A/N: Yay my first attempt at a real multi-chapter DA fic! The way things are looking now, this should be around 18 chapters or so. I have a general outline done, but those are always subject to change depending on my muse's feelings. I'm also skipping over a lot of key plot points and focusing on Alistair's development, cuz that's what I do best. Oh, and maybe a bit of romance. Just a tad :) Read and enjoy!


The new Warden recruit was not what Alistair was expecting.

First of all, she was a she, and a noble at that. When Duncan mentioned the hope of recruiting one of the Cousland children, Alistair assumed he meant one of the two men. He knew Fergus would be an unlikely choice; he was, afterall the eldest and the heir to Highever. Not to mention he had a wife and son. Since Fergus had an heir of his own already, the second son, Aedan, would not have made an unlikely candidate. Duncan thought that by having a noble volunteer, especially the son of a teyrn, more people would be willing to volunteer to become a Grey Warden. But never did Alistair expect to see Aedan's twin sister, Elissa.

After arguing with one of the mages, he turned to find a very pretty young woman staring at him. She was at least a head shorter than he, her chestnut hair pulled back into a messy braid. Leather armor clung to her curves, while a shortbow and a quiver full of arrows were slung over her back. Alistair could just make out what seemed to be the hilt of two daggers, each tucked away in her boots.

It was her eyes that caught him. From a distance, they were a deep blue, but when he moved closer to speak with her, he saw the barest hint of green. He found himself staring, almost entranced by her eyes.

They held little warmth, however. She looked... tired. Arl Eamon would have a similar look in his eyes after dealing with something he didn't really want to deal with. Alistair couldn't imagine why a young woman who looked younger than he would have at look in her eyes.

He attempted to be charming, to at least get a smile out of her, but her face wouldn't budge. She only wanted to press on to the Joining. Alistair led her around the camp; showed her the Quartermaster in case she needed supplies, the mess hall where she would take her meals, even the kennels where the mabari war hounds were kept. She stopped in front of the kennels, gazing longingly at the barking dogs, a ghost of a smile dancing on her face. "I have a mabari. A puppy, actually. He's with Duncan."

Well, at least he now knew she could talk.

Alistair tried to engage her in conversation from that, telling her he had never seen a mabari puppy before, only fully grown war dogs. "In fact," he laughed, "I almost expected to be born fully grown!" She hardly even glanced at him. He sighed, running his hand through his hair.

They began making their way back to Duncan through the main camp, when Elissa suddenly stopped short. Alistair halted, following her gaze. She was staring at a man as he walked by... no, she was staring at his shield, which bore the crest of Highever. Without warning, she sprinted away, through the camping area of the men.

"Elissa!" he called, running after her. Something didn't feel right about leaving her, a relatively small, young lady, alone in a camp full of soldiers. Though, he supposed, a man would have to catch her first. She certainly had an advantage over Alistair, wearing only padded leather armor compared to his bulky splitmail. Nonetheless, he followed her as best he could, shouting her name and throwing half-hearted apologies to those he bumped into. Finally, in a small clearing of tents, he found her standing still, looking around carefully. "Elissa, what in the Maker's name are you doing?"

She didn't respond, and Alistair could not even tell if she heard him. Finally, looking towards her left, she found what she was looking for. "Aedan!" she called.

Aedan? Her brother is here?Of course he would be here. He was leading part of Highever's army with his brother. Alistair wondered why she was in such a hurry to see her brother... didn't she see him only a few days ago? Perhaps she didn't know there hadn't been a battle since he and his army arrived...

Aedan's face held a look of pure shock as his twin flung herself into her arms. He grabbed her by the shoulders to look at her, and only then did Alistair realize Elissa was sobbing. He stood there gaping, not entirely knowing what to do, as Elissa said something to her brother. Alistair watched as Aedan's shoulders sagged, and sadness mixed with his shocked look as Elissa buried her face in her brother's shoulder, his arms coming to wrap around his weeping sister. Highever men around them stood watching them, the ones nearest who heard what Elissa said covered their faces or began praying, making the symbol of the Maker. Alistair realized he was watching siblings mourn together with their people around them.

After a few moments, Aedan and Elissa began approaching him. Alistair stood up straighter, unsure what to expect. Aedan nodded to his men who patted him on the shoulder or uttered their condolences as he passed, but the man kept his focus, staring straight ahead of him. "Alistair, the Grey Warden?" Aedan asked as he reached him. "Aedan Cousland of Highever." Aedan held out his hand, and although cordial, he lacked any warmth or friendliness he normally would have held in meeting a new person. Alistair was sure the usual pleasantries of saying 'nice to meet you' would be inappropriate, so instead he said nothing, only nodding in respect and grasping Aedan's outstretched hand. "I understand you're taking Elissa to see the Warden Commander. Might I accompany you?"

"Of course," he replied. Elissa stood behind her brother, looking miserably at the ground. Alistair could only see her now as a scared little girl, thrown into a world of war and chaos that she had no right being in.

The trio made their way back to Duncan's fire, where the Warden Commander was waiting patiently for them. As they approached, a smaller mabari jumped up from Duncan's side and ran towards them, pouncing on Elissa. The mabari puppy... Alistair thought. It didn't look like any puppy he had seen before. In fact, it looked just like an adult mabari, only smaller. Still, it had no trouble throwing Elissa off balance as she knelt down to scratch his ears.

Aedan did not wait for Alistair to make the introductions; instead, he walked up to Duncan himself and stuck out his hand. "Aedan Cousland, Elissa's brother."

Duncan shook his hand firmly. "My condolences, my lord."

Aedan nodded his thanks. "Elissa tells me you're the reason she's alive and was able to see our parents one last time." Duncan said nothing, only waited for Aedan to continue. "I give you my thanks. Terrible tragedy has struck my house, but thanks to you, well..." Aedan lowered his head to towards the ground, and Alistair heard Elissa sniff behind him. "I have a request of you. I have no right to ask any more of you, but I would not unless I thought it absolutely necessary. I know my father gave you his blessing to have Elissa join the Grey Wardens as your boon. I only ask that I may take her place instead."

"What?" Elissa cried incredulously.

"Elissa, please," Aedan said, turning slightly to look at her.

"Aedan, no!"

"Elissa, if this truly is a Blight, then Duncan needs more Grey Wardens. Arl Eamon's armies haven't arrived yet. Please, go to Redcliffe and explain everything to the Arl." Alistair shifted uncomfortably at the mention of the Arl, especially when he met Duncan's gaze. The Couslands, however, took no notice. "Father always spoke highly of Arl Eamon. He will take you in, and as soon as this Blight is over, he will help you take back Highever."

"If the Grey Wardens need all the help they can get, then why not both of us? I can do more here, fighting with you!" Elissa's eyes were pleading, but Aedan squared his shoulders. He approached her, gently taking a hold of her.

"My fate is already tied to this war, whether it be as a Grey Warden or with my army. There is already a chance that I may not make it out of here alive. It is the same with Fergus. There needs to be a Cousland alive after this mess to make Howe pay for what he did. If all three of us are dead... we can't take that chance. I can't take that chance."

Elissa's eyes welled up with tears, and Alistair could see her internal struggle. Quietly, Duncan said, "I accept your request, Aedan."

She shook her head wordlessly. "Aedan..."

"Please, Lis. Mother and Father wanted you to live. Please..." Alistair felt as though he was intruding on a very personal family moment, and was surprised at the pang of jealousy that ran through him. Thought not sure of the details, it was clearly that their parents were dead and Highever was lost to them, yet they still found comfort in each other, only as family could. Alistair longed for that connection.

Finally, Elissa nodded. "Okay," she muttered. Aedan sagged in relief and pulled her into a hug.

"Leave in the morning," Aedan said, pulling away from his sister. "You're bound run into Redcliffe's army closeby. Someone will be able to escort you to Redcliffe." They continued to make their plans as Alistair stood awkwardly to the side, waiting for them to finish.

With a nod to Duncan, Elissa turned to Alistair. "Take care of my brother," she commanded. Her voice was soft, but her blue-green eyes held a blazing look, and for a moment, Alistair forgot that he should give her an answer. She wasn't waiting for one, however. She marched off to the women's camp to rest and wash up.

A stab of guilt replaced any jealousy and sadness he was feeling. Aedan expected that he may die in battle, but he could not possibly know about the danger he faced simply by joining the Grey Wardens.

Alistair gulped, feeling for the first time that, in that instant, he'd rather be a common soldier than a Grey Warden.