Heyo! So for those of you that follow my Forever Family story, this is just something as a tidbit. I feel like a lot of the crew is left out on that story besides those I flagged. And what's Mass Effect without all that juicy backstory. So this is my solution. Don't expect constant updates. I will mostly write this when writer's block puts the other story on hold. Will focus on all interactions. Focuses on all Normandy interactions not just Shepard and crew. Ironically though, first Chapter is Mordin/Johanna. Sorry for the deletion the first time, I'm not sure why that happened. But on the bright side, I don't have to go in chronological order.
"So, Mordin, you were in the STG?" Johanna asked as she pulled the last hidden camera out of the ventilation duct. It was how she spent her time when she wasn't calibrating the main gun of the Normandy. She didn't like the Illusive Man knowing everything that was said and while the doctor had been thorough in his own investigation, she did find one the size of an earth fly in the vents he missed.
"Yes. Exciting years. Working with unknowns and with minds worthy of the term genius." He stopped and proudly looked into the void of space. "Best years of my life. Wonder, what do you know about STG?" Johanna sighed and got out of the air duct hanging by both arms as she answered.
"I had a few STG contacts that I pressed from information from time to time. I know anyone in it is damn clever and is privy to just about anything that they need. It was good for tech or info that was not known to the average military." She told the elder salarian before letting go and dropping onto the floor. "I remember, I met this one Salarian, green skin tone and a knack for bombs. He was an assassin, former STG. Tried to take me out with an improvised bomb that was stashed in this pair of Thanix cannons that got delivered for me. Almost got me too. An assistant I had opened the package first though, a young human named Carver. Blasted the poor bastard all over my placed and wedged a searing hot piece of metal in my knee. Took an implant to set the damn thing right."
"Hmm, implant sloppy, lazy. Could have corrected much easier with cloned osteoblasts taken from bone marrow. Natural healing process better for human body and less need for synthetic assistance. Would have also increased strength of bone to prevent further injury." Mordin commented, looking up at the woman as she set the bug on his table. "Ah, microbug. Low tech, easily missed by scanners and eyes. Should have proceeded with a more thorough sweep but need to work on seeker swarm counter measure."
"Don't worry about it, Doc. I just specialize in this type of thing." Johanna assured, debating between smashing the bug or hacking it so all it played was white noise with the occasional whisper. Mordin noted her devious look as she looked at the bug, taking his mental notes.
"Must say. Personality between brother and you oddly diverse. Would have guessed familial relationship by appearance, similar smiles, eyes, other small things. Never would have guessed based on personality. Share some things, joking nature, loyalness, unnatural charisma but view world differently. Brother sees world as egg, fragile, in need of protection. You see world as garden, beautiful and teeming with resources." Mordin mentioned, leaning on his table and looked at her thoroughly. Johanna smiled and crossed her arms.
"I thought Kelly was the shrink here. Tell me Doc, you're a xenobiologist and a skilled tech. What else are you?" Johanna asked sarcastically. Mordin raised his right hand and rubbed his chin.
"Psychoanalysis sometimes required to properly treat patient. Some patients will reject certain treatments based on personality. Example. If brother had negative personality, hiding emotions, cruelty towards enemy, ruthless nature. His body would reject implants. Eyes would deteriorate, scars would deepen and enlarge. Since brother has positive outlook, allows scars to heal completely and maintain post mortem appearance. Body accepts implants and allows for biological repair." Mordin explained. "Don't mistake my ability for knowledge. Only know basics, Chambers only member properly trained for determining mental health."
"You've caught my attention Doc. Tell me, would my body reject those implants had I been the one who died and was brought back?" She wondered. Mordin thought for a moment about it. Johanna wondered about the thought process of this Salarian, if he thought in the same garbled way that he talked. She knew Salarians had incredibly speedy thought processes, a product of their short lifespan. It made them invaluable shock troopers, able to make the most complex decisions in a moment's notice. However, Mordin seemed even more eccentric than any of the Salarians she had met.
"Hmmmm, impossible to say for certain. Too many variables, too little data. Would have to factor in shock of returning to life after two years in catatonic state. Also will need ideals on Cerberus, thoughts on cybernetic implants, decisions made with little thought. Must gather data. First observation would tell me that you take opportunistic stance, benefitting at others demise. Much like the earth species vulture." Mordin said.
"Well, if that doesn't make me feel all warm inside." Johanna dryly joked, crossing her arms and leaning back on one leg. Mordin held up hands in his defense.
"Merely offering first observation, nothing conclusive yet. After initial meeting, can consider following evidence. Abandoned lifelong work to help brother, loyalty a strong trait among family. Have not had altercation with Cerberus crew despite obvious tension." Mordin began to list. Johanna froze as Mordin listed off the latter reason, unsure if she had been so obvious or if the doctor knew more about her than he was letting on. Mordin noticed her look of unease and stopped his list to say. "Read service history. Served Akuze. Not Alliance but many races aware of slaughter. Allowed other races to take more precautions when in Thresher Maw areas. Rumors of Cerberus being involved outstanding, more so following the death of Admiral Khohaku. Reasonable assumption bad blood between Cerberus." Johanna nodded, and stared at the table, keeping her mind focused on the doctor as he continued his analysis. "Finally, relationship with Vakarian, unknown in life, suggests friendliness to outsiders. Ultimately, positive attitude does not outweigh negative tendencies. Best possible guess, implants would merely lay dormant, unable to cause harm or heal. Will remain neutral."
"Well, Doc, thanks for that. I better get going. We both probably have better things to do." Johanna excused herself.
"Yes, of course. Still trying to find culprit of scale itch." Mordin mentioned. Johanna stopped at the door and raised an eyebrow, unsure what that disease was. "Sexually transmitted disease. Causes intense itch, severe rash, painful boils, all centered in groin area. Also, only found in Varren. Implications unpleasant." Johanna had to suppress the smile that tugged at her lips. It seemed an inappropriate thing to laugh at, someone committing bestiality and then paying for it with something so horrible. Before she could ruin her good name by the laugh that was sure to follow, she hurried out of the med-bay and up to the captain's quarters to share the news.
Warning: Future chapters will feature a xenophobic Miranda, a sexually tense conversation between Ken and Gabby, and other combinations.