![]() Author has written 18 stories for Naruto, Harry Potter, Blue Exorcist/青の祓魔師, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Avengers. My username's the same on both Wattpad and DeviantArt, by the way. (And also Redbubble where I sell some 5SOS shit) Recently made an AO3 account, which is under the username toxicmew just like my Tumblr. If you ever want me to read/review any of your stories, just PM me. Keep in mind, I only read completed stories to save my impatient-self from the wait. So, even if you ask me, I'll wait 'til you complete it to read anything. 5/9/13 Yo, I'm Mew, as you've probably seen. 7/23/14 So, I've decided to finally edit this and actually put some effort in. Seeing as I haven't touched my profile really since over a year ago, I may as well put up a summary about myself. I'm seventeen at this current day and age and soon I'll be starting my senior year at oh-look-it's-hell high school. I live in a tiny town in Florida that doubles in population every winter as the northerners decide to come down and take refuge in our hellish weather. There is no greater outrage from a Southerner when this occurs. You have no idea how annoying they can be. Especially the senile ones. There was a little old lady that could barely see over the steering wheel one year and almost crashed into someone I know because she was driving on the wrong side of the highway. Anyway, I would like to abolish a few of the misconceptions about Floridians. We don't spend all day at the beach. I can count on one hand the times I've gone. It's sunny all the time. Wrong. It will go from sunny to rainy in the blink of an eye. Consistently. And when it rains, it usually pours. Plus, even when it's not sunny it's blistering hot outside. Yay for humidity. No, seriously, it's been 90 degrees Fahrenheit and over for the past two months. Alligators are everywhere. Okay...this one I'll admit. My great-grandmother had a pet gator and as a small child I would sit in front of its cage and poke it with a stick as it hissed at me. Fun times. Plus, you can find them occasionally wandering into your swimming pool or in park lakes. My town park as a sign that says not to feed the gators. Yup. One thing I will admit to loving is that we have multiple theme parks. For Grad Bash (our last field trip as seniors) my school partakes in going to Universal Studios from seven p.m. to two in the morning. I'm looking forward to it more than prom. Anyway, despite the fact that my only fanfic up is Naruto (which I adore) themed, I do love Harry Potter. The only reason my numerous fanfics have not been uploaded onto here is because they are uncompleted. I refuse to post a story on here that is not finished like how I've done to Wattpad. So, until next time I decide to update this, I will conclude. Mew, out. P.S. Hello future me, I'll probably regret everything I've just typed out. Peace. 3/30/2015 Disregarding past me, it is I - Mew. Eight months later. Holy shit time has passed by quickly. Anyway, I've decided that I shall update any bored soul on how my life has proceeded. I finally finished my online class (History of the Holocaust) three months after it was due. Procrastination at it's finest. I had to finish it though, seeing as my incentive was not being able to go to Grad Bash and I really wanna go to Grad Bash. For those of you who don't know what this awesome event is, it's essentially the last field trip for Seniors (twelfth graders, those about to graduate high school). Like many schools, I'll be going to Universal Orlando Studios from around 7PM to 2AM. There'll be a concert (by Ne-yo I think, I don't really care about it) but it's also a pass to both parks (Universal Studios and Adventure Island) meaning I'LL BE GOING TO HARRY POTTER WORLD FUCK YEAH DEAR ARCEUS I'M SO EXCITED I WANT A THRICE-DAMNED BUTTERBEER BLESSED MEW PLEASE. Ahem, anyway, yeah, as you can see I'm excited as fuck so I got my class done as a result. I've already paid (and felt the heartburn of handing over $80) and I should be all set to go. Now I just gotta not get in trouble and endanger my ability to go or I will fucking riot. After Grad Bash though I'll have about a month of school along with testing before I'll be allowed to leave. Fourteen years in the American education system and I am so close to being done. Hallelujah. FYI, I haven't failed. I've gone to Pre-Kindergarten all the way up to twelfth grade, so it's been fourteen years in the seven layers of Hell. Wee. I also always seem to attend schools that end up on the news for one reason or another. Elementary wasn't so bad, but middle and high school it was just drama and I want to avoid that shit as much as possible. Hey, maybe that's why I'm an introvert. That'll explain a lot. Anyway, it's cold again. Which is odd. It's been around eighty or ninety degrees for the past three weeks so this weird wind chill is strange. I don't like it. The weather was nice yesterday though, I went to the park. Then subsequently decided to be your basic teenager and scrape together the joined cash of me and my friend (a stunning six dollars) and order things off the McDonald's dollar menu. They fucked up my cheeseburger. I fucking hate onions. What do they do? They put Arceus-damned onions on it. Ugh. The fries weren't even that salty the fucking shitheads. Shouldn't had gone to that one, the one across town is better and trust me, that's saying a lot considering it's location. Oh, yeah, prom was the other night too. I spent the time playing Sims 4 and dyeing my friends hair mint green on the tips. She's a blonde, so what was once a sea-blue turned to mint. I'm a brunette, but I've bleached my bangs so they're currently teal. I didn't dilute my dye like she demanded hers be. Turns out all you need to do that is white conditioner, which was a fucking shock I swear to Mew. Also, I'm feeling the idiotic ache of crushing on a fucking douche who's not a douche and is actually a pretty chill person but he won't fucking take a hint and tell me if he'll date me. Then again, it's probably in my best interest considering how much I've heard about his sex life and I'm just like nahh, man, I'm good. Then again I do want to at least have my first fucking kiss before I graduate because it's just sad and depressing and at this point I'm just whining. ...I should probably go before I start ranting about our mutual friend who I've known for seven years but the little shithead (he's really a giant at like 6'5") won't fucking tell me if I should just give the fuck up or not. Anyway, 'til my next update. Mew 5/28/15 Can I just say that I fucking hate Ed Sheeran? No, no, before you freak out on me - listen. I have heard this fucking song (Thinking Out Loud and like two others) at least twenty times in the past three hours. Am I sick of it? Fucking yes. Arceus, I actually liked this song when it just came out. Ugh. Onto other news. I AM OFFICIALLY GRADUATED. I DON'T HAVE TO RETURN TO THE HELLHOLE THAT IS PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL. GOODBYE YOU ABYSS AND MAY YOU BURN IN HELL FIRE ALONG WITH YOUR SUCK-ASS ADMINISTRATION. Ahem. Maa, what I mean to say is, um...HELLO FREEDOM. Ha, like I'm actually doing anything with it. So, suffice to say, I've been free for seven days. What have I done in that week of freedom, you may ask? What, as a eighteen year old high school graduate, have you done? Well. Sleep, mostly. If I'm honest. Spent several hours on YouTube. Went to laser tag for the first time and it was fan-fucking-tastic. Uhh...ditched my friend during the beach trip she's been planning for a year with over thirty people who - in the end - resulted in only two people going. Uhm. Whoops. Haha. I'm a horrible person. Sorry Hannah. Anyway, I've also been doing a Percy Jackson fanfic with my friend? I'm not much help. Like, I've read the books (all of them except the last two of the sequel series. Go Solangelo. I'm such a fake I just read their interactions from Tumblr posts) but I've forgotten a lot of facts and things. But hey, my OC's are fucking awesome. If only the one I've mostly been writing as was real. Ugh why do I always crush on assholes. Speaking of, crush is gone on douche-fuck. Well. Mostly. I don't see him daily so that's been helpful? Don't get me wrong, I'd still make out with him in a heartbeat, but the crush has declined. About a 2 on the 1-10 scale (with 10 being I want to jump his bones immediately). So um, yeah. That's my life right now. No major rant to go on unless you--wait a fucking minute. Naruto Gaiden. FUCK YOU SASUKE. FUCK. YOU. ARCEUS I HATE YOU. Sigh. Okay. He's a shitty fucking parent. Grade-A trash. It's only up to chapter four at the moment but dear Kami I hate him. Poor Sarada. And I just cringed because of her name. Kishi why. Same with Bolt. Like. What. At least Himawari is acceptable. Ugh. Oh, uh, spoiler. Sorry. If you don't know by now, you live under a rock, but yeah. By the way. All my disapproval about the way the pairings ended up. Except for Sai and Ino because I FUCKING CALLED IT MY OTP IS CANON YES. But yeah, other than that, I hate them. Well, no, I can accept ShikaTem. What I can't accept is Gaara's new hair cut. I'll rant later, my blood pressure is already high because my laptop is a piece of shit who lags like fuck, so I don't need this to add to it. Ja ne, Mew. 6/2/2015 Well here I am again, five days after my last entry. Wow, I'm lame. I have to announce that I've done some changes to the profile set up, though. You can find links to my Wattpad, DA, and Tumblr now - if you're really actually interested in seeing shit like that. Umm...hm, well, yeah, that's actually the most important thing. Now I can go off on rants that will give you information about my life. Okay, I'm agnostic. If you don't know what that means, it's when you pretty much take a "what is, is" stance when it comes to religion. Now coming from a Southern, die-hard Republican Baptist family, you can imagine how uncomfortable I am at times during family gatherings. Sure, I enjoy NASCAR (most of the time, won some bets off it) and Monster Jam (fuck yeah, been going for three years now and plan to continue) but when it comes to politics and religion, I can't agree with them. When it comes to politics, it's usually accompanied by racial slurs and homophobic insults. Judging from the 600 fics in my favorites list where most of them include two boys going at it, you can see that I don't share their views. Thus, I'm usually stuck as the voice of reason with them saying "you're too young to know anything" or "Mew, you don't understand" and I just throw my hands up in exasperation. (in the air sometimes, ayoo, ayoo - I'm sorry, I'm a shithead) So, by the time dinner - or whatever - is over, I've decided to just turn to my phone and blatantly read smut despite the fact that they are five feet away. You may be wondering why I went on that rant. I'll explain. So, I've graduated now. Wee, good for me. Outta that hellhole. Anyway, my nanna's (yes, my grandmother, I call her nanna) church is doing this thing for graduates. And I'm okay for that. Good for you. Have fun. Celebrate. My nanna wants me to go to that. Now, I'm a little leery on the whole church thing. I've seen the time and money nanna gives to them and it really makes me cringe. You don't need to go to church to worship. Like literally, you can pray, maybe read a few biblical entries, and go by your days thanking your deity. You don't need to go to group worship for your beliefs to be justified. As such, I don't entirely approve of the whole scene. It's easily taken advantage of if the preacher is in all actuality a shithead. So, yeah, leery. I've gone to her church a few times and they're relatively nice people. I met this chick the one time I went during the Sunday school thing that was in actuality just a group planning thing for this camp trip they were doing for a week and she was cool. Liked the same bands as me and everything. So, I don't really mind that much. But, because of this, I've never been to an actual Sunday school thing. So I have no idea what to expect. And nanna wants me to go to one this weekend. So I'm like "um...?" because I'm an awkward little shit until I warm up to you. Literally, during that first experience, I was sat at a table on my phone, awkwardly glancing around and listening to those around me while they engaged in their own conversations. I actually stayed more near the adults since I'm an only child (basically - my half-sister moved to Tennessee when I was three) so I'm more used to talking to them than kids my own age. I only have two close friends and three others that I'm close with but I don't talk with daily. Thus, hello awkward. This isn't even including the fact that they're religious and faithful and all that crap and I'm here like "hello, I don't really worship anything, leave me be" so I'm fearful they'll start talking about God with me and I'm just like "praise Arceus, the faithful creator, and his first creation Mew" because I'm a fucking Pokémon nerd. Then they'll be like "but God is--" and I'm just like "ARCEUS IS LOVE, ARCEUS IS LIFE" and start hissing at them. Because you shouldn't force your religion on another and if they're like "I'm agnostic" or "I'm atheist" or "I'm Muslim" you should just be like "chill, bruh, so how's life" and leave them the fuck be. Now, you may wonder why I'm so adamant about this. It's because my friend experienced one of those forceful, religion pushers at our school and she, me, and all our friends were like "what the fuck". She's real religious now, though - which was a shock because she literally used to joke about being Satanic and then switched to Wiccan or whatever it was she decided on - but then she was baptized and blah, blah, blah - I didn't really focus much. Because I don't care. Let her. Let everyone. It doesn't effect my life. Do whatever the fuck you want. Leave me to my Arceusism. (Arceism? Arceuism? Something.)...(It's Arceism, I googled it). ANYWAY. I went on a rant. My point. So, me, not wanting nanna to feel bad, agreed to go with her to the church thing and she's like "they're gonna give something to the graduates too" and I'm like "really, what?" and she's going on about her idea to give everyone a bible and I'm just "uh huh"ing while internally thinking about how I will hand that bible straight to my dad, or my friend. Because it will literally just sit and collect dust. No offense to anyone that's Baptist or religious, or whatever. I'm just letting out my thoughts here. I have to go get clothes to wear on Sunday in about five hours (it's five AM as I write this because with no school means no bedtime) which I guess will be nice 'cause free clothes? Whatever. Anyway, yeah, that's an insight to my life. See ya, 3/12/2016 Well, I've just realized I've been on this site for over three years. I've been on Wattpad for six years, come December. Wow. That's approximately - no that is a third of my life. Well no, wait. I'll be nineteen in a month, so a little less than a third. Still, though, that's fucking astounding. Anyway, I decided I might as well put in another update. It's kind of like a journal - a barely used journal with a literal year gap in the beginning, but a journal nonetheless. What's happening right now? Nothing much, to be honest. I'm procrastinating enrolling in college (of course), and my father is hounding me about getting a job. The economy sucks, I'm stuck in a Republican family while being of a more progressive mindset (read: I'm not a racist, homophobic bigot), and I'm generally exasperated with mankind. Then again, I'm a misanthropic, antisocial hermit with more desire to whittle away my time by reading gay porn. I'm such a lovely role model, ne? Tch, I'm not feeling very rant-y so this'll probably be a short 'entry', all things considered. The only reason I'm really doing this is because I have to wait until three for my friend to come over. She's helping me choose what to wear for the Renaissance Festival before we're both going over to our other friend's house to spend the night before her dad will drop us off. Right now I think I'll go as a dark elf (most of my clothing is black and I have some elf ears to glue on), but I live in Florida. It's so fucking hot. And humid. I'm gonna fucking die. At least it's breezy and sort of cool - if you count 80F as cool. Mild would be a better term. What else to talk about? Ooh, have I ranted about my favorite bands? I've already overshared previously, so I might as well continue. Alright, so who's my favorite...hmm, maybe the sole band that has a poster taped up in my room? The others are Naruto and Pokemon (and a sole The Hobbit one), so they're most likely number one. Ignoring the fact that I made a Tumblr specifically dedicated to worshiping their pretty faces. 5 Seconds of Summer is my favorite band. Michael Clifford is my bae (I can't believe I just used bae unironically). I have most, if not all, of their songs memorized along with random facts about the boys. Ignoring my fangirl/stalker qualities, another band I like (but not obsess over, because honestly I've only done so over 5SOS) would be Set It Off, Green Day, BVB (13 year old emo-phase me would be proud), Twenty One Pilots, BigBang, BTS, and...uh, I don't remember who else. That would give y'all a good sense of my music taste though, right? Mostly rocky with some rap (ish? Is TOP rap? Or rock? What is their genre?) and some K-pop. Wee. "I'd rather burn the bitch down, I never will cross that bridge again. I cannot trust you easily, or think that I'm the only one." - I'd Rather Drown by Set It Off. I highly recommend it if you're feeling vindictive about anything. Or just got over a bad break up. On that note, my friend is finally here (only took three hours), so I'll be departing. Later, Top 1. Hatake Kakashi Top Hated Characters This isn't even spite or a grudge or anything, I just fucking hate Sasuke. The little shit has always made my blood fucking boil. I've hated him from the beginning and I've hated him since the end and everything in between. I'll admit that Kirin was fucking badass, love that jutsu, but I hate Sasuke. I try not to let that fuck up his character too much, but yeah. As for Hinata I just...don't...like her? I don't ship NaruHina in any capacity and as far as I see it, she's just fan service at this point. As for 'loving' Naruto and wishing for him to be as happy as possible, he looked pretty damn depressed in the epilogue and I firmly disagree with it. I like Mitsuki, Sarada, Shikadai, Inojin, Chocho and the rest but I hate Boruto Things I'm Obsessed With Naruto Things I'm Mildly Obsessed With Bleach ...at least fic wise. If you go through my favorite stories, that's what you'll find. If you ever want information about the first through, I'm your man. Er, woman. I'm a female. Anyway, yeah. I'll essentially a Pokédex along with a walking encyclopedia of information when it comes to Naruto, Harry Potter, and Pokémon. Sooo, yeah. In Progress The Founder's Inheritance - Harry Potter; Elf!HarryNevilleSusanHermioneAU (no pairings so far) The Shinobi Academy Program - Naruto; drastic AU (no planned pairings) Karasu-chan - Naruto; possible!ItachixNaruto Harry Potter and the Child of Apathy - Harry Potter; Apathetic!Harry AU (no idea where this is going) Broken Tethers - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood; Self-Insert OC (still in planning stages, fucking Alchemy is hard to study up on) Concern - Naruto; Kakashi&Sakura mentor (this started as a One-Shot but the plot bunny continues to annoy me) Completed Work The One That Survived - Naruto; KakashixOC (No Sequel) Contemplation - Blue Exorcist; YukioxRin (One-Shot) Helpful Aniki - Blue Exorcist; AmaimonxRin (One-Shot) Bite To Eat - Harry Potter; Master of Death!Harry (One-Shot) Conviction - Naruto; Nidaime Uzukage OC (One-Shot) Rattling Death - Naruto; Third Shinobi War and Uzumaki Kushina (One-Shot) Unknown Sacrifices - Naruto; Rookie 9 (One-Shot) Mito's Stratagem - Naruto; Uzumaki Mito (One-Shot) Developmental Graveyard - Naruto; Senju Tobirama (One-Shot) Tobirama's Hindsight - Naruto; Senju Tobirama (One-Shot) For Necessity's Sake - Naruto; Uzumaki Naruto, KakashixNaruto (One-Shot) |