![]() Author has written 30 stories for Dragon Age, Lord of the Rings, Silmarillion, and Mass Effect. A teacher whose life-long love of English and Tolkien recently expanded to include DAO and ME. The DAO stories are based on my canon play-through with my character, Ned Cousland. Everything in the stories belongs to Bioware, except that which is mine, namely Ned ... alright, alright, Morrigan, stop glaring at me, the guy is all yours, I certainly know better than to dispute a mage! The same disclaimer goes for ME, of course, except some original characters I introduced and the personality of Connor Shepard. As my plunge in the ME verse is not very extensive (yet), I'll let him introduce himself via ChampTheWonderSnail's questionnaire from CMDA: 1. Name and personal stats? 2. Background? 3. So share some thoughts about the following: 4. Love interests if any? 5. Favourite Hobbies when you're not saving the universe: 6. Your perfect ending 7. Your favourite weapon/Weapon of choice? 8. Your favourite holiday destination? 9. Who do you take with you on your most important missions? 10. Finally...share some words of wisdom for us? With the growing number of stories, I guess it might be sensible to make a sort of timeline. Given the vagueness of datation in the game, I rather produced a locationline, according to Ned's travels across Ferelden. I attached the names of stories (or chapters of Succumbing to Weakness) to the locations; the stories in italics are planned but not written yet and the title may change. The stories written in between the locations happened, well, somewhere in between. The Highever Castle - No Way Back Ostagar - No WayBack (up to the Joining) -- -- -- --And All My Dreams, Torn Asunder --StW Options Lothering --Two of Them --StW Over the Herbs Redcliffe - Lesser Evil The Circle Tower --StW Travelling With Men Denerim - Of Shrews And Bitches - was deleted from the site for violating the title guidelines and is currently hosted on my blog at the DA wiki, as well as on my ArchiveOfOurOwn profile.. --StW A Night At the Camp Sacred Ashes - StW Soaring High Redcliffe Denerim --Hunted Soldier’s Peak Bann Loren’s Land Orzammar - Into the Depths -- -- -- -- --StW Insomnia I --StW Spring Is In the Air Redcliffe Ostagar - Ashes and Embers Korcari Wilds (Flemeth) Redcliffe BrecillianForest --StW In Uthenera Redcliffe Denerim (The Landsmeet) - Necessary Things -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Seasoned Veterans -- -- -- --(post Landsmeet) - StW Insomnia II Redcliffe --Measures --One Last Time Denerim (Final Battle) - StW Raven’s Flight Awakening - His Father’s Son Witch Hunt - Hunting Dreams |