The first chapter was inspired by all of the fics inside cywcross' 'TW Soulmates AU' series, and where people have the first words as a soulmarks. The idea that most people's first meetings with their soulmate isn't all roses and sugar stuck with me like a leech so I had to write it :)

Chapter 1: First words, second beginnings (Pt.1)

The bustling crowd and the sweltering heat of pushing bodies made his migraine throb as loud as a drum. Viktor gritted his teeth in annoyance and felt his teeth grind mercilessly against his lips until it nearly bled. The flight was grueling and all Viktor wanted to do was to sit down at a small coffee shop and rest his weary limbs.

Viktor sighed and watched as his companion grumbled about the flight.

"That damn plane-"

Yuri, his brother, was slumped against a large pillar, with a glare that could burn the wings off a fly.

Viktor's head gave another throb just as one of their bodyguards ran over with their luggage.

The large man, dressed in an impeccable suit, rolled Yuri's spotted suitcase and heaved the rest of the carton boxes on the trolley. Ivan straightened, reached into his pockets and fished out a phone before he passed it over to Yuri.

Yuri grumbled as the phone vibrated in his hands, and his brother picked up the call wth an eye roll.

"This had better be good, Mila-"

Whatever was said silenced his brother and Yuri gave a curt nod before he hung up, and tossed the phone back to Ivan.

Yuri glanced at Viktor, and lowered his voice so it didn't aggravate Viktor's migraine any further.

"The old hag said that the next shipment of Mil Mi-24 helicopters were delayed just as they were coming into Japan's ports."

His brother gave him an understanding grimace.

"The Japanese officials were waiting on those for a week now...They won't be happy about the delay, Vitya."

Viktor ran another hand across his forehead and pinched the bridge of his nose. The bad weather conditions have delayed two of his shipments already, his company could not afford to lose the Japanese government as customers.

Viktor ran a hand through his hair and sighed.

"We can't do anything about that now, can we?"

Exhaustion dripped off Viktor's words like raindrops and he gave his brother a tired smile.

"Call Mila and tell her to add some torpedos into the final delivery, as compensation."

Viktor closed his eyes, leaned back against the wall and waited until Yuri completed the call. As soon as Yuri hung up, Viktor straightened and gave Ivan a curt wave. Without another word, Viktor headed out, and he almost cried in relief when a small, quaint coffee shop appeared.

Viktor reached back and fumbled for his brother's wrist, and tugged a grumpy Yuri into the adorable coffee shop.

Viktor bee-lined towards the corner of the room whilst Ivan and two other bodyguards took a seat near the entrance. Viktor tugged his brother impatiently forward, and as soon as Viktor's weary body sunk into the plush seats, he sighed.

The sounds of the airport faded away. He trusted that Yuri would order one of his favourite drinks, without him even needing to mention a single word. Viktor didn't know how long he had his eyes closed for and, blinked them sluggishly open when he heard footsteps heading towards them.

A waiter with the most stunning face greeted him, and Viktor's migraine dulled underneath that alluring sight. The waiter had the darkest hair with an unruly quality to it, that made it seem like it was defying gravity, and a pair of creamy, chocolate brown eyes that were framed by simple frames.

Viktor fell a smile tug at the corners of his lips, but before any words could come out, the waiter tripped and promptly spilled the hot drinks on him.

"-Blyad'! This-! Shit!-"

Expletives fell out of Viktor's mouth and normally, Viktor would have more control over his tongue, but today was brutal on his frayed nerves, and this was the final straw. The coat and vest Viktor had on had protected him from the worst of the hot drinks, and Viktor tugged them off with his brother's help.

"Vitya- damnit! You ok?-"

Viktor gave Yuri a grateful nod and he waved Ivan down. Viktor didn't want any more incidents to occur. Viktor was about to turn around and ask for a towel, when he heard a near inaudible gasp, before the waiter shakily stammered out: " Gomenasai- No! I meant -sorry Sir- I'll- I didn't mean to!"

Before Viktor even registered the words the waiter had fled. Distantly, Viktor heard Yuri calling his name, but the only thing he could see in his mind were the words.

Those words were the words that were printed on his skin since he was born, and when Viktor was old enough to read, he had searched for the meaning of the foreign word on his arm. When Viktor discovered that the word ごめなさい was the Japanese word for sorry, he was elated because he had finally been able to find out something about his soulmate.

The first words that his soulmate was going to say to him were mostly english apologies with one Japanese word in it, but Viktor wasn't deterred, so as Viktor grew up he kept his arms covered but never fully revealed them. Viktor was proud of the strange, foreign words on his right arm and every year or two, Viktor would visit Japan. Over the years, Viktor started to consider Japan a second home and hoped that he would bump into his soulmate, but Viktor was now 23 and their paths had never crossed.

When the cobwebs cleared, Viktor was seated in Yuri's seat.

Viktor's hands whipped out and circled his brother's wrist. Instantly, Yuri stilled and the only words that Viktor could croak out was a weak: "That's- That's my soulmate."

The moment the words fell out of Viktor's mouth, Yuri gave him a look of complete shock. A few seconds of disbelief hung in the air between them before his brother mumbled an accurate summary of the whole event.

"You're so fucked, Vitya."

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All likes, reviews, etc are fuel for this insomniac writer.

Take care my katsudons!

Aydsa out! ^_^