So, yeah, apparently I'm back. And yeah, this is still very Lucy centric, mostly because my vice as a writer is father/daughter relationships. Don't ask me why, it just is.
Dedicated to my own dad, who will never be perfect and has never tried to be, but has always been my strong set of shoulders for perching, crying, snuggling, and sleeping.
I'll try to update once a day for a little over a week. Please enjoy.
It wasn't just family statistics that convinced Danny that he would have a boy: it was also that he had no idea how to deal with a little girl. Considering how long it took him to figure out Lindsay… a daughter would spin him about more than a twister and earthquake combined.
He didn't say anything when he picked Lindsay up at the airport. He didn't say anything in the car as he drove to their new, shared apartment. Because most of all, Danny didn't want to screw this up. Not this time.
"Danny, babe, will you tell me what you're thinking?" Lindsay asked as they sat side by side on the couch with take out cartons of Chinese food. She'd been craving their favorite sesame chicken which could not be found in Montana.
Danny didn't answer right away, but he knew he wasn't off the hook. Lindsay was patient with him. More patient than he thought he deserved sometimes and what if his daughter wasn't?
"I don't know how to raise a daughter," he finally admitted, so quietly he almost hoped she hadn't heard him. "What if I screw her up?"
Lindsay removed the cartons and chopsticks from his hands and set them on the coffee table next to her own. She took his hands in hers and waited until he looked up and met her eyes.
"I'll write you a list."
Coming up next: Treat her like a princess.