Author has written 34 stories for Neverwinter Nights, Dragon Age, Star Wars, and Gilligan's Island.
I'm looking for another beta reader, I hate posting without another pair of eyes to catch errors.
I was sucked into a crack SW idea one summer when an operation loomed. That got resolved, but not before I wrote a 70k first draft of the crack fic. Then NaNo arrived and my planned project lay on the sand like a dead fish for days. So I jettisoned the original idea and started a book two of the crack fic FOR NaNo before revising book 1.
"Show me a hero, and I'll write you a tragedy."
-- F. Scott Fitzgerald
For the most part my writing concentrates on a single neighborhood of fanfic land. Fanfic has been a wonderful place to get my feet wet as a writer an d the instant pure feedback is somewhat addictive. I would like some more tangible feedback, but original qeiting is so much harder and feedback is almost nil. It is also sad that trends in fanfic can render a particular setting nearly dead if you want to attract new readers. So I have moved from Neverwinter Nights II, to Thedas, and to a Galaxy Far, Far Away. (we are not going to count a lost Star Trek TOS short I wrote long before anything here) I hope my writing has improved since the bug hit in '07, but I am still proud of things I did in stories that can be embarrassing years later for one reason or the other. Some are stranger or more indulgent, but I hope they are fun.
Star Wars:
I am about to start cross-posting from An Archive of Our Own, my Star Wars stories. Like the NWN2 and DA stories, I am proud of even the ones that started with a crack idea. (like the one wondering how new-dad Vader would react to Luke peeing on him as babies are wont to do?
My newest writing bug is Star Wars, spanning mostly Episodes one through four. While the Sith can thrive under paranoids and abusive secrecy, the Jedi needed more to rebuild than one half-trained Knight and a cranky and demented Force-ghost troll. If things never got that bad, then Luke would not have achoed Ben Kenobi's exile.
My main Dragon Age storyline focuses on DA2, and the Schrödinger's cat game ending. Internal order of Dera and Anders' story/A Match to Tinder.
storyline, centered on Dera and Anders, internal order:
1. "Petal by Petal" one-shot for when Leandra Amell meets Malcolm.
2. “Through a Glass Darkly” Shorts Anders' POV. Act 2/challenges
3. “Thedas vs. the Spider” Act 3 one-shot
4. A Match to Tinder (AMT) Novel after the final game battle. Features Merrill, Sebastian, and Vengeance. *Start here*
5. “Vengeance's Flight” Sebastian POV parallel to early AMT. He talks big in the end game, how can he accomplish his revenge?
6. “A Winter's Interlude” one-shot between AMT and ANT2. Hawke and Anders get away to a remote village to winter.
7. "Griffin's Walk:Interruptions" between AMT and AMT2. Warden Attyrne Cousland and Alistair seek her renegade protege, and they come upon a murder. /challenge
8. A Match to Tinder: Devises (AMT2) Anders and Hawke run into some displeased old friends who are most unhappy with things he's done. They don't just call him out. (note Legacy is publish order, not retconned game order with continuity breaks) drafted for NaNo 2011
9. "Griffin's Walk" side story overlapping AMT2 and AMT3. Queen Anora has called a Landsmeet including Warden Attyrne Cousland and Alistair, to deal with more than the mage wars. /challenge writing
10. "Griffin's Watch" side story overlapping AMT2 and later. Nathaniel commands the Vigil while Cousland is at the Landsmeet, and not all recruits are ready for the duty.
11. A Match to Tinder: Tides (AMT3) Hawke and Anders spent a little too long near Kirkwall and finally get to Lothering while appearing to be just a couple of Grey Wardens. (draft written for NaNo 2013) on probable permanent hiatus, between block and feedback lack
Neverwinter Nights 2 Stories: Most stories focus on the NWN2 storyline, though there some are as late as the Neverwinter MMO, which has the supposed benefit of wholesale destruction of the setting rich in decades of character and story hooks in favor of breaking things. Note a lot has been brought back slowly as fans can be stubborn, too. Let's just say upfront it's an AU and canon after the main NWN2 plot is very different. The Cryptic game so badly lacks interesting support characters, it borrows them wholesale Minsc from Baldur's Gate, Linu from NWN1, Volo, and Drizzt. All from long before the destruction. I do pull in things from the pen and paper game, including earlier PnP editions than NWN2, and as some magics in myth and fictions just can't be done by a computer game. Or else the game would let us have teleport and the more versatile spells like illusions and Reduce or Messenger. I also consider the White Wolf games' idea of nature and demeanor to help reconcile our favorite characters.
1. "Storms" one-shot before Casavir takes the stage in the NWN2 plot. The paladin struggles to find purpose after his failures in the city.
2. "Riddles"weave in quiet moments at various times during the original plot between battle and questing.
3. "Sing a Song of Sixpence" is either very late NWN2 plot, after the war, or during the winter of Choices I, your choice.
4. Choices (C1) big story *start here* for KC/leads. begins immediately after NWN2 ends, where the KC and her team must escape their pyrrhic victory. (I have a serious philosophical objection to entire casts being treated as disposable)
5. "The Rest of the Story" *Start here* if you are more interested in the companions. collection of side stories overlapping during chapter 1 of Choices.
6. Choices II: Aftermaths, (C2) a long side story over a tenday. How simple hopes can go awry and in dangerous ways.
7. Choices III: Machinations (C3) even longer intrigue story with extra large cast. A false member of the Neverwinter Nine has disappeared after failing during Aftermaths. Someone has been manipulating much of the city from Lord Nasher to common common drinkers and there have been too many disappearances!
8. (unnamed NaNoWriMo 2009 project that moves into the Planescape in draft form)
9. "Dancing in Shoes Too Big to Fill" take place during the Neverwinter MMO, maybe a generation later as buildings are still holding together despite weather and greenery. The amusement park in the Percy Jackson movie had been abandoned only a few years since Katrina and that included steel, not plaster and half-timber. More than twentry years and Neverwinter should look mostly like jungle engulfed stone Mayan ruins at best.
General likes and taste:
Commercial stories that I think best get the viewpoint of paladins or gods-ridden: David Weber's Oath of Swords, War God's Own and Wind Rider's Oath; Lois McMaster Bujold's Curse of Chalion and Paladin of Souls, and Keith Francis Strohm's The Tomb of Horrors. All of these authors have been a huge influence on how I see paladins. Demons and possession have interesting consequences in Bujold's above listed books as well as Penric's Demon. Miller/Lee's Agent of Change, and Carpe Diem influenced my views on the wreck of an assassin's life. I'm afraid I don't have quite as many specific fictional or dramatic inspirations for the other characters I feature.
So, criticize spelling, grammar, or other story things if you wish, I especially appreciate people reporting spelling or other stupid errors! But some things that are OOC for fantasy setting I ignore or would like to... That doesn't make things easy for the characters though. :)
Authors: Miller/Lee, Bujold, Heinlein, Brust, Gardner, Weber, Duane, Heyer, Zelazny, Savery, Lackey, Barbara Hambly, Judith Knight, Norton, Asimov, Ward, Aaron Elkins, Sheffield
Informational TV: Mythbusters, Jeopardy, Good Eats, Warriors (History Channel... especially the knights one), Cosmos (both series), Cities of the Underworld, Connections. Mysteries at the Museum
Scripted TV: Babylon5, ST:OS, MASH, Numb3rs, Quantum Leap, the Orville, Buffy/Angel, Rizzoli & Isles, Murdoch Mysteries/Artful Detective, Big Bang Theory, Elementary, Forever, CSI(New York), Lucifer, the 80's and original Mission Impossible, Leverage