Elemental Hybrid
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Joined 01-29-13, id: 4513254, Profile Updated: 07-14-17
Author has written 6 stories for Borderlands, RWBY, and Misc. Tv Shows.


Welcome to my profile


Nothing important is ever really posted here actually. I just wanted an excuse to do bold and all caps.

Anyway, if you're here I guess you're curious about what I write or you got here by accident looking for someone else entirely

Sad to say, but most of my crap is old, like damn.

My current project is simply a complete remake of 'A New Vault Hunter' which is still very much in the works.

So keep in mind that the quality you see down below is not my current level. I like to at least pretend that I've improved since then, heheh

Anyway, feel free to drop a follow or something I suppose. Not like I'm active enough to be overly annoying with notifcations.

Welcome to my stories. I hope you'll enjoy them with me.

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Vault of Vytal by ChiefD3m0n1c reviews
The rewrite of Vault of Vytal. Nearly a year after the fall of Handsome Jack, the Vault Key has transported the Vault Hunters to a new world, Remnant. Now with the help of Team RWBY, they have to find a way back to Pandora... but dark alien forces work in the shadows against them. Rated M for violence, language and adult situations.
Crossover - Borderlands & RWBY - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 8 - Words: 31,501 - Reviews: 64 - Favs: 173 - Follows: 241 - Updated: 9/27 - Published: 7/13/2017 - [Zer0, Blake B.] [Gaige, Ruby R.]
The Greatest Prison by evevee reviews
Tracer never talked about her time as a lost soul. She's known now as the excitable Brit, the puppy of Overwatch, the fearless point on any offensive. Winston had always suspected some form of trauma, and Widow had proved that at King's Row. Unbeknownst to all, her true terror approaches, and as one wise man once said, "If you were his enemy...may god help you." -Hiatus until OW2
Crossover - Halo & Overwatch - Rated: M - English - Sci-Fi/Adventure - Chapters: 14 - Words: 71,269 - Reviews: 215 - Favs: 743 - Follows: 1,091 - Updated: 9/12 - Published: 9/12/2016 - Master Chief/John-117, Arbiter, Amélie L./Widowmaker, Lena O./Tracer
Ere we go, Pluz Ultra! by Unseen Lurker reviews
Sometimes, small things can have unforeseen consequences. Like the butterfly causing an hurricane. Or the nail costing a war. Or the snotling messing around where he shouldn't causing the rise of a different kind of hero... "Awigt den, come have a go, ya gits! Waaaaagggghh!"
Crossover - Warhammer & My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 6 - Words: 48,490 - Reviews: 486 - Favs: 1,262 - Follows: 1,457 - Updated: 9/4 - Published: 1/30/2019 - Orks, Izuku M.
To Infinity by creamofwheat2311 reviews
After discovering an ancient artifact, the UNSC's most advanced warship and a Sangheili Assault Carrier are transported to a universe unlike anything they have ever seen, and forced into a war against a foe they never could have imagined.
Crossover - Halo & Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Adventure - Chapters: 51 - Words: 444,043 - Reviews: 3854 - Favs: 4,693 - Follows: 5,553 - Updated: 8/6 - Published: 10/9/2013 - Master Chief/John-117, Arbiter, T. Lasky, Shepard
Beneath a Broken Moon by Unseen Lurker reviews
He was a hero, vanquisher of men and beasts, daedra and dragons. But now, Fate calls him elsewhere. How will he fare in this world, so unlike his own? "Wait... are those... rabbit ears?"
Crossover - Elder Scroll series & RWBY - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Chapters: 17 - Words: 100,046 - Reviews: 663 - Favs: 2,383 - Follows: 3,013 - Updated: 7/31 - Published: 10/13/2014 - Dragonborn/Dovahkiin
Of Red Petals and Black Feathers by Unseen Lurker reviews
It had happened many times before, all with the same outcome. The scared sisters, the dark monsters, and the uncle who saved the former from the later. But this time, not all the actors showed up. This time, something else saved the Rose. And now, all who threaten what she strives to protect will learn to fear the crows.
Crossover - League of Legends & RWBY - Rated: T - English - Supernatural/Fantasy - Chapters: 12 - Words: 69,684 - Reviews: 441 - Favs: 1,049 - Follows: 1,340 - Updated: 6/30 - Published: 3/1/2015 - Fiddlesticks, Ruby R.
Waking Nightmares: Remix Heart by KnightMysterio reviews
A reboot of Waking Nightmares. Celestia has been suffering from nightmares, and her sister Luna cannot seem to stop them. On top of things, the dreaded Queen Chrysalis and is finally standing trial, several world leaders attending to help decide her fate. On top of everything else, nine ponies and a dragon from another world have arrived, apparently sent there by a mad wizard...
Crossover - My Little Pony & Team Fortress 2 - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Horror - Chapters: 7 - Words: 33,127 - Reviews: 73 - Favs: 134 - Follows: 152 - Updated: 3/16 - Published: 7/29/2017 - Twilight Sparkle, Miss Pauling
Biomass Effect by Beastrider9 reviews
All life on Earth had been consumed by Blacklight. With no Biomass to feed on, Blacklight had to evolve, adapt, and grow. Now a collective Council of Aliens discovers the existence of such a life form. How do the aliens see a form of life that is viral, how they deal with it, what are the consequences to the galaxy of such a race existing at all.
Crossover - Mass Effect & Prototype - Rated: M - English - Sci-Fi - Chapters: 62 - Words: 333,072 - Reviews: 2733 - Favs: 3,911 - Follows: 4,342 - Updated: 3/3 - Published: 8/8/2014
Service with a Smile by Coeur Al'Aran reviews
When Jaune's forged transcripts were rebuffed, his only option was to return home in disgrace or forge a new life in Vale. Opening a diner was an impetuous decision, being good at it a stroke of luck. Becoming the favourite haunt for students, teachers and criminals alike…? That was neither, but it sure did keep things interesting. Wasn't the civilian life supposed to be easier?
RWBY - Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 62 - Words: 413,348 - Reviews: 8699 - Favs: 8,680 - Follows: 8,661 - Updated: 1/21 - Published: 8/8/2017 - Jaune A. - Complete
Burning Arrow, Wildfire Heart by Taranea reviews
After receiving an ancient book as a present, Sonic finds himself called to a fantastic world of magic and heroes - which is threatened by an evil Djinn! Cursed by a flame arrow when he dares to rise against him, Sonic will need the help not only of the genie Shahra, but also Tails and his other friends to survive this adventure...Secret Rings game adapt, with everyone! COMPLETE!
Sonic the Hedgehog - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 48 - Words: 261,377 - Reviews: 1317 - Favs: 494 - Follows: 406 - Updated: 11/10/2019 - Published: 8/29/2007 - Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Shahra - Complete
Two Souls Bound by EndWillows reviews
AU. A soulmate is not your destiny. The identical marks that form on people mark simply their compatibility. Your soulmate is who you have the potential to grow closest to. There is no guarantee, and this isn't always a good thing. Meg Thomas knows this better than anyone.
Dead by Daylight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 13 - Words: 31,757 - Reviews: 77 - Favs: 117 - Follows: 109 - Updated: 9/3/2019 - Published: 8/10/2017 - [Meg Thomas, Evan MacMillan/Trapper]
For Better or Worse by The Howling Behemoth reviews
Naruto and Temari are married for the alliance between their villages. She tries to understand her damaged husband while he tries to keep her as happy as possible. Good luck. Too bad most of the villagers are against them, making them greater pariahs. Thankfully and unfortunately, Naruto will do ANYTHING for his family, even make deals with devils. SasuxSaku-council-others bashing
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 11 - Words: 40,381 - Reviews: 343 - Favs: 1,170 - Follows: 1,524 - Updated: 4/11/2019 - Published: 3/29/2016 - [Naruto U., Temari]
Normal is Gone by White Maid reviews
An entity breathes life into those who have died and summons them from beyond the dimensions to bring them to its arms. What these newly lived people seek now are the souls and hope of those who still have it. Survivors were necessary for them to finally feel alive.
Dead by Daylight - Rated: M - English - Horror/Suspense - Chapters: 24 - Words: 110,998 - Reviews: 53 - Favs: 64 - Follows: 73 - Updated: 3/11/2019 - Published: 7/31/2016 - Meg Thomas, Claudette Morel, Evan MacMillan/Trapper, Philip Ojomo/Wraith - Complete
Unraveling The Nightmare by BoredGamer reviews
A gasp escaped his lips as the freezing cold water hit his face, snapping him back into the moment. He held his palms out again, collecting more. His breathing was gradually slowing, muscles loosening as he forced himself to calm down. He was okay, everything was alright. Nothing can hurt him here. [Psychological Horror, Reality Bending and PTSD]
Dead by Daylight - Rated: M - English - Horror/Supernatural - Chapters: 17 - Words: 20,651 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 18 - Follows: 15 - Updated: 11/9/2018 - Published: 10/25/2016 - Dwight Fairfield - Complete
The Wraith of Remnant by Vanguard523 reviews
The Black Hand, The Hammer, The Tower and Sauron's Warchiefs are defeated. However, after Talion and Celebrimbor attempt to travel to a nearby Eldar tower, things go wrong and they don't end up where they expected.
Crossover - RWBY & Middle-earth - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 7 - Words: 12,666 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 90 - Follows: 90 - Updated: 10/24/2018 - Published: 5/23/2017 - Team RWBY, Celebrimbor, Talion - Complete
Close Enough - The Redux! by MarcyLarson reviews
Back from the dead, after all these years! A chronological series of blurbs written from the perspective of Krieg's inner voice. As a warning, there are some dark/suicidal themes ahead. As well as blood and violence, since that's just how it be on this bitch of a planet.
Borderlands - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 6 - Words: 21,551 - Reviews: 72 - Favs: 236 - Follows: 275 - Updated: 6/25/2018 - Published: 6/1/2013 - [Maya, Krieg] Zer0, Axton
Shepard's New Team by L3tt3r5 4nd Numb3r5 reviews
Some story with the original RED mercenaries adding their bit of insanity to the somewhat sane galaxy of Mass Effect. How will 9 homicidal maniacs stop a legion of genocidal robot ships? Good question; I have no idea.
Crossover - Mass Effect & Team Fortress 2 - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Humor - Chapters: 14 - Words: 72,055 - Reviews: 115 - Favs: 211 - Follows: 226 - Updated: 4/22/2018 - Published: 11/2/2011
Survival by SepticMind reviews
It's hours after Raven first arrives on earth. After being rejected by the Justice League she finds her way to Jump City and with nothing but her thoughts goes wandering only to cross paths with a threesome who's names mean trouble. AU. What if she hadn't found the Titans first?
Teen Titans - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 4 - Words: 21,832 - Reviews: 101 - Favs: 163 - Follows: 271 - Updated: 1/13/2018 - Published: 7/1/2015 - Jinx, Raven
Domestic Dispositions by SepticMind reviews
REMASTERED: A series of one-shots based around Jinx and Raven. Will also include other titans and characters. Follow Raven and Jinx during the more… mundane days of life.
Teen Titans - Rated: M - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 19 - Words: 51,352 - Reviews: 149 - Favs: 138 - Follows: 154 - Updated: 1/13/2018 - Published: 2/20/2012 - Jinx, Raven, Melvin, Teether
Not Possible by The Lone Swordswolf reviews
For so long we all thought that monsters were figments of our imagination. We thought that the only thing that goes bump in the night are other people. We thought wrong.
Crossover - Hellsing & Mass Effect - Rated: M - English - Supernatural/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 3 - Words: 16,185 - Reviews: 63 - Favs: 224 - Follows: 320 - Updated: 12/30/2017 - Published: 8/9/2015 - Seras, Hans G., J. Garson, Joker
The Veiled Secret Of Remnant by ForestCityJames reviews
Alucard finds himself in a new world after some strange events take place before the battle of London can really get started. Where is he? Why is he here? And why can't he find anything remotely familiar on any map? AlucardXYang (masterxservant) JauneXSeras First fan fic and bad with summaries so sorry, looking forward to reviews.
Crossover - Hellsing & RWBY - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 3 - Words: 4,057 - Reviews: 30 - Favs: 167 - Follows: 209 - Updated: 11/21/2017 - Published: 10/13/2015 - [Seras, Jaune A.] Alucard, Yang X.L.
Survival by Lukutakina reviews
Stuck in an island with little memory about the previous day, Webber is deserted. Now he must survive in the peculiar place with his wits and survival instincts. But the island proves to hold ominous ambiguities unknown to the natural world. Along with linguring mysteries, he encounters other survivors condemned with the same fate.
Don't Starve - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Suspense - Chapters: 19 - Words: 83,735 - Reviews: 84 - Favs: 53 - Follows: 49 - Updated: 10/6/2017 - Published: 10/24/2015 - Maxwell/William C., Wilson H., Wendy, Webber
A New Watch by Kingly Crimson reviews
A year after the ending of the Second Omnic Crisis, thing's on earth have changed for the better with Overwatch back in the picture. However with the Creation of the new Slipstreamer Rocket being Tested in the Sol System by Winston, The People of earth find out they aren't alone. And they sure as hell aren't safe either. Time to call Overwatch.
Crossover - Mass Effect & Overwatch - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Adventure - Chapters: 5 - Words: 47,162 - Reviews: 140 - Favs: 486 - Follows: 641 - Updated: 9/14/2017 - Published: 5/1/2016
100 Beautiful and Ugly Words by ironstatic reviews
60. Scintilla: trace (The beginning of the end.)
League of Legends - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 60 - Words: 36,363 - Reviews: 149 - Favs: 162 - Follows: 215 - Updated: 8/25/2017 - Published: 10/21/2014 - [Jinx, Lux]
Waking Nightmares by KnightMysterio reviews
Luna's nightmares herald the arrival of nine warriors from another world, who have unwillingly been turned into ponies by the force that brought them there. Why were they transported to Equestria? And what is the horror that haunts Princess Celestia?
Crossover - My Little Pony & Team Fortress 2 - Rated: T - English - Supernatural/Drama - Chapters: 41 - Words: 420,879 - Reviews: 932 - Favs: 605 - Follows: 613 - Updated: 7/17/2017 - Published: 9/6/2011 - Princess Luna/Nightmare Moon, Medic - Complete
Her Guilty Pleasure by TheForceIsStrongWithThisOne reviews
Raven has a secret hobby that no one can know about, especially not Beast Boy. Chapter 25 is published. Apologies for the long wait.
Teen Titans - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 25 - Words: 57,600 - Reviews: 543 - Favs: 314 - Follows: 206 - Updated: 7/4/2017 - Published: 6/8/2012 - Raven
Professor Arc by Coeur Al'Aran reviews
He didn't know the first thing about teaching, Hell, he didn't even know the first thing about fighting! A shame then, that his forged documents painted the picture of an accomplished and skilled warrior. Now he's trapped teaching students his own age how to be hunters, when he doesn't even know himself!
RWBY - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 64 - Words: 582,340 - Reviews: 7938 - Favs: 8,205 - Follows: 7,258 - Updated: 7/2/2017 - Published: 12/18/2014 - Jaune A. - Complete
Alucard VS The Scarlet Devil Mansion by 336 reviews
For as long as Remilia Scarlet has been in Gensokyo, she has claimed to be the daughter of the feared Vampire Count Vlad Tepes Dracul III. But just as she starts preparing for her 500th birthday, Alucard catches wind of her lies and starts preparing for something himself. A walk through the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Destination: Remilia. Goal: Extermination.
Crossover - Hellsing & Touhou Project - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Supernatural - Chapters: 14 - Words: 55,071 - Reviews: 54 - Favs: 119 - Follows: 112 - Updated: 5/25/2017 - Published: 4/22/2016 - Alucard, Remilia S., Sakuya I., Flandre S. - Complete
The Hospital by TheForceIsStrongWithThisOne reviews
One shot. Raven winds up in the hospital and her friends rush to her side.
Teen Titans - Rated: K+ - English - Family/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,575 - Reviews: 66 - Favs: 109 - Follows: 23 - Updated: 5/1/2017 - Published: 11/20/2012 - Beast Boy, Raven - Complete
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing by Angrybadgerson reviews
Running out of options in the face of the oncoming Grimm invasion, Ozpin turns to his last hope for Beacon's defense. An ancient monster, old beyond counting, wise beyond measure and powerful beyond imagination, enters the Academy, disguised as a student. Blacklight is back, and facing his final obstacle to become the ultimate life-form. Four years of school. Easy, right?
Crossover - Prototype & RWBY - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 6 - Words: 38,774 - Reviews: 282 - Favs: 1,120 - Follows: 1,296 - Updated: 4/12/2017 - Published: 2/11/2017 - Alex M./Zeus, Ozpin, Team RWBY, Team JNPR
A Stroke of Bad Luck: Remastered by SepticMind reviews
The sequel to "Friday 13th: Remastered". While a threat quietly grows in the shadows of Gotham, the HIVE Five discover what happened in the past doesn't always stay in the past.
Teen Titans - Rated: M - English - Suspense/Romance - Chapters: 7 - Words: 40,773 - Reviews: 108 - Favs: 192 - Follows: 280 - Updated: 1/18/2017 - Published: 7/18/2014 - [Jinx, Raven]
Scattering Grief by thievinghippo reviews
It is said one joy can scatter one hundred griefs. But after the destruction of the Reapers, there is hardly time for either as a new threat emerges, determined to make Shepard realize how much death a person can take.
Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Romance - Chapters: 25 - Words: 105,988 - Reviews: 42 - Favs: 52 - Follows: 84 - Updated: 1/9/2017 - Published: 11/4/2013 - J. Garson, Garrus V.
Some Contracts Are Best Left Alone by bluekrishna reviews
Thane recalls one of the more embarrassing hits of his long career as a snuffer.
Mass Effect - Rated: M - English - Humor - Chapters: 3 - Words: 7,809 - Reviews: 31 - Favs: 16 - Follows: 20 - Updated: 12/12/2016 - Published: 12/11/2013
The Equalizer by Coeur Al'Aran reviews
Dust was humanity's equalizer against the Grimm, a tool with limitless possibilities – especially when handled with care. Jaune was but a child when he started experimenting, but they say there's lessons to learned, even in failure. Jaune's not sure why his mixtures are considered failed reactions though. [ONE SHOT]
RWBY - Rated: T - English - Humor/Parody - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,577 - Reviews: 232 - Favs: 956 - Follows: 416 - Published: 11/15/2016 - Jaune A. - Complete
Spider's Parlor by DeathOnWings1203 reviews
After the ending of the True Pacifist Run both monsters and humans have started to live in the same community. Muffet is one of the monsters that has had success, but she didn't do it alone. She has Frisk to largely thank for her successful business.
Undertale - Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 33 - Words: 126,317 - Reviews: 255 - Favs: 175 - Follows: 187 - Updated: 10/23/2016 - Published: 1/21/2016 - Frisk, Muffet
In Another Timeline by Sky's Limit5 reviews
A Fanfiction based off the 'Handplates' comic made by zarla. Casey, a human that has fallen into the Underground, stumbles upon a hidden secret in the True Lab...
Undertale - Rated: T - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 25 - Words: 21,366 - Reviews: 38 - Favs: 80 - Follows: 46 - Updated: 9/9/2016 - Published: 3/21/2016 - OC, Papyrus, Sans, Gaster - Complete
Recompense by Light1 reviews
Why did Alucard turn Seras?
Hellsing - Rated: K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,771 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 47 - Follows: 13 - Published: 9/2/2016 - Alucard, Seras, Walter - Complete
Survive the Shadows by AileenRoseven reviews
Wilson P. Higgsbury fancied himself a scientist... Genius... A man who he felt could hopefully change the world... But when a creative slump mixed in with some trouble... He now must survive in a new world, new friends and... Strange creatures in the shadows...
Don't Starve - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Mystery - Chapters: 18 - Words: 45,665 - Reviews: 34 - Favs: 121 - Follows: 81 - Updated: 8/31/2016 - Published: 4/1/2016 - Wilson H., Willow, Wendy, Abigail - Complete
Avatars of Chaos by KnightMysterio reviews
The great and mighty Princesses of Equestria have been growing steadily weaker. They have unknowingly been enforcing Order instead of Harmony, and in response, their powers are being drained away. Only by embracing Chaos can they regain their powers and become proper protectors of Equestria. Specifically, they have to become avatars of the four Chaos Gods of Warhammer 40k...
My Little Pony - Rated: M - English - Humor/Parody - Chapters: 2 - Words: 7,460 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 8 - Follows: 14 - Updated: 8/31/2016 - Published: 8/27/2016 - Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna/Nightmare Moon, Princess Cadance/Princess Mi Amore Cadenza
Attack of the Rampaging Love Monster by KnightMysterio reviews
It's a beautiful day in Ponyville. Or at least it was until Cadance crashes into the side of Twilight's castle. Apparently, the Princess of Love has gone completely insane. Can Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer stop her? Will they stop her before Twilight has a nervous breakdown? ...Yeah, no.
My Little Pony - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,987 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 7 - Published: 8/11/2016 - Twilight Sparkle, Princess Cadance/Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Starlight Glimmer
He Makes Me Laugh by PunkInuzuka reviews
Temari was a harsh, clever woman, but she loved for simple reasons. [NaruTema]
Naruto - Rated: K - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 4 - Words: 14,919 - Reviews: 94 - Favs: 880 - Follows: 461 - Updated: 8/5/2016 - Published: 4/26/2016 - [Naruto U., Temari] Ino Y. - Complete
A Different Scroll by Enei Emmu reviews
A timeline branches wildly away from its proper alignment. Many things change, and yet others stay exactly the same. A thousand years into the divergence, ten-year-old Hinata befriends Naruto. Complete.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 96 - Words: 671,045 - Reviews: 2072 - Favs: 2,865 - Follows: 2,539 - Updated: 8/5/2016 - Published: 8/15/2013 - [Naruto U., Hinata H.] [Gaara, Tenten] - Complete
Risky Muffin by The Swordslinger reviews
Crack-pairing! Muffet x Frisk. A one-shot gallery for this odd crack pairing that has been haunting my mind ever since I finished Undertale. What happens when a mute and eccentric boy starts spending too much time with a creepy but adorable spider girl? Takes place after the True Pacifist ending, so don't read if you haven't finished the game, there's spoilers. Slight OOC Muffet.
Undertale - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 6 - Words: 19,057 - Reviews: 69 - Favs: 195 - Follows: 172 - Updated: 7/5/2016 - Published: 11/14/2015 - [Frisk, Muffet]
Beyond by Architecturally Sound reviews
It is said that all sentient beings have souls. Therefore, all AIs should go to heaven, as well. Features a cameo by Legion.
Crossover - Mass Effect & Overwatch - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi - Chapters: 2 - Words: 1,219 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 24 - Follows: 6 - Published: 6/29/2016 - Complete
Begin Again by gameloverx reviews
What happened after everyone got out? Did they go back to their ordinary lives? Where is Maxwell? And is the end really the end? A series of modern-time stories. After cannon. Kind of has a plot. Current story: " There was an impulse that wouldn't let him leave Maxwell's note well alone. There was also a dead woman on the stairs."
Don't Starve - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Mystery - Chapters: 4 - Words: 12,453 - Reviews: 24 - Favs: 23 - Follows: 33 - Updated: 6/15/2016 - Published: 7/24/2015 - Wilson H., Willow
The Sleepover by jazziisms reviews
Sticks is going to her first sleepover at Amy's house! Against her will, she's forced to learn what it's like to be a girl - and that comes with talking about boys. Great... Multiships!
Sonic the Hedgehog - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 8 - Words: 18,504 - Reviews: 165 - Favs: 109 - Follows: 91 - Updated: 6/15/2016 - Published: 12/28/2014 - [Amy, Sonic] Sticks
LOVE by AngelLovesToShip reviews
Who said that L.O.V.E only stands for "Level of Violence"? This can also refer to love, shattered in many pieces and then taped back together. But who knew a friendship could turn into LOVE? This fanfiction contains Sans x Chara x Frisk, please refrain from reading if you don't like this ship. DON'T LIKE, DON'T READ.
Undertale - Rated: T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 3 - Words: 6,147 - Reviews: 13 - Favs: 18 - Follows: 17 - Updated: 5/27/2016 - Published: 4/23/2016 - Frisk, Sans, Chara
RubyRolled! by Madcinder reviews
Welcome to the wild world of RWBY! Come and watch the crazy antics of all your favorite RWBY characters, and Yang will be there too. A humorous ongoing story, writing with the intention of never truly ending. If you have suggestions, please leave them in a review and wait to see what comes of it. Please stop, drop, and roll by!
RWBY - Rated: T - English - Humor/Parody - Chapters: 41 - Words: 39,878 - Reviews: 337 - Favs: 264 - Follows: 278 - Updated: 5/20/2016 - Published: 10/24/2013 - Ruby R., Weiss S., Blake B., Nora V.
Thorns And Fire by Raggazzed12 reviews
Wilson finds himself trapped in a deadly thorn bush that the poor Gentleman Scientist knows will kill him. Can anyone save him? Will anyone save him? (Rated T for rather bloody and a bit disturbing descriptions.)
Don't Starve - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Angst - Chapters: 5 - Words: 8,829 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 24 - Follows: 11 - Updated: 5/15/2016 - Published: 10/4/2015 - Maxwell/William C., Wilson H., Willow - Complete
League of Kids by LycanthropeSpirit reviews
A fluctuation in the energy and timelines from the Institute of War had some very weird side effects for the champions. What would you do if you found out that you now had to look after your 6 year old self? Let's find out what the Champions would do, instead. (OT3 shipping)
League of Legends - Rated: T - English - Humor/Family - Chapters: 21 - Words: 29,923 - Reviews: 61 - Favs: 52 - Follows: 62 - Updated: 5/9/2016 - Published: 11/29/2015 - [Caitlyn, Jayce, Vi] - Complete
A smug asshole walks into a plane by Atherys reviews
At first Frisk was grateful and relieved when the voice in their head stopped telling them to fight people. If this is the alternative they sort of wish they could switch back. (it's literally just chara and frisk poking fun at each other while not-fighting the tsundereplane i don't know what more you want from me)
Undertale - Rated: K - English - Humor/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,362 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 17 - Follows: 5 - Published: 4/24/2016 - Frisk, Chara - Complete
Context by KnightMysterio reviews
Twilight's been wondering about that reality she saw while fighting Starlight Glimmer. The one where it seemed Flim and Flam were ruling. Discord claims she was viewing the whole situation out of context, and offers to take her to that particular reality...
My Little Pony - Rated: T - English - Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 7,532 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 24 - Follows: 4 - Published: 4/23/2016 - Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Discord, Starlight Glimmer - Complete
The Human and The Seven Wandering Souls by Jak K. Rachet reviews
Frisk fell down in Mt. Ebott, where the Human Race banished Monster Kind. But she doesn't have to travel alone. She has seven companions for the trip through the Underground. Crossed Updated with AO3. (Fem!Frisk traveling through the Underground with a Male!Chara and the Six Human Souls, who all seven are ghost.) (Pairings are not determined yet.)
Undertale - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,658 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 32 - Follows: 28 - Published: 4/23/2016 - Frisk, Chara, Light Blue Soul, Blue Soul
A Dark Dawn by Ave Imperium reviews
A new race was discovered and annihilated. A century passed and Citadel space forgot, but Humanity never did.
Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Horror/Adventure - Chapters: 36 - Words: 143,972 - Reviews: 1011 - Favs: 2,074 - Follows: 2,057 - Updated: 4/12/2016 - Published: 8/21/2014 - Tali'Zorah, Shepard - Complete
Tales from Their World by Dyneya Clovenhoof reviews
A collection of my Don't Starve short stories. Will be mostly pairings, starting with Maxwell/Charlie, but will grow as I add more.
Don't Starve - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 6 - Words: 2,904 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 19 - Updated: 4/11/2016 - Published: 3/29/2015 - [Willow, Wilson H.] [Maxwell/William C., Charlie]
The Memoirs Of A Reality Jumper by Daniel Gallant reviews
Alex has been thrown around fictional realities for almost 60 years without aging or control. This time, he jumped to Ponyville, and will be staying for a lifetime. Can he build a life here? Does he want to? What about the family he left behind?
My Little Pony - Rated: T - English - Family - Chapters: 55 - Words: 237,741 - Reviews: 398 - Favs: 254 - Follows: 270 - Updated: 3/17/2016 - Published: 11/18/2011 - Rainbow Dash
An Ally in the Psychotic by Psychotic115 reviews
What happens when a violence and meat loving psycho finds demigods? A whole bunch of fun times that's what happens.
Crossover - Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Borderlands - Rated: M - English - Adventure - Chapters: 25 - Words: 11,337 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 38 - Follows: 45 - Updated: 3/16/2016 - Published: 3/31/2014 - Krieg
A Very Nasty Surprise by Talos the Saiyan reviews
The Collectors descend upon Horizon only to discover that things are not quite as they should be. For, as the swarms of drones are released to paralyse the locals, the Collectors find themselves facing a very nasty surprise.
Crossover - Mass Effect & Prototype - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 6 - Words: 44,888 - Reviews: 150 - Favs: 420 - Follows: 561 - Updated: 3/8/2016 - Published: 3/17/2012
Days of Mt Ebbot High School by Chariskriel reviews
Who thought it would be a good idea to send these teens to high school?
Undertale - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,474 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 19 - Published: 3/6/2016 - [Chara, Frisk] [Asriel, Monster Kid]
Bad Boys by Friday Knight reviews
Jaune and Ren needed some extra cash for a hit new game that came out recently. They were walking through Vale for part time jobs that fit their schedule when they found an ad for a modelling thing. It was one day only and the amount of money paid was more than enough for the game so they took a shot. The theme turned out to be "bad boys". (Based on picture by CSLucaris) [One-shot]
RWBY - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Friendship - Chapters: 2 - Words: 9,313 - Reviews: 127 - Favs: 757 - Follows: 456 - Updated: 3/1/2016 - Published: 2/28/2016 - OC, Jaune A., L. Ren - Complete
My Angry Valentine by Professor Maka reviews
Spartoi is on a mission to get our favorite death scythe to finally make a move on his meister for Valentine's Day. Will they succeed? Cracktastic SoMa fluff with a heaping helping of Black*Star and a side of Spartoi. Now a collection. In the latest, "The Valentine," Maka gets an anonymous Valentine in her locker and decides to find out who sent it. Complete fluff eater.
Soul Eater - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 3 - Words: 18,341 - Reviews: 39 - Favs: 166 - Follows: 53 - Updated: 2/16/2016 - Published: 2/14/2014 - [Soul Eater, Maka A.] Black Star, Kilik L. - Complete
Too late at night by Rinichey reviews
It's one of those nights. Sans gets called in for a search and rescue mission and while he doesn't mind the job, it's the partner he's with that makes it all the more interesting. (Mobster AU, some slight MuffetXSans)
Undertale - Rated: T - English - Crime/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 9,009 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 7 - Published: 2/12/2016 - Papyrus, Sans, Muffet
reverse psychology by Darkhymns reviews
"If I have one piece of advice for you… DON'T… let his brother… don't let Sans find out ANYTHING about you. He'll…well… let's just say he's caused me more than my fair share of resets. Stay away from that guy." or, What if Sans and Asriel met long before? What then?
Undertale - Rated: T - English - Drama/Angst - Chapters: 6 - Words: 26,003 - Reviews: 15 - Favs: 75 - Follows: 44 - Updated: 1/10/2016 - Published: 12/19/2015 - Asriel, Sans, Chara, Flowey - Complete
Mass Effect: Blood Flow by Bum507 reviews
While many did not believe Shepard's warning of the Reaper threat, the Hellsing organization did. After Shepard is revived by Cerberus, Hellsing sends one of their best agents to help combat the upcoming Reaper invasion by any means necessary. Mass Effect 2. M for blood, violence, languge, and possibly gore.
Crossover - Hellsing & Mass Effect - Rated: M - English - Sci-Fi/Adventure - Chapters: 3 - Words: 5,690 - Reviews: 40 - Favs: 245 - Follows: 376 - Updated: 12/31/2015 - Published: 2/1/2015 - Seras, Shepard
When Chaos Stirs, A Tale of Two Worlds by Dawen123 reviews
When one of Eggman's machines goes horribly wrong, Sonic and his gang are thrown into a strange world. The mane 6 must forge alliences and redeme friendships in order to defend against Eggman and his war machines. They will be in more than they bargen for, for an old enemy is stalking in the mist.
Crossover - Sonic the Hedgehog & My Little Pony - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 58 - Words: 404,571 - Reviews: 903 - Favs: 273 - Follows: 227 - Updated: 12/24/2015 - Published: 11/4/2012 - Sonic, Rainbow Dash - Complete
It's Going Tibia Ok by Fairytale Warrior reviews
Alphys thought Sans might be in shock. After all, his brother had lost a leg and he was just sitting there watching TV.
Undertale - Rated: K - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 4 - Words: 4,931 - Reviews: 23 - Favs: 125 - Follows: 62 - Updated: 12/14/2015 - Published: 12/13/2015 - Papyrus, Sans, Undyne, Alphys - Complete
Gib dem Teufel, was ihm zusteht by AmputeeTrainee reviews
She demanded to be let out, and in his infinite cruelty Samiel did—he did! And now, she was stuck with the master of the Devil. - Rip van Winkle "survives", takes part in the final battle, and beyond.
Hellsing - Rated: M - English - Horror/Tragedy - Chapters: 4 - Words: 13,190 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 10 - Updated: 12/1/2015 - Published: 4/30/2015 - Alucard, Integra, Rip Van Winkle, Z. Blitz
A Month's Worth of Fluff Stories-A Movember Special by Unconsciousdirt reviews
As Preseason Begins, each champion is forced to stay at the Institute of War. But when tragedy strikes, what will the champions do without their hair-care products? Contains suggestive language and scenes.
League of Legends - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,625 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 20 - Follows: 15 - Published: 11/28/2015 - Caitlyn, Fiora, Yasuo, Kindred - Complete
Trapped by LycanthropeSpirit reviews
As most of the champions get ready to go home for Christmas, something goes wrong with the barrier system that protects them. Nobody can leave. It's hard enough at this time of year, but given that most of them are enemies, nothing can go well. (Spur of the moment ship)
League of Legends - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 19 - Words: 32,020 - Reviews: 50 - Favs: 90 - Follows: 116 - Updated: 11/25/2015 - Published: 8/26/2014 - [Lux, Vi] Ahri, Jinx - Complete
Explanations by Xenopsyche reviews
Hannah Shepard finally gets the chance to talk to her errant son after he disappeared for two years and she's more than a little confused about the rumours she's been hearing. And why does she have to keep an open mind about someone he's bringing along? Updated version posted: 14/11/2015
Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 6,543 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 206 - Follows: 65 - Updated: 11/15/2015 - Published: 11/13/2013 - [Shepard, Tali'Zorah] Garrus V., Hannah S. - Complete
Tahm Travel by Unconsciousdirt reviews
It wasn't a meteor that killed the dinosaurs.
League of Legends - Rated: T - English - Poetry/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 318 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 6 - Published: 11/6/2015 - Tryndamere, Tahm Kench - Complete
Command: Matchmake by Unconsciousdirt reviews
Blitzcrank designed his Compatibility Service to help beings find their other half. So when the system matches up a clockwork killing machine with a being of healing, it has to be a glitch. Right?
League of Legends - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,043 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 13 - Follows: 5 - Published: 11/4/2015 - Blitzcrank, Orianna, Bard - Complete
Spider Confectioneries by mutietootie reviews
Muffet gets yet another visit from her dear old friend from the Underground
Undertale - Rated: T - English - Angst/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,722 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 32 - Follows: 6 - Published: 11/3/2015 - Mettaton, Muffet - Complete
Unsinkable by AmputeeTrainee reviews
The ability to be everywhere and nowhere does have a downside.
Hellsing - Rated: K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,153 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 22 - Follows: 6 - Published: 10/15/2015 - Schrodinger, Doc. - Complete
And Then the Bastard Came Back by AmputeeTrainee reviews
A slightly reimagined ending of Hellsing-Integra is not happy about waiting.
Hellsing - Rated: T - English - Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,057 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 2 - Published: 10/15/2015 - Alucard, Integra - Complete
The Breakfast of Champions by Unconsciousdirt reviews
Braum is many things. A hero. A legend. And now, a breakfast cereal mascot? With unhealthy cereals corrupting the youth, how will Braum convince them to eat healthier?
League of Legends - Rated: T - English - Humor/Parody - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,296 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 16 - Follows: 6 - Published: 10/11/2015 - Annie, Braum - Complete
What I Did on my Week Off by aviatrix8 reviews
We all know what happened to Gamagori during Student Election week, but what about the rest of the Elite Four? (Last chapter: The 2-stars complain about their battles with the Elite Four, over drinks.)
Kill la Kill/ キルラキル - Rated: T - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 6 - Words: 10,653 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 38 - Follows: 19 - Updated: 10/8/2015 - Published: 4/15/2015 - H. Inumuta, N. Jakuzure, U. Sanageyama, I. Gamagoori - Complete
A Beacon in the Night by Kaeni reviews
When Alucard returns, new foes decide to send him on a little trip to the RWBY world. God help Remnant, the no-life king has come!
Crossover - Hellsing & RWBY - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Horror - Chapters: 5 - Words: 15,761 - Reviews: 20 - Favs: 127 - Follows: 165 - Updated: 9/27/2015 - Published: 5/4/2015 - Alucard, Seras, Ruby R., Blake B.
Gnarledge is a Burden by Unconsciousdirt reviews
Tristana's least favorite part of the job is checking on the problem citizens of Bandle City. But with the double trouble of Lulu homeschooling Gnar, she has to be prepared for anything. But she would never have expected this.
League of Legends - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,476 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 21 - Follows: 14 - Published: 9/26/2015 - Tristana, Lulu, Gnar - Complete
Don't Starve Anymore by ProfTEntee reviews
Months after the events of don't Starve, Wilson, willow and the gang gather around a campfire and talk about their adventures on the island Maxwell took them to, talking about how they all became friends... and more. WARNING: contains strong Wilson X Willow shipping!
Don't Starve - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 4 - Words: 3,923 - Reviews: 13 - Favs: 24 - Follows: 19 - Updated: 9/23/2015 - Published: 6/21/2015 - [Wilson H., Willow] Maxwell/William C., Wickerbottom
Titillating Hi-Jinx by Unconsciousdirt reviews
Everyone is watching the graceful Kindred move through the training grounds before their official debut in the League of Legend. One girl, however, has an unusual fear of Lamb, and Ekko will soon find out what. Contains suggestive language.
League of Legends - Rated: T - English - Humor/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,296 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 23 - Follows: 9 - Published: 9/22/2015 - Janna, Jinx, Ekko - Complete
Naruto: The Horror of the Bloody Leaf by NarutoFan11 reviews
He was beaten and broken by the people of his village. Watch as a intelligent and insane Naruto rises to become a monster the villagers truly have a reason to fear. Intelligent Naruto, shape shifting bloodline and insanity. Warning this story is graphic and violent. This is the adopted version of Jinx777's, The True Horror of Konoha, I have permission and every right to this story.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 8 - Words: 93,823 - Reviews: 414 - Favs: 1,986 - Follows: 1,946 - Updated: 9/6/2015 - Published: 7/26/2014 - Naruto U., Kyuubi/Kurama
Fall of the Caribou by KnightMysterio reviews
The caribou have been subverted, united under the cruel and evil King Dainn. The rights of their women suppressed, their men turned into savage, rape-hungry brutes. For years, King Dainn has built up his forces in preparation for an invasion and conquest of Equestria. He had no idea how badly he and his people were outmatched.
My Little Pony - Rated: M - English - Drama/Parody - Chapters: 1 - Words: 8,293 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 34 - Follows: 13 - Published: 8/6/2015 - Princess Celestia, Princess Luna/Nightmare Moon, Shining Armor, Princess Cadance/Princess Mi Amore Cadenza - Complete
Time To Plan by KnightMysterio reviews
Tech Leader, a brilliant, but sadly racist Earth Pony, has made a mistake and managed to anger every single hero in Equestria. So she heads to her lab to escape into the future. One problem - several of the ponies who are angry with her are immortal. Which means they can wait...
My Little Pony - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,631 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 18 - Follows: 14 - Published: 7/31/2015 - Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Trixie, Starlight Glimmer
Karaoke Night by Not A Bagel reviews
Trying a few new things in this solo fic; I've had this cool idea in my head for quite a while. I'm thinking it'll be 3-5 chapters so hold tight, I'll continue when my schedule allows :D
RWBY - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 7 - Words: 9,786 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 22 - Follows: 31 - Updated: 7/16/2015 - Published: 12/28/2014 - Weiss S., Blake B., L. Ren, Nora V.
Fallen From Grace by Chi-Cop1 reviews
In the heat of the final battle against Eggman, Miles "Tails" Prower made a horrible mistake. Now nothing but anger and shame drives his life. Can a new found love, along with friends and family save him before it's too late. (Genre: Action/Drama) Co-Staring: Leeta & Lyco Wolf, Amadeus & Rosemary Prower, Scourge, Amy, Jet the Hawk, Lien-da, Blaze, Bunnie, and Sonic the Hedgehog.
Sonic the Hedgehog - Rated: M - English - Tragedy/Romance - Chapters: 14 - Words: 139,364 - Reviews: 166 - Favs: 140 - Follows: 138 - Updated: 7/15/2015 - Published: 7/20/2012 - [Tails, Wave] Silver, Fiona Fox
Unmasked by jjjddd
The press is reporting that they have identified Batman's true identity. Unfortunately for Alan Finegen, a construction sight manager in Gotham city, all the reports are pointing to him. Now the private, introverted Alan is in the middle of a media firestorm, all the while guarding his true secret from the rest of the world.
Batman - Rated: T - English - Humor/Mystery - Chapters: 4 - Words: 5,183 - Favs: 3 - Follows: 3 - Updated: 7/6/2015 - Published: 4/29/2015
How to Panic at Midnight by Kittyclaw reviews
AU, Oneshot. When dragon trainer Ulrich was stuck with a roommate who liked to sneak out once a month in the middle of the night, he thought nothing of following the blonde into the woods. Too bad he failed to notice the full moon... Part of the Athame Chronicles.
Code Lyoko - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,850 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 7 - Follows: 1 - Published: 7/1/2015 - Odd D., Ulrich S. - Complete
On the Normandy by Masstheory reviews
Interactions between the crew of the Normandy and the Shepard twins! (Just noticed that the first one was deleted, not sure what that was about)
Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Family - Chapters: 12 - Words: 9,881 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 24 - Follows: 32 - Updated: 7/1/2015 - Published: 4/26/2014 - [Shepard, Tali'Zorah] [J. Garson, Garrus V.]
Purity by StaffSergeant reviews
Project Purity is a success, but it comes at a cost. Royce Walker, the Lone Wanderer, sacrificed his life in order to fulfill his parents' wishes to provide clean water to the Capital Wastes. He had been ready to die, the problem is that he's not exactly sure he's supposed to be in this strange place. Now on Remnant the Lone Wanderer must now face a new enemy and meet new people.
Crossover - Fallout & RWBY - Rated: M - English - Adventure - Chapters: 13 - Words: 70,378 - Reviews: 206 - Favs: 662 - Follows: 744 - Updated: 7/1/2015 - Published: 5/5/2014 - Lone Wanderer, Yang X.L., Blake B., Weiss S.
Blood Wings by BlueRavenKnight reviews
Set in the second game this story takes the view of a Mordecai, who was put through eridium experiments as a child which gave him 'special traits' and a burning hatred for Hyperion. But wait! Theres more! After waking up from a perticularly uncomfortable nightmare Mordecai finds a girl in his room. And she looks a hell of a lot like Bloodwing...
Borderlands - Rated: T - English - Supernatural/Romance - Chapters: 3 - Words: 4,734 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 13 - Follows: 15 - Updated: 6/20/2015 - Published: 6/1/2014 - Mordecai
Gratuitous Bath Scene by aviatrix8 reviews
Three of the Elite Four (and Iori) have a not so quiet time at the baths.
Kill la Kill/ キルラキル - Rated: T - English - Humor/Parody - Chapters: 2 - Words: 2,323 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 29 - Follows: 9 - Updated: 6/7/2015 - Published: 5/8/2015 - H. Inumuta, S. Iori, I. Gamagoori, U. Sanageyama - Complete
Measuring Time by aviatrix8 reviews
Iori takes the Elite Four's measurements for their first set of uniforms. Needless to say, it doesn't go smoothly. (Added a bonus chapter.)
Kill la Kill/ キルラキル - Rated: T - English - Humor/Friendship - Chapters: 2 - Words: 1,881 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 33 - Follows: 7 - Updated: 5/27/2015 - Published: 4/18/2015 - S. Iori, H. Inumuta, N. Jakuzure, I. Gamagoori - Complete
Media Firestorm by Rogen80 reviews
The galactic media catches wind of Shepard and Tali's relationship. How will they react? Features quasi-news stories written from different perspectives. Takes place sometime after the reclamation of Rannoch in Mass Effect 3. Rated T for suggestive themes and language.
Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Romance/Parody - Chapters: 23 - Words: 28,544 - Reviews: 431 - Favs: 396 - Follows: 323 - Updated: 5/21/2015 - Published: 10/23/2013 - [Tali'Zorah, Shepard] OC - Complete
Elevator Mishaps by momoxtoshiro reviews
Nora was a girl who didn't always pay attention to detail. Even when it was quite literally staring her in the face. [Request from gophersaurus!]
RWBY - Rated: K+ - English - Friendship/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,551 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 57 - Follows: 26 - Published: 5/14/2015 - L. Ren, Nora V., Neo - Complete
Four Star General by aviatrix8 reviews
There's a reason why the prototype 4-star uniforms were shelved... (Final chapter up!)
Kill la Kill/ キルラキル - Rated: T - English - Suspense/Adventure - Chapters: 3 - Words: 5,661 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 21 - Follows: 8 - Updated: 5/10/2015 - Published: 5/1/2015 - H. Inumuta, S. Iori, N. Jakuzure, Satsuki K. - Complete
Hot Under the Collar by aviatrix8 reviews
The rest of the Elite Four wonder why Inumuta keeps his collar up all the time.
Kill la Kill/ キルラキル - Rated: K+ - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 655 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 31 - Follows: 5 - Published: 4/12/2015 - N. Jakuzure, H. Inumuta, I. Gamagoori, U. Sanageyama - Complete
An Example by MeltyPrincess reviews
Patricia struggled with the thought of her new life and rebelled the only way she knew how.
Skullgirls - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,247 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 5 - Follows: 3 - Published: 4/6/2015 - Peacock/Patricia, Bloody Marie - Complete
Death's Academy by silentshadow01 reviews
The student's of Beacon are getting a new teacher but not one who will support them but one who will show no mercy in training them, lets see how they handle 'Death's Training'; M rating to be safe, slight continuation from my previous story Light in a darkened heart, Massive Multi Crossovers; Chapter 1 has been revamped for viewing pleasure
Crossover - Darksiders & RWBY - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 24 - Words: 153,826 - Reviews: 191 - Favs: 269 - Follows: 249 - Updated: 4/1/2015 - Published: 2/13/2014
Adapt and Overcome by ReaperKiller reviews
It wasn't until she had spilled the blood did Liara T'Soni realize what she had unleashed upon the galaxy. For better or for worse, Zeus had returned./ Some chapters may be later rated M for gore.
Crossover - Mass Effect & Prototype - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Suspense - Chapters: 21 - Words: 55,426 - Reviews: 408 - Favs: 976 - Follows: 1,171 - Updated: 3/7/2015 - Published: 5/25/2014 - Liara T'Soni, Alex M./Zeus
Paradox Fighters, Part 6 by benji.dordoni reviews
Having learned the secret of the Grand Combat, Holly and her team now face a new, dangerous foe: Holly's double, the eldritch being known as Poppy. Meanwhile, Hermione is tasked with investigating strange occurrences among the Illuminati, as she is haunted by memories from her past. And who is this Goku? Rated T for violence/language/suggestive content. Please review!
Crossover - X-overs & Book X-overs - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 58 - Words: 138,025 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 5 - Follows: 2 - Published: 3/6/2015 - Complete
The Cuddle Monsters by ObeseCommando reviews
Sequel to "Backfire." Blake can't get over the night where she was forced to sleep with Weiss. Ignoring the problem isn't helping. Now Blake and Yang have to work together and deal with their musings.
RWBY - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 3 - Words: 3,613 - Reviews: 15 - Favs: 29 - Follows: 35 - Updated: 3/3/2015 - Published: 11/10/2014 - Blake B., Yang X.L., Weiss S.
Ren's Smile by Hijinks Omega reviews
Nora gives Ren some shades to feel more confident!
RWBY - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,185 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 22 - Follows: 6 - Published: 2/26/2015 - [L. Ren, Nora V.] Ruby R., Cardin W. - Complete
Stupid Stupid Feelings by SpearmintMirage reviews
Peacock was never a fan of sentimental crap. So when Cupid starts taking potshots at her, she finds herself tortured by feelings she never thought she'd have to deal with. [One-sided Peacock/Squigly. Implied one-sided Andy/Cerebella.]
Skullgirls - Rated: T - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,044 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 16 - Follows: 2 - Published: 2/26/2015 - Peacock/Patricia, Squigly, Andy A. - Complete
To Fix a Broken Mind by Rexis19 reviews
Everyone has a reason to fight, even psychotic maniacs or a young girl. So what's Jeffs?
League of Legends - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 8 - Words: 14,224 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 15 - Updated: 2/26/2015 - Published: 2/22/2014 - Annie, Jinx
Midna's Regret by BlackFiraRose reviews
This is my first story.. just a quick read, really. Thank you to LWM (LightWorldMidna) for being my inspiration! This is about Midna's regrets after she goes back to her home in the Sacred Realm and shatters The Mirror of Twilight. Hope you enjoy! One-shot
Legend of Zelda - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 80 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 2 - Published: 2/25/2015 - Link, Zelda, Midna - Complete
Scuttlebutt by Masstheory
"We had grown into one another somewhere along the way. We were officially a team." (Shannon A. Thompson, Take Me Tomorrow)
Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 719 - Favs: 8 - Follows: 4 - Published: 2/19/2015 - J. Garson, Garrus V., Tali'Zorah, Shepard
Synthetic Soul by Jknight3135 reviews
If an aura is a representation of our soul, the basis upon which we base ourselves as living sentient beings, where does that leave Penny? Beneath her cheery appearance beats the heart of a machine. Penny wants to learn, wants to know what separates her from the humans and Faunus around her, can you in fact posses a Synthetic Soul?
RWBY - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 4 - Words: 13,596 - Reviews: 45 - Favs: 249 - Follows: 129 - Updated: 2/13/2015 - Published: 8/26/2014 - [Ruby R., Penny P.] - Complete
Air and Lightning by Ashen Skies reviews
[What would it have been like if Shepard and Garrus had met as equals?] Spectre Vakarian decides to tag along on Shepard's mission to take down Saren. Their partnership develops in ways neither of them expected, with lots of banter and fluff. This story arc follows ME1 canon with some liberties taken. [FemShep/Garrus]
Mass Effect - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 25 - Words: 85,312 - Reviews: 370 - Favs: 323 - Follows: 400 - Updated: 2/11/2015 - Published: 10/28/2013 - J. Garson, Garrus V.
Forever Family 2 by Masstheory reviews
"It is well that war is so terrible, otherwise we should grow too fond of it." (Robert E. Lee)
Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Family/Romance - Chapters: 16 - Words: 46,483 - Reviews: 40 - Favs: 60 - Follows: 79 - Updated: 2/4/2015 - Published: 6/2/2014 - [Shepard, Tali'Zorah] [J. Garson, Garrus V.]
In The Arms of Another by TraipsingExodus reviews
A round of bitter panacea for all in attendance.
League of Legends - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,243 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 6 - Follows: 7 - Published: 2/3/2015 - Rumble, Teemo, Tristana, Lulu
The Onyx Stars by The Hidden Sith reviews
A lost ship, a lost warrior, and a lost mind find themselves stranded in an unknown world. Full of vast wonders, threats, and opportunities, this new world is an unknown element for a crew accustomed to war and hardship. But, all Edens fall and beyond the embers of war lay the dawn of victory. Halo/Mass Effect AU John/Cortana, Lasky/Palmer
Crossover - Halo & Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 16 - Words: 143,775 - Reviews: 472 - Favs: 824 - Follows: 961 - Updated: 1/22/2015 - Published: 12/9/2012 - Master Chief/John-117
Post Recovery by UnoriginalPrankster reviews
After the events surrounding the Skullgirl, Filia and Carol can finally just live. And love. A few connected one shots. Filia x Carol. Rated M for lemons/limes
Skullgirls - Rated: M - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 3 - Words: 5,364 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 19 - Follows: 4 - Updated: 1/18/2015 - Published: 1/11/2015 - [Filia, Painwheel/Carol] - Complete
A New Life by Elemental77 reviews
Naruto leaves after realising no one will truly care for him. So he leaves the village and go to a new world along with a friend. But his friends follow. Will Naruto finally live a life he always wanted?
Crossover - Naruto & Teen Titans - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 10 - Words: 17,001 - Reviews: 169 - Favs: 597 - Follows: 653 - Updated: 1/13/2015 - Published: 6/20/2013 - [Naruto U., Raven] - Complete
Friendship to Last by Xenopsyche reviews
The best romantic relationships are built from strong friendships. This is an expanded and reimagined version of Shepard and Tali's relationship after her recruitment in ME2, up to the Suicide Mission.
Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 11 - Words: 28,206 - Reviews: 72 - Favs: 134 - Follows: 101 - Updated: 1/11/2015 - Published: 5/29/2014 - [Shepard, Tali'Zorah] Garrus V., Kasumi G. - Complete
Slow Recovery by UnoriginalPrankster reviews
The Skullgirl has fallen. But the price of victory was steep. Too steep for some...
Skullgirls - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 8 - Words: 20,329 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 26 - Follows: 13 - Updated: 1/11/2015 - Published: 8/22/2014 - Filia, Princess Parasoul, Painwheel/Carol, Nurse Valentine - Complete
Fighting to Protect by Boydie91 reviews
After losing to her sister, a 5 yr old Hinata runs away and into a group of bullies. Guess who saves the day. Thats right Naruto.. but not in a traditional sense. Watch as the two become stronger together, one becoming more confident and the other learning a few mannerisms. NaruHina
Naruto - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 6 - Words: 14,956 - Reviews: 25 - Favs: 66 - Follows: 104 - Updated: 1/7/2015 - Published: 9/9/2014 - Naruto U., Hinata H.
Animal Inside by jin0uga reviews
Oneshot. Small non-connected stories of Faunus!Ruby involving different female characters. From mammals to reptiles, features Ruby as a different kinds of Faunus's.
RWBY - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,838 - Reviews: 13 - Favs: 218 - Follows: 91 - Published: 12/12/2014 - Ruby R., Weiss S., Pyrrha N., Team CRDL - Complete
Task Day by Kittyclaw reviews
Oneshot. The Kadic Staff decide to bolster academic enthusiasm with a school building activity-assign each student a task that they must secretly complete with their schoolmates. General chaos and confusion ensue. And maybe friendship.
Code Lyoko - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,572 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 10 - Published: 12/2/2014
Freezing My Wings To Make Me Tame by SixGoldenCoins reviews
A certain vampire crashes Elsa's coronation party. One-shot.
Crossover - Hellsing & Frozen - Rated: M - English - Supernatural - Chapters: 1 - Words: 8,258 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 75 - Follows: 32 - Published: 11/10/2014 - Alucard, Elsa - Complete
Over and Over Again by KnightMysterio reviews
Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria is opening again! The CEO, Mr. Fazber, is holding a press conference to show off the new animatronic characters and the safety measures designed to protect the new night watchman! What could POSSIBLY go wrong? Mike Schmidt: "You want a list?" Quiet you. Rating is for violence
Five Nights at Freddy´s - Rated: M - English - Sci-Fi/Horror - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,722 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 29 - Follows: 8 - Published: 11/1/2014 - Bonnie, Chica, Foxy, Freddy Fazbear - Complete
Chief Vault Hunter by Shadow38383 reviews
Master Chief travels to Pandora by a testing accident. How will he get back with no ship? T for my safety.
Crossover - Halo & Borderlands - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 9 - Words: 17,757 - Reviews: 34 - Favs: 87 - Follows: 106 - Updated: 10/30/2014 - Published: 3/30/2013 - Master Chief/John-117, Gaige, Axton, Maya
Backfire by ObeseCommando reviews
Yang wants to have a little fun with Weiss before going to bed.
RWBY - Rated: K+ - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,416 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 49 - Follows: 14 - Published: 10/16/2014 - Yang X.L., Weiss S., Blake B., Ruby R. - Complete
Gaige's ECHO Logs by Discar reviews
A continuation of the Mechromancer's ECHO logs. Text only, unfortunately (Cherami hasn't returned my calls).
Borderlands - Rated: T - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 45 - Words: 81,531 - Reviews: 415 - Favs: 677 - Follows: 451 - Updated: 10/13/2014 - Published: 10/11/2012 - Gaige - Complete
The burning past by Coffeeskater reviews
A look at Team RWBY and Pyrrahs lives after the living nightmare that Beacon became (RWBYQuest post game, tumblr drabble)
RWBY - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 876 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 4 - Published: 10/11/2014 - [Blake B., Yang X.L.] [Ruby R., Weiss S.] - Complete
Monster by Coffeeskater reviews
Ruby thinks she's a monster for what she's done. (Faunus!Ruby au, werewolf au, mentions of blood, tumblr drabble)
RWBY - Rated: T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,173 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 114 - Follows: 55 - Published: 10/4/2014 - [Blake B., Ruby R.] - Complete
Coffee stains and tea by Coffeeskater reviews
Ruby's a bumbling idiot, and she quite literally drops right into Blake's lap.
RWBY - Rated: T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 788 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 69 - Follows: 26 - Published: 10/4/2014 - [Blake B., Ruby R.] - Complete
Anything by Coffeeskater reviews
Sometimes we can't hold ourselves together and we need help. Blake likes to pretend she doesn't need that help. Yang is glad to offer it anyways. (Short drabble from my tumblr)
RWBY - Rated: T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 573 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 33 - Follows: 6 - Published: 10/4/2014 - [Blake B., Yang X.L.] - Complete
Gossips by servantofclio reviews
Dr. Chakwas has excellent taste in liquor, and Kasumi stocks the best. A friendship is born.
Mass Effect - Rated: K+ - English - Friendship/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,577 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 21 - Follows: 5 - Published: 9/27/2014 - Kasumi G., Dr. Chakwas - Complete
Sentimental Value by Swordshade
Shepard explains why he prefers a particular suit of armor, and his motivation for winning the war. T for threatened violence, brief language and mild suggestive comments, just to be safe. One-shot.
Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,052 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 3 - Updated: 9/27/2014 - Published: 9/15/2014 - [Tali'Zorah, Shepard] Garrus V. - Complete
AwKwArDnEsS! by ThisIsAFanFiction reviews
What do you get when you combine an evil anti-hedgehog, a crazy fanfiction writer, and a TON of awkward internet clips featuring the residents of Mobius! Mix well, and you get a show called, "Awkwardness!" Join Scourge, me, and various other guests as we watch hilariously awkward video clips featuring none other than the heroes of Mobius!
Sonic the Hedgehog - Rated: T - English - Parody/Humor - Chapters: 12 - Words: 20,622 - Reviews: 114 - Favs: 34 - Follows: 28 - Updated: 9/6/2014 - Published: 7/1/2014 - Scourge
A Will of Steel by Kisdota-The Freak Gamer reviews
The weapons of RWBY and JNPR. They're a representation of each of them, an extension of themselves, the tools used to defend the world from the tyrrany of the Grimm threat. They could also be your best friend, like the sister or brother you never had, and sometimes they're a pain in the butt to deal with. Wanna see what I mean?
RWBY - Rated: T - English - Humor/Family - Chapters: 12 - Words: 44,036 - Reviews: 349 - Favs: 741 - Follows: 788 - Updated: 8/27/2014 - Published: 1/3/2014
Staying at the Hall by MewLover54 reviews
OFFICIALLY DISCONTINUED (Mostly because the fic is so dated now, trying to continue it would be more of a headache than anything. Sorry guys.)
Pokémon - Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 25 - Words: 68,568 - Reviews: 369 - Favs: 154 - Follows: 132 - Updated: 8/26/2014 - Published: 9/24/2011 - Mew, Jirachi
Embodiement by The Inspector reviews
As if moving across the country wasn't bad enough for Eren, now the girl next door says his house is haunted. If only one little lonely ghost was the worst of it.
Attack on Titan/進撃の巨人 - Rated: T - English - Supernatural/Adventure - Chapters: 5 - Words: 21,386 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 14 - Follows: 13 - Updated: 8/25/2014 - Published: 8/3/2014 - Armin A., Eren Y., Mikasa A., Levi A.
The Shadow of Ice by lazerbear7 reviews
An assassin bearing the mark of The Outsider tires of just being a blade for hire and decides a change of profession is in order. Little does he know what will happen when he becomes the bodyguard to a certain royal family. Little bit of swearing, Little bit of violence.
Crossover - Dishonored & Frozen - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Chapters: 49 - Words: 184,961 - Reviews: 162 - Favs: 106 - Follows: 88 - Updated: 7/31/2014 - Published: 2/9/2014 - Complete
The Xiao Long Incident by ElfCollaborator reviews
Or ; What happens when Yang tries using aphrodisiacs to get Weiss and Ruby together and hilarity inevitably ensues, with Cardin and Jaune getting caught in the mess, Ruby in a maid outfit, Velvet being adorably yandere and Nora being Nora. Rated T for fanservice, shenangians. Reactsverse. Crack. Oneshot.
RWBY - Rated: T - English - Parody/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,632 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 38 - Follows: 21 - Published: 7/28/2014
Friday 13th Remastered by SepticMind reviews
It's usually a day most associate with bad luck. Of course, for some people, that's not always a bad thing... re-written from my original story that was posted roughly a year ago
Teen Titans - Rated: M - English - Suspense/Romance - Chapters: 28 - Words: 142,284 - Reviews: 392 - Favs: 401 - Follows: 312 - Updated: 7/14/2014 - Published: 7/14/2012 - [Jinx, Raven] - Complete
This Is The Part Where Ruby Dies by ElfCollaborator reviews
Ruby dies. Again. Except this time, she goes off her script and gets back up. Much to Weiss' confusion- and everybody else's. Parody of deathfics killing off Ruby, crack, rated K for shenanigans, oneshot.
RWBY - Rated: K - English - Parody/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,411 - Reviews: 26 - Favs: 81 - Follows: 30 - Published: 6/29/2014 - Ruby R., Weiss S., Blake B., Yang X.L. - Complete
Watch Dogs: LONEWOLF by Illo2113 reviews
In the city of Chicago, there's one man who could shut down everything at the press of a button, and there's several who want to take him down.
Watch Dogs - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Crime - Chapters: 10 - Words: 3,281 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 12 - Follows: 19 - Updated: 6/9/2014 - Published: 4/24/2014 - Aiden Pearce
Looking for Glory by LEGOmeEGGO reviews
The sarcastic, arrogant, turret-tossing badass commando Axton is dumped into the Normandy crew's hands. Trapped in a universe all alone, what will he do? Probably kick some major ass.
Crossover - Mass Effect & Borderlands - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 7 - Words: 10,536 - Reviews: 63 - Favs: 144 - Follows: 228 - Updated: 5/15/2014 - Published: 2/15/2013 - Axton
Welcome to Pandora by pirate kit reviews
Prepping to board that Hyperion train and take down Handsome Jack, the four Vault hunters are still getting used to this strange new planet, and the strange new people who are joining them in their fight.
Borderlands - Rated: T - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 2 - Words: 16,273 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 26 - Follows: 27 - Updated: 5/11/2014 - Published: 9/29/2013 - Axton, Gaige
Too Far by KnightMysterio reviews
Diamond Tiara's had a new favorite victim these days: Dinky Hooves. But one day, after going much too far in her cruelty to Dinky, something terrible happens and Diamond Tiara begins to learn a rather painful fact - that everything we do has consequences.
My Little Pony - Rated: K+ - English - Tragedy - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,412 - Reviews: 41 - Favs: 80 - Follows: 29 - Published: 5/1/2014 - Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Dinky Doo - Complete
Lemon Tea by TobiasHawk1 reviews
Really quick Renora fluff. R&R!
RWBY - Rated: M - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,206 - Reviews: 22 - Favs: 103 - Follows: 23 - Updated: 4/25/2014 - Published: 3/14/2014 - L. Ren, Nora V. - Complete
Crescendo by EternalShade33 reviews
"It was a rainy day that day, the day I reflected back on. It was the day everything changed for me, for better or worse, I'll never know and I'll never care really,". What would happen if Nonon attended the same elementary school as Ryuko?
Kill la Kill/ キルラキル - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,759 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 34 - Follows: 20 - Published: 4/24/2014 - Ryuko M., N. Jakuzure - Complete
Worst Laid Plans by chimeras reviews
Satsuki needs a ride home. Her four friends help her out. Everything goes as bad as it possibly can for almost everyone.
Kill la Kill/ キルラキル - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 6,201 - Reviews: 15 - Favs: 57 - Follows: 10 - Published: 4/20/2014 - I. Gamagoori, U. Sanageyama, H. Inumuta, N. Jakuzure - Complete
SWEET SIXTEEN by dogbytes reviews
Just because you forgot your birthday and how old you are doesn't mean you can't have birthday parties!
Borderlands - Rated: K - English - Friendship/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 931 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 13 - Follows: 2 - Published: 4/12/2014 - Krieg - Complete
Prepare for Trouble by Ziirroh reviews
Make it Double. RWBY Relationship Week V2: 3/30 - 4/5 Mostly a lot of randomness, no angst cuz I'm feeling pretty silly right now. 1. Pyrrha & Yang, 2. Ozpin & Velvet, 3. Nora & Roman, 4. Yang & Cardin, 5. Pyrrha & Roman, 6. Ozpin & Cinder, 7. Yang & Penny
RWBY - Rated: K - English - Friendship/Humor - Chapters: 7 - Words: 6,499 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 13 - Follows: 9 - Updated: 4/5/2014 - Published: 3/30/2014 - Complete
Take it Back by Big Demoband reviews
While it rarely happens, Peacock and Big Band do get in fights with each other. This time, Peacock goes too far.
Skullgirls - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,295 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 23 - Follows: 3 - Published: 4/2/2014 - Peacock/Patricia, Dr. Avian, Big Band, Stanley W. - Complete
A Perfectly Rational Fear by Xenopsyche reviews
Tali'Zorah is many things; a technological prodigy, a highly capable fighter and she also happens to be arachnophobic to her very core. This is my take on how she acquired that fear. EDIT: I remembered Garrus also has issues with spiders so I added a short sequel (for want of a better term). EDIT 2: After an excellent reviewer suggestion Wrex's perspective is now up. EDIT 3: Javik!
Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Humor/Suspense - Chapters: 4 - Words: 4,891 - Reviews: 27 - Favs: 42 - Follows: 19 - Updated: 3/31/2014 - Published: 11/25/2013 - Garrus V., U. Wrex, Tali'Zorah, Javik - Complete
Laziness and Odd Naps by Big Demoband reviews
Today's the day Big Band was supposed to take most of Lab 8 out to the park. Yet, nobody knows where he is.
Skullgirls - Rated: K - English - Humor/Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,444 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 19 - Follows: 4 - Published: 3/21/2014 - Peacock/Patricia, Big Band, Ileum - Complete
Working at her Craft by Big Demoband reviews
Peacock has several ways to spend her free time. One of them sounds very unlikely…
Skullgirls - Rated: K - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,781 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 19 - Follows: 6 - Published: 3/21/2014 - Peacock/Patricia, Leduc, Big Band - Complete
No, No, Yes! by Hoshi Hoshiko reviews
Nonon decides she's going to find out exactly what Houka is recording all the time... Shipping ensues, naturally.
Kill la Kill/ キルラキル - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,228 - Reviews: 21 - Favs: 125 - Follows: 18 - Published: 3/9/2014 - H. Inumuta, N. Jakuzure - Complete
The Cellist by RushingAutumnLeaves reviews
Sequel to 'Never Mind'. Vinyl Scratch thought that living with a cellist roommate would prevent any feelings for the grey mare. Well, ponies have been wrong before. Living with the constant fear that Octavia will discover her secret, Vinyl becomes a pony she never wanted to be. A poser. A fake. How can she be herself and still impress the cellist?
My Little Pony - Rated: T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 12 - Words: 17,003 - Reviews: 44 - Favs: 64 - Follows: 68 - Updated: 3/8/2014 - Published: 2/23/2013 - Vinyl Scratch, Octavia - Complete
Smooth Jazz and Old Cartoons by Big Demoband reviews
Music can bond hearts together and lift spirits to new heights. Big Band knows this all too well.
Skullgirls - Rated: K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 903 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 17 - Follows: 4 - Published: 3/7/2014 - Peacock/Patricia, Big Band - Complete
By Your Side by Masstheory reviews
A dedication to the two constants in Shepard's Life. Implied Shep/Tali but mostly friendship.
Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,177 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 3 - Published: 3/5/2014 - Garrus V., Tali'Zorah, Shepard - Complete
Decisions in Stories by Zutiala reviews
Ruby and Blake bond over some books. Mild Ladybug fluff.
RWBY - Rated: K - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 480 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 17 - Follows: 3 - Published: 2/24/2014 - Ruby R., Blake B.
Sneaking Around by Hoshi Hoshiko reviews
Ryuko discovers that Mako is sneaking out at night, but where is she going?
Kill la Kill/ キルラキル - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,766 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 75 - Follows: 12 - Published: 2/19/2014 - I. Gamagoori, Mako M., Ryuko M. - Complete
A New Beginning by jinx777 reviews
Betrayed by the people around him in a way not even he thought was possible, Naruto left. After realising he is being chased Naruto tries to escape using a Jutsu only for a single wrong hand seal to send both him and those chasing him to another dimension. Now three years later he is living the life he always wanted but was never alowed, but how long can it last. Rated M for safty.
Crossover - Naruto & Teen Titans - Rated: M - English - Adventure - Chapters: 12 - Words: 84,858 - Reviews: 1385 - Favs: 3,377 - Follows: 3,444 - Updated: 2/16/2014 - Published: 9/10/2012 - Naruto U., Raven
Sonic Boom: The Beginning of Everything by Taranea reviews
Heard of the new game yet? SONIC BOOM? Well, Sonic and his friends sure have, and they have a few things to say about it...
Sonic the Hedgehog - Rated: K - English - Humor/Parody - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,614 - Reviews: 45 - Favs: 115 - Follows: 32 - Published: 2/14/2014 - Sonic, Tails, Amy, Shadow - Complete
Bedmates by ObeseCommando reviews
Blake has a bad dream and seeks assistance from the only team member that is still awake: Weiss.
RWBY - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,773 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 37 - Follows: 14 - Published: 2/13/2014 - Blake B., Weiss S. - Complete
To Catch A Thief-taker by bluekrishna reviews
(W)Written for Osage's January 'Blind-Date' Competition in Aria's Afterlife Forum. ExtranetDates: How he'd ranted at his friend for signing him up for such idiocy. But when Spectre Jondum Bau meets a mysterious human woman who catches him off guard with her wily, wily ways, will he succumb? Will he notice that she just may be the thief he's been chasing for months? Let's find out!
Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,088 - Reviews: 19 - Favs: 29 - Follows: 9 - Published: 1/12/2014 - Kasumi G., Jondum Bau - Complete
The Chronicles of the Dragonborn's Servant: Lydia by Cearbhail reviews
"Sigh" I am sworn to carry your burdens...
Elder Scroll series - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 103 - Words: 332,207 - Reviews: 370 - Favs: 402 - Follows: 323 - Updated: 1/6/2014 - Published: 4/23/2012 - Dragonborn/Dovahkiin, Lydia - Complete
Sunday, Lazy Sunday by ObeseCommando reviews
Weiss wants a day where she doesn't have to worry about homework, teammates, or training. The universe does not see fit to oblige.
RWBY - Rated: K - English - Friendship - Chapters: 3 - Words: 5,953 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 44 - Follows: 20 - Updated: 1/2/2014 - Published: 12/20/2013 - Ruby R., Weiss S. - Complete
The Chains that Bind us by Jknight3135 reviews
Everything in the universe is held together by bonds, of different shapes, sizes, strengths and colors. But somethings are bound together stronger than others, and they may not even know it, so when chains are forged, and tested in the fires of a relationship like theirs, will it hold? or will their chains break?
Teen Titans - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 10 - Words: 31,035 - Reviews: 70 - Favs: 132 - Follows: 115 - Updated: 12/24/2013 - Published: 9/22/2012 - [Jinx, Raven] - Complete
Red Like Noses by Tabby Kattene reviews
Faunus!Ruby AU: All fifteen year old Ruby Rose wants is to be accepted... and maybe participate in Vale's annual Christmas Games. Neither looks probable. Based on a certain popular holiday song.
RWBY - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Parody - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,663 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 36 - Follows: 11 - Published: 12/21/2013 - Ruby R., Blake B., Ozpin, Cardin W. - Complete
Blake Belladonna: Matchmaker by ObeseCommando reviews
Blake predicts that Ruby and Weiss are headed for a relationship and decides to hasten the process.
RWBY - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 4 - Words: 11,725 - Reviews: 20 - Favs: 135 - Follows: 73 - Updated: 12/14/2013 - Published: 12/10/2013 - [Ruby R., Weiss S.] Blake B., Yang X.L. - Complete
Fungeons and Wagons by Illo2113 reviews
Axton touched the red button. Read my previous story, Absolute Zero, or you might not understand what's going on. *HIATUS*
Borderlands - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Fantasy - Chapters: 17 - Words: 3,075 - Reviews: 19 - Favs: 13 - Follows: 19 - Updated: 11/4/2013 - Published: 5/21/2013 - Zer0, Maya, Salvador, Axton
Through the Storm We Reach the Shore by LJ9 reviews
A few years have passed, and this time Merida's the one who's requested a gathering. Maybe with a wider guest list she'll have a better chance of finding a husband.
Crossover - How to Train Your Dragon & Brave, 2012 - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 13 - Words: 43,638 - Reviews: 206 - Favs: 912 - Follows: 305 - Updated: 10/29/2013 - Published: 10/5/2013 - Hiccup, Merida - Complete
KarasuRyu by ThanotosOmega reviews
Raven is transported to the soul eater world can she adapt to being traped in a world where the rule's are comepletely different and what will she do whith this strange feeling that come's up around Crona
Crossover - Teen Titans & Soul Eater - Rated: M - English - Romance - Chapters: 25 - Words: 31,409 - Reviews: 88 - Favs: 33 - Follows: 38 - Updated: 10/28/2013 - Published: 9/20/2011 - Raven, Crona
Naruto: Ramen Days by Rathanel reviews
After dying at the end of the Sand-Sound Invasion, Naruto finds that his life is governed by a strange set of rules that he is still trying to figure out. VideoGame!Naruto
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 14 - Words: 122,571 - Reviews: 2033 - Favs: 5,272 - Follows: 5,489 - Updated: 10/20/2013 - Published: 2/9/2012 - Naruto U.
Love on A Place like Pandora by Atlasdoo reviews
Zer0- a cold assassin seeking the Vault, the ultimate challenge. Maya- a siren seeking the truth to her siren lineage. When both join forces (along with another four misfits), what chaos ensues? May0. Now complete.
Borderlands - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 18 - Words: 32,600 - Reviews: 140 - Favs: 120 - Follows: 102 - Updated: 10/16/2013 - Published: 3/7/2013 - Zer0, Maya - Complete
It's a Technician Thing by ninez reviews
Flight. Gear. Mechanics. Conflicting teams. Their worlds are linked by these similarities. Tails' workshop is their refuge from air combat and faking a hatred that's not really there. [drabble]
Sonic the Hedgehog - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Humor - Chapters: 52 - Words: 53,552 - Reviews: 594 - Favs: 121 - Follows: 60 - Updated: 10/3/2013 - Published: 7/31/2011 - [Wave, Tails] - Complete
Numbers by lamune.soda reviews
Zer0 is full of mystery, most of which the Guardian Angel doesn't even know. One of those secrets are about to appear in the form of two kids. Zer0: 4SS4SS1N, V4ULT HUNT3R, F4TH3R! T for language and character deaths. Tina/OC fluff
Borderlands - Rated: T - English - Tragedy/Family - Chapters: 15 - Words: 19,673 - Reviews: 36 - Favs: 58 - Follows: 44 - Updated: 9/17/2013 - Published: 4/13/2013 - Zer0, Tiny Tina - Complete
Anthem of Our Dying Day by ninez reviews
He lives in a city on the edge of meltdown, ruled by the tyrant that took everything away from him. In a world that hates him for what he is, Tails learns the hardest thing to do is trust. [alternate universe] discontinued
Sonic the Hedgehog - Rated: M - English - Drama/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 70 - Words: 442,220 - Reviews: 904 - Favs: 110 - Follows: 82 - Updated: 9/9/2013 - Published: 10/10/2011 - [Wave, Tails]
Hope Chest by Lachdannen reviews
In the aftermath of the Reaper War, as the Reapers are reprogrammed to repair and protect the races of the galaxy, Kasumi deals with the lose of the John Shepard, the man she fell in love with, and lost. Aria's Afterlife Entry of the September Writing Competition.
Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,116 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 24 - Follows: 10 - Published: 9/5/2013 - [Kasumi G., Shepard] - Complete
Welcome To Pandora, Kiddos! by Illo2113 reviews
The story of Borderlands 2, written Illogical-style. *HIATUS*
Borderlands - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Adventure - Chapters: 9 - Words: 2,830 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 12 - Updated: 8/27/2013 - Published: 6/7/2013 - Zer0, Maya, Salvador, Axton
Krieg's Log by Discar reviews
The thoughts and adventures of the (mostly) sane voice inside the head of a psychopathic maniac. One-shot.
Borderlands - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 12,862 - Reviews: 23 - Favs: 138 - Follows: 48 - Published: 8/11/2013 - Complete
Blast Into The Past by Blueyedblonde reviews
After over a century, XANA launches an attack and goes after the daughter of Ulrich and Yumi. A freak accident sends her back to the past where she has the chance to save Odd from his untimely death and teach the others not to take friendship for granted.
Code Lyoko - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 25 - Words: 81,045 - Reviews: 552 - Favs: 252 - Follows: 206 - Updated: 8/7/2013 - Published: 1/5/2006 - Ulrich S., Yumi I.
borderlands 2: Gaige has a brother by infinitexephos reviews
Gaige's brother appears on Pandora.
Borderlands - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 5 - Words: 2,522 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 7 - Follows: 6 - Updated: 7/21/2013 - Published: 6/15/2013 - Gaige
Trainer's Day by KnightMysterio reviews
The Wii Fit Trainer arrives at the Smash Mansion and meets all her new friends! God help her...
Super Smash Brothers - Rated: T - English - Humor/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,465 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 30 - Follows: 29 - Published: 6/27/2013 - Wii Fit Trainer, Samus A.
A Siren, a Hunter, and a New Beginning by preceptormyth101 reviews
At the start, they had promised to work together all the way to the Vault. Through blood and bullets, they had done it; conquered the Vault. Now what? Now Mordecai had to leave. He couldn't be with them. He couldn't be with her.
Borderlands - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 4 - Words: 27,524 - Reviews: 55 - Favs: 67 - Follows: 72 - Updated: 6/21/2013 - Published: 1/16/2012 - Mordecai, Lilith
No Rest for the Wicked by Dakota M. Eno reviews
Six months after the events of the Hyperion Company and Handsome Jack, the Vault Hunters try to cope with life in newly relocated Santuary. They deal with each other, and the day to day threats of psychos, skags, and rakks. However, the bandits seem to be more heavily armed that usual, and a new threat arises from the North. Sexual Situations, Strong Profanity, Violence.
Borderlands - Rated: M - English - Western/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 6 - Words: 20,369 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 11 - Updated: 6/17/2013 - Published: 3/21/2013
Amongst the stars by BigBoom550 reviews
Sometimes, one must unleash a bigger monster, to have any hope of survival.
Crossover - Hellsing & Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Horror/Supernatural - Chapters: 1 - Words: 397 - Reviews: 21 - Favs: 72 - Follows: 56 - Published: 6/12/2013 - Alucard, J. Garson - Complete
Close Enough, the rest of the gang by AgentMaryland93 reviews
I had this idea, what if he were to meet the others somewhat like he met Maya? rated M
Borderlands - Rated: M - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,172 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 26 - Follows: 2 - Published: 6/2/2013 - Complete
Insanity by Illo2113 reviews
The Pyro's thoughts. *ONE-SHOT*
Team Fortress 2 - Rated: T - English - Horror - Chapters: 1 - Words: 133 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 6 - Published: 6/2/2013 - Pyro - Complete
Absolute Zer0 by Illo2113 reviews
The Vault Hunters get trapped in frostbite crevasse after a Hyperion moonshot hits their car. The temperature is dropping, and Zer0's rifle is broken. My first story, so if you're gonna flame, at least use a Maliwan! Ha ha ha... ugh. *COMPLETE*
Borderlands - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 13 - Words: 4,067 - Reviews: 30 - Favs: 28 - Follows: 17 - Updated: 5/23/2013 - Published: 5/7/2013 - Zer0, Maya, Salvador, Axton - Complete
Skyway Avenue by Glory For Sleep reviews
Latias misses the companionship of having a counterpart due to the death of Latios, while Rayquaza has always been alone and always wants to be alone. But, one week together might change everything for the both of them. Latias/Rayquaza.
Pokémon - Rated: T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 20 - Words: 54,425 - Reviews: 371 - Favs: 297 - Follows: 159 - Updated: 5/19/2013 - Published: 6/21/2008 - Latias, Rayquaza - Complete
Pyrovision by Atlasdoo reviews
What happens when 9 retarded mercenaries find out the wonders of Pyro's world? Also, what stupid ideas will they think of while in this newfound magical wonderland? A short fanfiction, no longer than five chapters. I don't even know why I put this in the FRIENDSHIP category.
Team Fortress 2 - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,399 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 6 - Published: 5/18/2013 - Pyro
The Xana Confederation: Broken Soldier by Kittyclaw reviews
Oneshot, AU. "You're going to try and play the broken soldier game at us? At me? You're an idiot if you think for one second I don't think you were responsible for your entire team being wiped out!" Based on "The Xana Confederation" by oshnsoa shnedashn kiunepgli.
Code Lyoko - Rated: M - English - Angst/Adventure - Chapters: 1 - Words: 9,056 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 4 - Published: 5/7/2013 - William D. - Complete
Into the Depths by LadyAshling reviews
Varric and Hawke venture into the Deep Roads to make their fortune, but will circumstances bring them closer together or tear them apart? Language, eventual lemons.
Dragon Age - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 22 - Words: 59,333 - Reviews: 73 - Favs: 64 - Follows: 60 - Updated: 5/1/2013 - Published: 7/4/2012 - unknown 1, Varric T.
How to Begin a Journey by Kittyclaw reviews
AU, drabbles. "There was no good reason for their unexpected friendships, but really it was for the best. Suddenly facing unpredictable lessons and magical worlds and teachers with secrets, they were going to need it." Part of The Athame Chronicles.
Code Lyoko - Rated: K - English - Fantasy/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,121 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 13 - Follows: 7 - Published: 4/15/2013 - Jeremie B., Odd D., Ulrich S., Yumi I. - Complete
OffRhythm by KnightMysterio reviews
Vinyl Scratch, also known as DJ-P0n3, is one of the most famous DJs in Canterlot. But lately, she's been feeling like something's missing in her life. And then a gray Earth pony mare shows up at her club one night...
My Little Pony - Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 5 - Words: 27,302 - Reviews: 31 - Favs: 62 - Follows: 40 - Updated: 4/1/2013 - Published: 7/10/2012 - Vinyl Scratch, Octavia - Complete
All It Took by TheMysteriouswatcher reviews
All it took for Ralph to finally snap was one final insult from Gene. Then again, who said that Ralph snapping was always a bad thing? Rated T because I'm paranoid.
Wreck-It Ralph - Rated: T - English - Humor/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,943 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 38 - Follows: 6 - Published: 3/28/2013 - Wreck-It Ralph, Vanellope von Schweetz, Gene, Fix-It Felix, Jr. - Complete
The Bench by TraipsingExodus reviews
Small are the forgotten. Literally.
League of Legends - Rated: K - English - Humor/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 801 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 2 - Published: 3/22/2013 - Lulu, Tristana, Poppy - Complete
Mass Effect High School by Montrel Shepard reviews
This is the first one season of Mass Effect High! I decided to do a series of it. So I re-edited the story and gave it a new plot. It...it feels like Degrassi just met Mass Effect. This is why I can't have nice things. So I added some.
Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 5 - Words: 20,821 - Reviews: 13 - Favs: 12 - Follows: 22 - Updated: 3/16/2013 - Published: 12/4/2012 - J. Garson, Miranda L., Jack, Shepard - Complete
Protoshock by Captiosus reviews
The Ultimate Hunter is dead, slain by his hand, and the clock on the nuke is ticking. However, instead of being reduced to a puddle by the fury of the atom, it sends him to a dystopian hell at the bottom of the sea. In otherwords, another day at the office for Mercer. Rated T for swearing, some gore.
Crossover - BioShock & Prototype - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Horror - Chapters: 4 - Words: 10,641 - Reviews: 67 - Favs: 166 - Follows: 200 - Updated: 3/10/2013 - Published: 1/29/2013 - Atlas, Alex M./Zeus
Fading Away by Shaymi-san reviews
Sequel to The Green Effect. Beast Girl came back, but with Robin deciding to become even with her and the incoming dangers of Slade, life among the Teen Titans have gone wrong. Terribly wrong. - - Don't forget to comment! . . BBxBG too.
Teen Titans - Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 8 - Words: 8,082 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 7 - Follows: 7 - Updated: 2/25/2013 - Published: 8/3/2012 - Beast Boy, Raven
The Otaku Experience by PenguinBandit523 reviews
For Juromuro. One-shot. The Otaku Experience was a small restaurant where the waiters and waitresses cosplayed as anime, manga, and videogame characters. Raven has been working there secretly, but her world gets turned upside-down when Kyd Wykkyd recognizes her... and blackmails her into staying there? Just what has he got planned for poor Raven? Sort of an AU of 'Your Fantasy'
Teen Titans - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,273 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 36 - Follows: 6 - Published: 2/19/2013 - Raven, Kyd Wykkyd - Complete
The True Horror of Konoha (Rewrite) by jinx777 reviews
Something happened to Naruto on his seventh birthday that was so bad it broke him. The Sandaime Hokage had to put him in confinement for the safety of the village. But five years later, things come to light and Hiruzen wonders if he made a mistake. Slightly insane/not evil Naruto.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Humor - Chapters: 3 - Words: 28,873 - Reviews: 302 - Favs: 1,213 - Follows: 1,259 - Updated: 2/16/2013 - Published: 2/12/2013 - Naruto U.
Not the first time by kieta-seraphim reviews
Axton and Gaige find out. DeathtrapxAxton's turret.
Borderlands - Rated: K - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 283 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 4 - Published: 2/13/2013 - Deathtrap - Complete
Phone Call by PrincessCeliel reviews
Let's just say, Kid Flash and Jinx have a very private talk over the communicator. And, hypothetically speaking, maybe every hero who has a communicator might have, kinda, sorta, maybe been listening to the conversation. Maybe. It's all hypothetically speaking, of course. Right? Rated T for some suggestive material.
Teen Titans - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,443 - Reviews: 21 - Favs: 55 - Follows: 9 - Published: 1/21/2013 - Kid Flash, Jinx - Complete
Movie Night on the Normandy SR2 by Blackdeer7 reviews
Takes place after ME2 and LotSB. The title says it all. Lakota Shepard's crew watches and reviews various movies. Latest review - Saving Private Ryan 'Nuff said.
Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Humor/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 12 - Words: 32,338 - Reviews: 274 - Favs: 203 - Follows: 185 - Updated: 1/15/2013 - Published: 1/9/2011
Code of the Dead by RiBuscus reviews
After activating several Towers, XANA launches an attack like none other, unleashing an extremely deadly virus across the entire globe. The Lyoko Warriors are aware of the situation, but they have no idea what happens after the infected die. First couple of chapters are short, but they get much longer.
Code Lyoko - Rated: T - English - Supernatural/Adventure - Chapters: 13 - Words: 23,299 - Reviews: 45 - Favs: 20 - Follows: 27 - Updated: 12/16/2012 - Published: 6/24/2012
Somewhere I belong by Jknight3135 reviews
Raven's life is turned upside down by a pink haired thief, but when Raven finds that being upside down can really change how you see things, how will she react? And will her friends accept her for it?
Teen Titans - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 4 - Words: 13,976 - Reviews: 43 - Favs: 131 - Follows: 52 - Updated: 11/10/2012 - Published: 8/6/2012 - [Jinx, Raven] - Complete
Impromptu Sleepovers by Mezzosopranogirl reviews
Warning: Excessive fluff and cuddling. Set in the five year time lapse. All cannon pairings from then. Summary: When the team just can't go on, they figure out who's house is nearest and go there to sleep, debriefing can wait. And Robin's not the only troll in the Superhero family. Could also be: Five times the team slept over at a random place, and one where the League does.
Young Justice - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,859 - Reviews: 22 - Favs: 160 - Follows: 30 - Published: 9/18/2012 - Complete
Roads Less Traveled by RiBuscus reviews
I have permission from the almighty PurpleSatinRose to use her OC. Odd's sister, Vanessa Della Robbia, becomes a boarder at Kadic Academy. She soon takes a liking to Pencak Silat, and trains with Ulrich on a daily basis. After a XANA attack during a training session, Vanessa is plunged into a world of chaos. Can she survive it, or will Lyoko lead to her downfall? OxA YxUxVanessa
Code Lyoko - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 4 - Words: 9,313 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 5 - Follows: 7 - Updated: 9/6/2012 - Published: 7/21/2012
Code: Reach by Raiden Tachibana reviews
At the end of the finale battle to retake Reach from the Covenant, Odd Della Robbia stayed behind so Aelita, Ulrich, Yumi, and Jeremie could get away. but before he said good-bye, he told Aelita he loved her. The gang is looking for him to bring him home.
Crossover - Halo & Code Lyoko - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Suspense - Chapters: 5 - Words: 5,724 - Reviews: 13 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 12 - Updated: 9/5/2012 - Published: 4/6/2012 - Jun-A266/Noble Three, Odd D.
The Green Effect by Shaymi-san reviews
Beast Boy made a new friend: Beast Girl! Who is this female changeling and will Raven be able to claim Beast Boy's love? BBRae and some BBBG Beast Boy and Beast Girl
Teen Titans - Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 27 - Words: 23,548 - Reviews: 51 - Favs: 41 - Follows: 26 - Updated: 8/26/2012 - Published: 2/21/2012 - Beast Boy, Raven - Complete
Don't Ask by IronicVeghead reviews
A normal evening gets a bit hectic when Sportsmaster decides that he needs to have a little chat with Artemis's boyfriend Wally. Thus ensues the most ridiculous oneshot I have ever written. Spitfire.
Young Justice - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,374 - Reviews: 71 - Favs: 283 - Follows: 75 - Published: 7/31/2012 - Wally W./Kid Flash, Artemis C./Artemis - Complete
The Princess, The Knight, and The Cat by Kittyclaw reviews
Oneshot, Fairy Tale. "I'm close?" Aelita asked. "How close? Do you know what it is I'm supposed to face?" "Whoa, whoa," Odd said, pulling back. "Advice, I said, not directions. Now listen close, I'm only going to say this once: Appearances are often deceiving." "Appearances are often…Odd, what's that supposed to mean?" Written for Xana's Lair's July story contest.
Code Lyoko - Rated: T - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,692 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 14 - Follows: 1 - Published: 7/26/2012 - Aelita S. - Complete
Xanadu by Kittyclaw reviews
Oneshot. Thanks to a poem by Coleridge, Xanadu became a metaphor for splendor and opulence. Splendor and opulence, in Ulrich's opinion, described thair merry band of professional theives perfectly.
Code Lyoko - Rated: T - English - Crime/Adventure - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,356 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 12 - Follows: 4 - Published: 7/24/2012 - Complete
The Games We Play by SchrodingersMonster reviews
A collection of one shots of party/drinking games, Soul Eater Style! C: will include Never Have I Ever, Spin The Bottle, Truth Or Dare, Would You Rather, and more. Tell me which games you wanna see, enjoy C: rated T for mature/suggestive themes.
Soul Eater - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 664 - Reviews: 42 - Favs: 37 - Follows: 45 - Published: 7/21/2012 - Soul Eater, Maka A.
Criss Cross by Boondock Jake reviews
Ratchet had a lot of scars. It comes with the territory of being a galactic hero. But on a random encounter with an old flame, he realizes that for some people, time doesn't always heal old wounds.
Ratchet and Clank - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 3 - Words: 12,040 - Reviews: 24 - Favs: 75 - Follows: 31 - Updated: 7/1/2012 - Published: 6/15/2012 - [Angela C., Ratchet] - Complete
Bonds of Chlorophyll by moxifloxi reviews
Peashooter had never been in a relationship with another plant before. In fact, the thought didn't even cross his mind until an interesting lecture under Mr. Garlic...
Plants vs. Zombies - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 3 - Words: 3,617 - Reviews: 22 - Favs: 20 - Follows: 10 - Updated: 6/28/2012 - Published: 1/4/2012
Awkward by Duelist925 reviews
Why in the world are Twilight and Applejack sitting at the bar, downing shots of possibly flammable liquids? Why are the rest, minus one or two, joining them? Why ever did I write this? Warning: While this is not clop, it does allude to some adult themes. You have been warned.
My Little Pony - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,216 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 5 - Published: 6/10/2012 - Complete
A Little Chat by KnightMysterio reviews
An epilogue to Mothers, showing what happened to Gilda when Fluttershy's mother, the behemoth bulldozer of a pegasus named Barricade, dragged her off to 'talk.'
My Little Pony - Rated: K+ - English - Friendship/Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,404 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 53 - Follows: 8 - Published: 5/25/2012 - Gilda, Rainbow Dash - Complete
Clandestine by SepticMind reviews
Remastered: When the Hive Five suddenly start upping their game, Robin chose Raven for some undercover work, in the hopes they can find out why the band of villains are suddenly overflowing with skill. But not everything goes as planned.
Teen Titans - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 11 - Words: 41,271 - Reviews: 124 - Favs: 243 - Follows: 98 - Updated: 5/5/2012 - Published: 3/17/2012 - Raven, Jinx - Complete
Tentacle Lover by Chi Kyoku reviews
Garrus goes out for drinks with his C-Sec co-workers on the Citadel, and one of them makes the mistake of insulting the commander. Unfortunately for him, turians don't take that sort of thing lying down.
Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,315 - Reviews: 29 - Favs: 165 - Follows: 26 - Published: 3/7/2012 - [Garrus V., J. Garson] - Complete
You know you are obsessed with Hellsing when by HeatherSilentHillMason reviews
Re-uploaded...Over 30 ways to tell if you are obsessed with Hellsing. Rated T because...Well why would kids be reading this anyway?
Hellsing - Rated: T - English - Humor/Fantasy - Chapters: 7 - Words: 5,585 - Reviews: 34 - Favs: 17 - Follows: 11 - Updated: 2/10/2012 - Published: 12/10/2011 - Alucard, Rip Van Winkle
Sandcastles by Kittyclaw reviews
Invited to join Odd in house sitting for his parents, the gang is blindsided by summer as love blooms, friendships are reaffirmed, and their collective lack of cooking skills is finally put to the test. This is one vacation they won't soon forget.
Code Lyoko - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 9 - Words: 37,601 - Reviews: 63 - Favs: 47 - Follows: 25 - Updated: 1/19/2012 - Published: 5/8/2011 - Complete
100 Things Commander Shepard Crew'll Mutiny Over by The Mad Dragon reviews
Shepard's crew, having had enough of some of her antics, has come together to compile a list of things she's no longer allowed to do.
Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Humor/Parody - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,960 - Reviews: 86 - Favs: 608 - Follows: 137 - Published: 1/17/2012 - J. Garson - Complete
Mothers by KnightMysterio reviews
Mother's Day is approaching. Scootaloo asks Rainbow Dash a shocking question, one that causes her to question herself, and start to think about how she's lived her life until now...
My Little Pony - Rated: K+ - English - Family/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 8,876 - Reviews: 74 - Favs: 210 - Follows: 44 - Published: 1/16/2012 - Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo - Complete
Errors In Continuity by ZeroVX reviews
When a magical, half-demon superheroine, a timid, gender-ambiguous swordsman, and the self-proclaimed greatest space pirate in the universe get together to read some bad fanfics, this happens. A commentary on just about anything. Rated for language.
Crossover - Teen Titans & Soul Eater - Rated: M - English - Humor/Parody - Chapters: 27 - Words: 247,324 - Reviews: 253 - Favs: 118 - Follows: 87 - Updated: 11/18/2011 - Published: 5/28/2011
Lauren Faust's IT! by The Enduring Man-Child reviews
I have tried to reason with you bronies about Pinkie Pie, to convince you that she isn't a monster. But in spite of this you sick people still seem to prefer her that way. So you want a supernatural monster, eh? I'LL GIVE YOU A SUPERNATURAL MONSTER!
My Little Pony - Rated: T - English - Humor/Parody - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,435 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 4 - Published: 11/11/2011 - Pinkie Pie - Complete
Errors In Continuity Special: Soul Eater by ZeroVX reviews
Just when the teenage scythe meister and the demon swordsman thought it was safe to read bad fanfics again...rated for language.
Soul Eater - Rated: M - English - Romance/Parody - Chapters: 29 - Words: 299,346 - Reviews: 280 - Favs: 95 - Follows: 66 - Updated: 11/8/2011 - Published: 6/25/2011 - Crona, Maka A.
Confessions by Holocron Coder reviews
Private dossiers read, personal extranet histories revealed, Tali and Shepard beat around the bush.
Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,523 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 69 - Follows: 13 - Published: 10/17/2011 - Tali'Zorah, Shepard - Complete
Extranet History by Holocron Coder reviews
Tali'Zorah vas Normandy stresses over the relative silence between Shepard and her after the culmination of their fight against the Collectors. Then she receives an interesting message from Liara...
Mass Effect - Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,165 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 63 - Follows: 20 - Published: 9/29/2011 - Tali'Zorah, Shepard - Complete
Pillow Talk by Holocron Coder reviews
Shepard spends a few moments with Tali after their first time together.
Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,495 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 64 - Follows: 13 - Published: 9/24/2011 - Shepard, Tali'Zorah
Dossiers by Holocron Coder reviews
Collectors defeated, Shadow Broker overthrown, Shepard spends some time in the Shadow Broker's headquarters reviewing some valuable information.
Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,730 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 67 - Follows: 12 - Published: 9/20/2011 - Shepard, Tali'Zorah - Complete
College and Coffee by Kittyclaw reviews
Oneshot, OxA. Nothing brightens a day of studying quite like a coffee break.
Code Lyoko - Rated: K - English - Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,911 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 19 - Published: 9/14/2011 - Aelita S., Odd D. - Complete
Confusion by MewLover54 reviews
Azelf has finally tipped Uxie over the edge. Also, Azelf started to feel pain so went to Mespirit for help. Uxie/Azelf slight Mew/Celebi. T for song choice.
Pokémon - Rated: T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,536 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 35 - Follows: 5 - Published: 9/13/2011 - Uxie/Yuxie, Azelf/Agnome - Complete
Meet the Pyro by KnightMysterio reviews
My own take on what the crazy little firebug's intro could be. Contains minor elements of Engie/Pyro and has my preferred Pyro identity... Updated: Extended the intro sequence to show more of Pyro's in-game abilities.
Team Fortress 2 - Rated: K+ - English - Drama/Horror - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,513 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 25 - Follows: 6 - Published: 8/2/2011 - Pyro - Complete
Do You Really Want to Know? by Friendly Uncle reviews
Princess Celestia always loves to hear from Twilight Sparkle, but this time she's shared just a bit too much. The problem is, Twilight doesn't know what the hay she's talking about. Added a chapter 2 because I am apparently insane.
My Little Pony - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 2 - Words: 4,230 - Reviews: 127 - Favs: 293 - Follows: 126 - Updated: 7/23/2011 - Published: 5/3/2011 - Complete
Those four little words by ZenWriterZero reviews
Because we all want to be able to say these words to a certain council, and it's WAY overdue to put them in thier place.
Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,692 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 16 - Follows: 2 - Published: 7/20/2011 - Complete
Team Effect 2 by DinoJake reviews
In 1965, nine mercenaries are frozen so that they can save the future. 220 years later, one very specific person thaws them out. Now, these lunatics may be all that stands between Humanity, and the greatest threat of our brief existence.
Crossover - Mass Effect & Team Fortress 2 - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Humor - Chapters: 2 - Words: 4,909 - Reviews: 49 - Favs: 74 - Follows: 82 - Updated: 7/7/2011 - Published: 4/17/2011 - J. Garson
Falconry And Other Pastimes by The Wunn reviews
PREQUEL, SORT OF. In the midst of a grievous childhood injury, Mordecai makes several lifelong friendships. If you have time to read this summary, read and review please.
Borderlands - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 6 - Words: 7,750 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 21 - Follows: 16 - Updated: 7/5/2011 - Published: 4/29/2011 - Mordecai
When life gives you lemons by seven for secrets reviews
Found scrawled in Hawke's journal, entitled 'A Thought Exercise about Lemons' The DA2 cast and lemons.
Dragon Age - Rated: K - English - Humor/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 557 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 13 - Follows: 2 - Published: 6/19/2011 - Hawke - Complete
A Story of Love: 100 Tales of Cuddles and Fluff by Kittyclaw reviews
A collection of Code: Lyoko pairings. From Cannon to Crack, if it's a pairing you love, it's a pairing in here.
Code Lyoko - Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 51 - Words: 37,741 - Reviews: 311 - Favs: 55 - Follows: 35 - Updated: 6/17/2011 - Published: 12/30/2007
Alfred is God by Seito reviews
Each member of the team gets to learn why Alfred is awesome, whether they want it or not. Alfred is the best there is. R&R
Young Justice - Rated: K - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,778 - Reviews: 97 - Favs: 742 - Follows: 142 - Published: 6/12/2011 - Complete
She's Mine by SergiusTheGreat reviews
Shepard makes his feelings clear to the Quarian people about Tali. Rated T. One shot.
Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,422 - Reviews: 23 - Favs: 72 - Follows: 22 - Published: 12/30/2010 - Shepard, Tali'Zorah - Complete
First Day by KnightMysterio reviews
A tale of the BLU Medic's first two days as a member of the team. Will he go insane from the lunacy or will a budding friendship with Heavy help him stay grounded? Note: Contains a female Pyro, but her gender is not treated as a major issue. Non-yaoi.
Team Fortress 2 - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,950 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 48 - Follows: 2 - Published: 12/4/2010 - Medic, Heavy - Complete
Blame It On the Whiskey by Naria Lacour de Fanel reviews
For some reason Rip and Integra find themselves challenging one another to a drinking game. Surly Integra is surly!
Hellsing - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,299 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 1 - Published: 11/5/2010 - Integra, Rip Van Winkle - Complete
Tails of a Samurai by Taranea reviews
Like the wandering wind, Sonic is a roaming Samurai without a master. One day, a cry for help causes him to come to the rescue of a young kid - but there was a REASON the villagers wanted the little fox dead...
Sonic the Hedgehog - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Supernatural - Chapters: 3 - Words: 5,544 - Reviews: 88 - Favs: 81 - Follows: 69 - Updated: 9/30/2010 - Published: 9/21/2010 - Sonic, Tails
Snowball Fights by Kittyclaw reviews
Oneshot. "Take this," she said, handing Aelita one of the lumpy balls of snow. "Return fire!" Odd commanded, as he and William both popped up and began hurling snowballs. "What do I do?" Aelita asked. "Throw it!"
Code Lyoko - Rated: K - English - Friendship/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,449 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 34 - Follows: 4 - Published: 9/9/2010 - Aelita S. - Complete
Doomed from the start by Silver.Kitten-Chan reviews
I rewrote part of OVA 4 from the anime. Not precisely the same, but not entirely different. Alucard is on his way to fight Rip Van Winkle on the boat. To fight the only girl he cares about. Sorry no lemons or limes. Alot of fighting tho.
Hellsing - Rated: M - English - Tragedy/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 617 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 6 - Published: 6/10/2010 - Alucard, Rip Van Winkle - Complete
Geth Infiltrator by DiChromate reviews
Shepard has brought a geth onboard, and worse, decided to make it part of the team. Tali'Zorah knows better than to trust the obviously-malevolent machine, but she could be wrong about its intentions. And she could be wrong about how she feels about it.
Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Romance - Chapters: 10 - Words: 32,519 - Reviews: 170 - Favs: 343 - Follows: 176 - Updated: 5/22/2010 - Published: 2/8/2010 - Tali'Zorah, Legion - Complete
The April Fool 6 by RenaYumi reviews
It's chaos, it's havoc, it's mayhem, it's...! Not happening. It's April First, and Odd's seemingly vanished. No one knows what to expect, but they all know one thing--whatever is coming, it's going to be big.
Code Lyoko - Rated: K+ - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 24,197 - Reviews: 23 - Favs: 38 - Follows: 6 - Published: 4/1/2010 - Odd D. - Complete
Tali's Selflessness by Andrio reviews
Tali and Shepard share a sweet, romantic moment after their second intimate experience. First fanfic.
Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,432 - Reviews: 34 - Favs: 177 - Follows: 41 - Published: 3/6/2010 - Tali'Zorah, Shepard - Complete
Wikipedia: Hedgehogs by Taranea reviews
A party and everyone s present! Little Cream gets her paws on a laptop and Sonic s worst nightmare ensues as his ‘friends’ discover the awful truth about hedgehogs in a very well known encyclopedia…
Sonic the Hedgehog - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Parody - Chapters: 7 - Words: 17,803 - Reviews: 584 - Favs: 680 - Follows: 384 - Updated: 2/26/2010 - Published: 4/11/2007 - Sonic
Sing Me Inspired by Kittyclaw reviews
Oneshot, drabbles. A collection of ten drabbles, based on ten different songs, of love, loss, and friendship.
Code Lyoko - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,476 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 1 - Published: 1/26/2010 - Complete
Carmageddon by Arctic Banana reviews
Apparently Mordecai got his driver's license from a box of Froot Loops...
Borderlands - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 973 - Reviews: 39 - Favs: 66 - Follows: 9 - Published: 1/3/2010 - Mordecai, Lilith - Complete
Santa Claus and Popcorn by Kittyclaw reviews
Oneshot. For their first holiday with Aelita, the gang plans the perfect, picturesque Christmas. However, an unexpected snow-in sends their plans in a slightly different direction.
Code Lyoko - Rated: K - English - Humor/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,148 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 39 - Follows: 3 - Published: 12/25/2009 - Complete
Laws of Fanfiction by Kittyclaw reviews
Oneshot. "Isn’t doing all of this breaking the laws of physics?” “This is a fanfiction. The laws of physics no longer apply.”
Code Lyoko - Rated: K - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 1 - Words: 7,718 - Reviews: 35 - Favs: 55 - Follows: 5 - Published: 12/7/2009 - Ulrich S., Odd D. - Complete
Fanfic 101 by Taranea reviews
Ever read any really bad crossovers? This fanfiction will show you how to avoid them! Step-by-step instructions on characterization, universe-fusing and sadistically abusing all your favourite hedgehogs for fun and giggles, what could go wrong?
Crossover - Sonic the Hedgehog & House, M.D. - Rated: T - English - Parody - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,382 - Reviews: 46 - Favs: 69 - Follows: 26 - Published: 9/28/2009 - Shadow - Complete
Yellow Daffodils by Kittyclaw reviews
Oneshot. “Do I get a key?” he asked. Aelita raised an eyebrow at him. “I don’t know,” Aelita said playfully, drawing out the words. “What if you throw a huge party and wreck the place?” “I promise to clean up after myself."
Code Lyoko - Rated: K+ - English - Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,237 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 21 - Follows: 2 - Published: 8/4/2009 - Aelita S., Odd D. - Complete
Jagged Edges by SnowPrincessMossy reviews
They taunted and teased him, whispering to him how easily danger could loom up and there would be nothing he could do about it. Reminding him that now there was nothing to bind his friends to him, no reason for them to stay.
Code Lyoko - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 856 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 29 - Follows: 5 - Published: 8/2/2009 - Odd D. - Complete
Jinx by Kittyclaw reviews
Oneshot. “Odd, hush,” Aelita hissed. “You’ll jinx it.” “I don’t believe in jinxes,” Odd told her. “Uh, Jeremy?” Ulrich said slowly. “I think your computer’s on fire.”
Code Lyoko - Rated: K+ - English - Friendship/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 793 - Reviews: 22 - Favs: 65 - Follows: 6 - Published: 8/2/2009 - Complete
Narcosis by RenaYumi reviews
oneshot “Ulrich,” he growled, waving his hand in front of his friend’s face. “This is called narcosis you know. Being in a substance induced stupor? Narcosis.”
Code Lyoko - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 627 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 22 - Follows: 2 - Published: 8/1/2009 - Ulrich S. - Complete
50 Facts about The Boss by KnightMysterio reviews
Because The Boss from Metal Gear Solid 3 has more concentrated awesome in a toenail clipping than Chuck Norris and Captain Falcon together. New 'fact' suggestions will be taken if offered.
Metal Gear - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Parody - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,083 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 35 - Follows: 3 - Published: 6/3/2009 - T. Boss - Complete
Responsible by Kittyclaw reviews
Oneshot, inspired by SnowPrincessMossy's They Never Cared. Left. I saw how they treated her and how unhappy it made her. Right. And I didn’t do anything to stop it. Left. Doesn’t that make me just has responsible?
Code Lyoko - Rated: K+ - English - Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 755 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 4 - Published: 4/4/2009 - Complete
Candle Light by Kittyclaw reviews
OxA, Songfic. Together on their walk Odd and Aelita find themselves caught in the rain. Heading for the factory, the pair finds themselves sharing conversation, cuddles, and the glow of candle light. Prize fic for SnowPrincessMossy.
Code Lyoko - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 6,142 - Reviews: 15 - Favs: 46 - Follows: 4 - Published: 1/13/2009 - Aelita S., Odd D. - Complete
Teddy Bear Stuffing by Kittyclaw reviews
Oneshot, OxA fluff. When five year old Aelita loses her friend to the second grade bully, it's a certain blonde that makes things right.
Code Lyoko - Rated: K+ - English - Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,347 - Reviews: 19 - Favs: 27 - Follows: 1 - Published: 1/11/2009 - Aelita S., Odd D. - Complete
Cookies, Milk, and Raw Carrots by SnowPrincessMossy reviews
It's Christmas night, Odd and Aelita's night to make magic come to life for their daughter. Merry Christmas everyone!
Code Lyoko - Rated: K+ - English - Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,011 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 16 - Follows: 3 - Published: 12/25/2008 - Odd D., Aelita S. - Complete
Twelve Days by Kittyclaw reviews
OxA. Odd has twelve more days until Christmas, and with a little help from Ulrich devises the perfect gift for Aelita, leaving the unsuspecting girl wondering- Who is leaving all of these gifts for her across school?
Code Lyoko - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 11 - Words: 10,186 - Reviews: 92 - Favs: 65 - Follows: 17 - Updated: 12/24/2008 - Published: 12/14/2008 - Aelita S., Odd D. - Complete
Room For More by SnowPrincessMossy reviews
It's summer vacation! Where will Aelita go this summer while Jeremie's at his cousin's? Why, a lake house of course! Two weeks with Odd, Ulrich, Yumi and Aelita with families in tow. OxA and YxU DISCONTINUED
Code Lyoko - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 4 - Words: 5,569 - Reviews: 25 - Favs: 12 - Follows: 14 - Updated: 11/15/2008 - Published: 8/10/2008
We Need a New Elevator by Kittyclaw reviews
Oneshot. Jeremy knew it was going to be an odd day. He knew it the moment he woke up. Why he didn't just stay in bed however, he'll never know. Prize fic for Railen.
Code Lyoko - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 7,684 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 32 - Follows: 2 - Published: 11/14/2008 - Jeremie B. - Complete
The Pumpkin King by RenaYumi reviews
Once every year, the halls of Kadic echo in horror. They should be safe now, April Fools Day passed...so why are there giant spiders, dripping blood, and crazy psychics haunting Kadic foretelling doom? It looks like the Fool upgraded to King. No one's saf
Code Lyoko - Rated: K+ - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 14,624 - Reviews: 18 - Favs: 40 - Follows: 5 - Published: 10/31/2008 - Complete
Snow Angel by Kittyclaw reviews
Oneshot, fluffy OxA. Odd thinks it's about time Aelita was taught one of the finer points of snow.
Code Lyoko - Rated: K+ - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 917 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 21 - Follows: 1 - Published: 9/24/2008 - Odd D., Aelita S. - Complete
Painted Leaves by Kittyclaw reviews
Oneshot, fluffy OxA. Sitting outside one fall day, Aelita decides to make Odd tell her a story.
Code Lyoko - Rated: K+ - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 964 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 22 - Follows: 1 - Published: 9/10/2008 - Odd D., Aelita S. - Complete
They Never Cared by SnowPrincessMossy reviews
Right. They did. They cared so much. Left. They can’t have cared. Not at all. None of them.
Code Lyoko - Rated: T - English - Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 674 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 14 - Follows: 3 - Published: 8/30/2008 - Aelita S. - Complete
Nights Worth Camping by RenaYumi reviews
The gang needs some bonding time. Hot summer, cold water, a couple tents, a few s'mores and a whole lot of laughs. Camping is the solution.
Code Lyoko - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 8 - Words: 14,589 - Reviews: 165 - Favs: 104 - Follows: 51 - Updated: 7/29/2008 - Published: 7/16/2007 - Complete
All We Need To Say by SnowPrincessMossy reviews
OddxAelita Song-fic. Odd comes back to visit Ulrich after finishing college and remembers the last time he saw his friends, but mostly the last time he saw Aelita.
Code Lyoko - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,834 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 13 - Published: 7/7/2008 - Odd D., Aelita S. - Complete
Cabin Stories by RenaYumi reviews
This is a collections of stories that are related, but not necessarily related to the summer cabin owned by Yumi‘s family that just sort of popped up into our stories and imaginations. The gang spends every summer there for a few weeks and trouble insures
Code Lyoko - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 6 - Words: 24,525 - Reviews: 25 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 12 - Updated: 6/23/2008 - Published: 9/1/2007
Over You by Kittyclaw reviews
Oneshot, Song fic, YxO. When Yumi has nothing, it's someone even she wouldn't have expected who brings her back again.
Code Lyoko - Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 6,647 - Reviews: 20 - Favs: 35 - Follows: 5 - Published: 6/13/2008 - Yumi I., Odd D. - Complete
AWESOME NARUTO CHATROOM by showmethelove reviews
Naruto people are chatting... LOTS OF PAIRINGS!
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 4 - Words: 3,292 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 5 - Follows: 4 - Updated: 6/4/2008 - Published: 5/31/2008 - Sakura H.
Masquerade by Kittyclaw reviews
Oneshot. A friendly dance, a walk under the stars. Aelita chases down love, while Odd is left behind to wait.
Code Lyoko - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,410 - Reviews: 21 - Favs: 32 - Follows: 6 - Published: 4/26/2008 - Odd D., Aelita S. - Complete
They Wanted Penguins by SnowPrincessMossy reviews
The gang Including William goes to Yumi's house for the night and craziness ensues. No pairings except a few mentions of UxY. Rated for my safety.
Code Lyoko - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,591 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 2 - Published: 4/16/2008 - Complete
Goodbye by Kittyclaw reviews
Song fic, oneshot. Odd is beginning to feel as if running away is all he has left.
Code Lyoko - Rated: K+ - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,819 - Reviews: 19 - Favs: 35 - Follows: 6 - Published: 3/31/2008 - Odd D. - Complete
iPod Shuffle by MissDott
Drabbles of Naruto characters. Just for fun. Random Pairings
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 2 - Words: 2,525 - Favs: 2 - Published: 3/27/2008
Tales of Shadows by Taranea reviews
Sonic defeated Robotnik long ago and the world is at peace...just not for one two-tailed fox, who seems to have been born so many years too late. Bullied and helpless, Tails is one sad cub...that is, until a blast from the past arrives to stir things up!
Crossover - Sonic the Hedgehog & Yu-Gi-Oh - Rated: K+ - English - Friendship/Adventure - Chapters: 2 - Words: 5,272 - Reviews: 91 - Favs: 69 - Follows: 79 - Updated: 3/2/2008 - Published: 2/9/2008 - Tails, Cream/Cheese, Manic, Vector
Greensleeves' Beautiful Voice by Vixen's-Reid reviews
A mistake. And a lake. NaruHina pairing.
Naruto - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 764 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 13 - Follows: 1 - Published: 2/24/2008 - Hinata H., Naruto U. - Complete
Kittycat by Kittyclaw reviews
Oneshot, OxA. It's Aelita's birthday, and she wants her gift, whether Odd wants it too or not.
Code Lyoko - Rated: K - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,285 - Reviews: 13 - Favs: 30 - Follows: 5 - Published: 1/12/2008 - Odd D., Aelita S. - Complete
On the Way Down by Burakku's Shadow reviews
OneShot Songfic. Odd was a misunderstood boy with no future. Aelita was the angel who healed him. OddxAelita
Code Lyoko - Rated: K+ - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 4,560 - Reviews: 32 - Favs: 29 - Follows: 3 - Published: 12/30/2007 - Odd D., Aelita S. - Complete
Toy Soldier by Kittyclaw reviews
When Odd is captured by Xana, the gang realize they're going to need some help to get him back. But even with the help, can Odd be saved, or has he been lost to Xana forever?
Code Lyoko - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 18 - Words: 31,230 - Reviews: 117 - Favs: 114 - Follows: 34 - Updated: 12/14/2007 - Published: 11/17/2007 - Odd D. - Complete
Solitaire by Kittyclaw reviews
Oneshot. A giant Terrorizing Teddy couldn't defeat out heroes. But Xana knows something that can.
Code Lyoko - Rated: K+ - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 655 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 21 - Follows: 2 - Published: 11/19/2007 - Complete
Rubik's Cube by Kittyclaw reviews
Oneshot, OxA. Odd finds himself a Rubik's cube. Aelita finds herself a problem.
Code Lyoko - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 653 - Reviews: 22 - Favs: 29 - Follows: 2 - Published: 11/17/2007 - Odd D., Aelita S. - Complete
I'll Come Back Later by Kittyclaw reviews
Oneshot. Yumi and Ulrich enjoy a spar in the woods, while Odd learns an important lesson about knocking first.
Code Lyoko - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 660 - Reviews: 19 - Favs: 45 - Follows: 4 - Published: 11/11/2007 - Ulrich S., Yumi I. - Complete
Addicting Chatrooms by lclsurfer reviews
Sakura and Hinata want to really talk to the love of their lives. They finally can by going on an online chatroom. ADDICTING CHATROOMS I want to make a longer summary but I can't think of anymore to say.
Naruto - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 21 - Words: 18,583 - Reviews: 180 - Favs: 53 - Follows: 31 - Updated: 6/26/2007 - Published: 2/12/2007 - Sasuke U., Sakura H. - Complete
That Special Day by Taranea reviews
June 23rd. Know what that day means? Well, neither does Sonic, but he s about to find out as he runs into his most dangerous robot double when hiking all alone...
Sonic the Hedgehog - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Adventure - Chapters: 2 - Words: 5,953 - Reviews: 37 - Favs: 60 - Follows: 11 - Updated: 6/23/2007 - Published: 6/22/2007 - Sonic - Complete
The April Fool 3 by RenaYumi reviews
No. Not today. Anyday but today. Let it be tomorrow. Let it be any day. Please don't let it be April Fools Day.
Code Lyoko - Rated: T - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 19,646 - Reviews: 35 - Favs: 45 - Follows: 6 - Published: 4/1/2007 - Complete
Ramen by khnfghl reviews
Naruto waits for ramen with an annoyed Team Seven and a sleeping Kakashi. No pairings.
Naruto - Rated: K+ - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 264 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 2 - Published: 11/10/2006 - Naruto U., Sasuke U. - Complete
The Unexpected Houseguest by volta arovet reviews
No one really knows when Kid Wicked first moved into the Titans Tower, and the Titans are learning just how hard it is to kick a teleporter out.
Teen Titans - Rated: K - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,507 - Reviews: 82 - Favs: 296 - Follows: 27 - Published: 1/2/2006 - Kyd Wykkyd - Complete
Moment of Tranquility by Mathais reviews
Slash. "Don't move," whispered Odd, his voice choked with unshed tears. "Just let me have this one moment. Don't take this away from me, Ulrich, please."
Code Lyoko - Rated: T - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,758 - Reviews: 65 - Favs: 178 - Follows: 30 - Published: 12/25/2005 - [Odd D., Ulrich S.] - Complete
The April Fool by RenaYumi reviews
It's Odd's favorite holiday. Let's just say the gang is GLAD it only comes once a year. One things for sure, Odd has a death wish. R&R CoWritten with LuneSolei [REVAMPED]
Code Lyoko - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 7,475 - Reviews: 83 - Favs: 97 - Follows: 12 - Published: 4/4/2005 - Complete
Forty Years Later by Thess reviews
He hates her and desires her above everyone else – except perhaps another. A personal take on Alucard's reason to battle Rip van Winkle. OneShot. Manga ficlet. [Gift requested by SerasKelia].
Hellsing - Rated: M - English - Horror/Supernatural - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,635 - Reviews: 20 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 1 - Published: 12/4/2004 - [Alucard, Rip Van Winkle] - Complete
Der Herr ist mein Hirte by Mighty Crouton reviews
I shall walk in the shadow with no fear. Become the shadow for thy lord. Rip Van Winkle story
Hellsing - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,429 - Reviews: 23 - Favs: 22 - Follows: 2 - Updated: 12/4/2004 - Published: 10/12/2004 - Rip Van Winkle - Complete
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Just Another Vault Hunter reviews
There's a new addition to the Crimson Raiders, and he's... certainly making things lively. Sure, there are more craters than before, but he seems useful. Now if only they could make him hold still for five seconds.
Borderlands - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,905 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 23 - Follows: 23 - Published: 5/2/2019
A New Vault Hunter reviews
Another Vault Hunter has arrived on Pandora. The Crimson Raiders welcome him, despite a few misgivings, but soon discover that their newest member has a penchant for accidental destruction. But why is Gaige acting so strangely around him? [Rebooted as "Just Another Vault Hunter"]
Borderlands - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 22 - Words: 50,392 - Reviews: 156 - Favs: 162 - Follows: 181 - Updated: 2/12/2017 - Published: 2/23/2013 - [Gaige, OC]
Culture Clash
We didn't want this... We didn't ask for it and we definitely didn't start it... But if there's one thing I know it's that we have to end it. One way or another, whether we fall or rise, it has to end. (T for blood, gore, violence, potential dark themes and suggestive themes.)
RWBY - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Supernatural - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,255 - Published: 12/10/2015 - OC, Team RWBY
Shadow (Teaser) reviews
A quick teaser for a possible story idea. Details in the Author's notes. Please check the damn thing before forming an opinion, if you don't mind.
RWBY - Rated: T - English - Adventure - Chapters: 1 - Words: 463 - Reviews: 1 - Published: 7/26/2015
In Memorium reviews
In remembrance of Monty Oum. May his work live on and may he never be forgotten. Cover image by scootalootheotaku007. Link in Profile.
RWBY - Rated: T - English - Tragedy - Chapters: 1 - Words: 293 - Reviews: 19 - Favs: 16 - Follows: 19 - Updated: 4/21/2015 - Published: 11/7/2014 - OC, Team RWBY
Travellers' Tales reviews
I don't know how or why this happened, but it did. We've been thrown into a whole new world and been saddled with a responsibility we could never dream of. And my only company is Don, who seems to have made it his life mission to annoy me and chase anything with a skirt that's vaguely attractive, and Alec, who actually seems bored at all this. Great, just great.
Crossover - Borderlands & Misc. Tv Shows - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 12,827 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 5 - Follows: 5 - Published: 10/14/2014 - OC