Reviews for How to Accidentally Kill a Warlock
Crystalzap chapter 16 . 4/25
This was a great story! I love how guilty Arthur felt, and how Merlin didn't automatically forgive him. He had to think about it and was still mad even afterward. I hated how cannon always just made Merlin Take everything and keep going, willing to kill and die for Arthur, without even an apology.
gaylelbf chapter 15 . 5/7/2018
Well done!
nobody yet chapter 6 . 8/2/2017
the writers of the show can't decide what an all powerful warlock can or can't do
Ray chapter 1 . 5/20/2017
It felt soooooooooooooooooooo...real. Couldn't be better. A totally actually nice one...
Guest chapter 16 . 12/30/2016
Loved the jump off read it awhile ago actually and I have to say all wump writers had it coming but what I want to see is Merlin's reaction to Merthur or better yet Merdred
Guest chapter 6 . 8/23/2016
What? This whole chapter is an A/N rant? That's okay. Your writing is good.
clh chapter 4 . 6/13/2016
This is really well-written and the characters are surprisingly in-character. Given the title I was half-expecting a load of poorly written nonsense, so I was pleasantly surprised.

I'm slightly confused about the Welsh spells though. The spells used in the show are always in Old English. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely adore the Welsh language, and I quite like being able to look up the spells easily by just reaching for my Welsh dictionary, but it's a little strange for the spells to be in a language that's DESCENDED from language that would actually have been spoken by Merlin and Arthur during their time period (Brittonic). Granted, Old English never made a whole lot of sense as the language of the Old Religion either, but at least that language was more or less around in the late-5th/early-6th century.

Sorry for nitpicking, but the linguist in me is as unwilling to relinquish her fine-tooth comb sometimes as Arthur is his sword.
myinnersupergeek chapter 6 . 4/25/2015
Omg this chapter :') 3
FateOfChaos chapter 15 . 2/22/2015
This is perfection. There was everything that characterizes Merlin in this fic, and it's just a masterpiece!
BreathingMagic chapter 16 . 2/10/2015
Brilliant, absolutely loved this! :D The whumpage, tje bamf!ness, the pain and the humour - it all climaxed to a thoroughly enjoyable fic, which I ccouldn't possibly take a break from until I read it all. By the way, I laughed like the absolute lunatic that I am during your "AN that can't be a chapter" - that was so good! Thank you for sharing this brilliant piece! :)
Ondori-naramaki chapter 16 . 5/30/2014
Oops, sometimes it's a bit too easy to accidentally post your review before you're done writing it if you're using your iPod touch.

Anyway, as I was saying:

I absolutely love your story! I read it in its entirety today (Okay, technically I started yesterday since it's past midnight now, but still!)!

And I just thought of how adorable the pillow thing is. Now Arthur can still throw stuff at Merlin (old habits die hard, after all), but has like, no chance of hurting our poor warlock by doing so.

Hey, they should totally have a pillow fight sometime! XD

Thanks for the awesome, whump-filled read!

Ondori-Naramaki chapter 16 . 5/30/2014
Absolutely l
fillmoredawn chapter 15 . 1/24/2014
Oh my. You are quite talented.

No, seriously. More than once I realised that my jaw was hanging wide open and had to forcefully close it. I was honestly out of breath while I read chapter 9, where Merlin is muttering nonsense. Except it all made sense if you knew what to look for.

Really. Don't stop writing. And if you ever, ever, come up with half of an idea for an original story, message me and I will brainstorm with you. And then buy the book when you publish it, become rich and famous, and sleep rolling around in your money.

And if that wasn't enough praise for you, after I read this I went into town. And all day it felt like someone had stabbed me just between the shoulder blades. I even had a friend check to make sure I hadn't scraped it on something.

It took me so much longer to realise why. This Merlin whump is interfering with my life!

Qwerty616120 chapter 16 . 8/3/2013
Such a cute ending! Good job!
Guest chapter 16 . 7/17/2013
Although I prefer slash I really loved this! It could so have been an episode in the show.
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