
Many years passed after the memories of Merlin were returned to the world. The witch from the Isle of the Blessed never showed her face again to Merlin or Arthur.

Merlin became a powerful sorcerer, helped by Gaius and Arthur to keep it a secret. King Uther died of a fever four years later and Arthur became king. Merlin gave him the magical sword Excalibur and became Arthur's advisor and court sorcerer as they both brought magic back to the land and united the lands of Albion under one rule.

Morgana left to live with the druids soon after Arthur became king, saying there was something she had to do. Arthur made Lancelot a knight of Camelot and blessed the marriage between him and Guinevere two years later. He only felt slightly put down that she'd chosen the knight over him, the king. After all, he still had Merlin, and that was all he needed. The day he married Gwen and Lancelot, Arthur realized he was in love with his best friend.

By that time, Merlin could sense when Arthur was upset in any way and he coaxed Arthur into revealing his feelings. He'd given Arthur a smile so bright that the king was certain he would be invincible forever. He'd never been so happy in all his life. They took the relationship slow because Arthur was still getting used to the fact that he loved another man, but they were happy and in love, so it was alright.

Gwen bore a baby boy that same year and Arthur, according to the laws of the land, named him his successor and heir apparent to the throne. Morgana returned the day baby Elyon turned one year old. She brought with her the druid boy Mordred, who swore fealty to Arthur and apologized for his actions as a child. Merlin watched him like a hawk for three years, but all Mordred did was what Merlin did: risk his life for the king. So Arthur made him a knight of the round table and a court sorcerer.

As the witch had said, Merlin became widely known as the most powerful sorcerer who ever lived. His magic alone was enough to cover all the lands of Albion and make the crops grow more bountiful than ever before. He left that to the local witches and wizards though, and only took care of Camelot's crops and any city that had no sorcerer that needed it. When Elyon turned seven, and Merlin was thirty-five, Merlin saw the future for the first time with his own power. He cried for all that he saw and never looked into the future again on purpose. There were times when his magic showed him the future on its own, but Merlin did his best not to look. He said knowing too much of the future was dangerous and caused too many problems.

When Merlin was forty, Morgana and Mordred became an official couple. It was a twelve year age difference, but Mordred had been in love with her since he was a child and Morgana had come to see him as a gracious and handsome man as he grew older. Merlin only thought it awkward half the time.

Three years later, what Merlin had seen came to pass. A bitter man who had tried to become a sorcerer and failed caused a riot against the king. He told lies and spread deceit and soon had a large multitude of peasants and sorcerers on his side. They marched for Camelot castle and Merlin almost began to cry once more. He'd seen Arthur ride out into this battle, with his most loyal knights at his side, and he'd seen Arthur fall. So he rode out with Arthur, as he had a hundred times before, with Mordred, Morgana, and Lancelot and a large number of others, to face the enemy before it reached the city gates.

They met on the fields of Camlann at around midnight. The battle raged for hours and just as the first light of day streamed across the sky, Merlin felt a presence he'd long since thought dead, something he had not foreseen. Nimueh stood before him in battle with a sick little grin on her face. It was then that Merlin knew why Arthur would fall in this battle. There were enough sorcerers on the enemy's team to decimate Camelot, and only three sorcerers on Arthur's side in this battle. So far, Merlin had been trying to protect Arthur above all else and he'd been successful. Arthur had no wounds on him. But here stood a foe that would change all that.

Merlin lashed out at her, but she'd grown stronger too. She spoke as fast as lightening and threw a spell at Merlin at point blank range. He couldn't move. He couldn't speak. He could barely think or breathe. Mordred joined in, but Nimueh bound his magic and dealt a mortal blow to the much younger wizard. Merlin nearly broke Nimueh's hold over him at that, but she used the magic she'd taken from Mordred to strengthen the spell. One more word from the witch's mouth and Merlin knew he'd be lost forever, so he forced his mind to focus and sent a spell at her the same moment she finished her spell on him. At least she was gone too.

Merlin felt himself scramble, as if he'd been blown to pieces. The pieces fell through all of space and time until he finally settled in some place dark and quiet. He couldn't hear the sounds of battle, or the sounds of nature, or even his own breathing. Everything was silent and still.

On the battlefield, Arthur's arm was grazed by a sword and he began to bleed. He killed his opponent and looked around, knowing something must have happened to Merlin if he'd been hurt, but he couldn't see his lover anywhere. Then he saw Morgana run across the field and heard a familiar voice echo in his mind: Mordred. When Arthur reached them, Morgana was weeping over a bloody body that was barely clinging to life.

'He's gone,' Mordred spoke in their minds. 'The witch…used my powers and hers to….hold him down….He killed her but then….he dissolved into nothing and I felt his magic vanish.'

Mordred looked at Morgana then and Arthur heard him no more. He left them to their goodbyes and ran back into the battle, hacking and slashing everything he could see. His heart felt like a great black hole that he couldn't mend. In the end, it was a sorcerer who got him with a magically enhanced sword. They easily sliced through his left arm, severing it from his body, and then ran him through. Arthur cut off their head before he fell. Morgana's magic exploded over the battlefield and all the enemies held their heads in pain before falling down dead to the ground. Mordred had died.

Arthur died soon after, with Morgana hovering above him in the dark that encompassed his mind. She was weeping harder than he'd ever seen her and he wanted to tell her it was alright even though it clearly wasn't. But his mouth wouldn't open anymore. His vision was leaving him and it was getting harder to breathe. Then a familiar voice spoke in his head, one he hadn't heard in twenty-one years, and Arthur felt content to leave this world.

'The memories you helped to create in this lifetime will spread forever, my lord Pendragon. The power I have gathered from such memories, however faint, will bring him back to you once again in another life. Go in peace, sweet king. Your destiny is not yet over, nor is his.'

Arthur opened his eyes slowly, the barely awakened sun beginning to peek in through his window blinds. Even staring at his apartment ceiling, Arthur's mind was hazy and focused on the past. After several long minutes, he finally realized he was staring at a modern day roof instead of the battlefield at Camlann and he shot up in bed.

"What?" he breathed out. In a black tank top and grey shorts, no one would believe twenty-one year old Arthur was Arthur Pendragon, the Once and Future King of Camelot who would unite the lands of Albion.

He had tried not to think about his time as the King of Camelot, every time he did it just reminded him of the fact that he was now twenty-one and Merlin was still not in his life. The witch had said that she would ensure Merlin was with him in this life and yet he was alone. Ever since he was born, Arthur had known who he used to be. Everyone thought he was some sort of genius because his history, math, reading, and language skills were so developed at such a young age. Arthur knew no one would believe him If he told them it was because he was the reincarnation of a king, so he kept his mouth shut and tried to be only slightly above average.

He'd been waiting for Merlin from day one. He'd looked out for anything magical. He'd searched his memories and tried to find the power that witch had spoken of in an attempt to find his missing warlock. Still, he'd never had such a vivid dream; something that made him forget he was a modern day man when he woke up.

Did that mean anything? Would he find Merlin soon? He was twenty-one when he met Merlin the first time, so maybe he would find Merlin now that he was twenty-one again. Arthur still had no clue what he was to do in this life: become king, stop global warming, end world hunger, save all puppies, cure cancer, end all conflict, unite all the world in a new Albion, be a father? Without Merlin, Arthur had no clue.

With a head full of questions and a heart building in hope, Arthur took a shower, brushed his hair and teeth, picked out some nice jeans, a Pendragon red t-shirt with deep yellow swirls across it, and a brown duster, ate breakfast, and hurried out the door. He had nowhere to be and no idea where he was really headed, but he felt he needed to be outside in the world today. Every moment could mean a chance meeting with his destiny.

The darkness shifted. Knowledge descended into the abyss and was absorbed. Power shone in all corners of the dark and silent and Merlin woke up. He'd been asleep for centuries, though it felt like moments, yet he felt all the knowledge of the years settling deep in his being. Every ounce of magic returned to him and his eyes shown gold with it all.

He could hear everything. He could smell everything. He could feel everything. He knew everything. He could sense...

"Arthur...," Merlin breathed out.

All at once, the dark fell away. Merlin saw his life spin and thread itself together around him and watched the memories play out before his eyes. He felt his scattered pieces come together and suddenly he was standing next to a large tree in a park. He wore black pants, a light black jacket, a simple blue shirt with sleeves that barely peeked out the ends of his jacket sleeves, and blue and white sneakers. In front of Merlin stood a woman with long blonde hair wearing a simple forest green shirt and light blue jeans.

He smiled at her. "It's you," he greeted. "You were planning this all along. You knew what would happen."

She nodded, the sorrowful look gone from her face. "Yes, my lord. I waited quite a long time for you to come in search of me. I lived my life in the knowledge that one day you and I would meet and I could be of service to you."

"Thank you."

She looked off into the distance. "Your king has been waiting for you, Emrys. You should go to him now."

Merlin beamed at her. "I know." His smile fell to a gentle level. "Who are you?"

She smiled at him. "My name is Tethella. I was born many years your senior and have lived only to serve you, as you live to serve the King."

"I will see you again, Tethella," Merlin said assuredly before he ran toward the entrance of the park and to where he knew Arthur would be.

Arthur was on the train. He'd been on the train for two hours, simply trying to decide where to get off. When the train stopped at its next stop, he got off. He hadn't even looked to see where he'd gotten off at. He just got off.

Arthur looked around himself, seeing where there was to go from here, and froze. Running into the station was a very familiar face. Merlin stopped when he saw Arthur and Arthur watched him catch his breath. They stared at each other, not speaking or moving, just being.

"Merlin...?" Arthur breathed out.

Merlin blinked once before a huge smile overtook his face and he ran forward, launching himself into Arthur's waiting arms. They wrapped their arms around each other and held on as tightly as they could.

Arthur felt the tears beginning to fall. "Dear lord, Merlin," Arthur gasped out into Merlin's shoulder. "I've missed you. I love you so much."

"I love you too. I'll love you forever."

And right there, in the middle of a crowded station, they kissed more passionately than ever before. Arthur still didn't know why he'd been brought back into the world, but now he would face whatever it was with confidence because he had Merlin at his side again.



Thank you all for reading along with me and for reviewing so well. You're all so amazing!