![]() Author has written 32 stories for Mass Effect, Pulp Fiction, Dragon Age, and Inuyasha. UPDATE JUNE'13: http://www.fanfiction.ws/u/4751358/Garrus-s-Bad-Medicine Also, working on a new smut collab where the writers of the Aria's Afterlife Forum are shipping our beloved turian with...well, everybody. Take a peek if you like. It has many laughs and hawtness packed into every chapter. LO, MINE BRETHREN AND (SISTREN?) Whatever that word is. I have come for the cookies. Gimme dem. Also, I write things. I'm using this site to air out all my odd thoughts and meanderings of imagination. I'm utilizing the shit outta it. Consider these offerings as a peek inside the mind of a person of little stability and thus, interesting for the purpose of study. BECAUSE SCIENCE! And because I need to put all these thoughts somewhere or they're going to clutter up my attic and make it hard to concentrate on other things. Namely, my super awesome life. Okay, it might not be super awesome, but it's pretty good and these things get in the way of living it. Damn you video games and movies for springing endless possibilities into my brain case and distracting me from regular old banal existence. CURSES! FOILED AGAIN! I really need to buy a fake mustache to twirl whilst saying that last. One more thing to add to the list. Feel free to review, critique, whatever you like in regards to my stories. Also: I OWN NOTHING! not a smidgeon or a dash or anything here. It's fanfiction. All rights belong to whomever owns the copyright. Definitely not me. I just do this for the lulz. |