Here's how this is going to work; at the beginning of each chapter I'll say if the chapter is canonical, if so, when it takes place, and if not, what the AU is.

This is canonical and takes place between Chapter 8 and Chapter 9




Naomi sat at the table with the Maximoff family; Magda had insisted that they eat together at least once a week and Naomi happened to be over that day.

"Peter, could you pass the salt please?" Naomi requested.

"Naomi," Magda said thoughtfully "Has Peter ever told you his real name?"

"Um, Lorna did a while ago; something European, right?" Naomi asked as Peter tensed.

"You didn't tell her?" Magda asked her son, getting slightly offended.

"My name is the worst," Peter mumbled.

"It is not, it is a wonderful name," Magda lectured "His full name is-."

"No!" Peter said, standing up "I won't let you tell her my real name."

Magda gave her son a long look that had him shrinking away.

"You won't let me tell her your name?"


"Young man, I am your mother, I'll say as I please."

"Uh, heh, please don't?" Peter tried, gaining a cuff on his head and a look that told him to sit down.

"His full name is Pietro Django Maximoff, and I've yet to understand why he refuses to tell people that."

"That's not bad," Naomi said, Peter continuing to pout "Well, if it makes you feel any better, it's a million times nicer than my name."

"Naomi is a gorgeous name," Peter protested, Magda smiling slightly.

"Naomi is my middle name," Naomi admitted "And before I tell you my first name, I'd like to tell you that no one in my family likes this name, the only reason I'm named it is because my Great Aunt with the same name was going through a mid-life crisis right before I was born."

"What is it?" Peter asked, Naomi sighing.


To his credit, Peter tried very hard not to laugh, but he couldn't hold in the slight smile.

"Stop laughing at me, you ass," Naomi said, crossing her arms and pouting slightly.

"Sorry," Peter said "But that is pretty funny." And he started laughing.

"This is what I get for being nice," Naomi muttered, Peter leaning over to kiss her temple softly, making her lessen her pout.


After they had done the dishes and had gone back downstairs, Peter ran about doing whatever it was he did while Naomi mused quietly.

"Pietro Django Maximoff," She murmured before jumping at a loud crash.

Peter had managed to run into one of his many crates of junk food, making him fall and the crate to break.

"What the hell?" Naomi demanded, going and pulling Peter up "How did you even do that?"

"Um… I got distracted," Peter offered with wide eyes.

"You got distracted?" Naomi asked incredulously before she put it together as Peter avoided her gaze "By me saying your name?"

"It sounds nicer when you say it," Peter mumbled.

It was quiet for a second and until Peter looked at Naomi, who was desperately trying to hold in laughter.

"Really?" He asked, pouting.

"It's funny!" Naomi replied "Consider it karma."

"Screw that," Peter said before pulling Naomi into a firm kiss, making squeal before returning it with just as much vigor.

There were many situations were super speed might make Peter's life harder; sex? Not one of them. Naomi groaned as Peter nibbled on her neck; swearing he was touching her everywhere at once.


The fact he pushed her down onto the bed right after she whined out his name was purely coincidental.