A/N Right so this is as much for my benefit as yours, just a small taste of what's to come (ETA: It was beneficial to me after all, I now remember what the sequel was going to be. I doubt I'll ever write it but you never know)... I know fourth kingdom does not sound good, and if you have a better name I would like to hear it, don't worry, I will put special thanks to you at the beginning of the story if I choose yours!
The next time is a selection of basic notes for things to come, not actual chunks of the story.
Next time on Merlin...
The sound of horses galloping filled the air as a line of horses and one carriage approached, led by a knight sat proudly at the front, armour shining brightly in the afternoon sun.
The knight jumps down from the horse with a flourish, removing the helmet, long hair falls to her shoulders.
She looks up at Arthur with a small bright mischievous grin.
"Lady Jessica, at your service m'lord. Knight of the fourth kingdom"
The door of the carriage opens to reveal a man with dark hair like feathers and blue eyes full of power, the rest of his face covered.
"Arthur, meet the prince of the fourth kingdom." Uther turns to his son, who looks utterly shocked.
The dragon roars, great wings flexing, claws flashing in the light as he lashes out.
A familiar laugh echoes around the cave as a hooded figure is revealed, ice cold flame erupts from the figures hands straight towards the dragons face.
Something moves in the darkness of the room, a slithering sound, and a hiss, the flash of a red eyes glitter in the darkness
Arthur is staring at Merlin, sword at his friend's throat. "What the hell is going on here Merlin?!"
"MERLIN" Arthurs yell echoes across the scene of blood splattering the floor and walls.
The warning bells ring out over Camelot
The first story ends, and the second is about to begin...
And then as an added lulzy bonus:
"Arthur, please..." Merlin looked at him looking worried.
"No merlin! I know! I know what you are! Your eyes change colour, you're incredibly fast and you really are ridiculously pale..."
Merlin flinched away from Arthurs anger.
"Say it...out loud..." Merlin just wanted to hear Arthur say it, the secret was killing him, and he was glad Arthur finally knew.
"A vampire." Arthur said, deadly serious. Merlin looked up.
"Are you afraid?" Merlin asked quietly.
"Merlin, you just fell out of a tree trying to demonstrate your 'amazing vampire powers' of course I'm not afraid." Arthur looked vaguely incredulous and Merlin felt just a little disappointed.