Author has written 6 stories for Harry Potter. She smiled before whirling away from the light, returning to the dark. Laughter filled the room, the sound bouncing off the walls. "You wish to make my acquaintance?" She said, and gentle footsteps were heard as she came into the light. "I am the emikae. Beware, for I am not something you'd like to keep around for very long. "The dark is my friend, sarcasm my companion, and the written word my lover. Upon these I thrive. Not many can wriggle their way in past them. I bid you try." ~emikae Status on the Power Known Not: 11/20/2015 I am still alive and reading. Writing, not so much. I just started a new job with more downtime, so perhaps the characters that are playing in my head will make it to your screen. SCA NOTICE: If there is anyone residing in the Kingdom of An Tir, and involved with any of the events in these coming months, drop me a line. To those of you which "SCA" has no meaning, it's the Society of Creative Anachronism. Basically it's a bunch of grown-up nerds who get together and party and dress up in clothing reminiscently of the Renaissance and medieval history. It's great fun, if you can, find a faire in your area and go. |