![]() Author has written 232 stories for Count Cain: God Child, Kingdom Hearts, Yakitate! Japan, Super Smash Brothers, Ningyou Kyuutei Gakudan/人形宮廷楽団, Criminal Minds, Final Fantasy I-VI, Skip Beat!, Joker/Clover/Heart no Kuni no Alice, Last Story, Yu-Gi-Oh, Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon, Dragon Age, Sword Art Online/ソードアート・オンライン, Tiger & Bunny/タイガー&バニー, Bravely Default, Once Upon a Time, Legend of Zelda, Hannibal, Dungeons and Dragons, Web Shows, Animal Crossing, Frozen, and Emerald City. Updated as of: July 21st, 2020 Hello there! I hope you all enjoy reading my fanfiction! Aside from this website, where all my fanfiction is posted, you can also find me on the following:
There are so many fanfic authors that inspired me to write, and the following are only a handful of them: Pikana- You. Are. AWESOME! Seriously, you write some of the creepiest, most mind-boggling fics out there ever, such as Circo de la Luna! This author's fics inspired me to go outside my comfort zone and write darker-themed fics of the sort. This author is also one of the first fanfiction authors that actually inspired me to write fanfiction! Luc Court- This person writes some of the best Kingdom Hearts fanfiction I've read. I love the poetic use of words this author uses, especially in Scheherezade. Syri-LLC- You have got to be one of the best Godchild/Count Cain fanfiction authors ever. 'Speak Not a Word' is my favourite fics written by this author. Frozen Dewdrops- I already have started to admire this author's Super Smash bros fic, 'This is War,' and I was even did some beta reading for it! Check it out! Soundwave0107- Some of the most humorous Super Smash Bros. fanfiction I've read comes from this author, especially their fic "SSBB Oneshots." Messenger of Dreams- Another author that writes seriously awesome Super Smash bros. fics. Check them out! Mirae-no-Sekai- This author, in my honest opinion, writes some really good Kingdom Hearts viginettes, so check them out as well! Tune4Toons- This Super Smash bros author...the work this author makes is epic, for lack of a better word. Check out the fics! storm101- Oh. My. Gosh. Wow...I underestimated this author entirely when I read the first chapter of their fic, 'Quite Contrary' and then later read the rest of it. Their Count Cain: Godchild fics are amazing, and the characterization is spot on in my opinion. Also, this author really helped me with my writing by giving a lot of constructive criticism for certain fics and even beta-reading one or two. If you're reading this, storm101, THANK YOU so much for all of your helpful advice and beta-ing! I appreciate it a lot. :) Undah Presshah(now called Bite the Dust)- This fanfic author is so AWESOME. I love the Yakitate! Japan fics. Check them out! zgirl16- She is a great friend to me, and her fanfics are pretty cool. XD ShitanePaiko- She's a great friend as well, and her Last Story fics are quite good. I suggest you check them out. XD These are only some of several authors that I enjoy reading fanfics from, and I highly recommend you all checking out their works! Achievements in 2012-2013, my first whole year of posting fics on 1. Wrote and published 100 fanfics within the year. 2. My Super Smash bros fanfic 'Monster' is currently the most popular, with 84 reviews and lots of favourites. 3. The vast majority of my fics appear to be Count Cain: Godchild fics, while the least of my fics are Kingdom Hearts ones. There's also some crossovers and stuff, too. 4. Most popular crossover oneshot is 'The A Team,' a Criminal Minds and Super Smash bros oneshot. 5. Entered my first fanfiction-writing contest, namely MOD and Tune's Fireside Tales Contest! XD 6. Most popular non-crossover oneshot is the Super Smash bros oneshot 'The Twelve Days of WHAT!?' 7. Possibly invented ten pairings for fanfiction. 8. Got onto the favourites list of 11 fanfiction authors and onto the alert list of five fanfiction authors. I wasn't expecting this to happen, really-I appreciate it a lot. I hope to continue setting new goals and continue to improve with my writing. I have to give a big THANK YOU for your support through your reading, reviewing, alerting and favouriting of my fanfics. I really, really appreciate it. A lot. Thank you. :) About Reviews Reviews and constructive feedback are going to help me improve in my writing here, so the more there is, the better! Reviews and constructive criticism are what help me grow as a writer, help me develop my writing style, and overall just help improve the quality of my writing. A big thank you goes out to all that have reviewed and given constructive criticism to my fanfics, because I would not have gotten this far without you! About the fanfics I write The fics I'll be writing vary depending on which fandom I'm most interested in writing for at the time. Currently most of my fanfiction leans towards Bravely Default/Bravely Second, Yakitate!! Japan, Emerald City and The Last Story. My fics are often inspired by songs and musicals, so don't be surprised if you see in the author notes of my fics, 'This fanfic was inspired by such and such song/musical piece by such and such artist/band, and I don't own it/them.' Please note that I will not be taking any requests to write any specific fanfiction at this time, simply because I have current and upcoming projects I wish to focus on. Fanfics I'm currently working on: My main fics I'm trying to work on are the following: Crossovers Currently updating the Rune Factory 4/Last Story crossover, "The Next Chapters!" This fic is available to read on both here on Fanfiction.net and Archive Of Our Own, and is updated weekly on Wednesdays until its completion. I will be covering all three main arcs from Rune Factory 4 in its storyline and Arc 2 is coming up, so beware of major spoilers if you haven't played the whole game yet! I'm currently posting updates for a Hustle Cat/Bravely Second crossover entitled "A Light Amid The Darkness!" It'll be exclusively available on Archive Of Our Own, and will be updated weekly on Fridays for all of July. Updates will then switch to biweekly for the duration of August onwards. Escape The Night Currently updating "Moments in Time," from the "Fate Brings Us Together" series. This series is exclusive to Archive Of Our Own, and is updated weekly on Fridays. Please note: This fic is now on hiatus as of May 2020 until the beginning of August 2020. Animal Crossing: New Horizons The oneshots "Island to Island" and "Shrubs from me to you" are now posted! Other fics in progress: Critical Role I wrote a oneshot collection for the Widomauk Week event (June 3rd to 10th, 2019) which is currently posted on Archive Of Our Own! I hope to crosspost the collection to Fanfiction.net (this platform) at some point. I also have now written a Bakery AU! fic called "Critical Rolls: The Bakery AU No One Asked For!" It's currently posted on Archive Of Our Own, but I hope to crosspost this fic to Fanfiction.net eventually! The Last Story I just posted a oneshot called "The Last Story: Breath of the Wild!" As you can probably guess, this fic is inspired by The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. I may or may not expand this fic beyond a oneshot, but we'll see what happens! I will be writing a sequel to "Clockwork Angel, with the working title being "Clockwork Demon." I just don't know when I'll be posting it, due to work on many other projects in progress. Rune Factory 4 I posted a oneshot for the Rune Factory Secret Santa 2019 event called "Friends of the Woolie Variety!" Feel free to check it out! Escape The Night With the exception of crossover fics for this fandom, all Escape The Night fanfics will be exclusively on Archive Of Our Own. Status of previous works in other fandoms: Super Smash Bros.- Every incomplete fanfic in this fandom category is on an indefinite hiatus. However, I am considering continuing and finishing "Fight Inside," which is the sequel to "Monster"...but that probably won't be for a while, due to other fics taking precedence. Yakitate! Japan- I'm working on a trilogy of three fanfics. Two of three are already posted, and I hope to get the first chapter of the third installment posted sometime. This third installment is a short multi-chapter tentatively titled 'Locked Away.' Due to interests and primary focuses in other writing projects, as well as a busy schedule outside of writing, I will most likely not post this third part until late 2020 or early 2021. Skip Beat—I may write a sequel to "Silentious Sentiment" in the future, but that probably won't be for a while, due to other current fics taking precedence. Count Cain: Godchild- As of currently, every incomplete fanfic in this fandom is on an indefinite hiatus. This is mainly due to me losing interest in writing for the fandom, and I likely won't be writing more fics for the forseeable future. Kingdom Hearts—I posted a oneshot for Zemyx Day 2018 (June 9th) called "An Unexpected Partnership," and it's a Dancing With The Stars AU! XD I'm really proud to post it, given that it's my first KH fanfic that I've written in years, so feel free to check it out! Fanfic series Animal Crossing: New Horizons 1. "Island to Island" 2. "Shrubs from me to you" Bravely Default Things We Cannot Undo:
Your Heart Is A Witness
Down The Rabbit Hole
The Last Story
Count Cain: Godchild
Yakitate!! Japan
Kingdom Hearts
Super Smash Bros.
Bravely Default and Once Upon A Time crossover continuum:
Super Smash Bros. and Count Cain: Godchild crossover:
Emerald City and Yakitate!! Japan crossover: Home series
The Last Story and Escape The Night crossover:
So...that's it about me for now. I hope you enjoy reading my fanfiction! |