long has it been on here? I'm so sorry to anyone who had been looking forward to this story being updated, my brain is just super low on ideas. :( I'll try to get a better chapter soon, but for now to show that the story isn't dead here's a short update. I will try to get a good update here ASAP. BTW, thank you so much to everyone who has take the time to favorite and review. It feels great knowing I managed to entertain you enough to take notice of the story and express your thoughts. Hope you like this chap while I work on the other. Enjoy! :3

"Lambda, come in!" Lopez shouted into his radio, "God damnit ANSWER ME!" John approached and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"We have to keep going." He said as Lopez looked at Parker and Johnson before nodding.

"Then let's quit wasting time! Let's RIP THEM APART!" Brick shouted.

"Actually Brick…Roland asked that you go see him when we got your help." Axton said from a distance, "We can take it from here. After all, taking the Vault Key doesn't mean the end." Brick glared at Axton from the news he just heard but then nodded and headed out.

"Alright then, I'll see you when you get back." He said as he left, "But just remember, if you somehow end this before I get to fight too, then you'll be the ones who I'll rip apart!"

"…was…he serious?" Maya asked.

"Umm…mostly." Roland replied through the ECHO before it emitted a high pitch screech.


"H-hello? Anyone?" a voice called through all of their communicators.

"Is that..?" Johnson asked.

"Lambda?" Lopez asked.

"Yeah, it's me." She replied, "I had to open to all frequency channels, so If you hear a screech, that was probably my fault, sorry."

"What's that? I can't hear you over my BLEEDING EARS!" Gaige snapped.

"I said I was sorry!" Lambda snapped back.

"Lambda, what's your status and position?" Lopez interrupted.

"See the tower that holds the Bunker?" Lambda asked, "I'm at the base, as for my status…aside from a broken leg, I'm alright."

"Don't go anywhere, stay in hiding, we're on our way." Lopez replied.

"…I have a broken leg and I'm surrounded by hostiles…I should go find a restaurant." Lambda said sarcastically.

"Alright then, after you Claptrap." Maya said as they all approached the Hyperion Deathwall.

"Alright, let's go!" Claptrap shouted as he went through the wall and kept going.

"Hey, hey, HEY! THE WALL!" Gaige shouted.

"Oh right, I forgot that you aren't Hyperion tech." Claptrap replied as he neared the wall console while Gaige face palmed.

"I'm close to taking that little robot apart!" she grumbled. Claptrap disabled the wall and the others came through, armed and ready.

"Aright! LET'S GO!" Claptrap shouted before a barricade was blown up for more Loaders to get through, "AGGGGHHHHH! SAVE ME SQUIRE!"

"Shut up and take cover already!" Gaige snapped as she kicked Claptrap behind a rock. John quickly fired his AR for suppressive fire, while Lopez threw a grenade towards a cluster of enemies. Parker and Johnson quickly flanked the enemy and eliminated most of the threats to the front line, allowing them to push up and destroy a constructor at the top of the hill.

"Watch out for the motors slab!" Bricks voice came trough as a series of lights lit up the ground ahead before a small explosion decimated the area. The group quickly ran through the field almost with ease before reaching a structure that they'd have to climb for sure with heavily armed infantry. With half of the sighing in frustration, the group slowly pushed through the enemy lines, having almost had to push back twice, the finally reached the top of the structure.

"HOW MUCH LONGER!?" Gaige snapped as a Constructor came flying in, only for her to fire one round in to its "eye", sending it to its demise.

"Calm down, it just past the stairs." Axton replied.

"Has anyone seen Claptrap?" Maya asked.

"The robot? He bailed the moment we were attacked past the barrier." Johnson replied.

"So much for, 'Let's go!' and all that." Gaige mumbled as they approached the base of the tower.

"Umm, hello? Broken leg and all?" Lambda's voice came through the comm.

"Right, where are you?" Johnson asked before a rock flew over his head.

"I think we found her." Parker chuckled as she and Lopez helped Lambda up.

"You guys better go back, we can handle it from here." John ordered to the Marines.

"You heard the man," Lopez ordered, "Pick her up, and retreat." Johnson and Parker nodded as they helped Lambda up and began to head back the way they came. "I'll report everything that happened to Capt. Lasky." Lopez added before following his soldiers.

"Good luck Chief." Johnson called out before they headed on their way.

"Will they be ok on the way back?" Maya asked.

"Why not?" Gaige asked, "We cleared the way."

"Would've been easier to get them a ride first." Axton replied before the comm gave out static.

"Hey guys! Look what I got!" Claptraps voice came through the comm. And they could see him driving a vehicle to their location.

"Problem solved." Gaige said.

"WOOOOAAAAAAHHHHH!" Claptrap shouted as the vehicle ran off a cliff.

"Nevermind." Gaige added, "So much for getting them a ride."

"DID SOMEONE ASK FOR A RIDE!?" a voice shouted through the comm. Before a giant monster truck barged into the area, leveling several buildings and stopping near the marines.


The four marines were surprised to see the giant vehicle stop in front of them before a big, bulky man jumped out. "Not that I'm ungrateful, but have you been listening in on us the whole time?" Parker asked, "And who are you?"


"WHAT!?" Parker shouted, "Why the hell did you bring a bomb!?"

"FOR EXPLOSIVE EFFECT!" Mr. Torgue shouted before grabbing and tossing the marines into the truck, taking care with Lambda due to her injury, before jumping in himself and flooring the gas.


The four VH's were on their way up into the bunker as they heard what Torgue said. "How powerful do you think his bomb-" Maya was cut off as the entire area shook, knocking everyone on their asses.

"Did that answer your question?" Axton asked as they got up. The lift finally slowed and stopped as the door opened to reveal a path leading up to a platform.

"Gotta admit, its quite a view up here." Maya said as they made their way up.

"….I think I'll just use a pistol." Gaige said as she shouldered her SR.

"Good thinking," Axton added as he tossed her one, "Don't want you flying off the edge now do we?"

"We're here." John stated as they stepped onto a large open platform.

"What now?" Gaige asked before the ground began to shake an a large pard of the platform separated and began to fly.

"Surprised?" Jack's voice came through their comms, "You see, the bunker isn't a place. It's actually the BNK-3R, the best defense system money can buy."

"Well, that's going to be a waste of money." Axton said as he began to fire, unfortunately the bullets simply bounced off and the BNKr shot homing missiles at him. "Crap, crap, crap!" he shouted as he ran for cover.

"We don't have time for this!" Gaige shouted as she pulled out her rifle and fired it into one of its optical sensors, causing the machine to stagger but also causing her to fall off the edge due to the recoil, only to hit a platform below. "Oww…not again." She said to herself.

"You alright?" John asked through the comm.

"Sure, if getting older by the fall is alright." Gaige replied.

"Maya, can you contain it?" John asked as he went to Gaige's side.

"Not really, if anything I'll stall it for half a second." Maya replied, "It's just too big."

"That'll be enough." John replied as he helped Gaige up and grabbed the rifle before making his way up to the highest point. BNKr caught sight of him and attempted to shoot him off with missiles as it flew towards him. "Now Maya!" John shouted and Maya attempted to phase lock the giant robot, only to stall it for a second, but a second was all that John needed as he managed to jump off and grab onto the flying fortress. Quickly finding a grip, John pulled himself up onto its back as BNKr flew all over, trying to shake him off, but John held steady and pulled out the rifle. Jamming the barrel into its optical sensors, John fired the remaining three rounds of the mag and jumped as they flew over the platforms, landing in time to watch it fall to the earth below in a spectacular fireball.

"I could've done that." Axton said.

"Sure you could." Maya said sarcastically as they made their way into the structure to collect the key.