Merlin is there for Arthur when he his threatened with poison. Arthur is there for Merlin. They are side by side, but are they condemned to always be along?


Disclaimer – Don't own, don't sue!


"each of us is alone; side by side but alone"


Arthur was used to feeling alone. He was a Prince; he either had superiors or servants. And Merlin.

He hadn't wanted Merlin as a servant. All he had wanted was to keep the little brat in the dungeons for a few more days – teach him a lesson. But Gaius had fished him out – apparently the boy was some relation sent to be his apprentice or general dogsbody, but after the boy had somehow saved his life his father had seen fit to force the boy onto him.

Since he had Merlin had steadily made Arthur's life a misery. He was clumsy, he had no sense of timekeeping and he had no idea of the etiquette needed to live in a castle. The boy was terrible on a hunt and what's worse – his attitude was never one of a servant. As if he was simply humouring Arthur by being his servant. His respect when it was unavoidable was always never quite genuine. But then, Merlin had sacrificed his life to save Arthur's.

He had drunk from that goblet, knowing it was poisoned. He had almost died to save Arthur, and Arthur couldn't let him. He had disobeyed his father and ridden off into the night. That woman – Nimueh – had left him to die alone in the dark. And then something happened. Something Arthur could not explain.

A bubble of energy, of light, had appeared and floated over. He had been terribly afraid, for it was obviously magical in origin, but it didn't attack him. It simply hovered near him, casting enough light to see by, to climb by. Curiosity overcame trepidation and when he reached a safe ledge, he reached out and touched it – very lightly.

Reaching out to it it had been interesting. It had moved away slightly as if nervous of him, but when he slowed and remained still for a moment it moved back nearer him. Hesitantly, as if approaching an unknown dog, he reached out and finally it allowed contact.

Merlin, back in Camelot, gasped as he felt Arthur touch his magic. This was an intense experience, more intense than the pain of getting poisoned. It was very odd, truth be told – a sort of uncomfortable intimacy, a pleasurable pain that ran from the ball of magic in his hand all the way up his arm, making it tingle.

Arthur felt the tingle and relished it. There was something wonderfully brilliant about touching this; the thrill of touching something forbidden. It felt…so intimate. He felt a firm layer, but it swirled around his fingers. It felt warm and comforting, it was strange – it felt like someone, whoever had cast the magic obviously, really cared. Feelings that were not his own swirled around his; concern, patience, pride and love. A deep-rooted, overwhelming love. Arthur almost pulled back in shock. It was quite overpowering to discover someone loved you so deeply, so strongly.

Arthur felt safe. Totally at home, gently touching the magic. Then he felt a wave of pain through it and in his minds eye he saw Merlin. Merlin lying on the bed in Gaius' chamber, covered in sweat and groaning with the effects of the poison. The blanket had been thrown back, obviously he was feverish, but in his hand was a small, bluish swirling ball of magic. Arthur's eyes widened in shock and this time he did pull his hand back. All the sensations left him feeling suddenly alone. So very alone. And strangely cold. He shook his head and glanced at the magic, a few feet away on the rock wall he saw the mortaeus flower, the antidote needed to cure Merlin. After much stretching he managed to pluck a flower and resumed his climb up the cliff. Once he reached the top he scramled out and watched as the magic ball rose in the air and flew away. He shook his head, stunned at what he had experienced , then found his horse and galloped back to Camelot.