"No, Arthur, I do have to decide today. It would be best, we all know it. I need to make the decision now if not for everyone else, but for me, for my own sanity." Gwen took a deep breath and closed her eyes. When she opened her eyes again she looked first at Lancelot and then at Arthur. Lancelot was clearly expecting her to agree to him, while Arthur didn't seem as though he was expecting anything.
"I choose… Arthur." Silence followed Gwen's words but she didn't care. She had eyes only for Arthur, who was at that moment grinning with pure and unabashed joy. Lancelot, on the other hand, went from disbelief to jealousy and finally rage. Without so much as a second thought to the dire consequences he threw himself at Arthur and began to beat him in earnest. It didn't work though because Arthur's knights moved quickly and they grabbed Lancelot before he could do any serious damage. Merlin pulled Arthur to his feet and saw that the prince was laughing.
"Arthur, what is so funny?"
"He thought he could beat me." Arthur kept smiling but thankfully their conversation had passed with no one else noticing. Arthur turned to Lancelot. "I should have you killed for that. However, I owe you no kindness. Instead you are hereby banished from Camelot never to return. If, Lancelot, you do return that I will have no option but to have you killed. Is that clear?"
Lancelot considered attacking Arthur again but thought better of it at the last moment. Instead he bowed slight. "I understand perfectly, my Lord. I wished you no harm but something akin to evil magic came over me and I discovered that I had no control over my actions. I fear that someone here may be a sorcerer who mean to cause you harm." Lancelot watched Arthur closely and was surprised to see that the prince was smiling.
"An evil sorcerer is amongst us, you say? Well I wonder who it could be? Perhaps one of my knights that my father chose? Or Gwen, maybe? She almost lost her life because of that accusation. Oh, I know. It must be Gaius, or me? But it wouldn't make sense if it were me. Or could it be Merlin? Tell me what you think, Lancelot."
"As you wish. I happen to know for a fact that Merlin is a powerful sorcerer." Lancelot smiled triumphantly. The others either pretended that they didn't believe him or they actually didn't.
"Merlin? You think that Merlin, who has protected me against magic, is using magic in an attempt to get you to kill me? Is that about right?"
"Yes, my Lord." Lancelot was beginning to sound pathetic to his own ears. But despite that he had to keep trying. Arthur waved his knights away and approached Lancelot.
"I already know." Arthur said so that only Lancelot heard him. "Take him away from here and make sure he does not come back." The knights nodded, took hold of Lancelot and escorted him out. Merlin and Gaius very subtly disappeared to leave Arthur and Gwen alone.
"Why did you choose me? I thought for sure that you would choose him."
Gwen smiled. "I chose you because you didn't hassle me to, whereas Lancelot tried too. You wanted to give me space and I appreciate that. You showed me that you were right for me, more than right actually. Perfect for me. That's why I chose you, Arthur. Because you're perfect for me. Even with the potentially annoying lifestyle. I wouldn't have it any other way." Gwen stepped forward and kissed Arthur.
The day of the coronation dawned clear and bright. The sun was shining and the birds were singing. The castle was adorned with the Pendragon crest and almost the entire kingdom turned out to see the historic event. Inside the castle people were running around everywhere in an attempt to get things ready for the double coronation and royal wedding. Both ceremonies were combined to make it easier for everyone. Throughout the entire affair, Arthur simply could not take his mind off the lovely vision that was Gwen.
After the ceremony was over there was a large feast inside the castle before Arthur made his first address to the people as a king. During the feast, Arthur had only paid mild attention to what was going on. Inside his mind, Arthur was going over the speech he had written by himself and trying to think of how the people would react. He honestly didn't know how they would take his new law after everything that his father had done. Arthur knew that the initial reaction would be of absolute shock but after that? He didn't know. How could he? It was anyone's guess. He did know, however, that some would take the law well, but that many more would be against it from the very beginning. Arthur had no doubt that some would consider leaving Camelot because of the new law. Really what Arthur was doing could be called an amendment at best, not an actual law.
The time for his speech finally came and Arthur and Gwen made their way to the stage from which he would give it. Gwen, sensing that Arthur was nervous, gave his hand a small squeeze and an encouraging smile. They reached the platform to the cheers of the people. Arthur held himself high and waved to the gathered crowds. Once he had taken his position he held up a single hand and the people quickly fell silent.
"I want to thank all of you for coming out today and I hope that you're all having an excellent day. My father ruled Camelot for many years and ensured that when the time came for me to take the throne that I would be inheriting a strong, sound kingdom. Although I don't necessarily agree with the way in which he went about doing so, I cannot deny the results. Under the rule of Uther Pendragon, Camelot was at her strongest, despite many attacks over the years from several different foes. My father, as you know, ruled with an iron fist and saw everything in black and white. For him there were no shades of grey. Something was either right or wrong. In most cases my father's opinion was correct. But in some areas I believe that my father was wrong.
"Over the years my father worked to make Camelot safe from all he saw as evil. But I have come to understand that not all the things my father saw as evil are. My father's belief was that magic was something to be shunned and feared. And I must admit that in my time I have seen my fair share of so-called 'evil' magic. But I have come to learn that magic itself is not evil, just the person wielding it. Although I have not lived a long life I have seen destruction and death, and many times a sorcerer was involved. But it was the sorcerer not the magic that was evil. Magic has saved my life more times than I can count. Which is why, from now on, magic is no longer banned in the kingdom of Camelot." As Arthur had expected silence greeted his words. But he was encouraged by the few smiles that he could see.
"From now until the end of Camelot, a person will only be punished if they use magic for evil, not if they use magic. My father believed that in order for Camelot to thrive magic must be eliminated. Magic is elemental, and so cannot be destroyed or eliminated. Nor can the people who wield it be destroyed forever. I have seen much magic and I know in my heart that it is, in essence, neutral." Here Arthur looked at Merlin. "I am sorry that it has taken me so long to realise. For years I too believed that magic was wrong but I know the truth now." Arthur turned his attention back to the crowds.
"Magic will once again thrive in this great kingdom. I know for a fact that many people in this city use magic in secret for fear of persecution. But I promise you, you no longer have anything to fear. I would trust magic with my life, and I have done so many times. I have entrusted my life into the hands of one who wields an awesome power. He has saved me many times over and I am glad for his loyalty and friendship. May magic once again grace the streets and hearts of Camelot and her people." A smattering of applause broke out, and then, gradually, it built into a rousing crescendo. Arthur smiled happily at his people, and Merlin could hardly believe that a new age had dawned in Camelot.
A/N: Thank you so much to everyone! That's the end! I can't believe that I finally finished it! I know that it isn't really long but I felt like this was the perfect way to finish it. Thanks again to everyone who has read and reviewed. It means so much to me!