![]() Author has written 5 stories for Rise of the Guardians. OH WOW LOOK I MADE A THING. AND I'M SHARING IT WITH YOU. :3 lemme just leave a few favorite thingies, you do that on a profile, yes? FAVORITE BOOKS: Discworld Series, Sherlock Holmes, Redwall Series, anything by Tamora Pierce, anything by Agatha Christie Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, Xanth Series, etc. I'm sure by now you get the point. FAVORITE MOVIES: random awesome ones, Rise of the Guardians (reason I joined FF), Lion King, Coraline, Thief and the Cobbler- you know, I just don't like this favorites thing. It fits too much of the normal. Screw normal, be psychic people. KNOW ALL THE FAVORITES. Im a tad loopy, kooky and conundrummish. I like chocolate, reading, writing and doodling the spazz things that pop in my head. I also have a very adventurous (NOT) real life that takes up my time, but I managed to escape the time loop with my magical TARDIS spoon to do other things that I shouldn't. I promise not to be anything but awesome and incredibly confusing. - me |