look at the map!" George said, showing it to her. The feet attached to the name of Peter Pettigrew were heading towards the door. Minerva looked up from the map, only seeing the Weasley girl's rat. She narrowed her eyes, and shot a stunner after the rat. It hit dead on and the rat stopped moving. So did Pettigrew's name.
She firecalled the Aurors from the common room fireplace.
May 1, 1993
Loki stepped out of the portal and told Clint Barton, "You have heart."
Just the Avengers now, and then on to the Triwizard Tournament.
As always, I am accepting prompts, however, I am not accepting prompts through reviews. If you wish to give me a prompt, please see the Accepting Prompts section of my profile for instructions. Thank you.
I. H. Scribe
P.S. As I am having trouble uploading new stories (I've sent an email to the address the help page gave me, but they haven't gotten back to me yet), all new stories will currently only be on my LJ and AO3 pages.