
Chapter 19

Hey guys, I assume that at least some of you guys play Minecraft, and I would be thankful if said people would join the server I am on. I'm on Radialcraft, and my name is Red. (I am also an admin)

December 27th


"It is completely your fault that we all got caught." Caitlyn hissed to Ahri for the 7th time this hour.

"We get it, Cait." I grumbled. "Ahri's guilty. You're annoyed. We get it!" The four of us were sat on the floor in the Summoner's office. Well, 3 of us. Lux was sat between my crossed legs. As I was about to snap at Caitlyn, she brushed her thumb over my hand. I smiled at her before looking back at Caitlyn.

"I know. I'm sorry. I got scared and I yelled in fear. Yes, blame everything on me." Ahri sighed, pressing her fingers into her temples.

"Do you really find us that scary?" I grinned at her.

"More in he fact that I didn't expect you two to be there." Shaking my head, I looked around the room again. "When do you think Summoner Jorbic will come back for us?"

"I'm pretty sure this is a punishment." Lux chimed in. "Or he's just annoyed at the mess we made."

"Does he know that we've been trapped here?" I asked. She shrugged at me.

"We'll just have to tell him."

"Yeah, if he ever gets back." The four of us shared looks. "Who wants to play eye-spy?" Ahri smiled.

"No." Caitlyn replied sternly. The fox huffed in response, and we continued to sit in silence for another half hour. I just absent-mindedly started to put small braids into Lux's hair to pass the time. The door burst open again, and a very confused Shyvana was pushed into the doorway, followed by Braum and Lee Sin.

"Hey guys." I smiled. "Did you get caught, too?" Jorbic followed them in and shut the door.

"No, we surrendered ourselves." Barum smiled, sitting against the wall, next to Caitlyn.

"I don't even know what's going on." Shyvana sighed. "I just got here."

"Yes." The summoner gently pushed her aside. "I would like to know why the Institute is covered in pink and red paint." Lee and Shyvana just joined us on the floor, creating a half-circle around the Summoner, who dragged a chair over. "We have been gone a day shy of two weeks."

"There were 22 of us Trapped here." Caitlyn sighed. "When we tried to leave two weeks ago, we found an invisible barrier that surrounded the institute."

"There's no barrier." Jorbic said. "Braum informed me of that, and when I went to check, I didn't find any barrier." Lux started to pat my arm, and when I looked at her, she looked to have discovered the secrets of the universe.

"Vi, we were in the forest a couple of days ago, right?" I nodded. "The forest is outside the barrier!"

"I guess we haven't checked in a while." Ahri laughed nervously. "I guess we were too distracted to check."

"So, we've been here longer than we needed to be?" Caitlyn just stood up and walked out of the room. Shrugging, I gently placed Lux on the floor and jogged after my partner. I followed her all the way through the halls, and out the main doors, stopping next to her at the end of the slightly flattened circle of snow.

"What are you doing?" I placed a hand on her shoulder and tried to rub some warmth into her bare skin.

"I need to know." I've never seen her so nervous. Cait slowly reached forward, flinching back at where the barrier was for a second, then she smiled widely when her hand passed through the invisible space. "It's gone!" I did the same thing she did, then walked forward and breathed in deeply.

"Fucking finally!" I laughed out my nervous energy and turned around, almost falling to my arse when Caitlyn hugged me.

"We can go home!" I tried to rub some more warmth into her shoulders, since it was freezing out here, but she let go and stepped back. "Vi, we're going home!"

"Not yet, you're not!" Jorbic yelled from the doors. Lux sprinted over to us and jumped into my arms, smacking our foreheads together when she kissed me, but she didn't seem to care. "You're all going to clean this institute up!"

"Well, that only seems fair." Lux smiled.

"I'm still gonna complain." I mumbled, making her laugh.

December 28th


"So, Garen told your dad?" I hummed a positive note to Vi. "Is he excited?"

"Of course he is!" I felt Vi's hands tighten around my thighs as I reached up higher to clean another blotch of paint. The only way that we could reach was if I sat on her shoulders. "I'm excited to see him, too!"

"Well, I'm gonna say 'fuck today'." I smiled sympathetically and placed my hand on her head. "We need to talk."

"We're already talking, Vi." I felt her shoulders rise and fall in a sigh. "What's on your mind?"

"What's gonna happen to us?" My hand just stopped, and the wet cloth fell. "Hey!"

"Sorry! Sorry!" I reached down and picked it back up from the front of her head.

"Lux, we're going to different sides of the country."

"I've been trying to ignore that." Vi stepped to the side so I could start rubbing the paint off another wall. "It's only been 2 weeks, but I don't want to ever stop this."

"I'll say it again. We're going to different ends of the country."

"Vi, why do we have to focus on the negatives?"

"Because I'm being realistic." I reached down and covered her mouth, which she responded to by licking my palm.

"Ew! Vi!" She started to giggle as I wiped her spit off on my shirt. "Alright, I'm done." Her fingers dug into my hips, and I was lifted into the air, then placed back onto the ground.

"Seriously, though." I smiled up at her and gripped her hand. "What's going to happen when we're back in our own cities?" Vi sighed.

"I already thought of that." I smiled. "I'm going to come to Piltover for a month, and then stay home for two, and repeat that. If that's okay with you?" She stopped, and just put on a blank expression. "Vi?" I tugged on her hand, then squeaked in surprise when she yanked me back to her and hugged me so tightly, I thought I was going to burst. "Vi...air...need it..." I had to struggle free, and I gulped down air when I could.

"That's the best idea I've heard!" She laughed, dropping the bucket of water -and thankfully didn't spill it-, and then wrapped her arms around my chest and swung me in circles.

"Oh my gosh, Vi! Put her down!" It was Caitlyn that had me in her arms for a few seconds before I was placed back on my feet. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Oh, uh, we just finished cleaning and I got excited about it." The Enforcer grinned, scratching the back of her head.

"I believe you." The look on Vi's face made that seem hard to believe. "Come on. Start gathering what you're taking back home with you." Caitlyn then walked away, and Vi made one of the deepest sighs I've ever heard.

"I got my orders." I got an apologetic smile, and a kiss before Vi started to walk down the hall. I sure hope this plan works. I ran through the past 2 weeks in my head, and I realized I was an idiot for not noticing it before. I always sought her out, she always helped me no matter what, and also seemed to look for me. Why didn't I notice it before?

"Lux! Come on!" Garen patted my back and basically pushed me along the cleared path out of the institute. "Father is going to be so happy to see us!"

"I know he is." I smiled half-heartedly up at him, and looked around. Sona was 'talking' to Ahri, with Shyvana hanging around. Darius and Draven seemed to be arguing, but they were quickly leaving. I didn't see who I wanted yet.

"Lux!" I flinched as Katarina ran over. "Garen. Go away for a minute, alright?"

"Why would I do that?" The assassin smirked at my brother's glare. "I'm not leaving."

"Alright then. Lux, come with me for a minute." Garen started to sputter words as I was pulled away from the path by the Noxian. "Man, I didn't think I'd catch you."

"Where are we going?" The redhead turned and smiled at me.

"Before we get there, I have to ask you to do a favour for me." I nodded. "Don't tell anybody that I get drunk, alright? Or that I'm that nice to you."

"Does this mean you're going to be nice to me again?"

"Remember this though, Lux. You're Demacian, and I'm Noxian. We can't be friends."

"Too late." I swear, I heard her mumble something, but it can't have been bad. "Don't worry, Katarina. As far as other people know, we're sworn enemies."

"Cait, where the hell are you taking me?" I felt my heartrate increase as I saw Vi. "Wait, Kata? Lux?"

"Don't worry, Caitlyn and I planned this." Katarina let go of my wrist and dug into her pocket. "Care to explain, sheriff?"

"Well, I heard you both talking earlier, and I knew that a long-distance relationship would be tough." She raised a hand as Vi opened her mouth to speak. "Trust me, Vi. I know you. You want this to work." She shut her mouth. "So, Katarina and I took the liberty of making these for you." The assassin help up two braided cloth bracelets. One was pink, and the other was yellow.

"Because we're sappy like that. I think that everybody, bar a couple of people, want this to work for you guys." I didn't know what to do as Katarina placed the pink bracelet over my wrist.

"Guys..." I looked up, and saw Vi inspecting her own bracelet. "This is the best thing. Ever." I flinched in surprise when she took a huge step towards me and pulled me into a tight hug. "I can't believe this is happening."

"The fact that we're together, or we're leaving?"

"The fact that I fell for you after such a short period of time." I smiled and gripped the back of her jacket. "I'm really gonna miss you."

"So am I, Vi. I can't wait to see you again." A couple of minutes later, I was waving to Vi, Caitlyn, and Katarina as I walked down the cleared path towards the train station, my brother at my side.

"What happened back there, Lux?" He questioned.

"I made a promise." He raised an eyebrow, probably silently asking what I meant. "Don't worry about it."

I didn't realize that this was going to be the last chapter. Oh my god. I'm gonna have to write another Vi/Lux fanfic. Definitely. Thank you all so much for following this story to the absolute end. I plan on writing more fanfics, so watch my page. I love all you guys so much.