...And the End of the Beginning

Chapter 33

Albus leaned forward over his desk, his eyes for once refusing to twinkle even in the slightest as he stared at the three children in Hogwarts student robes in front of him.

Two boys and one girl, sitting in three tall wingback chairs, scooted close together so the youngsters could hold hands.

In the chair to the far left, a raven-haired young boy sat, with his mother's eyes and his father's disposition. Dumbledore knew those eyes well, from both mother and son.

On the opposite side sat another boy, destined to live in his friends' shadows until he would become a Prefect – but always the consummate brave and loyal Gryffindor.

And in the middle, their mutual best friend supported both of them, a brown haired, bossy little girl, with a head full of questions and answers.

He watched as the girl squeezed both their hands and said it was all for the best. He watched as she gave them each a hug and kiss, whispering encouragement in their ears and showing them the kind of love that is born out of adversity and mutual lost innocence.

He watched as she escorted both boys to the door, making them promise things to her that he couldn't make out, even with his supposed omniscience. He could afford her that much privacy.

When she returned and sat alone before him, he wondered if he had made the right choice.

"Headmaster, Sir, I'm ready," she said, with all the bravery a child could muster.

Squelching his growing feelings of discomfort, he hoped no one ever realized that he had put the entire fate of the Wizarding world on the shoulders of an 11 year old girl.


Albus pinched the bridge of his nose, his shoulders slumped forward. Sending the girl forward in time had drained him, he wasn't sure he trusted his future self – and had triple counted the turns on the time turner.

Calling for tea, he popped a lemon drop and began to fortify himself to handle the rest of the issue. If the letter from his future self was accurate, he was in for a hell of a reunion in 3...2...1...

The pop startled the Headmaster, even as he tried to be prepared for it.


The tall man stumbled forward only slightly, reaching out to steady himself on the ever constant chair. He gave a dazed look around, as if he half-expected to be in a dream.


The Headmaster chuckled, "it seems odd to hear you call me by that name, your twelve year old self has just left. I am pleased that we grew to have a relationship."

"Why am I here? The note at the bottom of the box said this would fix Hermione's problem. Why did it send me here?" Snape removed the time turner from around his neck and looked at it critically.

"Odd, my letter said to expect more questions about how everything would turn out. My future self seemed very cryptic about how this meeting would go."

Snape leveled him with a stare.

"You, sir, have no idea who I am, or what you and I would become to one another. At this moment – you are a stranger to me. I prefer to keep it that way. It is better to not give out any more information than necessary. Nor do I want any information from you."

"Hermione left safely."

"Obviously," Snape said with a withering look. "I left her less than an hour ago. Now what do you have for me? Some sort of potion? A curse-breaking code? A charm?"

Albus leaned back in his chair and laughed loudly, for the first time since the disheveled Fawkes had appeared 24 hours ago, carrying his heavy burden.

"Oh, so that is why I was so cryptic! No, my boy, I have this for you. I believe you are suppose to return with it, and give it to your Mum for safe-keeping for the remainder of your battle."

He gestured to the far corner of the office with his wand, where Fawkes perched on the edge of a small basket. Severus moved closer, and the Phoenix inclined his feathered head before moving out of the dark man's way.

"Sweet Merlin," Severus softly breathed, his fingertips brushing the blanket in the basket. Behind him, he could hear Albus removing a silencing charm, but the tiny bundle inside made no noise. Big brown eyes stared up at him and a chubby little hand wiggled out, reaching up and grasping his index finger.

"I believe you two have met before?"

Snape choked back a biting reply and gazed for the first time at his daughter.

"Fawkes saved her and brought her here, along with the time turner to take her home with you. I'm suppose to let you know that Hermione's issues are not magical, there is no cure. This child was to be your only one, no matter what time you lived."

"How old is she?"

"Two months, she has been with me less than a day. Madam Pomfrey briefly assisted in caring for her, believing her to be an orphan from Hogsmeade Village. What is her name?"

Severus looked at the old man, so many questions in his eyes.

"The letter didn't say. It said you would tell me her name, and then I would know what to give you in the future."

"Grace," the younger man spoke, tracing the little girl's eyebrow and nose with the tip of his other finger, her grip tight on his right hand. "Grace Elizabeth Snape."

"I am sorry, Severus."

The new father gently lifted his daughter out of the basket and moved her to his chest. Propping her in his arms, he grabbed the small bag that had been tucked next to her, and then looked at the elder wizard.

"I am not, Albus. Obviously, this was the only way."

"The things, the things you have to do, I wish it could be different." For the first time, Dumbledore noticed the glint of Severus' wedding band. "So, it is done?" He gestured towards the ring, his meaning heavy.

"We are married, and when I return, it will be done."

"Who is to say this time it will work?"

Severus shrugged, and pulled the blanket tighter over his baby. "Apparently, this is the only chance we have. Doing nothing killed us all."

"Severus - "

He was cut off, Severus threw a hand up to silence the man, then untangled the time turner chain.

"No more, Albus. Our conversation is over. I must get her back."

Albus watched in silence at the tender way in which the younger man gently laid the chain around his neck and the tiny body he was holding.

"Your mother is at The Where."

Severus looked up sharply, then nodded, before vanishing with his precious cargo.


He landed in the Headmistress' office, in a back corner. He was surprised to see it was empty, but quickly touched the portkey to his finger and Grace's hand, after confirming it was indeed the correct time.

His mother was right where Dumbledore had said, standing near one of the tents that had been put up by the magical construction company. She gasped when she saw her son striding towards her, and cooed when he got close.

"She's beautiful."

"Keep her safe, mother."

"I will, I promise."

He handed his precious bundle over and looked at his mother sharply.

"Promise me you will raise her here, if we die."

"You aren't going to die! This will be fine," the new grandmother argued.

"From this moment on, Mother, nothing is promised. All we know is that Dumbledore and Fawkes are unable to alter this timeline. Everyone could die but you and Grace."


"Grace Elizabeth Snape," he answered. "Keep her safe. Don't leave here until Hermione or I come for you. Promise me!"

"I promise," she answered, before lifting a hand to touch her son's cheek. "And you promise to come home with your wife to this baby."

"I promise, Mother."

With a twist and a pop – he was gone.


Hermione watched her husband come through the Floo and gracefully dodge the madness as she sorted and handed out the transfigured clothing. He caught her eye immediately and moved towards her, brushing aside those trying to retrieve their bundles.

"You were gone," she stated, giving him room to explain.

"It was a necessary task," he answered, brushing a stray hair out of her face and tucking it behind her left ear. "May I have my clothes, Hermione?"

She gave him a tired smile, and handed Severus the tight bundle she had next to her side.

"Every task seems necessary today."

"I was," he sighed, his burdens obviously weighing on his shoulders, "I was keeping Mum safe. I moved her out of Hogwarts."

Hermione nodded, realizing at this point that was likely the most information she would get out of him.

"Hurry and change, the Headmistress wants to talk to everyone."


Severus found a plate and few slices of fruit. The mood in the kitchen of Grimauld Place was somber, and he leaned against the wall observing his fellow Inner Order Members. Minerva had taken Potter back to Hogwarts to speak to the Outer Circle, while he was to escort Draco, Weasley and Hermione to the Hogwarts Ward Room, before taking Miss Weasley with him to meet up with Potter.

Miss Lovegood stood close to Ron, the gentle clinking of her bottles had been silenced by a charm, but one could see the bottoms bouncing back and forth as she leaned down to eat crisps off of his plate.

Remus and Tonks had followed Minerva, but not before the elder Lupin had caught his little sister in an embrace. Severus wasn't sure what had been whispered, but his chest tightened when Remus slapped him on the back before disappearing.

Fred and George sat on the floor, leaning against the wall and fiddling with some sort of black string. The deftness with which they handled the item, led the rest to believe it had exploding properties and they were given a wide berth.

Draco and Ginny were sitting close, reviewing battle plans, palms pressed together, fingers intertwined.

"I love you all," Luna's sweet voice rose above the hushed murmurs, catching everyone by surprise.

"We love you, too," Ginny answered for the group, eyebrows raised.

"I simply mean, some of us will die tonight and some of us will be badly injured with lifelong injuries. I want you all to know how much I love you. Nothing will change that."

The weighty truth hung in midair for a few moments, before Ron spoke up.

"Then we don't."

"Don't what, Weasel?" Draco asked.

"We don't die. Win, at all costs, but for Merlin's sake – don't die. This is no different then First Year and the Chess match. Be willing to sacrifice it all, but be smarter, quicker, braver then them."

"It doesn't always work like that," Severus responded. "It's not that easy, this isn't a game."

Ron stood up to his full height, challenging the future and the statistics that were all too accurate and likely.

"Then tonight, we just don't. No matter what – don't leave your partner behind," his stare rested on Snape. "I didn't trade my childhood for the foregone conclusion of death tonight. None of us did," he gestured around the room at the schoolmates he had known for years.

"No one can make promises, Ronald," Luna placed a gentle hand on his arm.

"I can! I promise that I will be here tomorrow morning. In this kitchen. Drinking tea from this cuppa!" His voice escalated as he spoke, and his fist grabbed the closest clean mug on the counter, slamming it down on the table. "Now, I'm going to Hogwarts, to get this shit over with."

Ron moved with force, reminding Ginny of when they would leave the locker room after a particularly rousing motivational speech by one of the twins, before a Quidditch game. She brushed the thought aside, and rose to follow her brother, pausing only a moment to open the upper cabinet and place her favorite cup on the table next to his.

An hour later, Narcissa sent Nippe to the kitchen to begin preparing pots of coffee for those acting as mediwitches and the injured. The house elf stood in the doorway, her head cocked quizzically to the side, as she stared at the eight cups lined up on the kitchen table.


Author's Note: I got nothing. Friends, if you are reading this – that cute little six year old back in the beginning of my author's notes – he graduates from High School in May. Here's your graduation gift. ;)