Author has written 9 stories for Saint Beast/セイント・ビースト, Kuroko no Basuke/黒子のバスケ, X-Men, Merlin, Yuri!!! on Ice, My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア, and Criminal Minds. Hi everybody! Nice to meet you! See ya and feel free to PM me or leave reviews. I LOVE reading what other people think about my stories or their thoughts in general; I welcome company so feel free to also drop by if you just want to have a chat! Drop me a message at my email if you want to send me a PM :)) [my email = nerdcat.aydsa@] OR you can drop on by my tumblr = http:/// and here's my AO3 = https:///users/blue_bunnycat My art = /// ฅ(=・ω・)ฅ ~Meow~ Aydsa out! |
Blueowl (16) Dyna Dee (77) ForzaDelDestino (30) | HeavenlyBodies (102) jaqtkd (49) Kiva Taliana (60) littleshyangel (7) | llLethell (20) Riddell Lee (12) SensiblyTainted (11) SharkbaitSekki (36) |