Author note: I do not own Count Cain: Godchild or the film The Devil's Carnival: Alleluia!.
This fanfic is heavily inspired by the soundtrack of the film 'The Devil's Carnival: Alleluia!' It may or may not also be inspired by the soundtrack of the film that takes place before it, 'The Devil's Carnival.'
Warning: Heaven and Hell!AU, Heaven and Hell!characters, onesided RiffxCain, possible other various pairings, violence, cursing, more warnings will be put in if needed.
As it's been FOREVER since I've written a Count Cain: Godchild fanfic, constructive criticism is REALLY APPRECIATED. XD I hope that you read, review and enjoy! XDDD
Recommended listening for this chapter: "Down at the Midnight Rectory" from the Devil's Carnival: Alleluia! soundtrack.
Sweetening Sins
1. Down At The Midnight Rectory
"Hey, Riff! Riff! Over here!"
Riff couldn't help but turn his head to see none other than Oscar sitting at a table with four plush chairs in the club as soft jazz music played in the background. Two other women were with the ginger-haired man—none other than Meridianna and Oscar's sister Emmeline, laughing and sipping from margaritas.
Riff sat with them quietly, smiling a bit. He felt a bit bad for being late. "Apologies for the delay," He managed, feeling his face heat up slightly from embarassment. "I got a bit carried away with some housecleaning and forgot the time."
Oscar grinned, handing him a glass of water. "Hey, it's okay. Meridianna, Emmeline and me just got here moments ago. The restaurant we were had some shitty service so we got held back a bit."
Riff grinned weakly, sipping his water and mentally telling himself to calm down already. He hated being late for anything. It felt embarrassing to him.
Meridianna elbowed him a little, giggling. "Hey, the mic is open now! Maybe you should sing, since you're the one who's late."
Riff wouldn't exactly call himself much of a performer. Being the Messenger, his job did not involve any acting or singing—just sending messages and packages to the citizens of Heaven. Then again, last time he participated in the open mic at the club, apparently he was a good singer...? At least, that was what Oscar told him, but Riff was drunk at the time so he wasn't exactly sure if Oscar was serious about that.
"Come on," Emmeline chimed in, "It's not like it's the end of the world. You can do it, Riff. Oscar told me that you sing pretty well!"
...So much for getting out of it.
Riff gave a sheepish chuckle. "Well, alright. I will. But," He looked to Oscar. "You have to join me, okay? I can only remember half the lyrics to 'Down at the Midnight Rectory' and I know that you know that song like the back of your hand, so help me out!"
Oscar grinned, the two getting up and going to the mic. "Okay!"
The music started in the background, and the next thing Riff knew was that he was singing, the words flying from his throat and creating the happy melodies. He wanted to get himself caught up in a good time and destress a bit before work the next day...
That was when his eyes met someone else's.
Riff was aware that yes, it was impossible to count every single soul in Heaven, but even he was sure that this soul was not a familiar one.
Green orbs (wait, did they have golden specks in them?) gazed right into his own eyes, and he blinked once, taking in the sight of the figure. Said figure was obviously a teen, seventeen or so Riff guessed, and he wore a motorcycle leather jacket over a dark grey shirt torn at the collar. Black jeans, dirt brown boots, and a long red scarf about his neck completed the look, and the teen continued to gaze at him, the faintest of smirks emblazing his lips as he pushed a strand of ravenous black hair out of his face.
He was beautiful, for a teenager. One of the pretty boys of Heaven, probably. But he was obviously a new soul, as he was drinking alone.
But something about this teen felt off. Very off. Riff couldn't put his finger on what it was.
Was it the teen's odd outfit? Perhaps it was the smirk. Or maybe those gold-flecked emerald eyes—
"Riff? Hey, Riff?"
Riff blinked, turning quickly to see Oscar, confusion in his expression. "Hey, you okay?" Oscar spoke up, frowning. "You look a little confused."
"Uh," Riff quickly looked back to see the teen but he was gone, "I'm fine, Oscar. I think I'm just a bit tired." He managed.
Meridianna ran a hand through her blonde, wavy bob, looking at the clock. "It's getting pretty late, and it's a Sunday night. We should get home."
Emmeline blinked, her eyebrows furrowing as she closed her eyes, thinking, before opening them again. "Better not to go home alone, though." She added quickly.
Riff looked to her. "Wait, why?"
She gave him a look. "Don't you remember? Word has it that there are denizens from Hell running around and they haven't been caught yet! The Lord Hargreaves even gave a warning in today's sermon to not wander alone, especially in the evening because of them."
Riff winced. "Oh. Right."
Denizens of Hell were not supposed to be in Heaven. But sometimes the sinners would make their way out of Hell somehow, and cross into Heaven, only for 'The Lord' Alexis Hargreaves to send his forces to chase them out again. Occasionally, these sinners were dangerous, but usually they were only as so-called dangerous as the average man.
Apparently, though, the new intruders were even more dangerous than usual. Hence the warning and caution taking place.
Riff looked to where the teen was, before looking to the others. "We should go home."
Oscar grinned, holding up a bottle of gin. "Sounds good! I bought a few drinks, so we can all crash at my place for the night."
The blond man frowned, sighing. "Oscar, you know I have work tomorrow, and I have a package I need to bring to the Designer tomorrow morning by ten a.m. sharp, as well as a few other packages to bring to the Librarian Grifford as well as our fellow denizens of Heaven. I can't afford to be hungover during work."
Oscar shrugged. "Well, I'm not gonna force you. Do what you want, Riff."
"The Designer, Gladstone?" Meridianna groaned, throwing her hands up a bit. "You wouldn't believe how much he ratted me out for missing one tiny seam in a dress this past Friday! I know he's so attentive but seriously? I don't get it at times. I still hate him for being so picky, even if the pay's decent."
Riff chuckled sheepishly. "Well, I do know he demands perfection in all of his works. I'm not surprised about it, honestly. But he and I are at least on decent terms if not friends."
Emmeline looked to him. "How in the bloody hell does Cassandra Gladstone of all people get along with you? I thought he'd be too picky and uptight in my opinion."
Riff shrugged, grinning slightly. "It helps to be punctual when delivering all his stuff to his clients and all the material he needs. He could be worse, I think."
"Sooo," Oscar slung an arm about Riff's shoulder, "How about we all go crash now? As much as I'd love to keep chatting about the Designer, I think it'd be great to get home."
Meridianna giggled, her grin wide. "Yeah. Let's go!"
Picking themselves up, the four made their way out of the club. Riff looked back behind him once, searching for the teen.
He'd be surprised to suddenly see the teen again, sitting at his table still as he sipped some alcoholic drink, smirking and watching him, gazing at him.
Riff decided right then that it was best to turn around, not look that teen in the eye and go crash at Oscar's place and definitely drink. He figured it was best to forget about the sighting of the teen by morning. It wasn't something he wanted to deal with. Not right now.
In the back of his mind, though, there was a feeling that he'd have to deal with it sometime.